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ELT Methodology Assignment Instructions

(Department of English)
Course: ELT Methodology (9060)
Level: BS (English)
Semester: Spring, 2023
Please read the following instructions for writing your
assignments. (AD, BS, BEd, MA/MSc, MEd) (ODL Mode).
All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks but
within a question the marks are distributed according to its
Read the question carefully and then answer it according to
the requirements of the questions.
Avoid irrelevant discussion/information and reproducing
from books, study guides or allied material.
Handwritten scanned assignments are not acceptable.
Upload your typed (in Word or PDF format) assignments on
or before the due date.
Your own analysis and synthesis will be appreciated.
Late assignments can’t be uploaded at LMS.
The students who attempt their assignments in Urdu/Arabic
may upload a scanned copy of their handwritten assignments
(in PDF format) on University LMS. The size of the file
should not exceed 5MP.
Total Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 50
(Units 1-4)
Q1. Explain the difference among Approach, Method,
Procedure and Technique. Provide concrete examples.
The term "aррrоaсhes" usually refers to groups of concepts,
viewpoints, and guiding principles that aid teachers in
selecting what to teach, why to teach it, and how to present it.
Where, what, and how are used to describe the overall
content (teaching items, topics, themes, and exercises), while
why and how are used to describe the materials' design and
structure as well as the classroom approach, all of which are
based on previously accepted justifications.
● An approach with the theoretical premise that a language is
for communication is known as communicative language
teaching (CLT).
● The learner will be put at the center of the CLT technique,
with the primary goal being building their Communicative
Competence, whether it is based on a notional-functional
syllabus or a structural one.
● Activities for the classroom will be selected to encourage
students to interact with one another.
● Role-plays, dialogues, text ordering, speaking games, and
problem-solving exercises are a few CLT approaches that
may be used.
● The Behaviorist and Mentalist or Cognitive methods are the
two main approaches that are typically taken into consideration
by teachers and linguists in the field of ELT, or English
language instruction.
● The stimulus, response, and reinforcement process of habit
development or the mistake and rectification trial procedure are
both acceptable learning methods in the behaviorist approach.
However, the mentalist perspective states that learning occurs
as a result of exposure to the environment and a natural LAD,
or language acquisition brain device. Through it, a student
formulates and reformulates his own theories while gradually
picking up the language.
A method is a detailed practical approach for choosing and
carrying out tasks in the classroom. In other words, it addresses
the how or practical method of instruction. Thus, it is at this point
that a theoretical approach to teaching transitions into a practical
style of methodology, when decisions are made on the specific
abilities to be taught as well as the sequence in which the
materials will be covered. When an instructional design
incorporates a particular level of teaching application in terms of
goals, student and teacher roles, and instructional activities, it
The incorporation of predetermined objectives, responsibilities
for the teacher and students, and activity standards constitutes a
method. The Silent Method, Audio Linguistics, Total Physical
Response, and Grammar Translation techniques are few
If we now take a look at the grammar-translation method, it
makes use of the memory of numerous grammatical rules and the
translation of content from a second language to the student's
mother tongue. Through a deductive process of learning the
language's rules, students were able to grow intellectually capable
of comprehending the new language. This technique was created
from the idea that the mind needs to be educated via intellectual
exercises in order to be able to do something, not to criticize this
Procedures are the detailed steps needed to carry out a process.
These methodical actions are referred to as methods, and they
will be covered next. The following are typical steps in the
grammar-translation method:
A work written in the second language is read aloud to the class.
1. The student translates the passage into their mother tongue
from the second language.
2. The pupil transfers fresh vocabulary from the second language
into their own speech.
3. After being provided a grammar rule and an example, the
student applies the rule by utilizing the new terms.
4. The student commits the second language's vocabulary to
5. The pupil learns grammar rules by heart.
6. The student's errors are fixed by giving the correct responses.
This is the procedure that is followed (with some variation) when
using the grammar translation method.
