KATHMANDU UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROJECT REPORT ON DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF SCREW TURBINE BASED ON ARCHIMEDES PRINCIPLE Anish Paudel [11160] Rahul Mahato [11159] Rishav Devkota [11153] Sandip Paudel [11161] Santosh Devkota [13149] April 2022 Date: 20/09/2021 To The Project Supervisor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Kathmandu University SUBJECT: Cover Letter for Project Report Dear Sir/Madam, Submitted for your review is our project report entitled “DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF SCREW TURBINE BASED ON ARCHIMEDES PRINCIPLE.” The report is submitted as a requirement of course entitled Engineering Project MEEG 215. Within this document, you will find the basic introductions, objectives, methodology, and expected outcome of the proposed work (Listed in detail in the table of content section). We look forward to your thorough review and future participation in this project, as well as your approval. Sincerely, Anish Paudel Rahul Mahato Rishav Devkota Sandip Paudel Santosh Devkota ii PROJECT PROGRESS EVALUATION DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF SCREW TURBINE BASED ON ARCHIMEDES PRINCIPLE By Anish Paudel, Rahul Mahato, Rishav Devkota, Sandip Paudel and Santosh Devkota This is to certify that I have examined the above Project and have found that it is complete and satisfactory in all respects and that any revisions required by the thesis examination committee have been made. _________________________________ Prof.Dr. Sailesh Chitrakar Project coordinator Department of Mechanical Engineering __________________________________ Er. Pawan Karki Project Supervisor Department of Mechanical Engineering iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are extremely privileged and indebted to the all the support, supervision, assistance and guidelines, that we are receiving throughout the project. Firstly, we owe our deep gratitude to Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kathmandu University for providing this platform to do the project. Then with all due respect, special thanks to our supervisor, Er. Pawan Karki for providing the necessary guidance. We would also like to thank our project coordinator, Prof. Dr. Sailesh Chitrakar for giving us all support and guidance. Our special thanks go to countless readers of this project report who are the most important critic and commenter. We welcome constructive comments and suggestion which will help us to do better in future. It is our radiant sentiment to place on record our kindest regards whoever were directly and indirectly involved in the successful completion of this project. iv ABSTRACT This project aims to study design parameters and create an Archimedean screw turbine with the best possible performance. A 3D model of the Archimedean Screw Turbine was designed using SOLIDWORKS. The 3D designed parts were also studied specifically to gain an idea for the fabrication. This research also emphasizes the importance of the Archimedes screw due to its low head power generation and low environmental effect. The parts are designed by CAD SOLIDWORKS 2020. A low head Archimedean Screw Turbine aims to generate enough electricity locally from a medium current of water flow. It is made up of a screw rotor, a frame, a Plummer, an AC motor gear box, and other components. It is intended to work with a low head of 0.5m to 15m in river flow. Taking the design and calculations under consideration, the screw turbine was fabricated. Later, after the turbine has been constructed, an experiment is carried out to produce the maximum amount of electricity possible by selecting the optimum angle from a variety of angles. Keywords: Archimedean, Rotor, Screw v Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.............................................................................................iv List of Figures...............................................................................................................vii List of Tables...............................................................................................................viii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS........................................................................................ix CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION.................................................................................24 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Background....................................................................................................24 Literature Review...........................................................................................25 Objectives.......................................................................................................26 Significance....................................................................................................26 Limitations.....................................................................................................26 CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY................................................................................28 1.6 Theoretical Framework...................................................................................28 1.7 Study Design..................................................................................................29 1.8 Calculation......................................................................................................30 1.9 3D MODELS..................................................................................................34 1.10 Fabrication Process.........................................................................................39 1.10.1 Preparation of Screw Blade.....................................................................39 1.10.2 Preparation of Shafts...............................................................................40 1.10.3 Construction of the Frame......................................................................40 1.10.4 Making of Pulley.....................................................................................41 1.10.5 Making of Control Box...........................................................................41 1.10.6 Making of Turbine Frame Cover.............................................................41 1.10.7 Assembly of all Components..................................................................41 1.11 Machinery used during fabrication.................................................................41 1.11.1 Lathe Operation......................................................................................41 1.11.2 Welding Process......................................................................................42 1.11.3 Hand Grinder..........................................................................................43 1.11.4 Tongs.......................................................................................................43 1.11.5 Lathe Cutting Tools.................................................................................43 1.11.6 Odd Leg Drawing Caliper Compass.......................................................44 1.12 Components Assembled in CAD....................................................................45 1.13 Gantt chart......................................................................................................46 CHAPTER 3: BUDGET SPENT..................................................................................47 CHAPTER 4: PROJECT PROGRESS..........................................................................48 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION......................................................................................49 REFERENCES.............................................................................................................50 vi List of Figures Figure 1: Screw Turbines [Pesymista]..........................................................................25 Figure 2: Flow chart of Theoretical framework............................................................28 Figure 3: Flow Chart of Working Process....................................................................29 Figure 4:Screw Rotor....................................................................................................34 Figure 5: Body..............................................................................................................35 Figure 6: Plummer........................................................................................................36 Figure 7: Generator and its box....................................................................................36 Figure 8: Ball Bearing...................................................................................................37 Figure 9: Pulley for generator box and screw rotor......................................................38 Figure 10: Hexagonal Bolt............................................................................................39 Figure 11: Tong [7].......................................................................................................43 Figure 12: Some Lathe operations with the help of cutting tools [8]...........................44 Figure 13: Odd Leg Calipers.........................................................................................44 Figure 14: Before Assembly of component..................................................................45 Figure 15: After Assembly of component.....................................................................45 Figure 16: Side Views After Final Assembly................................................................51 Figure 17: Screw Rotor/Blade......................................................................................52 Figure 18: Ball Bearing Casing.....................................................................................53 Figure 