Your Booking A G O K I UQ T ic k e t 1 o f 1 Reservation number: (S1 )4/6-5 1 02-301 223-M22N-071 5LEI-LO N-1 ,2,3 T r ip I t in e r a r y Ple a s e b e s ure to a rrive a t the s ta tio n a t le a s t 1 5 mins b e f o re yo ur s c he d ule d d e p a rture . Fro m 07:15 Departure Sat, Dec 30, 2023 at 07:15 09:00, London North (Finchle y Road), opp O2 f or Finchle y Road Station, stop CH Leicester, Fosse Park Le ice ste r, Fosse Park To 09:30 Arrival London, Victoria Coach Station Sat, Dec 30, 2023 at 09:30 3 travellers (1 x Discount applied) L e ic e s t e r t o L o n d o n 1, 2, 3 megabus London, Victoria Coach Station Terminal details F rom Leic ester Lo c a tio n a d d re s s Fosse Park Our stop is outside ASDA on Fosse Park Avenue. Fosse Park Shopping Centre is situated on A5460 next to Junction 21 of M1, and the start of M69. A f requent bus service is available to and f rom Leicester City Centre. For times go to C ity inf o rma tio n Discover Leicester with megabus To Lon don Lo c a tio n a d d re s s Victoria Coach Station 164 Buckingham Palace Road, London, SW1W 9TP Opening times: Ticket Of f ice 0800 - 2100 Lef t Luggage 0800 - 2200 megabus coaches leave f rom the West terminal. Please check the screens f or your departure gate. Bo a rd ing g a te s will c lo s e 2 minute s b e f o re d e p a rture at Victoria Coach Station. Please arrive at least 15 minutes bef ore scheduled departure time. This will allow you to have your tickets checked, store your luggage and board your coach in a saf e and timely manner. Once the boarding gate has closed f or your coach, you will not be allowed to board it. C ity inf o rma tio n megabus tickets are available f rom megabus staf f or f rom the megabus self service ticket machines at Victoria Coach Station megabus authorised agents Green Line Travel Shop is in Victoria Opening times Mon - Fri 0900 - 1630 Sat - Sun 0830 - 1600 TFL Victoria Coach Station