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International Exchange Programs: An Interest Group Presentation

Péter Marton
Comparative Foreign Policy
Anastasiia Grigoreva
Greetings and introduction​​(up to 30 seconds).Thank you all for joining us and spending
your part of the morning with us. The Alliance for International Exchange was established 28
years ago and speaks on behalf of more than 90 nongovernmental organizations comprising
the international educational and cultural exchange community in the United States. We serve
as a voice of international exchange community and promote the growth and impact of
exchange programs.
Agenda, rationale and impact​​(up to 30 seconds). Our main objective is to increase the
Fiscal Year at $627.8 million. Insofar, binding cultural ties the country's capacities to adapt
effectively to foreign policy arena multiply, international exchange programs become
investment ​in the future national security and economic interests of the U.S.A.​for the long
run. Such programs perform as cost-effective public diplomacy.
Supportive argumentation (up to 4 minutes).
1. ​
Economic impact of exchange programs​​: ​a minor investment that pays off by
accelerating American economic competitiveness globally ​(Association of International
s' analysis of international students' contribution to the U.S. economy during the
2017-2018 academic year).​​These non-profit organizations employee thousands the U.S.
citizens and becomes a large part of the economic sector.
2. ​
Impact of exchange programs in a long run​​: mutually positive relationships between the
U.S. citizens and counterparts of the globe empower collaboration of future youth leaders and
provide close ​people-to-people diplomacy in the future (building partnership with Southeast
Asia through Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI).
3. ​
Business and academic benefits: ​
helps to facilitate professional networking opportunities,
enhance practical expertise and leadership of hosting and sending community (annually 200
professionals participate in activities finding solutions for legislative, environmental, and
human rights issues within Professional Fellows Program (PFP) American research centers
are created overseas serving thousands of American students and scholars.
Conclusion ​(up to 30 seconds). ​Since the end of World War II ​International exchange
programs serve​as “soft power” strategy​. As the Secretary of State John Kerry stated: “We
recognize that nothing brings about a common understanding more effectively than getting
the chance to live in another country, see the world through another lens, and forge
friendships that can last for decades,” denying importance of exchange and culture programs
is a major drawback for the country. In choosing targets and planning budget it is vital to look
ahead, therefore I ask you to reconsider the Fiscal Year budget and increase it up to $627.8
million. Kindly thank you for your attention.