steam demand. One of the generators is controlled automatically and the other manually. The output for the day was 5,255,320 pounds of steam from and at 212 degrees Fahrenheit, and the input 1,675,200 kwhr; this corresponds to a conversion efficiency of 89.3 per cent. The chart reproduced in figure 9 shows the steam demand of the mill on the same day. In tables I, II, and III are listed the electric steam generators of various types installed in Canada to Transmission Line ary aate|;n enar a cu ions Calculations a A simple and accurate methods is describedd For fo roverh for compiling stringing charts for overhead transmission lines, For either horizontal or inclined spans. All calculations can be ncarined out wi A 20 inchlide rul, an carried out with a 20 inch slide rule, and no tables of functions are required other than those included in this paper. The procedure is the same for horizontal and , ,los Moreover no no loss oF for obliqueobliqu spans.spans.Moreover, as the inclination is suffered of accuracy the span is increased. The final result is obtained by means of a graphical solution compleiang accuringing chrtn which, in principle, is based Thomas chart. By D. 0. EHRENBURG upon the date and table IV gives a summary of pertinent data on these installations. Complete information regarding installations in the United States was not available to the author; however, the best information available indicates that there are no installations of the baffle type, and that the total capacity of the 2-compartment and single-compartment types is in the neighborhood of 100,000 kw each. Table V gives a partial list of installations in the United States. rim of the canyon. In this case it was found that the procedures commonly used in sag and tension calculations lacked either simplicity or accuracy, or both. In the proposed method, the length, sag, and tension are calculated in terms of an arbitrary parameter z. All formulas are first rigorously derived from catenary relations, and then simplified by neglecting small quantities. The accuracy of the calculations is made consistent with good designing practice, on the one hand, and with the limitations of field measurements on the other. Although originally intended only for steep spans, the method is applicable to spans of any inclination whatever. The only limitation is that the parameter should be less than 0.5 if accuracy and simplicity practical problems ofthistransmissionvalue. design z is always well line within In order limiting to use the method intelligently, it is not to necessary follow all derivations in this paper. It will be sufficient to read from "Graphical Solution" to "Example 2," inclusive. z are to be maintained. However, in NOTATION AND UNITS T H T, u. S. Bureau of Reclamdtion, Denver Colo. T2 Te = tension at any point in cable = horizontal component of tension = tension at upper support = tension at lower support w h v W 1*HE method for carrying out sag and tension calculations for overhead transmission lines described in this paper .was developed when the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation was confronted with the problem of designing a number of steep spans between the transformers on the roof of the Boulder Canyon power plant and the switch yard on the __________________________________________________________ A paper recommended for publication by the A.I.E.E. committee on power transmission and distribution. Manuscript submitted June 4, i934; released for publication Sept. 5, 1934. The investigation described in this paper was carried out under the supervision of R. E. Glover, engineer. All design work and design studies for the Bureau are under the direction of J. L. Savage, chief designing engineer. All engineering and construction work is under the direction of R. F. Walter, chief engineer, Denver, Colo. All activities of the Bureau are under the general charge of Dr. Elwood Mead, commissioner, Washington, D. C. JULY 1935 +4s So cd D x, y = effective (or average) tension of cable pounds pounds pounds pounds pounds = weight of cable per unit length pounds per foot = wind load per unit length of cable pounds per foot = ice load per unit length of cable pounds per foot = VI(W + V)2 + h2, resultant force per unit length pounds per foot = angle between w and w' = actual length of cable feet = unstressed length of cable == straight-line distance between supports sag of cable of cable -defection = co-ordinates of any point on cable xl, yi = co-ordinates of upper support of lower support x2, yY2' == co-ordinates x'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x, co-ordinates of any point on line of supports a b = horizontal spacing of supports feet = vertical spacing of supports feet b' vector w' feet = spacing of supports in plane of w', in the direction of vector w' feet a' rao rs A E feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet = spacing of supports in plane of w', at right angles to = rao rs-section of cable = modulus of elasticity of cable AEpud ~pud 719 = temperature of cable = coefficient of linear expansion of cable 0 a feet per foot per degree fahrenheit pure number )-1pure number = aw/2H, a parameter sinhZ 2 _ F(z) = ( z 1 / Z22 (z) + degrees fahrenheit Z4\ pure number LENGTH, TENSION, AND SAG Length of Cable. By virtue of equation 2 one has at once (see figure 1): x2 xl -(sinh Hw - snh/) Hl 1 Transform and make use of the first equation 4. Then: s = arc PP, S = 2H sih aw cosh xl + X2 W 2H 2H/w = arc OP- arc O = Use equations 5, 6, and 7, and then simplify. The length, tension, and sag will be written as functions of the parameter z. It will be assumed for This gives: the time being that there is no wind load or ice load. (8 s 2I (sinlh Z)2 a Y p I-1v P --------_---X2 -------------a---------.,- --------- a----- < ------------------ - Fig. 1. Repre- 8 + z By putting of the cable arc sentation (z)F(z ( mz)s ) 6~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yi one has: 2 = a2( F)+b2 = V2+aF where c is the straight-line distance between supports. Standard Formulas. Let the cable be represented by the arc PIP2 of any catenary drawn through the points P1 and P2. The horizontal and vertical spacings are a and b, respectively (see figure 1). Expand F(z) into a power series: 25 23 2 and: 4! 6! 8! The equation of the catenary, referred to the point S2 = C2 + a2F(z) = £2 +T, a2Z2 + 62, 2z4 + a2z6 + ( 0 where it has a horizontal tangent, is H ( x Assume that V\Y =H+a2F = c +mz2 +m4z42+mz + (10) The length of arc from (0, 0) to (x, y) is given by By squaring both sides of equation 10 and com= H sinh x (2) paring with equation 9, one evaluates the coefficients w m. Remembering that C2 = a2 + b2, one finally Hlw The tension at the point (x, y) is obtains: T_ a2H c o s h - (3) 5 = ^v/c2 +a2F c + Z2 F + Z4 ( / 2 + H/w Locating the End Points. Before one can actually Since this series converges at least as rapidly as make use of equations 1, 2, and 3, the end points the right-hand side of equation 9, one can neglect xi, y, and x2, Y2 must be located with respect to the co-ordinate axes (see figure 1). From equation 1 YW H/Yw= cosh cosh X2h - H/wi H/lw H/lw H/lw By transforming and making the substitutions X1-X2 = a, y,-y=b Q (4) --- P2Y = \ \ \ one obtains: b Hl H/w = 2 sinh aw 2H 2x1-a -~H sinh2iw 2H/w N Upon solving this for xl and putting\X ~~~ Z = 2H' one has H/w = arbih zsn mai H-/=ar +z z(6 6 and H/2-/ 720 = H/wa az sn / = arc Snh asn -z (7) Fig. 2. ~~~~~~(5) Components of forces on cabole 4) = the angle MP1M ' b = MP1 b's = M'Ip1 Draw P2M' perpendicular to P2N M 'Q parallel to MP2 Draw P1M' is perpendicular to P2M' by construction P1M' is perpendicular to M'Q, since M'Q is parallel to MP2 Therefore P1M' is perpendicular to the plane of MM'P, Therefore P1M' is perpendicular to MM' Therefore the MM'P1 = 90 degrees Therefore b' =angle b cos4) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING all terms beginning with the fourth. One then has, upon rearranging: a2 I f (z) a2z 4 S-cz2+201 +-~z4() C 6c 72c' The quantity S the length of the Byputting is the slack of the cable, or cable in excess of the span length c. - c ~ By~ putting f(z) = Table I-Functions oF z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0.010... .0.00001667'... 100.003 .... .100.000 50.000 0.020..: .0.0000666 .:. 50.007 .... 0:040:. :00026 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0.050... .0.0004670 has: c 72c3 VCaluso f(Z) ..0.003740 ~~~~~~~~~~0.150. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0.160... .0.0042729 2b2 and 2 z(ae1ien i3tbe . I most casesit will be found that the term involving can be neglected. Uppuersupo rtz Bye gviten of 3 Z . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~0.170....0.0048240 0.1850... .0.003540 0 ..0.006680 .0.007019 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~0.2705... Z4 ... ZS .0.00000001.... .0.0000010 .0.00000016.::...0.0000080 .... O::000000256:... 0.0000640 201687::1667 :0:000016296....:00002150 25:013 .... 25.0000 ...20000.. ::: ~ ~ 000...00107... 12.527 .... 12.5000 (12) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0.070....0.0001351 ... 11.41.309 14.2857 .0.00106687 10.0333.... 10.50000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0.1080... ~ 1 Z4 0.110... .0.002018 one l/z coth z ..9.1275 .... 9.0909 ... ... ... ... 6.37166.... 6.73032.... 5.93895.... 5671664.... 5.30665.... 5..9462 .... 4.83174.:. .0.00736609. ... .... ... .... .0.00004096 .....0.0002120 0.00006561... .0.0003290 .0.000104006 .... 0. 0001200 .....0.0001464 ... .0.001331 6.6667 ...0.0005063 .... 0.0033758 769250 .... .0.0006554 ... 0.004096 5.8824 .... .0.00038352 .... 0.002491 6.6667 ::: 0.0010506 0.003375 6.5000 ...0.0016004 .... :0:008000 4.87805... .0.0017662 .. .0.008615 4.756190..: .0.001945 ::...0.009826 ... 'O.i180:: 0.90...0.007722 4.72263 4.265116... .0.0021303 ...0.006838 most asesit wllb foud tht theterm 'Mvo'vi'g ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0.220... .0.006808 5..046865.... 4.54545.... 0.002343 .... 0.010680 4 z can be neglected. ~~~~~~~0.22'5... .0.008459 4.5942 .... 4.44444 .... 0.002563 ... .0.011395 0.230... .0.0088466 . 4.4242.... 4.37839... .0.0027985 .... 0.0192617 UpperSup ot esin y itu feqaio 4.3334.... 4.25532.... 0.002305 0.235... .0.00972302 .... 0.012938 ... 4.26486.... 4.16667 0.0023431 '....0.013682 XI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~0.2240..0.009062 By maig s oHquton6cadthnsipifig 0:2245:::.0.01003459 4.51630.... 4.08163 0.003563 .... .0.01413 one has: 4.0830. .... 4.00000 .0.0037906 .... 0.01563 Hlw0.250... .0.01084490 4.33362.... 3.921573... .0.004228 ... ..O.012958 0.25... .0.0108730 ... 0.260... .0.019305 3.92464.... 3.77135... 3.846157... .0.004320 .0.004370 .... 