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Mass vs. Alternative Tourism: Comparison Table

Mass TR
Alternative TR
1. Market
1.1 Segment
1.2 Volume and Mode
1.3 Seasonality
1.4 Origins
2. Attractions
2.1 Emphasis
2.2 Characteristics
2.3 Orientation
3. Accommodation
3.1 Size
3.2 Spatial pattern
3.3 Density
3.4 Architecture
3.5 Ownership
1.1 psychocentric – mid centric
1.2 high volume, package tour
1.3 distinct high and low
1.4 a few dominant market
2.1 Highly commercialized
2.2 Generic “contrived”
2.3 Tourists only or mainly
1.1 allocentric and mid centric
1.2 low, individual arrangements
1.3 no distinct seasonality
1.4 no dominant markets
3.1 Large scale
3.2 Concentrated in “tourist
3.3 High density
3.4 “International style”,
obstructive, non-sympathic
3.5 Non-local, large corporation
4.1 Dominates local economy
4.2 Highly external
4.3 Extensive
4.4 Low
3.1 Small scale
3.2 Dispersed throughout areas
3.3 Low density
3.4 Local style, vernacular style,
unobstructive, complimentary
3.5 Local, small business
5.1 Non-local, private sector
5.2 Minimal, to facilitate private
5.3 Free market forces,
economic growth, profits,
5.4 Short-term
5.1 Local community
5.2 Extensive, to minimal impact
to local community
5.3 Public intervention,
community stability and wellbeing, integrated, holistic
5.4 Long-term
4. Economic status
4.1 Role of TR
4.2 Linkage
4.3 Leakage
4.4 Multipliers impact
5. Regulation
5.1 Control
5.2 Amount
5.3 Ideology emphasis
5.4 Time-frame
2.1 Moderately commercialized
2.2 Area specific, “authentic”
2.3 Tourists and Locals
4.1 Compliments existing activity
4.2 Highly internal
4.3 Mininal
4.4 High
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