Uploaded by Brijesh Nishad

Overthinking: Causes, Dangers, and How to Stop It

involves rehashing the past:
shouldn’t have spoken up in the meeting today. Everyone looked at me
like I was an idiot.
could have stuck it out at my old job. I would be happier if I would have
just stayed there.
• My
parents always said I wouldn’t amount to anything. And they were
involves negative—often catastrophic—predictions about the future:
• I’m
going to embarrass myself tomorrow when I give that presentation.
My hands will shake, my face will turn red, and everyone will see that
I’m incompetent.
• I’ll
• My
never get promoted. It doesn’t matter what I do. It’s not going to
spouse is going to find someone better than I am. I’m going to end
up divorced and alone.
Overthinkers don’t just use words to contemplate their lives. Sometimes, they
conjure up images. too. They may envision their car going off the road or
replay a distressing event in their minds like a movie. Either way, their
tendency to overthink everything holds them back from doing something
This is when you imagine a worst-case scenario as the inevitable outcome of a situation
you’re worried about.
“When we are caught up in overthinking, we typically go straight to the worst-case
scenario and also overestimate the likelihood of that scenario actually happening,”
All-or-nothing thinking
You may feel like you’re struggling at work, or on the flip side, like you’re the employee
of the month. It’s all-or-nothing thinking — there’s no gray area.
“Whereas in reality, most things in life are somewhere in between,”
This is when we experience a setback or failure and generalize that event across all
situations. We may wrongly assume that things have — and will always — go wrong for
While anxiety tends to be more future-oriented, you may also struggle with overthinking
about the past.
“Doing so is more connected with depression,”
Notice When You’re Thinking Too Much
Awareness is the first step in putting an end to overthinking. Start
paying attention to the way you think. When you notice yourself replaying
events in your mind over and over, or worrying about things you can’t control,
acknowledge that your thoughts aren’t productive.
Overthinkers often focus on the past, expending energy on “what ifs” and “should
haves.” Those who understand how to not overthink know that the past is just that. It
can’t be changed. The only thing you can change is the meaning you give to it.
Rethink your “what ifs”
Do you constantly ponder questions like “What if I lose my job?” or “What if I get sick?”
While having these thoughts is normal, it becomes a problem when you focus only on
the worst-case scenario.
Living in the moment is key to learning how to stop overthinking. Most people can’t just
flip a switch and live in the moment – or can they? You can take control of your
mind and stop negative emotions in their tracks. Identify overthinking before it spirals
out of control and take a minute to reset. Breathe and focus on the moment – what are
you hearing and seeing? What are you grateful for? At first, it will take conscious
awareness. Daily rituals like meditation and priming can help you retrain your brain to
live in the moment. Soon you’ll find it comes naturally.
specifically selecting activities that are highly engaging and positive, so that
they effectively shift your attention from overthinking. Examples may include
vigorous exercise, taking a hot shower, doing a crossword puzzle, holding an
ice cube in your hand (a suggestion from dialectical behavior therapy),
watching an engrossing movie, playing a game, or any other type of healthy
activity that you find helpful.
Now come to the 2 most effective ways tried by myself. And in none of
that previously mentioned strategies work-out for you then try this I
guarantee you if this will not work out there is not a single another way
to you to overcome your overthinking.
1st and the most effective one is MEDITATION
See most people make mistakes while doing meditation is they try to
stop their money mind, and the catchy point here is do not try to stop
thought that come in your mind when doing meditation rather than
that obser then see them flowing in your mind
Here how to do that sit properly and don’t force to stop thought instead
just watch your mind where is going and do nothing else. That’s it
nothing big deal to do.
Now the 2nd very effective way is to write your thought on a paper or
You might have question that how writing our thoughts can help us to
overcome from overthinking.
Well first of all, When we say that we are overthinking?
When our mind is full of unnecessary thoughts, right? So, when you
write down your thought in that way you are throwing your thought out
of your mind and making you mind empty.
So, that’s why I’m saying writing down your unnecessary thought can
help you overcome the overthinking tremendously.