19: Generator Pulley..........................................................................................54 Figure 20: 6206 Ball Bearing........................................................................................55 Figure 21: Shaft Pulley.................................................................................................56 Figure 22: Generator.....................................................................................................57 Figure 23: Bolt..............................................................................................................58 vii List of Tables Table 1: Gantt Chart......................................................................................................46 Table 2: Budget Distribution.........................................................................................47 viii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BCE- Before Common Era AST-Archimedes Screw Turbine ix LIST OF SYMBOLS W: Watt MM: Millimeter RPM: Revolution per minutes x CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The electricity demand for growing population is getting high day by days and Hydropower plants tend to fulfill this demand in a suitable way. Different small Hydropower plants help to light up rural villages using locally available material. It is believed that Archimedes screw was invented by Archimedes of Syracuse (circa 287-212 BCE), the Greek physicist, mathematician and inventor[ CITATION KTB04 \l 1033 ]. Screw turbine is a small hydropower plant constructed on Archimedes' principle. Screw turbine aims to fulfill the requirement of small amount of electricity that is enough to light up bulbs or have the potential to charge a mobile phone. Screw turbine is designed to make it small and portable. The screw turbine promotes the concept of green and renewable energy generation. The experimental study of screw turbine had started long before in Europe. Initially, it was designed for the purpose of water pumping and later it was experimented to generate electricity. First, the screw turbine is inclined at a certain angle of inclination from the surface of water normally ranges from (30-45) The Archimedean Screw is placed at the center of the cuboid shaped frame, Water flowing at the certain rate of constant/variant velocity hitting the screw blade leads to the conversion to electricity. The generator mounted on the top head converts the kinetic energy to electrical energy. Water weight moves the turbine blade efficiently and more effectively with the help of ball bearings (gear box). The river water is flown downstream through the hydropower screw. Because of screw structure, fish and eels can pass through the turbine safely. Figure 1.1 Show the turbine installed in the Radomka River, Poland. xi Figure 1: Screw Turbines [Pesymista] 1.2 Literature Review Rorres C[ CITATION Nue13 \l 1033 ], Nurenberg and C. Rorres (2013) derived analytical model for water inflow of Archimedes screw turbine to get the optimal value of the inflow parameters. In this paper, they adopted some formulas of Archimedes screw pump that published by C. Rorres (2000), which are radius ratio, pitch ratio, volume ration and volume per turn ratio. For getting efficiency, they considered leakage between the flights and the trough and leakage from overflow. Their analytical model compared with experimental measurement. However, value of highest efficiency of screw turbine is still become a question. Guilhem Delinger[ CITATION Del16 \l 1033 ], did experimental research of Archimedes screw turbine. They derived some formulas based on C.Rorres (2000).Their research shows both theoretical and experimental values of efficiency decrease when screw inclination increases. Arash Yoosef Doost and William David Lubitz [ CITATION Ara \l 1033 ], Archimedes screws can operate in low water heads (less than about 5 m) and a range of flow rates xii with practical efficiencies of 60% to 80% and can generate up to 355 kW of power. ASTs increase the number of suitable sites where it is possible to develop sustainable hydropower, including in undeveloped, hard to access regions and small communities. Ahmad[ CITATION Afd \l 1033 ], the screw turbine with an outside diameter of 142 mm and the water flow rate of 1.2 l/s with the head of 0.25 m, can produce maximum power 1.4 W with 49% efficiency at 22o angle of inclination. This turbine has one blade screw and screw turbine experiment apparatus is made by using locally available materials. The screw turbine has shown good potential to be used for low head micro hydro-electric installations. Aggidis GA[CITATION Tid16 \n \l 1033 ], this turbine also known as very low maintenance turbine, that retipping is required every 20 years, with a minimum lifetime of 30 years. The main maintenance issue is the complicated gearbox required. The Archimedes screw turbine operates at low rotational speeds, which means a complex gearbox is required for connection to a generator. 