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5 Simple Hacks to Wiggle Your Way Out Of a Creative Block

5 Simple Hacks to Wiggle Your Way Out Of a
Creative Block
There’s a cup of coffee on a table, it seems to have gone cold ages ago. While the room is
dimly lit, the bright light from the laptop screen breaks the monotony of the room. And
right there, in front of that screen, on a chair is a person sitting and staring blankly at
the empty document file open on the screen, wondering where to start.
Every creative person has come across scenarios where he or she feels saturated when it
comes to fresh ideas. They’re unable to find the motivation to look at things differently
or take inspiration from what’s going around them and create something unique and
This invisible barrier is called a Mental Block. No, it’s not a disorder to be diagnosed or
medically treated. It happens to the best of us. But it could be overcome. How? Let the
writer of this piece, from the best creative agency in Ahmedabad, tell you. Yes,
we’re speaking from experience.
That feeling of not being creative enough has prevented many artists, creators and
writers from taking that plunge, of exploring that little idea, that thought nugget, which
could be developed into a work of art. This is self-doubt at play.
Despite having numerous awards, recognitions, degrees and all that jazz, when selfdoubt creeps in, it makes a person feel unqualified to do even the simplest tasks of the
job. It affects his/her productivity and further stems the creative growth trajectory.
It could originate from that one rejection of an idea, a blunder or an error that may have
been minor, but it makes one feel embarrassed and guilty. But, but… There’s a way out.
Sometimes, taking a walk back in the memory lane can rejig and remind us of the core
idea behind everything we do. Why did you become a writer? What made you decide
that you wanted to be a designer? What inspired you to take up teaching, accounting,
athletics or whatever discipline you are into?
Being reminded of the original goals infuses fresh energy and a serotonin boost, to get
up and pull up those sleeves to get started, take that first step.
It’s not always the professional challenges that stops someone from expressing their
thoughts and ideas freely. Sometimes, certain incidents or situations on a personal front
could be creating an emotional roadblock to the flow of creativity.
Having worked and interacted with many creative minds and being one of the best
advertising agencies in Ahmedabad, we have come across scenarios where writers
aren’t able to express themselves in their usual selves, the designers seem to get their
senses wrong one that one particular day. It is only upon talking to them, we realised
that one had a tiff with their wife in the morning, someone else found out about some
disorder or disease they have, another person got scolded by their parents for
Yes, these incidents and scenarios affect a
person emotionally and mentally. It can
block out everything else around them and
make them keep thinking about this one
thing all the time. While there is no practical
way out, given everyone has varying
emotional bandwidth. Taking a break, to
grieve, to procrastinate; or talking to a
confidante about it, helps one feel better, lighter and safer. And that way, you’re able to
find room to think about things other than this.
While working on a project, sometimes you might feel like there is only one way to solve
it. On your way to find that ‘right’ answer you fail to see any other options or
alternatives. You start resisting considering those options without properly evaluating
those alternatives.
Remember, flexibility comes hand in hand with creativity. So instead of trying to find
the right answer, give yourself an assignment and spend enough time to fairly judge all
other options. Take a break from being unique in every creative, and do a repetitive task
in which you know you are good.
Just let your mind wander!
When your inner critic is hyperactive and finds fault in every idea you have. You
eventually stop yourself from trying any of your ideas. This means, your brain gets in the
way of your creativity, and you’re overthinking everything. Making too many
assumptions is restricting in discovering new innovative options or approaches to a
problem or a specific situation. Be quick to discard any assumptions that are not based
on solid facts or there isn’t sufficient proof to back these assumptions up.
To get out of overthinking, the first thing you have to do is get out of your head! Clear
your mind by going out for a walk in the park, or by watching your favourite movie, or
reading a book.
Yes, we know it sounds a bit tough given
the pickle you’re already in, but trust us,
this is the best way out. Everyone fears
making mistakes, failing at something and
facing its consequences. But then that
limits the scope of where your creativity
takes you and how your intellect evolves.
Sidestepping a challenging scenario means
you are undermining your capabilities.
Instead, test them. It’s never a life and
death situation (unless you’re held captive for ransom). If you’re able to overcome the
challenge, you will revel in its success. And if you struggle in doing so, you will learn
many lessons for the future.
Because it was this fear of facing those struggles that were blocking your mind from
taking that plunge.
ALWAYS REMEMBER, these creative blocks are just a part of the creative process and
of agency life. We hope these simple but mindful hacks from Flora Fountain, one of the
best advertising agencies & creative agencies in Ahmedabad, come to rescue
the next you run into a wall we call the creative block. And if that doesn’t work, just give
us a call 🙂
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