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Goal Setting Course: Control Your Life & Achieve Success

Goal Setting – Control Your Own Life
Achieve personal success by becoming your own life coach and master the art of goal setting in this free online
course. Discover how you can live a life of purpose, fulfilment and joy in this free, in-depth online course. You will
master goal setting by learning to break up the abstract vision for your life into specific and achievable daily goals. We
will introduce you to the seven major interlinked spheres for a balanced life brimming with happiness. You can be in
control of your life as you learn the specific tips, techniques and tactics to achieve your goals.
What You Will Learn In This Free Course
Describe how to create the life you envision
Indicate the seven goal spheres of life
Identify how to turn goals into reality
Discuss the features of Selfie Speak Programming to set your goals
Outline the simple steps to create your own Selfie Speak Programming
Recall the ways by which you can have the power to control your habits
Course Description
Robert F. Kennedy said, “The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better.” This course will
enable you to master goal setting. You can set a life of purpose and design into motion by learning to set your own
goals. We usually have questions like, “How can I achieve my life goals? How can I define what I want to
accomplish?” Most people suffer from ill-defined goals. Or worse, no goals. The vision for your life may be vast, but
you can achieve a joyous and prosperous life. In this free online course, renowned personal development expert TJ
Walker will share his unique tips, techniques and ideas for achieving your life goals. This course will begin by gently
guiding you on the path of taking complete control of your life, which is overloaded with messages, constant
connectivity to the whole world and easy consumption of all kinds of stuff.
You can own your life by planning setting goals for every significant sphere of your life. In the next segment of this
personal development course, you will learn about interlinking the seven major spheres of your life. What are the
different spheres of life? Do we need to have separate goals for personal and professional development? As the course
progresses beyond the standard advice of asking you to merely write down your goals, you will get answers to these
questions. We will introduce you to a unique system of making goal setting an automatic part of your life and making
it a daily habit. It is possible to reprogramme your brain and set bite-sized goals which you can achieve daily. You will
learn to set seven levels of goals for each sphere of your life and have daily reminders, prompts and cues to
consistently stay on track to turn these goals into reality.
Finally, you will learn about the unique Selfie Speak Programming method. This helps you to not only set your life
goals but also helps in achieving them too. This course will offer much more than the usual good advice given in selfdevelopment books and lectures. We will provide a step-by-step, simple and easy guide to assist you in mastering goal
setting, which will provide you with a long-term vision and motivation in the short term. Goal setting is useful
because it allows you to effectively manage your time and resources and make the most of your life. It will act as a
trigger for new behaviours and help you sustain the new momentum in your life. This course is also perfect for
becoming a goal-setting coach in the growing training and coaching industry. Enrol now in the free online complete
goal-setting course if you are ready to have a life with higher levels of happiness and fulfilment.
Course Modules
Module 1: Goal Setting and Goal Spheres of Life
Learning Outcomes: Goal Setting and Goal Spheres of Life
Goal Setting to Create the Life You Envision
What is Unique about Goal Setting in the 2020s
The Seven Goal Spheres of Life
Lesson Summary: Goal setting and Goal Spheres of Life
Module 2: Setting and Achieving Goals Within Each Sphere of Life
Learning Outcomes: Setting and Achieving Goals
The Seven Levels of Goals Within Each Sphere
Turning Your Goals Into Reality
Lesson Summary: Setting and Achieving Goals
Module 3: Selfie Speaking Programming (SSP)
Learning Outcomes: Selfie Speaking Programming
Selfie Speaking Programming Helps to Set Your Goals
Simple Steps in Creating SSP Audios and Conclusion
Lesson Summary: Selfie Speaking Programming (SSP)
Module 1: Goal Setting and Goal Spheres of Life
Having completed this module, you will be able to:
Describe how to create the life you envision.
Explain the biggest goal-setting mistakes.
Discuss the method to orient your brain to think about goals.
List the challenges of goal setting in the 21st century.
Outline the nature of Selfie Speak Programming.
Indicate the seven goal spheres of life.
