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CAPE Sociology Unit 1 Course Outline

Unit 1
Cape Sociology Unit 1
This Unit is divided into three Modules:
Module 1 covers the area dealing with
Sociology the Discipline
Methods of Research
Origins of Caribbean Sociology
What is Culture?
Caribbean Culture
What is Identity?
Caribbean Identity
Module 2 covers the area dealing with Social Institutions
The Family
Family Types
Ethnic Families
Origins of Caribbean indigenous Religions
History and Development of Caribbean Education
Module 3 - Social Stratification and Social Mobility
Caribbean Stratification
Social mobility in the Caribbean
Essay Plans
Unit 1 Module 1 - Sociology, Culture & Identity
Can Sociology be value free?
Sociology a Science essay strategy
Unit 1 Module 2 - Social Institutions, Family, Religion & Education
Education & Social Mobility Essay plan
Essay strategy for Caribbean Religon
Marked Essays
Unit 1 Module 1 - Sociology, Culture & Identity
Quantitative methods
Rigours of Quantitative Methods better suited for sociological research
Within the social sciences, there is a debate about whether sociology is a science or not. Evaluate the major position
Unit 1 Module 2 - Social Institutions, Family, Religion & Education
Family Essay
Does matrifocality characterize Caribbean families?
‘Fit’ between the matrifocal family and the Caribbean society
Unit 1 Module 3 - Social Stratification & Social Mobility
Most significant processes affecting West Indian stratification
Davis and Moore's theory applied to the Caribbean
Unit 2 Module 1 - Population Studies
Malthus vs Marx on Population
Neo-Malthusian policy for Caribbean population control
Assess the extent to which the Malthusian theory of population can be applied to a named Caribbean territory
Unit 2 Module 2 - Social Control, Crime & Deviance
Crime and Deviance Essay
Major assumptions of the interactionist perspective evaluated
Unit 2 Module 3 - Poverty & Social Development
Caribbean Human Capital Development Essay
Industrialization by invitation
Theories of Poverty applied to Caribbean
The Poor Will always be with us
Scholar Essays
Unit 2 Module 3 - Poverty & Social Development
Britian and Caribbean Historical Relations
Question Bank
The Capesociology.org Question Bank is comprised
of original specimen questions, designed by and
specifically for capesociology.org. We hereby advise
that users adhere to the user guide. These questions can
be used for non-commercial, practice exercise, by our
registered users.
User discretion is advised!
Review Pointers
Use these questions to review syllabus content,
you have already covered.
Unit 1 - Unit 1 Essay Questions
Define the following terms:
1. Sociology, culture, identity, norms, values, cultural
universals, structural universals, popular culture,
subculture, counter culture, Caribbean, society,
positivism, social order, equlibirum, status, roles, social
groups, socialization, education, religion, social change,
sanctions; family, peer group, mass media, quantitative
& qualitative methods, sample.
2. The student should be able to satisfactorily explain
and identify the theorists who advocate and critique the
Functionalism - views on Society (Social Order, Social
Mobility and Stratification), Institutions (Family,
Religion, Education)
Marxist - views on Society (Social Order and
Stratification), Institutions (Family, Religion, Education)
Interpretivism - views on Society (Social Order and
Stratification), Institutions (Family, Religion, Education)
Plantation Society Theory
Plural Society
Creole Society Theory
Methods of Research - Positivism, Interpretivism
3. Become familiar with current statistics (where
available) on issues relating to
Become familiar with approximately three Caribbean
countries, with regards to: Social mobility and Social
Religious affiliation and historical development/recent
Changes in Family structure eg, delayed marriage rates,
divorce rates etc.