1.3 1.4 Objectives To design and fabricate screw turbine. To analyze the performance of Screw Turbine at different angle of inclinations. Significance Screw Turbine can convert the potential energy of a river with a relatively low head and low flows into electricity. Screw turbine is variable speed operation, which means, it depends upon flow rate available in the river, and the rotational speed of the screw turbine can be increased or decreased. xiii 1.5 Limitations Screw Turbine can convert the potential energy of a river with a relatively low head and low flows into electricity. The efficiency of screw turbine isn’t as high as other turbines. CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY 1.6 Theoretical Framework The theoretical framework is shown below which shows the process involved in completion of the project. xiv Figure 2: Flow chart of Theoretical framework 1.7 Study Design The steps in this project are depicted in the diagram below. A literature review was completed first, followed by a market survey to determine part availability. The materials used were selected focused on their accessibility. Calculations and design xv were finished. The fabrication and assembly procedure will be completed in the next step. Following that, experiments and analysis will be carried out. The design process will be changed if the product does not fulfill the requirements. All of the procedures will be redone from the ground up, including the literature review. After the experiment has been completed successfully, the final result will be displayed. Figure 3: Flow Chart of Working Process 1.8 Calculation The geometry of a turbine or Archimedes screw pump is determined by the external dimensions and dimensions in the turbine. xvi P=Pitch of blade Di=Inner Diameter of shaft (mm) Do=Outer diameter of blade(mm) θ=Tilt angle of the turbine shaft N=Number of threads These are the basic terms and symbols that we have used in our calculation. Here, the tilt angle ‘θ’ will be generally between 20 degree to 40 degree. The dimension in this turbine are chosen by reading various papers and that can also be optimized in our project. Initially, we have made assumption as, P=120 mm D=125mm d=40mm To find the total length of elongation of a single blade(l) for length (l) the formula is: 2 l=√ ( πd ) + p 2 2 l=√ ( π 140 ) +1202 =173.75≈173mm To find the length of the blade: xvii 2 L=√ ( πd ) + p2 2 L=√ ( π 125 ) +1202 = 410.62 ≈ 410 mm For inner diameter of the shaft: ' d= D−d L ( −1) l where d’ is the inner diameter of the shaft for fabrication ' d= 125−40 410 = 63.29 ≈ 63 mm ( −1) 175 For outer diameter of the shaft: D’=( D−d)+d ’ ¿(125−40)+63 ¿ 150 mm To find the tilt angle ‘θ’, it can be calculated as θ(¿ D ' )= L Dπ 360 θ ( ¿ D' )=319.33 degree=41 degree θavg= 43degrees which is the required tilt angle. Volumetric Flow Rate Volumetric Flow Rate (Q)=flow velocity(v)∗Cross−Sectional Area( A ) Efficiency=( P output /P input )∗100 % where , Poutput =turbine power Pinput =fluid power xviii The power produced by a turbine with certain efficiency can be determined by equation P=ρghη where, ρ=density of water θ=flow rate g=accelerationdue ¿ gravity H=net head η=turbine efficiency For Power Provided The power provided by the Archimedes Screw Turbine with certain efficiency is given by Pinput =ρ∗g∗Q∗H∗η where, 3 P=1000 kg /m g=9.8 m/ s2 H=0.15 m(for our setup) 3 Q=0.05 m /s η=60 %( assumption) Pinput =1000∗9.8∗0.05∗0.15∗0.6=44.1 watts For Output Power η= POuput ∗100 % = 26.46 watts Pinput 1.9 3D MODELS The initial estimated 3D modeling of the components design is done by using SOLIDWORKS software with proper dimensions. Following are the components included in the system. xix Screw rotor Screw rotors are the screw helical shape rotating in the turbine. We intended to use plastic (3D printing) in the fabrication and designed it accordingly. It consists of screw like thread. The screw is carefully mounted in the shaft as in the helical form. Its dimensions are Blade Radius: 75mm Shaft radius :30mm, 10mm, 10mm Total length: 500mm Blade Part :450mm Figure 4:Screw Rotor Frame/Body A frame is the main supporting structure of an Archimedeans turbine to which all the other components is attached. Its dimensions are Total length :1200mm (200mm, 200mm and 800mm) Frame angle for Blade: 45 degree Height of frame :163.5mm Thickness :25mm Generator holder :100*100mm and thickness :25mm Body holder carrier :100*50mm Chamber: 1mm xx Fillet :10mm Figure 5: Body Plummer A pillow block bearing (or Plummer block) is a pedestal used to provide support for a rotating shaft with the help of compatible bearings & various accessories. The assembly consists of a mounting block which houses a bearing. It is about 50mm in the diameter and fitted with shaft. Its dimensions are Inner radius: 15mm Outer radius: 30mm Number of holes is 2 and radius is 10mm for holding the case xxi Thickness: 15mm Chamber: 1mm Figure 6: Plummer AC motor generator and its box AST are usually equipped with synchronous generators operating at variable angular speeds