0.017582 usofeuto hn By main 6ad = - ~~~.tIa~~ (Sinh + b2 cothMP zf + ... 0.01861 91 0.26.5... .0.0117345 ... 3.1615..... Tendsion. tbequatIon .. ... ... , .... .... .... 2n has /0.270... .0.0121494 0.275... .0.012652 0.280... .0.013118 or, byequationh8, W a2+ bl coth z + b 2 T, z 2 = - (S cothb)z+ = 1/2wS) coth z + 1/2wb Lower-Support Tension. (14) Proceeding as T, =w (Scot z/2(W) +b) cth z+ '2wb on finds: r)oh ee-di/ P/( rt / Tesin Lower-iSupofinds: 2 2 .2 above, g one 14) (15)ove Effective Tension. Divide the unstressed length of athescabl into aelemvents n table IVhe the abl ousendedt the lenguth of the weight Aenso. eac ... ... ... ... .. 0.325....0.015769 0.330... .0.0182949 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0.335...0.0188209 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~0.340... .0.019785 0.345... 0.355..: .0.018809 ~~~~~~~01365:... 10102352 ... ... ... 0.400... .0.0268852 ... ... . . .. As= I'S. 1j'So,~~~~~~~~~~ ('S. ~~~~0.4395... .0.031856 (17 0.440... .0.0325790 S.S+OA EJo TdSWAE0.445... .0.033331 0.450... .0.0340922 Byee tra sforming,a one cobtis seto ofeatct. 1moduu- TdS. S _ So ThS AE SS jEo T fetvoenin T .0.0348651 n ste 0.455... 0.460... .0.039564 :0.465... .0.036427 .0.037122 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0.470... (18) do(7 TS =S ofthetensio T whc e sdfne sta atsisHok' aw i Tiv etensioniof thenscable is dTind 2', = ~~~~~ f' TdS. or, very nearly s au 0.475... .0.0318028 0.480... .0.038842 0.4850... .0.0349665 0:4650:::00304247 )t 0.450... .0.038218 taHvaue 3.13985.... 3.03030 .....0.011865 3.09590.... 29570.012984 379... 3.20536.... 2.911800.... 0.01336 3.01265.... 2.879855.....0.014176 2.19729.... 2.85714... 3.09593.... 2.98169 ..0.:: .0.01518 12~59 2739738 ... .0.01775 0.01968 .0.020580 .0.021958 ... ... .... .0.02496 .0.02156 ..0.02567 0020 .....0.028375 .0.02497 .0.03126256 :.:: 0.032770 .... .0.02343 .. .0.035949 ...0.037260 .... 0.03930 ...0.034106 0.04288 ....0.043760 .... ... .0104863 .. ... ... ... = 3.5444.... 3.44828 .....0.007031 3.4876 .... 3.638936... .0.0075739 3.64327.... 3.33333.....0.00810047 3.63797.... 3.207869.....0.0086548 3.3285.::: 3.242581.....0.0092735 .487 3..17460.... 0.075 3.42309.::: 3.12500.:...0.001049 3.078692... .0.011165 3.1845... 3..0258603... ... ... S 3. 8615714....0.0064570 3.86033.... 3.7750877.... 0.0065982 ... .... 2.70270.1:. 0.11 ...:: 010 3.026 0.370....00195 0.1..0.020424 .. 297570:... 2.637158.....0.02085 ... 10.054287 0.4705... .0.0227563 Dvd h ntesdlnt 0.410... .0.028625 i 0.415.::.0.024240 'ithe aealofecros seto n anden thecbe 0.425.1.10:0303876 moduluspenof elatic th ty. To en: le etbeo e 0.4390. ...0.031102 E \fctv wfher Aae i 403.733.. 34.703000.... O.0.90051 4.03.727..~. .3.63636... .0.005729 3..9324..... . 0.29...0.01567 g: 0.015068:.. to 0.385.: 1.0.024887 elemestnt,beomes / ~~~~~~~~~J~~~~~~\ ~~~~0.395... .0.0262407 (16)ecale ( +oa 0.295... .0.0146567 .0.015068 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0.300... 0.305... .0.0135576 ~0.310.... 0.016094 .0.017995 0.350... .0.012042 are givenS int table I.b rdc S sacntn,eult Noeta2h the total weightof the cable. Values ofcoth z is .0.013759 ~~~~~~0.285... .0.0121407 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0.290... ... ... ... ... 2.7245 .::: 2.8662.... 2.86031.... 2.60279.... 2.7742.... 2.51970.:...0.02197 2.53165 ... .0.02434 2.50000... .0.02756 2.46914 .... .0.02690 2.43902. .. .0.02982 2.75464.::: 2.406418.::.:002085 2174929.... 2.3529740.... 0.032637 2.46728.... 2.355810.....0.023419 2.4421 .... 2.43175.... 2.3936 .... 2.3702 .... 2.3474 .... 2.29885... .0.02358 2.27273 ... .0.03748 2.247919.....0.036921 2.22222 .....0.04101 2.109780.... 0.042866 .. 2.2821 .... 2.42613.... 2.24095.... 2.2210 .... 2.13891.... 0.04477 2.115054.... 0.042675 2.12766 ... .0.034880 2.108526.... 0.035091 2.082333.....0.053048 2.06186... .0.05533 ... 2120161111. 2.105408.... 0.046765 ... ... ... .. ... ... 2.35193.... 2.303329.... 2.2130.... 2.100000.... 0.06501 037 0.046163 .... 0.04640 : ... ... .... .. 0.05664 ..0.06827 :.... 0.071487 0057077 .... ... .0.07951 .... 0.082632 ... 0.08518 .... .0.08812 0.06911 .... .... .0.091420 .0.09734.9 .... ... .... .... 0.10057 .0.10381 .0.10723 .... .... .0.510 0.0.1141 .....0.1176 .... 001125 ..017 c..00449 2d01 (20)048..0.56 Now,95--0 01RR inegat equation.. 2.0:00.. -60 ..( 2 .40 Substitute from equations 5, 6, and 7, and simplify: wS (S + b2 othz + a2) (21) Sa 2 Te= 4 Expand z coth z into a power series: lating the weight of the cable, use the zero-tension room-temperature value of S, that is, the unstressed length So at 60 to 70 degrees fahrenheit. In the "Summary of Formulas," which follows, wS has been replaced by wSo, where w denotes the (22) weight per foot of the cable at zero tension and room -5Z4 z4 + .,.(22)tmeaue .. 1 + 33=1+ Z2x2_- 45 z coth z = zcothz temperature. and Sag. Deflection is defined as the Deflectiondeviation all. terms than one-half, Since z is always less. > . max-imum the cable from the llne of s .. < beginning with the third can be neglected. Sub- asuxmorts measured atof nht anbles to the line of the first 2 terms into one has: supports, equation 21, stituting Sag is defined as the maximum deviation of the cable from the line of supports, measured in the direction of the resultant force acting on the cable. From equation 9, by long division, one obtains case there is no wind, the sag is vertical.) a21 c2 1 mathematical relation between the deflection D 1 + = -i = 1-_ s 3 Z2 + + C2z32+,,. 