QP ID : Reg. No. : K.S.R. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, TIRUCHENGODE – 637 215 (AUTONOMOUS) B. E. / B.Tech. DEGREE END SEMESTER EXAMINATION, NOV / DEC - 2023 Seventh Semester B.E – Computer Science and Engineering 20CS771 – Information Storage Management (Regulations 2020) Time: Three hours Maximum Marks: 100 Answer All Questions PART A –– (10 x 2 = 20 Marks) Q.No. Questions CO BTLs 1. How does structured data differ from unstructured data? CO1 R 2. List out the components of flash drives. CO1 R 3. Draw the implementation of iSCSI. CO2 C 4. Write the data storage process in an OSD system. CO2 R 5. Define disaster recovery. CO3 R 6. Appraise the need for remote replication. CO3 E 7. What is the difference between RTO and RPO? CO4 R 8. State the purpose of SAN based backup. CO4 R 9. Compare passive attacks and active attacks. CO5 U 10. What is meant by cache tiering? CO5 R 1 PART B –– (5 x 16 = 80 Marks) Q.No. 11. (a) i) ii) (b) i) ii) 12. (a) (b) 13. (a) (b) 14. (a) i) ii) (b) i) ii) 15. (a) (b) i) ii) Questions Briefly describe data center infrastructure in detail. Explain in detail about cloud servicing models with neat diagram. (OR) Explain in detail about the components of intelligent storage systems and What is RAID? Outline the different RAID levels with neat diagram. CO BTLs (8) CO1 U (8) CO1 U (8) CO1 U (8) CO1 U Discuss briefly about Block level storage virtualization and file level storage virtualization (OR) Elaborate the components of NAS and briefly explain about zoning. (16) CO2 C (16) CO2 C Discuss in detail about the various methods and implementation of data deduplication in detail. (OR) List and elaborate the various technologies used for local replication. (16) CO3 C (16) CO3 R What is business continuity? Discuss briefly the five stages of BC planning life cycle. Describe in detail about single points of failure in a storage infrastructure. (OR) List and explain the various backup topologies in detail. Illustrate the backup architecture with an example. (10) CO4 R (6) CO4 R (10) CO4 (6) CO4 U U Explain various security concerns and measures in the virtualized and cloud environment. (OR) (16) CO5 U Explain about information lifecycle management in detail with neat diagram. Summarize the technique of hierarchy of different storage tiers (10) CO5 U (6) CO5 U Blooms Taxonomy Levels R-Remembering (BTLs) U-Understanding Ap- Applying E– Evaluating An– Analyzing C – Creating 2 ********** 3