based on permanent magnets. It is a design solution which can contribute to meeting the requirements of efficient operation. The dimensions and specs of the generator are Name: Dynamo 12v Number of holes on base is 2 of radius 10mm Phase: Direct Current Power: Electric Power Motor Voltage: 4V-12V Speed: 1000-2000 RPM Model of Dynamo circular Material Meta xxii Ball Bearing A ball bearing is a type of rolling-element bearing that uses balls to maintain the separation between the bearing races. The purpose of a ball bearing is to reduce rotational friction and support radial and axial loads. It achieves this by 7: Generator and its and box transmit the loads through the using at least two races Figure to contain the balls balls. Its dimensions are Bearing Code 6206 Inner diameter 30mm Outer diameter 62mm Radius of Ball 1.5mm Figure 8: Ball Bearing Pulley A pulley is a wheel on shaft that is designed to support movement and change of direction of a stretched belt or transfer of power between the shaft and belt. Pulleys are affixed to shafts at their axes, and power is transmitted between the shafts by means of endless belts running over the pulleys. The dimensions for generator box pulley are: Inner radius: 6mm xxiii Outer radius: 15mm Width: 13.50 mm Thread cut: 4mm 120 degree Height: 30mm And the dimensions for screw rotor are Inner radius: 10mm Outer radius: 30mm Width: 13.50mm Thread cut: 4mm 120 degree Height: 60 mm Figure 9: Pulley for generator box and screw rotor Bolt A bolt is a type of fastener, usually made from metal, which commonly comprises a head at one end, a chamfer at the other, and a shaft characterized by an external helical ridge known as a 'thread'. Bolts are typically used to hold materials or objects together, or to position objects. Its dimensions are Inner radius :8 mm Outer radius :12 mm xxiv Bolt Name: Hexagonal bolt Figure 10: Hexagonal Bolt 1.10 Fabrication Process 1.10.1 Preparation of Screw Blade 1. First, we hammered the metal plate to make it straight. 2. We marked the center in the metal plate and then constructed the circle (by marking with the help compass shaped(divider). 3. Then we got rectangular shape sheet plate and it was cut into circle shaped sheet by the help of hand grinder. 4. We welded all the circular plate so that we can make the work faster as we don't have to replace the circular disc again and again in the lathe machine as well as the inner radius will be more accurate this way. 5. We cut the circular plate and cut cutting angle to get perfectly aligned through the shaft after we stretch the circular plate. 6. We stretched the circular plate up to the pitch length (as calculation) 7. We parallelly welded each blade onto the shaft one by one. xxv 1.10.2 Preparation of Shafts 1) We used lathe to make shafts. Two shafts were made of 20mm diameter each with the help of a lathe machine. 2) Circular plate was attached with shafts and joined with the blade shaft to help the screw blade rotate easily. 1.10.3 Construction of the Frame 1) For frame we are using the angle bar of dimension (25*25 mm) and of four angle bars of length 70 cm and six angle bars of length 25mm. 2) Different angle bars were then welded together to create a frame. xxvi 1.10.4 Making of Pulley 1) We made a pulley of Nylon having 12mm hole for shaft attachment and 60mm diameter. 2) The made pulley was then connected with the standard belt of dimension 1.10.5 Making of Control Box 1) We made a control box with the help of wood and cutting it into a dimension of 2) The circuit and the electric bulb will be attached inside the control box. 1.10.6 Making of Turbine Frame Cover 1) We used Polycarbonate sheet and zinc sheet to wrap up the whole turbine to add some further design to the turbine. 2) Polycarbonate sheet of 4.5 square feet was used and zinc sheet of around 35mm*70mm dimension. 1.10.7 Assembly of all Components 1) All the components were then assembled with the additional help of bolts and ball bearings. The blade, frame, shaft, pulley and belt, electric bulb, motor was assembled to produce a final prototype. 1.11 Machinery used during fabrication 1.11.1 Lathe Operation 1) A lathe machine is a machine tool that removes the undesired material from a rotating workpiece in the form of chips with the help of a tool that is traversed across the work and can be feed deep into the work. It one of the most versatile and widely used machine tools all over the world and also known as the mother of all machines. 2) A workpiece is said to be "between centers" if it is fixed between the headstock and the tailstock. xxvii 3) We used lathe machine to manufacture shafts and for making the hole inside the screw blade. 1.11.2 Welding Process 1) Welding is the process of fusion of the two or more metal parts by the means of heat or pressure. It is usually done in metals or thermoplastics. 2) During the fabrication of our turbine, we used the arc welding process. Shielded arc welding is usually accomplished by means of an electric arc formed between the work and the coated metallic electrode xxviii 1.11.3 Hand Grinder 1) An angle grinder is a handheld power tool that can be used for a variety of metal fabrication jobs that include cutting, grinding, deburring, finishing and polishing 2) We used hand grinder to smooth out the welded parts and cut the extended metal pieces while frame construction. 1.11.4 Tongs Tongs are a tool that is used to properly grip (hold) various shapes and sizes of heated workpieces. We move the workpiece to a new location with the help of tongs. This tool has been used to hold work pieces while welding and grinding. Figure 11: Tong[ CITATION the \l 1033 ] 1.11.5 Lathe Cutting Tools With the help of lathe cutting tools, a lathe machine rotates the workpiece around an axis of rotation and performs various operations such as turning, undercutting, knurling, drilling, facing, boring, and cutting. The following figure show some common operations that can be done with the help of lathe and lathe cutting tools. xxix Figure 12: Some Lathe operations with the help of cutting tools[ CITATION Res \l 1033 ] 1.11.6 Odd Leg Drawing Caliper Compass Odd leg drawing caliper compass is used to make circle on the working piece. It is used mainly in wooden and metal piece to draw circle on them. It draws the circle by scribing with its pointed end. Figure : Odd Leg Calipers xxx 1.12 Components Assembled in CAD The final assembled model using all the parts shown below: Figure 13: Before Assembly of component Figure 14: After Assembly of component xxxi 1.13 Gantt Chart Table 1 Shows the work schedule of our project. Table 1: Gantt Chart Tasks Performed Mar 202 1 Apri l May 2021 202 1 June July Aug 202 1 2021 2021 Sep 2021 Oct Nov Dec 2021 2021 2021 Jan 2022 Feb Mar Apr 2022 202 2 2022 Literature Review Proposal Defense Conceptual Framework Material Selection Market Survey Detailed Design Presentatio n on progress of the Project 3D Modeling And Analysis Fabrication Final Presentatio n Work Completed Work Remaining xxxii CHAPTER 3: BUDGET SPENT Table 2 shows the work schedule of our project. Table 2: Budget Distribution S.NO . 1. PARTICULARS QTY. UNIT RATE AMOUNT 1 - 2100 2100 2. Sewing Machine motor BULB 1 - 100 100 3. NUT &BOLT 0.70 kgs 203.54 142.48 4. NUT&BOLT WASSER 0.20 kgs 222.24 44.25 5. FIBER/PVC SHEET DC motor 4.50 Sq. ft 119.47 537.62 1 - 450 450 6. 7. xxxiii CHAPTER 4: PROJECT PROGRESS The specifications and requirements for the design were established The theoretical framework's final section was successfully completed Various sources were gathered and evaluated Different parts were designed Calculations to determine various parameters Fabrication of Screw Turbine Testing of Screw Turbine Necessary tinkering was done on the design aspect to make the turbine effective Electricity around 30 W was generated which could light up an electric bulb xxxiv CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION Various information about the performance, design characteristics, fabrication approach, and mathematical calculations of the screw turbine based on the Archimedes Principle was obtained during the study, design, and fabrication of the turbine. Using locally available materials and processes, a small prototype screw turbine was successfully built. The effect of inclination angle on turbine efficiency has yet to be determined experimentally. The fabricated Screw Turbine can generate up to 5 Watts of electricity and easily light an electric bulb. The turbine weighs approximately 8 kg, making it portable. More research is needed to determine the best method for designing and fabricating a screw blade on the shaft. Water overflow and leaks are also major issues that have an impact on power generation, so they must be minimized. xxxv REFERENCES [1] K. T. Blauwendraat, ""The Archimedean Screw-Pump"," Internation symposium on history of machines and mechanism, pp. 181-194, 2004. [2] N. D. a. R. C, " Nuernbe Analytical model for water inflow of an Archimedes screw used in hydropower generation.," vol. 2, pp. 213-220, 2013. [3] T. A. G. P. G. A. Dellinger G, "Dellinger G, Experimental investigation and performance analysis of Archimedes screw generator.," pp. 1-13, 2016. [4] A. Y. D. a. W. D. Lubitz., "Archimedes Screw Turbines: A Sustainable Development Solutions For Green and Renewable Energy Generations". [5] A. F. S. Afdhal Kurniawan Mainil, " Experimental study of screw turbine performance based on different angle of inclination". [6] A. G. Waters S, "Tidal range technologies and state of the art in review.," vol. 59, pp. 514-529, 2016. [7] "themechanicalengineering.com," [Online]. Available: https://themechanicalengineering.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Tongs.jpg. [8] "Researchgate," [Online]. Available: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/WilliamBiles/publication/265923596/figure/fig3/AS:669386406895620@1536605564234/ Common-lathe-operations_W640.jpg. xxxvi APPENDIX The CAD drawings of part embedded in our product is shown below. Figure : Side Views After Final Assembly xxxvii