A technique is a single practical exercise based on a method the
teacher has chosen in response to the demands of his or her
students. A technique can be any of the actions on the previously
listed procedure. Naturally, different methods use different
For instance, the constructivist approach provides an activity
method in which dramatization and role acting are just two
possible strategies. For the objective of establishing consistency,
all these facets of teaching should be in agreement with one
another. Activities and exercises that require you to complete
sentences orally or in writing are some examples of techniques.
Q2.A teacher plays the role of controller, prompter, assessor,
resource, and so on. Explain a teacher’s role in the classroom
and comment on how the teacher is required to play a different
role in the 21st century?
The Controller
The teacher has entire control over the classroom, including what
the pupils do, say, and how they say it. When a new language is
being introduced and precise replication and drilling techniques are
required, the teacher fills this function.
The teacher, who may have the gift of education and may inspire
students via their own knowledge and experience, is the main point
of attention in this classroom.
The Prompter
The instructor offers advice on how to go on in an activity and
encourages pupils to engage. Only when it is essential should the
instructor aid the students.
The prompter can encourage by subtly prodding children when they
are verbally "lost for words." In this sense, the prompter can prompt
but always in a helpful manner because students can occasionally
lose the thread or become unclear about how to proceed.
The Resource
When students are engaging in communicative activities, the teacher
acts as a type of mobile resource center, ready to give assistance or
teach them whatever language they may be missing. The teacher
must be accessible so that students may speak with them only when
it is really essential.
It is not required to spoon-feed students because doing so might
have the unintended consequence of making them dependent on
their teacher. Instead, teachers can help students use existing
resources, like the internet, for themselves.
The Assessor
In order to assess pupils' performance or their own performance,
the teacher takes on this position. The organization and execution of
correction and feedback. There are many different ways to grade
students; in the function of an assessor, teachers have the chance to
correct students. It might, however, prove counterproductive to a
pupil's self-worth and confidence in learning the desired language if
it is not expressed gently and with support.
The Organizer
Organizer is arguably the most challenging and crucial duty a teacher
must do. Numerous activities depend on proper planning and the
pupils' understanding of their next steps in order to be successful. In
this function, setting up activities and giving directions are both
The organizer can also act as a demonstrator, a position that enables
teachers to interact and connect with students. Along with opening
and neatly concluding tasks, the teacher also provides topic
The Tutor
When pupils are engaged in projects or independent study, the
teacher serves a
coach. Students can clarify their thoughts and set goals with the
assistance, who also offers direction and suggestions.
One of the best ways to provide a pupil individualized attention is
through this position. It can also enable a teacher to modify a course to
meet the unique requirements of individual students. But it may also
result in a pupil becoming overly reliant on one instructor or even
overly at ease with a certain teaching approach or style.
Teacher’s Evolving Role
As a result, it can be claimed that the 21st century classroom is
based on the idea that students need to acquire the skills and
knowledge necessary to operate in the workplace of the 21st
century and to live in a global society. Since 21st-century
classrooms are more focused on the students than 20th-century
classrooms were, this distinguishes them from one another.
Thus, this new tendency has highlighted how a teacher's
functions are altering as well.
Therefore, although lectures covering one subject at a time were
more common in the past, cooperation is now the common thread
connecting all of the students' learning. For instance, the
collaborative project-based method makes sure that the curriculum
used in this classroom fosters the :● Development of higher order thinking abilities,
● Effective communication skills, and
● Technological knowledge that students will need for careers
in the twenty-first century and the increasingly globalized
Now, even while there will always be a place for teacher-centered,
lecture-style learning, the modern ESL teacher must embrace new
teaching techniques and participatory roles that are vastly different
from those used in the past. Additionally, the curriculum has to be
updated so that it is more in line with the 21st century learning
Q3. What is the significance of English language teaching in
Pakistan and what challenges are the teachers faced
with? Explain with reference to your local context.
ELT in Pakistan
Importance of English Language in Pakistan
English needs to be considered a world language among all the
languages spoken today. It is the most commonly spoken
language in the world. It is the primary medium of
communication amongst peoples from various countries. English
has the potential to reach one out of every four people on the
planet. According to Randolph Quirk, "there are now something
like 250 million people for whom English is the mother tongue
or 'first language.'" If we include the number of individuals who
have a working understanding of English as a second or foreign
language, the total rises to almost 350 million."
