Uploaded by Eric Addai

Computer System Basics Quiz

Choose or provide the correct answers for the questions below
1. Which is NOT a factor to consider when selecting a computer system?
A. Speed of the output device
B. Where it was purchased
C. Cost of the system
2. Which of the following is True? A good computer system must:
A. Some of the user’s requirements
B. Be very expensive
C. All the user’s requirements
3. The performance of a computer system, for example, a PC, depends solely on the
processor speed and NOT the memory.
A. True
B. False
4. What are the two most popular computer processors on market?
---------------------------------------5. Which of these should you NOT do before selecting a computer system for an individual
or an organization?
A. Ask for the user requirements
B. Personally buy the items you think they might need.
C. Consider the prices on the market