'l~33 ( C2')Zl ... and the sag d is given in equation 28. The equation of the line of supports is Substitute this for the second term in braces, but replace 52 by c2 in the last term in braces (which is small). Then: y= Y + ab (x - xi) (24) (23) From equations 6 and 5, one obtains T. = 1/2(S). 1 + (w6S)b s Tc = Ws 4zj + 1 b2 Z2; + 3 Z2 + 3S2 Y2 ,fb',\(In - Values of l/z are given in table I. In most cases xi = a arc sinh bz + a a sinhz 2 2z it will be found that the term involving z can be neglected. As mentioned before, the product wS is equal to By equations 1 and 3, the total weight of the cable, and therefore remains T_ H Yw T=8500 TE T T8650 0 2z(7 4 6500te\ ,/O ~~1~~ z 6000 'b0 O-o °5000 - e4500 4000 35000 00 0-~~~0 - _ -0 0 _ 0 w- (26) w and, therefore, one has T~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_H ~7, T7,a 8000wiw w w The deflection is given by 87500 ot < 5/ ]y 07000 T (25) s +\'-, .- i t°= ° - I- 0 DP = max.L[ a a2 r,? I_Y Y_y)] = amax. [y_yf = ad (8 (28) V here y and y' are defined by equations 1 and 24, respectively, and d is the sag. The difference __ -y is<maximum < z |yTs -~when z~ -~~ 0 MAX. DFLECTIN - (27) zarcinh - (29) 0.30 0.40 0.50 0LAC60 0.70 IN 0.80 0.901.001.1Substitute equations 25, 27, and 29 into equations SLACK IN FEET 1 and 24, subtract equation 1 from 24 and simplify: Fig. 3. Tension-temperature chart 512,000 circular mil, 1.4 inch diameter, type HH hollow copper conductor Horizontal spacing = 475 feet = 435 feet Vertical spacing = 8,650 pounds Maximum tension Minimum temperature = 10 degrees fahrenheit Maximum load = 12 pounds per square foot-wind load EXPLANATION T', = Upper support tension, 12 pounds per square foot wind 1_j Te= Effective tension, 12 pounds per square foot wind load Tl= Upper support tension, light Te = Effective tension, ight Z Szcothz - c + barc sinh a si ) Substitute for S from equation 11, for z coth z from equation and for the ratio z/sinh z as follows: z 22, _ /6 Z2 + The sinh being small, replace the arl sinh bv the sinh. Drop all terms containing powers of z higher than the third. One then has: 3-b d =max.[y'-_y] =c z + 3a2-b constant (for a given load). To establish the value and: of wS, one must know the values of w and S at the same temperature and same tension. Since w is D = a d = L5. + 3a2-42b' a z3 generally measured in the laboratory, at zero tenValues of Z3 are given in table I. sion and room temperature, one should, in calcu722 z (30) Now simplify equation 30 in the following manner: max. [y' - YA = (31) (32) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING For short spans the second term in equations 31 and 32 may be dropped (see "Example 1," which follows). Then:_ Sag = d = 1/4 cz, Deflection =D =1/4 a z - - l T=34,000o LB - - - - - 32AND- 30,000 - - For long spans with a relatively small difference in elevation between supports, b2 is negligible com- 2 28,000 therefore: a2 26000A pared to a2 (see "Example 2," which follows) and d = 1/4c'z + 3/144C'Z3, D = '/4a z + 3/4a .z3 (33) CORRECTION FOR WIND LOAD AND ICE LOAD If the cable is covered with ice, the force of gravity per unit length of the cable is w + v, where w is the weight of the conductor (in pounds per foot) and v is the weight of ice (in pounds per foot of cable). If the cable is acted upon by a horizontal wind exerting a force h per unit length of the cable (at right angles to the no-wind plane of the cable), the cable will hang in an oblique plane determined by the line of supports and the direction of the resultant w' of the gravity force w + v and the wind force h. The formulas developed above are still applicable in case of the wind load and ice load, provided one replaces: by w', where w' = V\(W + V)2 + h2 a and b by a' and b', respectively, where: b' is the spacing between supports in the oblique plane, measured in w dieto of th frc w'; ' th*iecino a'the~~~~~~ is the spacingth.oc between supports in the oblique plane, measured at right angles to the direction of w'. It is easily seen from figure 2 that: b cos4t b' a' = = b w +V w' (34) GRAPHICAL SOLUTION By assigning arbitrary values to the parameter z, mutually corresponding values of S - c, Te, and. D can be calculated. The effective tension T, can then be plotted against the slack S - c. Such a length-tension chart is shown in figure 3. However, before one can make use of the chart, the elastic properties of the cable must be taken into consideration. Hooke's Law. When the temperature is constant, the effective tension and the length of the cable are related by Hooke's law. In differential notation, one has aTe AEAE as. bS S0~; sO (0 = constant) (36) The unstressed length So is, strictly speaking, a function of temperature. However, since the quantity AE is only approximately constant, the temperature variation of So may be neglected entirely. The symbol So may be taken to denote unstressed length at room temperature. Change of L>oad. Assume that one is given a point (S -c, T,') on the wind load curve in figure 3, and that subsequently the wind load is removed, Here one has a change at constant temperature, and therefore equation 36 applies. Draw a straight line JULY 1935 z - - - - - - - - - - - - __ - _ - T- ?PXw°° ° T 24,000 - T I - - Z2,000 | | - 20,000 is,oocI