One of the most essential reasons to study English as a universal
language is that it contains all of the world's information.
Countries in Asia and Africa that were once under British
influence obtain their scientific and technological expertise from
English publications. Knowledge of English is essential for these
countries to preserve their high level of intellectual and scientific
training and success.
Apart from previous British colonies, there are other Asian
countries such as Japan, Korea, and others, as well as certain
European and Latin American countries where English is taught
as a second or third language merely for utilitarian reasons. That
is to say, English is used in some form or another practically
everywhere in the world, whether as a mother tongue or as a
foreign language. This fact, more than any other, justifies
English's designation as a world language. The world has
already granted English this status because it is the language
used at international conferences and forums of United Nations
So there is no doubt that English has a significant impact on the
country's educated classes. It is still used as a medium of
education in technical, medical, legal, and other organizations. It
is the language of the Supreme Court and the High Courts.The
English Press in the nation is extremely powerful. English is
appropriately known as the language of opportunity. English
proficiency is an effective passport to a job.
The value of English studies in Pakistan may be examined under
the following headings:
● English as an international language
● English as a window on the world
● English as a library language
● English as a link language
The Status of English in Pakistan
The usage of English in the Indo-Pak Subcontinent began as a
historical and political accident. However, it is now an economic
and scholarly reality. Several educational commissions and expert
groups have highlighted the need for English as a language of
"opportunity" and "development" as a constituent from time to
time to analyze and define the function of English in our society.
Unfortunately, the position of English in our nation has become
debatable. Some people prefer keeping English because of its
practical value. On the contrary, there are those sections/pockets
that are hostile to English and wish to abolish it.English is the
language of administration and a required subject in high school
and college. It opens the door to employment.
An illiterate in English is not considered educated in the true
sense of the word. English proficiency is necessary for
development in society. Speaking has become a craze, if not a
craze. The rising awareness of the importance in the world
motivates us to learn it for our own benefit as well as to widen
our intellectual horizons.
Our goal in teaching English to our students is for them to be able
to utilize it both effectively and as a whole i.e., with comfort and
ease. They should have access to the wealth of scientific and
technical information that is prized in the English language, as
well as be able to speak and write English well. They will be able
to keep up their high level of education, training, and technical
Challenges faced by the Teachers
In Pakistan, English is taught in terribly unsatisfactory
circumstances Below are some of the issues with our English
teaching program that are discussed:
1. Lack of a Clear-cut Policy
Everyone agrees that our schools and institutions' English
standards have declined. Lack of a defined policy on English's
position in the school curriculum is one of the factors contributing
to the drop in standards. Different opinions on where English
should fit in Pakistan are expressed by educators, politicians, and
media. As opinions held outside the classroom do have an
influence there. For English to be studied effectively in schools
and colleges, it is important to establish a clear policy addressing
its position in the curricula.
2. Little Understanding of Aims
Unfortunately, in the course of his daily job, the ordinary English
teacher loses sight of the objectives of teaching the language. All
he can recall is that his goal is to help his students pass their
exams. He helps students learn the correct responses to a few
predetermined questions that are crucial from an exam standpoint.
As a result, language is taught as a knowledge topic rather than as
a skill subject, as it should be. They get very little competence in
the crucial verbal abilities. They are unable to communicate in
English. They are unable to construct a few simple phrases
correctly. They never develop a passion for English-language
3. Dearth of Competent Teachers
Not all English teachers are adequately prepared to do their jobs.
Some individuals think that teaching this language doesn't
require any specific training. The majority of teachers of English
themselves are not familiar with the most recent methods of
instruction. Their pronunciation is poor, and they don't know the
language well enough. Teachers who don't know enough English
or aren't aware of the most recent, far-reaching advancements in
English pedagogy are in charge of teaching English in schools
during its foundational years. At practically all levels of the
educational system, there is an acute scarcity of certified English
teachers who have received the necessary training.
