PRINTED PAGES : 2 Paper ID:………… RollNo: ........................... ENDSEMESTER EXAMINATION, 2020-21 PROGRAM: B.Sc CODE: BCO206 COURSE TITLE: BASICS OF COMPUTER NETWORK Time: 2 Hrs. Max. Marks: 50 Note: 1. All Sections are compulsory. 2. Assume missing data suitably, if any. Classify the basic network infrastructure to learn the overall function of networking systems and CO1: CO2: transmission mediums. Demonstrate and differentiate types of networks & working of all layers of the OSI Reference Model and TCP/IP model. Apply knowledge of different techniques of error detection and correction to detect and solve error bit CO3: during data transmission CO4: Illustrate the network layer and transport layer including IP Addressing, routing , TCP and UDP services. Explain the functionality of application layer. CO5: CO6: Outline the cryptography and network security. SECTION-A ( Attempt ALL questions of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Explain different types and component of network with suitable block diagram. Discuss also the uses of computer networks. How TCP/IP model is different from OSI model. Discuss. Give reasons why networks might use an error correcting code instead of error detection and retransmission Compare and contrast byte oriented and bit-oriented protocols. Explain the concept of Digital signature. Where we can use this concept? ) COS CO1 BTL K4 CO2 CO3 K4 K4 CO4 CO5 K4 K4 SECTION-B Attempt ALL questions of the following: ( ) 6. Draw the header format of a TCP packet and explain functions of each field in detail CO3 K4 7. What are the working principles of each layer in TCP/IP? Explain with block diagram. Differentiate between LAN, WAN and MAN Technologies with example. CO4 K4 CO5 K4 8. 1Contd….. SECTION-C ( ) Attempt ALL questions of the following: 9. 10. 11. How TCP congestion control is different than UDP congestion control. Explain with help of some practical applications. What are data communication network criteria? Discuss in brief. Explain about the entire transmission mode with the help of examples. CO3 K5 CO4 CO5 K5 K5 CO6 K6 SECTION-D ( ) Attempt the following question: 12. Explain the concept of connection management i.e., how a connection is established and released at the transport layer? Instructions: i. ii. iii. Only 12 questions are to be asked in ETE. The two tables (given below) must be filled by the paper setter. Paper setter must see the COs of the courses described in syllabus to frame the questions in alignment with expected COs and Blooms taxonomy Table1: Distribution of question & marks among the Units of syllabus Unit 1 2 3 4 5 Questions Numbers Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q11, Q6, Q7, Q8, Q15 Q9, Q10, Q12, Q14 Q13, Q16, Q17 Total Marks 3 14 22 24 28 Table 2: Mapping between COs and questions (Number of COs may vary from course to course) COs CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 CO6 Knowledge level (Blooms taxonomy, K1, K2. ..) K4 Questions Numbers Total Marks 1 3 K4 2 3 K4,K5 3,6,9 12 K4,K5 4,7,10 12 K4,K5 5,8,11 12 K6 12 8 2