e LIGHT D -__ - - - - - - - - Te- 6,ococ - - 235 3O8F, IE A w230 o 0 Z WIND N 0 OIT L 225 SA OLIGH LOAD 31 32 33 SLACK IN FEET 34 -I 35 Fig. 4. Tension-temperature chart Stranded aluminum conductor with steel core Horizontal spacing Vertical spacing = = 4,279 feet feet 185.5 Minimum temprtr = zero degrees fahrenheit Minimum temperature = zerodrsf Maximum load = 12 pounds per square foot wind and 1/2 inch ice anATin EXPLANATION T1 = Upper support tension (35) b |- T=33P00 LB - Te = Effective tension Unprimed = light load Primed = 12 pounds per square foot wind and 1/2 inch ice load Double primed = 1/2 inch ice load through (S - c, T7,') with slope AE/So. The intersection of this line with the light load curve locates the new point. Change of Temperature. Now, assume that one is given a point (S - c, Te) on the light load curve in figure 3 and that the temperature rises by AO degrees fahrenheit. Since the length S, tension T,, and temperature 0 all vary simultaneously, one can write: dS = as do + .s dT6 e (37) Obviously, one may analyze dS into 2 components which can be accounted for one at a time. First, let S vary with 0 only. Then, one is followlng a constant-tension path, that is, a horizontal line. This shifts the point to the position [(5 + &I AO) -CJ Te], where ar is the thermal coefficient of expansion. Now, let 0 remain constant and let S vary with T, only. This time one is followving a constant-temperature line, to its intersection with the light load curve (since the point must be on the light load curve). Construction of Chart. In practice, a number of constant-temperature lines are drawn, as in figure 3 or figure 4. Changes in length and tension due' to varying temperature are found by following the 723 proper constant-load curve to the intersection with For short spans (see "Example 1"), equation 38 the proper constant-temperature line. The chart can be replaced by: must be so arranged that the minimum temperature c l _ corresponds to the maximum permissible tenslon at z = - max. [T,'] - 1/2 w'b' (40) maximum load. Unstressed Length. It will be noted that formulas SUMMARY OF FORMULAS B, C, D, and G involve the quantity So, which is the unstressed length at room temperature. If the tension of the cable is low, the maximumBasic Formulas. Slack (length of cable minus load minimum-temperature value of S, or that value span length): of S which corresponds to the initial z, can be used a2 OFb Z4 s - c = -af(z) + in (A) place of SO (see "Example 1"). c72cc In case of high tension, one can easily estimate the value of So by applying a correction to the maximumTension at upper support: load minimum-temperature value of S, as illustrated ( TI = (1/2 WSO) coth z + 1/2wb in "Example 2." Tension at lower support: Tables. The equations in "Summary of Formulas" 772 = (1/2 oS0) coth z - I/2wb (C) involve the following functions of z: Effective or average tension: (z) = 66 Z2 + 20,' 1 1?~~b coth z Z = (D) T7 (l/2 wSo) -+ (1/2 wSO) T-2 * z~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -z4, and zs Deflection (maximum deviation from line of sup- z , ports, at right angles): These functions are given in table I, for values of 0 to 0.5. z from 3a2 -. 2b2 D = 1/4 a z + 1 bc az3 (E) Illustrative Examples. The details of the calculations are illustrated in 2 practical examples (see Sag (maximum deviation from line of supports, in below). direction of force): 1. Example 1 deals with a proposed span at the Boulder Canyon 3a2 -2b d = 1/4 C z + 144c s3 (F) Slope of constant-temperature lines: plant, and illustrates the calculations for a short span of considerable inclination. 2. Example 2 is based upon published data of an actually existing power river crossing, and illustrates the calculations for a long span with a (G)relatively small angle of inclination. 2)Te 5T AE _ A (G) as SO To Correct for Wind and Ice. Replace a, b, and w by a', b', and w', where: w'= V(w + V) w= bW + v +h w' Table II-Sample Calculations, Example I Proposed Span at Boulder Canyon Power Plant (H) UpperTension Slack Support S-c (I) CALCULATIONS a N I The practical application of the equations given under "Summary of Formulas" will now be exInitial Value of Parameter. The initial value of z is that value for which T1' is equal or nearly equal to the maximum permissible tension ("working ten- sion"). To establish the initial value of z, use the relation coh max. 6(lc)'21 [77,'] - '/2w'b' (38) ~/2Wc 724 S I " 1 I 1j 0.08 . 0.512 . 8,520 . 0.12 . 1.153. 5,690 . 6,030. 5,670 . 16.7 .0 8,860 . 8,500 . 0.648. 7,580 . 7,920 . 7,560 11.1 125 Light Load a N N () For nearly horizontal spans, the ratio a'/c may be taken equal to unity (see "Example 2," whlich follows). Deflection Wind Load a' = c2-b(J) plained. Effective Tension N 9ZO Hl 00\,270 .7,610.7,260 . .8.3,360.6,700.6,350.9.5,660.6,000.5,640.10.7,250.4,590.4,230.14.3 0o.14..1.144..3,650..3,990..3,630..16.7 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING EXAMPLE 1- PROPOSED SPAN AT BOULDER CANYON POWER PLANT the tension at the upper support at light load T, and at wind load T1' and the effective tension at light load Te and at wind load T6' are plotted Given the following: against the slack S-c. The 10 degree fahrenheit line is drawn through 512,000 circular mil, 1.4 inch diameter, type HH hollow copper conthat point on the Te curve which is directly under ductor E = 16,000,000 