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Physiotherapy MCQs: MPT Entrance & Competitive Exam Prep

MCQs in
1-40 Solved MCQs
-MPT entrance exam
-All competitive exam
for physiotherapy
Shraddha Dhameliya
This book has collection of multiple-choice question asked
in various competitive exam for the post of physiotherapy
and master in physiotherapy (MPT) entrance exam from
various universities.
Here are 1000 MCQs with their answer.
This questions will help physiotherapy students to
prepare for MPT Entrance exam or physiotherapist for any
competitive exam related to physiotherapy.
Dr.Shraddha dhameliya
Shraddha Dhameliya
- Working in Physiotherapy institute, India
- Seven years of experience in physiotherapy
- Having two youtube channel
'PhysioAcademy' and 'Shraddha Dhameliya'
- Certified Aerobic trainer
- Certified in Manual therapy for Back, Knee and
- Certified in Tapping
- Certified in Cupping Therapy
MCQs 1 to 100
Master of physiotherapy(MPT) entrance exam 2019 paper - ....................1 to 21
MCQs 101 to 200
Master of physiotherapy(MPT) entrance exam 2018 paper ...................21 to 43
MCQs 201 to 300
Master of physiotherapy(MPT) in Orthopaedics entrance exam paper ..........44 to 64
MCQs 301 to 400
Master of physiotherapy(MPT) entrance exam 2020 paper....................64 to 84
MCQs 401 to 500
ESIC exam for physiotherapy post 2020 paper...............84 to 104
MCQs 501 to 540
Gujarat Gaun seva exam for physiotherapy post 2016 paper...................104 to 112
MCQs 541 to 630
Master of physiotherapy(MPT) in Sports entrance exam paper ..............113 to 132
MCQs 631 to 730
Master of physiotherapy(MPT) entrance exam 2022 paper....................132 to 153
MCQs 731 to 830
ESIC exam for physiotherapy post 2019 paper....................153 to 173
MCQs 831 to 902
Physiotherapy in Neurology.................... 173 to 187
MCQs 903 to 974
Physiotherapy in Orthopaedics....................188 to 202
MCQs 975 to 1000
Physiotherapy in Cardiology and medicine.................... 202 to 207
MCQs in Physiotherapy
1. Physiotherapist in industrial set up involves in programs addressing the issues of
productivities, safeties, physical tolerance, work behaviours, job specific program
designed to return the patient/client to work. This is called
a) Work hardening programme
b) Work conditioning programme
c) Ergonomic programme
d) Community programme
2. Macroergonomics means :
a) Fitting a task to the individuals who do the task
b) Designing physical items so they fit the person using them and can be used by
other employees also
c) Fitting the organization to the people in the organization
d) Harmonizing the operation of an organization by designing or redesigning any
and all parts of the organization
3. Among the below mentioned list, which Act is NOT a National Act for disabilities
formed by Indian Government ?
a) The National Trust for Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy,
Mental Retardation & Multiple Disabilities Act, 1999
b) Persons with Disability Act, 1995
c) United Nations convention on the rights of persons with disabilities Act
d) Rehabilitation Council of India Regulation Act, 1997
4. Providing home delivery meals to people of any age who are having difficulty
preparing nutritious meals for themselves is known as
a) Residential Homes Meals
b) Half - way Homer Meals
c) Meals on Wheels
d) Delivery Meals
Ans: 1. a) Work hardening programme
2. c) Fitting the organization to the people in the organization
3. c) United Nations convention on the rights of persons with disabilities Act
4. c) Meals on Wheels
MCQs in Physiotherapy
5. Prophylactic administration of vitamin K in breast fed babies is an example of :
a) Health promotion
b) Specific protection
c) Treatment
d) Primordial prevention
6. Prevalence measures the burden of disease in a population inclusive of old & new
cases. Prevalence of a disease can be obtained from :
a) Quasi - experimental study
b) Cohort - study
c) Cross - sectional study
d) Case - control study
7. The best way to treat mild diarrhea in a child is by
a) IV fluids
b) ORS
c) Antibiotic
d) Bowel binders
8. In Demographic cycle, if the death and birth rate of a counters both are declining,
then we call it as :
a) High Stationary
b) Early Expanding
c) Late Expanding
d) Low Stationary
9. A man belonging to a poor community presents with diarrhea and dermatitis. He
also shows signs of personality and memory dysfunction. His History suggests that
this staple diet is maiz. The likely diagnosis is
a) Pellagra
b) Vitamin B12 deficiency
c) Riboflavin deficiency
d) Biotin deficiency
Ans: 5. b) Specific protection
7. b) ORS
9. a) Pellagra
6. c) Cross - sectional study
8. c) Late Expanding
MCQs in Physiotherapy
10. All of the following are properties of a good Hypothesis, except :
a) It must make a prediction
b) It must identify at least two variables
c) It must be a fact
d) It must offer a valid explanation for some outcome
11. What is the aim of research in Education ?
a) Help in personal growth of an individual
b) Help the candidate to become an eminent educationist
c) Increase job opportunities of the individual
d) Increase social status of the individual
12. Pulmonary ligament is the extension of
a) Visceral pleura
b) Parietal pleura
c) Diaphragmatic pleura
d) Cervical pleura
13. Which one of the following is not a branch of the arterial supply to fibrous and
parietal pericardium ?