Lesson Summary
The key points that were covered in this module are:
1. You should give your mind time to think about your goals. Set aside at least ten minutes every day with your cell
phone switched off.
2. Break your big goals into simple, bite-sized goals or daily habits.
3. We need goals in order to live a life of fulfilment, accomplishment, happiness and purpose.
4. The seven major spheres of life are: self-control and agency, health, relationships, lifelong learning, being a creator,
leisure, wealth.
5. Set your own life goals to become your own life coach.
6. The biggest mistake in goal setting is that there are goals in life.
7. The second biggest mistake in goal setting is that the goals are too abstract and fuzzy. Break down your life vision
into specific, meaningful goals that become your daily habits.
8. Write down your goals and read them daily to orient your brain to keep thinking about goals.
9. In the 21st century, we have an overabundance of unhealthy food, gadgets and stuff. You need to stop mindless
consumption and organise this overabundance.
10. You can start making your own Selfie Speak Programming by recording your goals in the form of daily habits.
11. Goals for your self-control and agency must include taking control of your own life. Your health goals should
define your vision for your personal health.
12. Relationships with other human beings is a necessity and your goals for relationships, friendships, family and love
must be set.
13. You should establish a system where you are constantly learning throughout your life.
14. All human beings have the capacity to create, but not everyone does. Define your vision for creating something.
15. Everyone needs time for leisure. Even Nobel laureates have been known to have hobbies on which they spent
time. Set your leisure goals.
16. If the other six spheres of your life are in sync and you have strong goals for each sphere, then the seventh sphere
of wealth takes care of itself.
17. People value what money can buy. This goal needs to be set, but not at the expense of your other six goal spheres.
Module 2: Setting and Achieving Goals
Having completed this module, you will be able to:
Describe the seven levels of goals that should be set for the desired outcome for your life.
List the seven levels of goals for each of the seven spheres of your life.
Compare the long-term and short-term goals for each sphere of life.
State the daily habits that will help you to reach your goals.
Identify how to turn your goals into reality.
Recognize the most powerful tool for personal transformation.
Lesson Summary
The key points that were covered in this module are:
1. The seven levels of goal setting include the following:
a) Your vision for life
b) Your specific vision for yourself
c) Your long-term goals
d) Your specific, short-term goals
e) Your core daily habits
f) Non-core daily habits
g) Micro habits or affirmations
2. Setting goals isn't enough. These need to be programmed into our brains.
3. You should set these seven levels of goals for all the seven spheres of your life. Take help of the handout given in
the resources section of this course.
4. The most powerful tool that causes changes in human behaviour is advertising.
Module 3: Selfie Speaking Programming (SSP)
Having completed this module, you will be able to:
Discuss the features of Selfie Speak Programming that will help you set your goals.
Outline the simple steps to create your own Selfie Speak Programming.
State your specific goals for each sphere of your life.
Explain the relevance of Selfie Speak Programming for behavioural changes.
List the technology steps needed to create your own Selfie Speak Programming audio.
Recall the ways by which you can have the power to control your habits
Lesson Summary
The key points that were covered in this module are:
1.Selfie Speak Programming or SSP will help you to set and reach your goals. It will help to integrate your goals into
every sphere of your life.
2. SSP will enable you to develop specific habits to support your goals.
3. If you create an SSP for your own life's goal, it will have the most profound impact on your life.
4. The SSP audio has the power of repetition, which helps in rewiring your brain. It is the most effective tool for
personal transformation.
5. Another advantage of SSP audio is that by listening to it every day, you can experience passive brainwashing for a
positive outcome. Tell yourself the kind of person you want to be – when you listen to this every day, you are more
likely to change your behaviour.
6. Do not overcomplicate things while making the SSP audio. Make the simplest audio production by following these
a) Do not speak too quickly
b) Try to speak in full volume
c) Use the full range of your voice to come across as more comfortable
d) Do not use other people's voice for the video. Use your own voice
e) Stand u while recording your voice. It helps in keeping the energy level high
f) Revise, edit, delete, recreate your SSP audio as often or as little as you want to.