pounds per square inch the 8,650 pounds point on the T1' curve. a = 0.0000096 foot per foot per degree fahrenheit The deflection D is also plotted against the slack. Maximum tension = 8,650 pounds As in most cases, the deflection curves for light load ww = 145775 1.577 pounds per foot pounds per footand wind load are found to coincide (see figure 3). a = 475 feet 6 = 435 feet Stringing Chart. The points marked by circles on Maximum wind load = 12 pounds per square foot the T1 curve in figure 3 comprise the data for the Minimum temperature 10 degrees fahrenheit, maximum 150 degrees stringing chart. fahrenheit In this case it is assumed that the cable will be strung at no wind (or, during a relapse of the Tension to be measured at upper support with and that the dynamometer will be used at the wind), upper dynamometer. support. Therefore, the stringing chart should be made up as follows: Wind Load Curve, Horizontally, plot temperature in degrees fahrenh = 12 pounds per square foot times the projected area heit. =12 X1X 1=1.40poundsperfoot Vertically, plot the upper-support tension T1 W-= w+h = 2.11 pounds per foot (light load) in pounds, and, if desired, also the light _v 0.748 load deflection D or sag d = a b= c2 feet that the horizontal scale is the temperature c = 6441 644. 1 feet b' = 325.3 feet (by equation I) of the cable, not air temperature.) = = 414900(Note = b'12= 105,800 a2 - 309,100 (by equation J) a' 556 feet EXAMPLE 2-MISSISSIPPI RIVER CROSSING To find the initial value of z: '/2 w'c = 680 t/2 w'b' = 340, 8,650680- 340 =0.082 Z = Let z be 0.080, then 0.090, etc. (see table II). To calculate '/2w'So: from table II, when z = 0.080, S-c = 0.5 S = 644.1 + 0.5 = 644.6 feet be sufficlently to let case, it sufficie'ntly accurate InInthis this case, lt will wlll be accurate to let So = 644.6 feet. Then, '1/2w'So = = AE = 11,860,000 pounds = 0.00006 po o 508 pounds d e Maximum tension = 33,000 pounds n w = 1.684 pounds per foot a = 4,279 feet b = 185.5 feet Maximum load = 12 pounds per square foot wind and 1/2 inch ice. Minimum temperature 0 degrees fahrenheit, maximum 120 degrees fahrenheit. 680 pounds Remaining calculations are in table II. Light-Load Curve. To calculate '1/2WSO: 1/awSo = 1/2 X 1.577 X 644.6 (Compare with "Mississippi River Crossing of Crystal City Transmission Line," by H. W. Eales atnd E. Ettlinger, A.I.E.E. TRANSACTIONS, volume 44, 1925, pages 378-97.) Maximum Load Curve. (Compare with 1.") w +v w' w±+v = = "Example 2.623 pounds per foot c = 4,283 feet 3.322 pounds per foot b' = 146.5 feet 2.623 =086a' =4,280 feet 07896 Remaining calculations are in table II. W .262 3 Constant-Temperature Curves. To calculate hori. . . zontal interval of the constant-temperature lines for To find initial value of z: z0= 10 degrees fahrenheit: 1/2w'b' = 240, 172W'c = 7,114 S a=- AO = Sa X 10 AS = 644.6 X 0.0000096 X 10 = 0.062 foot, or, very nearly, AS = foot As = SX To calculate slope of constant-temperature lines: A = 512,000 circular mils = 0.402 square inch AE = 0.402 X 16,000,000 = 6,430,000 pounds Slope = 61', - ASE = 6,4630 9,980 pounds per foot, 0060 A =33,000 -24046 A=212 Al 4.61, 7,114 coth z = 1 1 1 + = 21.25 457 From table I, the initial value of z = 0.220. To calculate '/,w'So: from table III, when z = 0.220, S-4C8 = 34.6 431 fe or. very nearly, slope = 1,000.opfoutnds This length corresponds to about 0 degree fahrenheit foo and 33,000 pounds tension. If the tension is reConstruction of Chart. From the data in table II, leased, the cable will shrink by some 12 feet (since JULY 1935 725 Calculations. As a first approximation for b, one can take AE = 11,860,000 pounds). If the temperature is raised to 60 degrees fahrenheit, it will gain some 2 (42) b,= 22 feet (see below). One may take: So = 4,310 feet, which is sufficiently accurate to use in equation 41. As a second approximation, one has, by virtue of equation 9, '/2W'So = 7,160 pounds - Remaining calculations are in table III. Light Load Curve. To calculate '/2wSo: 1/2WSo = 1/2 X 1.684 X 4,310 = 3,630 pounds _ Z2 (43) The slack can be calculated from the relation a2 Remaining calculations are in table III. Constant-Temperature Curves. To calculate hori- s- = 6c zontal interval of the constant-temperature lines for where average values of a and c may be used. z<O= 10 degreesfahrenheit: 10 degTeesfahrenheit: of g, one has ~~~~~By definition AS = Z-S AO = Sa X 10 AS = 4,318 X 0.00000662 X 10 285 foot or, very nearly, AS = -100 = g a641oxima)+(35 or, approximately, 6+475 435- 0.286 foot, To calculate slope of constant-temperature lines: Slope pounds AE so - 11,860,000 4,310 feet 11,000 pounds Slope = 2,750 pounds per foot = 4 feet Tas By assigning arbitrary values to a, the following table of values is obtained: a 11. 50 ... .11.70 ... .12.00 .1 .12.30 ... .12.60 8.83 .... 8.56 .... 8.14 .... 7.68 .... bi z. 0.0637...0. .0789.... 0.1017 .... 0.1244.... 0.1474 7.17 b2 b 2+b2, = Using equlations B and C, one has: wSo coth z - wb zeSo coth z-wb wS coth zwS+coth wb z=+wb= In this particular case, it is permissible to use the approximate 1' -oh= z a[z-w)b +w(b +b)] 726 0.230 8.55 .... 8.11 14.39 .... 14.31 0.353 .... .... 0.586 .... 7.65 .... .... 7.03 .14.09 ....14.21 0.879 .... 1.230 6,300 4,890 4,000 .... 3,370 Graphical Solution. To establish a better comparison between .... .... g I14.40 9 P e 14.30 0.205 F7E --14.20 ---.