MicroEcon Review for Final Exam - my exam is in UB2080 -2.5 hours, 7-9:30 PM -Chapters from the midterm just ch 3,4,5 After the midterm, do 8, 11, 12, 13, and 16 -total of 100 MCQs… time shouldn’t be a problem :P Ch 3,4,5 make up 20 MCQs, the rest are 80 MCQs -50 MCQs taken from tutorials - 5 from (ch 3,4,5) - 45 from (ch 8, 11, 12, 13, 16) -WILL BE ON THE LAPTOP, LOCKDOWN BROWSER -STUDENT ID REQUIRED AND NO OTHER ID ACCEPTED - makeup assignment solutions uploaded tomorrow dec 2… use it as practice - no office hours tomorrow dec 2 Signing in thru Bb, there is an online chat option to talk with him… instructions will be posted, chat avail on dec 8, from 9-11 pm December 9 (DAY OF THE EXAM), he will be in UB 3037 between 3 pm and 6:30 Send emails thru Bb whenever -bring calculator, pencil, id laptop, paper provided