4. Sub-standard Textbooks
The quality of English readers and textbooks is poor. The choice
and gradation of structures received little consideration in their
work. Although vocabulary has been graded from year to year,
the authors of these publications do not make an effort to ensure
that it is utilized correctly in a way to make it easier for the
students to understand. Some of the terms that are intended to be
taught are mentioned just once in the writing. We place a greater
emphasis on the subject matter in our textbooks than on the
language teaching. A textbook's author is obligated to include
chapters on the lives of famous people, on health and hygiene,
on driving safety, etc. As a result, he concentrates more on the
content than the language. Although there are few images in
these publications, they are far from satisfactory. In order to
teach the language to the pupils, practice exercises are typically
not provided. Instead, there are testing activities.
5. Inadequate Material Facilities
Audiovisual tools are heavily used in modern education. These
tools make the instruction engaging and simple. The
audio-visual tools that aid in language acquisition, including
flashcards, charts, photographs, models, filmstrips, gramophone
records, tape recorders, and internet access, are not available in
our schools. Without a sufficient chalkboard or colored chalk,
some schools can still function. It is impossible to improve the
standard of English instruction without these fundamental
6. The Faulty Examination System
The examination in English is to blame for some of the flaws
that have crept in since the sort of test greatly impacts the
methods of instruction. A student can pass the test under the
current system if he takes the time to know the answers to a few
common questions. He is not even required to read the assigned
texts. As a result, even when a student passes the exam, he lacks
a practical grasp of the language. He is not able to write or speak
proper English. There are no oral exams, which is one of the
reasons why spoken English proficiency in schools is at an
appallingly low standard. To improve the quality of the exams, it
may be proposed, among other things, that oral examinations be
7. Large Classes
Due to population growth, schools are now so full that there is
no room for individualized attention. It is common to see classes
with as many as sixty people.
In addition, a lot of students come from homes where education
is not a tradition. To create a way for the study of certain new
courses that have been introduced at the school level, the amount
of time available for the English language instruction has been
considerably reduced.
8. The Psychology of Changing Behavior
It is challenging to alter one's behavior since doing so entails
altering one's thought process. It's also difficult to find out about
this. Everyone does not have the flexibility needed to modify
their perspective on learning. The elegance of his innovative
teaching methods is marred by an English teacher's imposing
equipment. Particularly pertinent to the teaching of English in
Pakistan is Mr. Ronald Mackin's work on "the Teaching of
English in Difficult Circumstances." "The old-fashioned type of
benches and desks that restrict movement; the bad light; the
noise from neighboring classes that may be separated from them
by nothing more than a bamboo screen; insufficient provision for
their subject in the time-table; lack of aids of all kinds;
interference from other classes," he claims.
Q4.English is being taught in Pakistan as a subject, and not
as language. What is your opinion? How do you think it
should be taught, as a subject or as a language? Provide
reasons for your stance.
In Pakistan, English is studied as a second language or a
foreign language. Typically, it is studied as a required topic
from school through higher education. English is taught as a
required topic starting at the Kindergarten level, and children
are expected to write the English alphabet correctly. These
students receive a whole book of lessons and based on
knowledge exercises when they enroll in class one, and they
continue to receive this kind of instruction all the way until
matriculation. The application of grammatical principles is
not taken into consideration while teaching grammar to
learners up till the matriculation level. Because of these
exercises, the students can only use their language
knowledge to improve their reading and writing abilities.
My opinion is that it should be taught both as a subject and
language for the following reasons:-
1) Simplicity is key
The key to learning a language is to keep it simple. English
has relatively easy syntax, simple plurals, plain verb
conjugation, and is often gender-neutral. This makes learning
English easier than learning certain other languages.
2) Student aspiring to study abroad
This is particularly true if you are an international student
who wants to pursue a degree abroad since your ability to
communicate in English will be essential for both the
commencement of your studies and the advancement of your
profession after graduation.
As an international student, there are several advantages to
taking an English language course. The majority of courses
will teach you the fundamentals of English, including
reading, writing, speaking, and listening, as well as give you
the confidence to utilize English in your everyday life, at
work, or in your future studies.