- 14.10 - PF = TeI650C - _ _2 _ 2 6000 5500 z z 50_ _ 4500 Z 4000 Lu F 3500 _ 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.057 FEET 0.60 0.70 0.205 FEET0.80 0.90 SLACK IN FEET - 1.00 1.10 Fig. 5. Study of insulator efect 1.4 inch HH conductor 512,000 circular Horizontal spacingmil,= 475 feetdiameter, type Vertical spacing = 435 feet Weight of insulator = 754 pounds the performances with and without the insulator, it will be assumed that the effective tension at no-wind and 10 degrees fahrenheit is Te = 6,450 pounds (the same as in figure 3). ~~~Since c in this case is a variable, one has ebSSd9 +-dTe -dc b d(S -c) = dS -dc = T By definition of g, 1 c =644.1 -g, aw z dc = -dg, and therefore: Solving for z one then has: _w[a(So ± S) - (a + a)S] .... 7,800 No attention has been paid so far to the effect of, insulators. However,-in short dead-ended spans of high voltage lines the influence of the insulators on the mechanical performance of the cable may be appreciable. To gain a general idea of the effect of insulators, a correction will be worked out for the span considered in "Example 1." For the sake of simplicity, only the insulator at the lower support will be taken into account. Notation. The following notation will be used in this appendix: a, b = projections of cable span a, = projections of insulator span o S =length of insulator So = unstressed length of cable w = weight of cable per unit length w = weight of insulator per unit length T, = tension at cable end of insulator T2 = tension at insulator end of cable c = Vaa2 + P, z = aw/2H z = aw/2H c = Va gA/(a (a + a)2 + (bS + b)2 _ Va2 g == a2 + b2 = Data. Let w 52 pounds per foot, S = 14.5 feet. From "Example 1" it follows that: a +a = 475feet 644.1 feet c+ g b + b = 435 feet So + S = 644.6 feet, very nearly Condition for Equilibrium. Obviously, for equilibrium T2 T2. z .... S-c.... Appendix I-EKfect of Insulators _ aw 8.82 14.43 .. g.. coh (45) .. Construction of Chart. See figure 4. relations-a (44) (41 (4) d(as)= O+ d(-)= Oda+O d~ g(6 dTe +dg(6 ...ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Table II-Sample Calculations, Example 2 of maximum vertical deviation is also the point of maximum normal deviation from the line of supports. In a horizontal span, the point of maximum deviation from the line of supports is exactly in the middle of the span. In an inclined span, the point of maximum deviation is offset from the middlepoint toward the upper support. By equations 6, 7, and 29, the Mississippi River Crossing UpperSupport Effective Slack S -c Tension Wind Load and Ice Load K horizontal offset is: Sag Tension _ aa *h + , , Offset =-arc sinh X W2z uzs o X > »,,,1O+ 2azOffset gN^ @ N +' - a 9 o-z~ 0.205... 30.0... 17,950... 0.210... 31.5... .17,540... 0.215 ... .33.0.. . 17,140..,. 0.220.. .34.6.. 16,770.. X | ~~~~~~~~~N>N c - ,W Xdm > > ;Z i *, s 18,110... 17,710... 219.6... 0.8... .220.4 17,700 .... 17,290... 224.9... 0.8... 225.7 17,300 ... 16,880 ... .230.3... 0.9 ... 231.2 16,930.. .16,500.. .235.6.. .0.9.. .236.5 Ice Load (w" = w + v) N N0 a kd 0 02202.... 34.6 ffi 0.220. ...34.6.25,690 .26..... 25,690 ..... se4 . a Distance from point of maximum deviation =- arc sinh 2z a b (48) - Angle of Inclination. The cosine of'the angle which the cable makes with the horizontal at the upper support is cos (angle of inclination) = H = awl1 2T- J SAMPLE U _ ICALCULATIONS N > t3 (47) = Point of Horizontal Tangency. If the cable has a horizontal tangent, the point of horizontal tangency is the lowest point of the cable. In a horizontal span, the horizontal tangent occurs exactly in the middle of span. In an inclined span, the point of horizontal tangency moves toward the lower support. By means of equation 47, the point of maximum deviation can be 4> > o with considerable accuracy. By equation 29, the distance located <: s the latter point to the point of horizontal tangency can be UXfrom found at once: Light Load u + NN N" -: afl eJ + oo o + INI t d; 23g o a2 sinh z nearly: or, very ^ 0.220 .. 34.6.. .33,070 ... .33,310 ... 32,540 0.225... .36.2 .. 32,360 ... 32,600 . .31,820 , bz - - ar sinh as nhh a By transforming and making use of equation 8, one has: 4N N . U)i b arc sin 2z 0 236.5 .2 23 oRequired: clearance to water, Mississippi River crossing in ° "Example 2," at 32 degrees fahrenheit, ice load, no wind. (a) Data: From figure 4, at 32 degrees fahrenheit, ice load, no wind: = 234 feet ~~~~~~Sag Te"i = 25,950 pounds 33.9 feet (b) To establish value of z: In this case, T. - 1'S 1 S At 10 degrees fahrenheit, the slack and tension of the cable are given by point 1 in figure 5. Assuming the span length c constant for the time being and letting dO = 140 degrees, one follows the path 1-2-3 to the point 3 on the T. curve. As a result, there is a change in g (dg = -0.205 foot) and consequently one follows the path 3-4-5 (see figure 5). Again there is a change in g (dg = 0.057 foot), and an infinite process results. However, the final position of the point on the Te curve is found with sufficient accuracy by drawing a smooth line through the points 2, 6, and 4. At 150 degrees fahrenheit, the effective tension is seen to be 4,200 pounds, as compared to 3,930 pounds in "Example 1," a difference of less than 300 pounds. Another calculation was carried out in exactly the same manner, for a much steeper span, 516 feet long. The difference due to the lower insulator at 150 degrees fahrenheit was found to be 550 pounds. Couclusions. The following conclusions may be drawn concerning the effect of insulators: 1. The insulator has a tendency to act as a counterweight, decreas- and therefore , In providing for clearances and in designing towers, it is often necessary to calculate a profile of the conductor. Several formulas pertaining to the geometry of the cable will now be derived. Point of Maximum Deviation. It has been shown that the point JULY 1935 ' X 0.2178 25,950 Te, (c) To calculate horizontal distances: Point of maximum deviation to middle-point: z = b(S = - 2az c) _ 185.5 X 33.9 = 2 X 4279 X 0.2178 3.4 feet Point of maximum deviation to point of horizontal tangency: arc sinh- = b-I1- --,i = 425.7 feet ing the range of variation of tension. 