Changes in Education policy and its effects on the
contemporary populations
Unit 2 - Unit 2 Essay Questions
Define the following terms:
and learn formulas, where applicable
1. demography, population, crude birth & death rates,
natural increase, migration, immigration, emigration,
ageing, fertility, infant mortality, life expectancy,
dependency ratio, population growth rate, fecundity,
crime, deviance, sanctions, punishment, rewards,
anomie, socail order, social control, modernization,
dependency, (social) development, industrialization,
urbanization, bureacratization, tourism, gender, rural,
health, sustainable development, poverty, capitalism,
globaization, underdevelopment.
2. The student should be able to satisfactorily explain
and identify the theorists who advocate and critique the
Malthusian, Marxist, Demographic Transition Theory of
Theoretical views on crime/deviance - Functionalist,
Marxist, Interactionist
Institutions of Social Control - family, religion,education,
Theories of Development - Evolutionary, Cultural,
Theories of Poverty - Functionalist, Marxist
3. Become familiar with current statistics (where
available) on issues relating to the following issues in the
Alternatives to sentencing
Corporal and Capital Punishment
Social Distribution of Crime
Juvenile Delinquency
Domestic Abuse
White Collar Crime
4. Students should be able to satisfactorily explain
How Social Development is Measured
The Issues that affect Development in the Caribbean industrialization, urbanization, bureaucracy, tourism,
gender, agriculture
Which social groups constitutes the poor - women,
indigenous peoples etc..
Poverty Alleviation Policies and their applicability to the
Enjoy your revision - plan ahead, rest
regularly and eat adequately.
I.A. Guidelines
Internal Assessment
General Guidelines for the Internal Assessment
This section will provide students with a general
guideline for the structure of their Internal Assessment.
We have simply explained in a bit more detail how the
marks are awarded and provided suggestions for
how students should go about putting the IA
together. Please note that students are not to use
our guidelines as a substitute for Teacher
guidance and counsel. We have simply provided a
guide for students, which would help to make the
research and compliation process a bit more
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 1
This section is divided into three parts
Section I. Introduction (5marks)
Gives an overall introduction of the research topic,
historical references if any, other impacting factors
which maybe social, economic, environmental or
Definition of Research Problem
1. This includes a statement of Problem This is a
statement, not a question. It is a statement about the
issue the research paper/project is based upon. e.g. This
paper seeks to examine: The socio-economic factors that
contributes to the prevalence of female-headed
households in the village of G ; located on the South
Western Coast of Grenada.
2. Aims and Objectives of study (5 marks) This research
paper attempts to determine the following:
- The social and economic factors, which contributes to
the formation of female-headed households in G Village.
- The socio-economic consequences of the prevalence of
such households for the community of G in particular
and the Parish of St. George in general.
- Recommendations for policy makers and other social
service groups to help alleviate the problems caused by
the existence of such households.
3. Literature Review (8 marks) - Students should read at
least six (6) sources on the issue they are conducting
research. This includes books, magazines, newspaper
clippings, electronic sources etc…. Avoid having only
electronic sources, in as far as is possible use books. The literature review should be no more than four-six
- A literature review is a brief overview of the available
literature (print and electronic etc.) on the issue being
researched. It also gives the reader an idea of the focus of
the particular literature.
E.g. Ann Marsche in The Demasculinization of Men
(1998) suggests that one of the major reasons for the
growth and prevalence of female-headed households due
to the ‘masculiniztion of women’ – women overtaking
male responsibility, which parallels the marginalization
of the male, forcing them to the’ sidelines’. “The ultimate
response of the male: he reverts to ‘pimping, playing and
partying’, while the female endures duress!” - Further the
literature review also highlights the areas where much
research may not have been done. - Finally, ensure that
YOU state where your research would fit in in the wider
scheme of things. E.g. this research project would add to
the existing literature, since no empirical research has
been conducted in G on the issue of female-headed
households. In so doing the researcher hopes to provoke
policy makers and social service providers to become
pro-active at the community level in matters relating to
family life which in turn affects community and national
development. At the end of SECTION I the student will
be marked on his/her communication (use of language –
proper sentence construction and spelling) in a logical
(good ordering of thoughts) way using correct grammar.
