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Netiquette Rules, Digital Divide, Cyberbullying Guide

common courtesy once posting your views to on-line
NETIQUETTE refers to a collection of rules that
discussion teams.
governs what conduct is socially acceptable in a web
or digital scenario. It’s a social code of network
Respect other people’s privacy.
communication. Netiquette is a set of rules for
Verify facts before posting.
Check messages and respond promptly.
importance of correct manners
and behavior on-line. In general, netiquette is that the
Name-call or express offensive opinions.
set of skilled and social etiquettes practiced and
Post private or embarrassing images or
advocated in transmission over any electronic
network. Common pointers embody being courteous
Exclude people or talk behind their back.
and precise, and avoiding cyber-bullying.
Netiquette additionally dictates that users ought to
adapt copyright laws and avoid over victimization
emoticons. It could be a short type of network rule or
1. Make Real People
net rule. The word netiquette could be a combination
a Priority
of ‘net’ (from internet) and ‘etiquette’. It suggests that
2. Use Respectful Language
respecting alternative users’ views and displaying
3. Share with Discretion
common courtesy once posting your views to on-line
4. Don't Exclude Others
discussion teams.
5. Choose Friends Wisely
6. Respect People's Privacy
The word netiquette could be a combination of ‘net’
7. Fact Check Before Reposting
(from internet) and ‘etiquette’. It suggests that
8. Don't Spam
respecting alternative users’ views and displaying
9. Respond to Emails and Texts Promptly
10. Update Online Information
now, or at any point in the future, don’t post it online.
4. Don’t Exclude Your Audience
1. Remember That Real People Take Priority
If you have an in-joke to share with one other person,
If someone is in the room with you, stop what you are
or a small number of people in a larger online group,
doing and look at them. And don’t answer your cell
send them a private message. Don’t make everyone
phone unless it is to tell the person on the other end
else feel left out by posting an obscure comment to
that you will call them right back. This is also true of
your Facebook status, forum, or Instagram story.
public places, such as restaurants, public transit,
5. Don’t “Friend” Then “Unfriend” People
stores, elevators, and libraries. Avoid taking phone
No one believes you have 1,000 friends, but it is still
calls and having conversations in these shared
insulting to be dropped from someone’s friend list.
Think about it before adding them or accepting their
2. If You Wouldn’t Say It to Someone’s Face, Don’t
invitation. If you want to stay in touch for professional
Say It Online
reasons, tell them you only use Facebook for close
personal friendships, and join LinkedIn or another
offensive opinions— if you wouldn’t do it to the face
professional networking site for more distant contacts.
of anyone who might conceivably see what you write,
6. Don’t Overload System Resources with Enormous
don’t write it. This goes for any social media site,
forum, chat room, or email message, even if you think
Overloading an email crashes receivers' server, it
it can’t be traced back to you. It can.
depletes their inbox quota, so their emails get
3. If You Wouldn’t Show It in Public, Don’t Share It
bounced for a week before they realize, it or use up
the last bit of space they needed to complete an
Naked sex pictures, drunk pictures, drug use pictures,
important assignment.
unedited home video— if you would have a problem
7. Respect People’s Privacy
with your boss, your parents, or your kids seeing it
Don't forward information sent to you without
checking with the original sender first or always ask
do not or have restricted access. Before the late
for their consent.
twentieth century, digital divide referred principally to
the division between those with and without phone
8. Don’t Repost Without Checking the Facts
The digital divide generally exists between those in
If you aren't sure of the facts, email it to someone
cities and people in rural areas; between the
who does know or can find out. Or do a search on
Google or snopes.com
socioeconomic groups; and, globally, between the
9. Check and Respond to Email Promptly
more and less industrially developed nations. Even
Have the courtesy to reply to their message within a
among populations with some access to technology,
few days. If it is going to take longer to reply, email
the digital divide can be evident in the form of lower-
them and tell them that. By all means, ignore and
delete spam, unsolicited messages, and crazy stuff.
connections, lower-priced connections such as dial-
10. Update Online Information That People Depend
up, and limited access to subscription-based content
(Rouse, 2014)
Don't leave inaccurate information online just
because you can't be bothered to update your
A disorder in which the individual turns to the Internet
or plays computer games to change moods,
Digital Divide, Addiction, and Bullying
overcome anxiety, deal with depression, reduce
isolation or loneliness, or distract themselves from
Digital divide could be a term that refers to the gap
overwhelming problems. The elderly, as well as
between demographics and regions that have
children and adolescents, are particularly vulnerable
access to trendy info and technology, and people that
because they may not realize the extent of their
dependency. In many instances, individuals with
the same people.
computer addiction may seek help for another
• Repetition: Bullying behaviors happen more than
condition, such as depression, phobias, or other
once or have the potential to happen more than once.
addictions (Shiel, 2018).
