Uploaded by Nikos Stavropoulos

Climate Change Speech: Act Now

My speech
Today my colleagues and I are here to launch our campaign called
CancelClimateChangeNow we are reaching out to you because we need your help. We want
to prevent the impacts of climate change becoming catastrophic, we want to stop the
devastation, we want to help make our earth happy again.climate change is appalling,
devastating and disastrous. This is the time to act and change. You can dismiss it now but
later is too late. Approximately 250,000 additional deaths per year are caused by climate
change. We need to change this, we need to make a bigger future tangible for all.
The world is heating up due to climate change which is causing ice caps to melt leaving
polar bears and penguins to be homeless. The forests are being set ablaze by nature turning
the trees to ashes leaving wildlife behind. I've seen it through my own eyes, streets on fire,
ash in the air, driving on motorways passing the remains of forests. I thought about all the
animals who had lost their homes. However not every devastation is natural. Each year
approximately 12 million hectares of forest are destroyed. We are the reason that all these
habitats are being torn apart. Do we want to make it worse? Or change it and make earth
how it was meant to be with birds flying and animals wandering the streets. Our planet could
be bright again if we cut back our use of fossil fuels. We are the reason for climate change
but we can be the reason it stops.
Many people believe that climate change isn't a big deal, that we need warmer weather
anyway. But you are wrong the warmer the world gets the harder it is to reverse and the
faster the earth heats up. And what about the countries that are already warm, fires are
breaking out, the heat is getting out of control. I believe that it's getting worse but we can
work together and change everything.
Now I understand that many of you want to help but don't know how to. But in reality there
are many things that you can do to prevent climate change. Firstly, you can stop your carbon
footprint by using public transporter walking or cycling more places. This stops you from
releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. By putting plastic in the recycling you can stop
polluting our oceans and by turning the water off when you brush your teeth you can save
water as well as saving money at the same time. Instead to save energy you can turn off the
lights when you're not using the room or instead of watching tv you can read a book. Also by
eating less meat and dairy you can stop killing the animals. The little things that everyone
can do could help change the world.
If we don't do anything we're destroying our future and the next generations. Do we really
want to be the reason our future children are unhappy?
We need to act!
And we need to act now!