3) Benefits of Teaching English as a subject
From the familiar (mother tongue) to the foreign (target or
second language), it moves on.
4) Benefits for Students
Students pick up a lot of new words.Writing and reading
comprehension is remarkable.It stimulates memory in students.
5) Opportunity to study a new language
The ease and speed with which the students' command of
English grammar may be determined.It provides the opportunity
to study a new language through textbooks.Students can pick up
terminology in both their native tongue and the target language.
6) English helps to learn other subjects
The language of science, mathematics, technology, tourism, and
many more fields is English. To facilitate professional
communication and hold meetings, each of these industries uses
English as its common tongue, demonstrating the value of
7) Enhance Communication Skills
English language classes will be helpful to you if you want to
work for a global corporation since they will teach you the
communication skills to network with other professionals in
your area or farther. This is because of the popularity of the
8) Natural Sequence of Language
Speaking, listening, and finally reading and writing make up
the natural order of language. This pattern has been seen in
newborn infants. First of all, the young youngsters listen to the
many voices and speech sounds around him. Following this,
the youngsters begin to talk, building their sentences from
simple word chunks. When kids start attending school, they are
instructed in reading and writing. Consequently, the same
procedure is used while learning a second language.
9) Communicative Language
A method of teaching a second or foreign language that places
a strong emphasis on student interaction, whether as a means of
acquiring the language or as its final objective, is known as
communicative language teaching.Along with studying
grammar rules and structure, it will help students using
real-world scenarios to practice using language for context and
content. Students can strengthen their conversational skills with
the use of strategies including role-playing, repetition, pair
work, and group work.
10) English language as a knowledge subject
The English teacher should know the objectives of teaching
the language. He helps students learn the correct responses to a
few predetermined questions that are crucial from an exam
standpoint. As a result, language is taught as a knowledge topic
rather than as a skill subject, as it should be. They should
develop expertise by learning new pedagogies of English
language to overcome the crucial verbal abilities. This helps
not only a teacher but a student also to communicate in
English. In this way they will be able to construct simple
phrases correctly.They will develop a passion for
English-language literature.
Unfortunately, English is taught as a subject and not as a
language in our country. This is because we have been following
the same methods for many years. We are not following SLRW
(Spoken - Listening - Reading - Written) skills. We are focusing
on Grammar rulers which is not a wrong method of teaching
language as well but we skip speaking and listening also which is
the most important part of teaching and learning English.
Speaking and listening works on pronunciation of a child while
reading and writing works on the correct use of grammar. The
blend of all of these skills in teaching English at primary,
secondary and tertiary level will come up with the best results of
competent teachers and students.
Q5. Grammar Translation Method is not suitable in Pakistan
context. Provide evidence or refute with solid arguments.
To successfully accomplish the teaching objectives, the teaching
methodology is extremely important in the teaching-learning
process. However, procedures alone cannot ensure success unless
they are used by qualified and effective teachers. English is taught
in our nation using a variety of techniques, but most of them are
archaic and ignore current developments in the industry. Utilizing
the Grammar Translation Method is a good illustration of it.
A technique for teaching foreign languages called the Grammar
Translation Method evolved from the conventional approach to
teaching Greek and Latin. Students study grammar principles in
grammar translation classes and then put those rules into practice
by translating phrases between the target language and their home
tongue. It can be necessary for advanced pupils to translate entire
texts word-by-word. The approach aims to help students read and
translate works of literature written in the target language, as well
as to advance students' overall intellectual development.
The Grammar Translation Method (GTM) was and continues to
be one of the most widely used approaches of teaching English in
our nation, despite the introduction of several new strategies and
methodologies. It is as a result of the following traits:● Most of the time, classes are given in the students' native
● Little or no attention is paid to pronunciation, which makes
it simple for teachers to follow.
● A lot of vocabulary is taught in the form of lists of isolated
● Early reading of challenging materials is encouraged.
● The idea is that reading in a target language's literature is an
essential component to learning the language.