a) Internal thoracic
b) Musculophrenic artery
c) Right coronary artery
d) Descending thoracic aorta
14. Awareness or perception of pain occurs at
a) Bulbar nuclei
b) Thalamocortical level
c) Para - aqueductal grey matter
d) Diencephalon
Ans: 10. c) It must be a fact
11. b) Help the candidate to become an eminent educationist
12. b) Parietal pleura
13. c) Right coronary artery
14. b) Thalamocortical level
MCQs in Physiotherapy
15. Posterior Cerebral Artery supplies primarily the
a) Frontal lobe
b) Temporal lobe
c) Parietal lobe
d) Occipital lobe
16. Which two rotator cuff muscle laterally rotate the arm at shoulder ?
a) Infraspinatus & Subscapularis
b) Supraspinatus & Infraspinatus
c) Teres minor & Infraspinatus
d) Teres minor & Subscapularis
17. Which of the following Bursae does not communicate with the synovial cavity of
the knee ?
a) Suprapatellar
b) Peroneal
c) Gastrocnemius
d) Anserine
18. The muscle which does not have cross - striations or non - striated muscle :
a) Skeletal Muscle
b) Cardiac Muscle
c) Smooth Muscle
d) Voluntary Muscle
19. Tetanus contraction of a muscle is defined as
a) Sustained contraction of muscle due to one stimuli with high frequency
b) Sustained contraction of muscle due to repeated stimuli with low frequency
c) Sustained contraction of muscle due to one stimuli with low frequency
d) Sustained contraction of muscle due to repeated stimuli with high frequency
Ans: 15. d) Occipital lobe
16. c) Teres minor & Infraspinatus
17. b) Peroneal
18. c) Smooth Muscle
19. d) Sustained contraction of muscle due to repeated stimuli with high
MCQs in Physiotherapy
20. Ordinarly bleeding will not occur until the number of platelets in the blood falls
below :
a) 80,000 / μl
b) 40,000 / μl
c) 50,000 / μl
d) 70,000 / μl
21. Rate of diffusion of gas across a respiratory member is inversely proportional to
a) Thickness of cell membrane
b) Surface area of the cell membrane
c) Solubility of the gas
d) Temperature
22. Which neuroglia are responsible for forming the myelin sheath around axons in the
peripheral nervous system ?
a) Microglia
b) Astrocytes
c) Schwann cells
d) Oligodend rougles
23. The resting membrane potential of a neuron is close to :
a) -65
b) +40
c) 0
d) -85
24. Which enzyme among mentioned below does not help in the process of glycolysis ?
a) Hexokinase
b) Aldolase
c) Pyruvate Kinase
d) Transaminase protein breakdown
Ans: 20. c) 50,000 / μl
21. a) Thickness of cell membrane
22. c) Schwann cells
23. a) -65
24. d) Transaminase protein breakdown
MCQs in Physiotherapy
25. One of the following is the most important essential fatty acid in the diet :
a) Linoleic acid
b) Arachidonic acid
c) Oleic acid
d) Palmitic acid
26. Temporal variables of the gait includes the following EXCEPT
a) Step time
b) Cadence
c) Step length
d) Speed
27. Abnormal high position of the patella on the femoral sulcus is known as
a) Patella alta
b) Patella baja
c) Chondromalacie patella
d) Jumpers knee
28. The movement of a segment around a fixed axis is
a) Translatory motion
b) Linear motion
c) Rotatory motion
d) Gliding
29. The measure of the distensibility of a structure or system is termed as
a) Extensibility
b) Elasticity
c) Compliance
d) Pressure
Ans: 25. a) Linoleic acid
26. c) Step length
27. a) Patella alta
28. c) Rotatory motion
29. c) Compliance
MCQs in Physiotherapy
30. When muscle is a effort force in 3rd class lever, it does a _______ contraction.
a) Eccentric
b) Isometric
c) Concentric
d) Iso - inertial
31. During running, the ground reaction forces at the Centre of Pressure (CoP)
reaches _________ of the body weight.
a) 50 %
b) 100 %
c) 150 %
d) 200 %
32. Force that cause rotation of the lever is
a) Compression
b) Torque
c) Tension
d) Muscle pull
33. The contraindication of stretching is
a) Scar tissue limitation of motion
b) Bony block limitation of motion
c) Shortening of healthy muscle
d) Mild contracture
34. Bridging does not help for
a) Facilitation of pelvic movements
b) Strengthening back extensors
c) Strengthening hip flexors
d) Strengthening hip extensors
Ans: 30. c) Concentric
31. d) 200 %
32. b) Torque
33. b) Bony block limitation of motion
34. c) Strengthening hip flexors
MCQs in Physiotherapy
35. Which technique is 10 lifts with ½ RM, 10 lifts with ¾ RM, 10 lifts with 10 RM ?
a) Mac Queens
b) Oxford
d) Delorme
36. Accommodating resistance exercise, is also known as
a) Isokinetic
b) Isometric
c) Isoinertial
d) Isotonic
37. Resisted isotonic contraction of the restricting muscles (antagonists) followed by
relaxation and movement into the increased range in
a) Hold relax
b) Rhythmic stabilization
c) Over flow
d) Contract relax
38. Which of these were found to be effective in the treatment of hyperhidrosis via
Iontophoresis ?
a) Glycopyrronium Bromide
b) Iodine
c) Albucid
d) Zinc
39. The frequency of high TENS ranges between :
a) 50 Hz to 100 Hz
b) 75 Hz to 100 Hz
c) 100 Hz to 150 Hz
d) 125 Hz to 150 Hz
Ans: 35. d) Delorme
36. a) Isokinetic
37. d) Contract relax
38. a) Glycopyrronium Bromide
39. c) 100 Hz to 150 Hz
MCQs in Physiotherapy
40. The difference between LASER light & other light is that, LASER light is
a) Monochromatic, Coherent & Directional
b) Dichromatic, Coherent & Directional
c) Monochromatic & Multidirectional
d) Coherent & Bidirectional
Ans: 40. a) Monochromatic, Coherent & Directional
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