( 1 mark)
Section 2
1. The research design (4 marks)
In this section the student is required to explain how
they put their ‘research tools’ together. This may include
a brief outline of research methods used, timelines etc...
- In order to collect empirical data (statistics), printed
questionnaires were used as a primary source. The
questionnaire as a tool for collecting data has a number
of advantages suited to the title of this research paper,
these include the following:
a. It was useful for collecting large amounts of data in a
short period of time.
b. Guaranteed confidentiality for the respondents
c. It was convenient for both the researcher and
respondents alike – since respondents were able to
respond to the questionnaire at their own convenience,
without the monitoring of the researcher.
- A table showing the timeline – date and times of tasks
performed can also be included (this is optional).
However, it may be useful to show how research was
conducted for more qualitative type/based research
2. Sociological Perspective (3 marks)
In this section candidates are to accurately and succintly
use relevant sociological perspectives to highlight what
Sociologists say about the research topic under
Candidates are expected to demonstrate that they have
the ability to satisfactorily dissect (use, weigh, assess and
evaluate), relevant sociological perspectives to discuss
the positive and or negative impact/occurances etc.. of
the social phenomenon that is being researched.
3. The Sample/Selection of Subjects to be Studied
The research sample consisted of fifty (50) femaleheaded households in G village St. Georges. G village
consists of ten (10) streets, five (5) female-headed
households from each street were randomly selected, and
questionnaires administered to them. The age group of
this sample population ranged from 18 – 60 years.
3. The Data Collection : Instrument and Techniques (3
Attach all data collection instruments and copy of cover
letters dispatched with the data collection instrument to
instruct the respondents on how to answer the questions
as well as the reason for the conducting of the research
paper. E.g. Copy of Questionnaire and Cover Letter.
Section 3
Presentation of Data
1. Presentation (9 marks)
- Present data in different formats e.g. pie, bar charts
2. Analysis of data (6marks)
- Explain what your data shows
3. Discussion of Findings and Conclusions (6 marks)
- This refers to the trends, peculiarities (specific
occurrences), recent phenomenon etc… as it relates to
the area of research and the general applications that can
be made in terms of the society, community etc.
Also make recommendations as it relates to the trends,
peculiarities etc….
At the end of SECTION III the student will be marked on
his/her communication (use of language – proper
sentence construction and spelling) in a logical (good
ordering of thoughts) way using correct grammar. (3
Bibliography (3marks)
There are differing styles for writing a bibliography.
Since Sociology is a Social Science, the Bibliography
should use a style commensurate with the Social Science
Traditionally this has been the APA (American
Psychological Association) style.
Format Example for Bibliographic Citation:
General Rule: Authors' names are inverted (last name
first); give the last name and initials for all authors of a
particular work unless the work has more than six
THAN SIX AUTHORS USE et.al. after the sixth author.
A. Books
Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital
letter also for subtitle. Location: Publisher.
Example: Underwood, Fane. 2004. Maleness and
Masculinity in a Genderized World, Kingston: Jamaica,
Ian Randle Publishers
B. Electronic sources
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title
of article. Title of Online Source, volume number(issue
number if available). Retrieved month day, year,
from http://www.someaddress.com/full/url/
Example: Neyhart, D, & Karper, E. et.al. (February 17th
2009). APA Formatting and Style Guide. Owl
Materials. Retrieved April 12th, 2009,
from http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/
C. Non-Print Sources
(R. Sankar, personal communication, April 4, 2009)
D. Other Sources
Liszosky, F.T. (2000). Sociology. In The World Book
Encyclopedia (Vol. 14, pp. 321-322). New York: World
Book Inc.
E. Government Sources
Central Statistical Office. (2003). Household Income
Averages (CSO No. 0025). Port of Spain: Trinidad.
Government Printing Office.
For more detailed information on citation styles
please refer to a Citation manual.