● Reading and writing are hence the main areas of GTM.
● The vast majority of language teachers receive their own
language instruction in this way.
Why do we use Grammar Translation Method in
The question is, why would I employ this technique? The right
response is that GTM emphasizes using language correctly and
using proper sentence construction. This is especially useful for
instructing kids on how to correctly write and read in a foreign
language since it gives them the opportunity to study
interchangeable words and phrases (i.e., different terms for
different tenses) more thoroughly than a spoken teaching
technique. It is simple to create grammar and translation tests.
Since students are translating texts into another language
immediately, class activities or learning games are rarely
necessary. This approach makes it simple for teachers who do not
speak English well to teach English to students who do since the
focus is on translations rather than the spoken word. They also
contend that a student may comprehend this translation most
effectively when doing it in words, phrases, and sentences.
If English is compared to and contrasted with the structure of the
learners' mother tongue, it becomes simple. This approach aids
the pupils in tackling basic composing activities.
Procedure of the Grammar Translation Method
Reading material serves as the initial source in the process of
teaching English or the intended grammar. It is used by the
instructor to translate words, phrases, and sentences into the
mother tongue of the student. Teachers put the same information
on the board for pupils to copy and memorize into their
notebooks. The primary focus is on mastering grammatical rules,
such as those pertaining to conjunctions and parts of speech. The
assimilation of English structural patterns is the motivation
behind everything.
Demerits of Grammar Translation Method
Restrict Speaking and listening
GTM hinders the abilities of speaking and listening to a foreign
language, which is one of its main drawbacks.
Improper Communication skills
The challenge of having proper conversational abilities in a
foreign language still exists.
Textbooks with repeated techniques
GTM emphasizes formally styled and academic grammatical
standards. As a result, it does not facilitate effective foreign
language acquisition.
It takes time to translate each and every word under GTM since
pupils are fluent in their home tongue and require time to ponder.
Spoon feeding
The same is written on the chalkboard by the teachers for
the kids to copy and memorize into their notebooks. In
this way either they remember it or not.Whatever, they
have cram, they will pass on their grades with that limited
Less focus on Speaking and Listening
It disregards the order of hearing, speaking, reading, and
writing that naturally occurs when learning a language.It is
not feasible to speak in the target language. The reading's
only thrust is still present.
Teacher Autonomy
It is true that a teacher has many roles in the class as mentor,
tutor, controller, prompter etc but it doesn’t mean that he should
take the chance of the students to discourage them in class to
speak which enhances their speaking skills. GTM does this.It is
unable to meet the need for better speaking and listening
skills.This approach prevents conversational interaction in the
classroom. Just the teacher talks.
No work on pronunciation
It does not assist pupils in learning how to pronounce the English
language of the target language correctly. Students' pronunciation
is therefore strange and incorrect.
Grammar Translation Method is noninteractive for pupils, GTM
is neither participatory or interesting. It has no role plays, games,
discussion etc. Only grammar is taught and that involves a
teacher only.
Why is this method not suitable in Pakistan Context?
Keeping above points in view, We can say that GTM is not
suitable due to the following reasons:1)The capacity to reach a high competency standard in translation
and grammatical accuracy is the major objective for training in
the grammar-translation technique.
2)Because lessons are not given in the target language, it is not
necessary for teachers to be native speakers.
3)A little preparation is needed.
4)The primary objective of education is not to become proficient
in the target language through communication.
5)This practice gives students the impression that language is just
a collection of separate words.
6)The four language skills—listening, speaking, reading, and
writing—seemed not to be necessary for learners using this
7)Communication and the improvement of speech and
comprehension abilities were stressed by educators.
8)The grammar-translation technique has placed too much focus
on memorizing grammatical rules and translation and not enough
on the improvement of understanding and speaking skills.
9)Teachers must exert their authority since it is part of their job to
teach students new information in their mother tongue.
10)The target language is seldom ever taught. It is a very
teacher-centered approach to instruction.
11)The development of the learner's reading, writing, and
translation skills is the major goal of instruction.