Bullying includes actions such as making threats,
spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or
verbally, and excluding someone from a group on
TYPES OF BULLYING-There are three types of
Stopbullying.org (2019) defines bullying as unwanted,
• Verbal bullying is saying or writing means things.
aggressive behavior among school aged children
Verbal bullying includes:
that involve a real or perceived power imbalance. The
o Teasing
behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be
o Name-calling
repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and
o Inappropriate sexual comments
who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.
o Taunting
o Threatening to cause harm
In order to be considered bullying, the behavior must
• Social bullying, sometimes referred to as relational
be aggressive and include:
bullying, involves hurting someone’s reputation or
• An Imbalance of Power: Kids who bully use their
relationships. Social bullying includes:
power—such as physical strength, access to
o Leaving someone out on purpose
embarrassing information, or popularity—to control
o Telling other children not to be friends with
or harm others. Power imbalances can change over
time and in different situations, even if they involve
o Spreading rumors about someone
o Embarrassing someone in public
unlawful or criminal behavior.
• Physical bullying involves hurting a person’s body
or possessions. Physical bullying includes:
The most common places where cyberbullying
o Hitting/kicking/pinching
occurs are:
o Spitting
• Social Media, such as Facebook, Instagram,
o Tripping/pushing
Snapchat, and Twitter
o Taking or breaking someone’s things
• SMS (Short Message Service) also known as Text
o Making mean or rude hand gestures
Message sent through devices
• Instant Message (via devices, email provider
services, apps, and social media messaging features)
• Email
Cyberbullying, according to stopbullying.com (2019),
is bullying that takes place over digital devices like
cell phones, computers, and tablets. Cyberbullying
can occur through SMS, Text, and apps, or online in
social media, forums, or gaming where people can
view, participate in, or share content. Cyberbullying
includes sending, posting, or sharing negative,
harmful, false, or mean content about someone else.
It can include sharing personal or private information
about someone else causing embarrassment or
humiliation. Some cyberbullying crosses the line into
Orienteering is a group of sports that require
from the undergrowth while allowing freedom of
navigational skills using a map and compass to
movement, even if it gets wet.
navigate from point to point in diverse and usually
4. Running shoes
Light, strong shoes with non-slip soles are required
Participants are given a topographical map, usually a
to allow a good grip on all types of ground. The
specially prepared orienteering map, which they use
orienteering will encounter all types of surfaces,
to find control points
including mud and bare rock.
5. Control card
1. Map
The control card is given to you at the start of an
Any kind of map may be used for orienteering (even
event with the map. It is used to prove that you have
a street map), but the best ones are detailed five-
visited all the control points in the right order. At each
color topographic maps developed especially for the
control point, there will be either an electronic device
sport. Orienteering maps show many topographic
to record that you were there, or a manual hole punch
features, including boulders, cliffs, ditches, and
device to mark your card.
fences, in addition to the elevation, vegetation, and
trails. The map is provided by the organizer. It also
Nonessential items that you should consider
shows the course with all the control points which
taking to an event are sunscreen, hat, drink bottle,
must be visited.
towel, pre- and post-exercise snack.
2. Compass
A compass is vitally important for correct navigation.
There is a wide variety in quality and size that may
be purchased.
3. Attire
It is a lightweight, stretchy suit which protects you
Orienteering Activities
1. Morse code
Morse code is a method used in telecommunication
sequences of two different signal durations, called
dots and dashes or dits and dahs. Morse code is
named after Samuel Morse, an inventor of the
2. Knot Tying
The definition of a knot is the looping and tying of a
piece of string or rope, or the place where a tree limb
joins the trunk.