2. In compiling stringing charts, it is generally permissible to neglect the effect of insulators. Appendix Il-Prohile Data - c = a zL 6a Midepntopitofhrztatngcy 425.7 -3.4 = 422.3 feet Point of horizontal tangency to lower support: X2= 2,139.5 - 422.3 = 1,717.2 feet (d) To calculate elevation of lower support above point of zontal tangency: y2 X2 _ lj =a2z (,cohiE. a/2z J a 2z -2 \a/2z/ hori- 150 fee -727 state limit of a system consisting of a transmission line with synchronous machines at both ends accu- (e) Conclusion: at 32 degrees fahrenheit, ice load, the lowest point of the cable is 150 feet below the lower support. According to H. W. Eales and E. Ettinger (page 396 of "Mississippi River Crossing of Crystal City Transmission Line," A.I.E.E. TRANSACTIONS, volume 44, 1925) this value should be 151 feet. .ea U$2 <; 1" a.e y .lnevwithtsnchr machs .atnbot es,acuratel evalang thee on power and on voltage. In steady state problems changes are assumed to take place slowly enough so that inertia forces can be neglected. Consequently any relative shift in phase position of the voltages in different parts of a system can be neglected; and if the voltage is known for all currents and power factors at any point of a system, the stability of any steady load connected to the system at that point can be calculated without knowing more about the system. The current diagram (figures 8 and 9) was adopted as e | $ *, .u ion or va ura ea tIrcuit s Methods of steady state power calculation developed specifically for: (1) systems having more machines than can be handled and covninlyb,by eitigmethods; existing metnoes; ane conveniently (2) systems consisting of a line with magnetically saturated synchronous machines at both ends are outlined in this paper. (1) general that Two general methods are given: Two involving the use of equivalent reactance or impedance, and (2) that involving the ..roiin orOF current alagrams. diagrams. superposition Methods of determining the equivalent reactance and impedance of any unknown system from measurements at the terminals of that system, whether magnetically saturated or not, also are given. When a complete solution is desired, superposition of current diagrams of saturated circuits is shown to be better than the method involving the use of either equivalent reactance or impedance. By STERLING BECKWITH* ASSOCIATE A.I.E.E. variables. It must be remembered that if the action of voltage regulators is to be considered, a transient and not a steady state problem will result. Two methods of calculating stability from a current diagram are discussed. One involves the use of equivalent impedance, and the other involves the of one diagram upon another. placing The solution of the first problem was accomplished by the use of equivalent impedances calculated from current diagrams, and the solution of the second problem was obtained best by the superposing of current diagrams. Although the method of supercurrent diagrams to take account of saturamtposing tion is given only small space here because of its simplicity, it is thought to be the best method for most problems, as it is rigorous when test data for the machines are available, and it enables a comto be obtained with less effort than pletethesolution use of equivalent reactances. by ~~~~~~~~The Metropolitan EQUIVALENT REACTANCE If the terminals of a power system are available, but nothing is known about the system behind the | IXeq IXeq~ EE ixeq 5 IXq Et ER 90+e ER ER 'A Water District of Southern CGlifornia, Los Angeles THE METHODS of steady statee4|1 /4//J Me/\\ A power calculation here outlined are the outgrowth of 2 specific problems. One problem was to find the steady state limit of a system (figure 14) having more machines than could be handled by existing methods without detrimental preliminary simplification. The other problem was to find the steady A paper recommended for publication by the A.I.E.E. committee on power transmission and distribution, and scheduled for discussion at the A. I.E.E. l/./ tf Fig. 1. Vector diagram with re- / l/ / Fig. 2. Vector diagram with respect to receiving end with Es spect to sending end constant hlo o oeqa w.t Es cosatNt htA even ththAougho e digami for the FigureS 1ostn Pacific Coast conveution, Seattle, Wash., August 27-30, 1935. Manuscript submitted January 2, 1935; released for publication March 4, 1935.fiue1vnthghhedgrmsfo the * Now with Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company, Milwaukee, Wis. 728 \ same set of conditions ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING