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SQL Queries for Employee Database Management

Solve all the query:
I. Disp l ay all the in fonnation of the EMP table?
2. Displ ay un iq ue Jobs from EMP table?
3. List the en1ps in the asc order of their Salaries?
4. List the details of the emps in asc order of the Dptnos and desc of Jobs?
5. Displ ay all the un i que job groups in the descending order?
6. List
all the details
of Sal,
all 'Mgrs'
the Empno,
annual sal of all emps in the asc order of
7. List the e1n ps who joined before 1981.
Annu al sal.
9. Display the Empno, Ename, job , Hiredate, Experience of all Mgrs
1 O.List the En1pno, Ename, Sal, Exp of all ernps working for Mgr 7369.
11.Displ ay all the detai l s of the emps whose Comm . Is more than their Sal.
12.List the em ps in the asc order of Designations of those joined after the
second hal f of 1981.
13.List the emps along with their Exp and Daily Sal is more than Rs. 100.
14.List the emps who are either 'CLERK' or 'ANALYST' in the Desc order.
15.List the emp who are working for the Deptno 10 or20
16.List the e1nps who joined on l -MAY-81,3-DEC-8 1,17-DEC-8 1 ,1 9-J AN-80
i n asc order of seniority.
17. List the e1nps who are joined in the year 81.
J 8.List the einps who are joined in the month of Aug 1980.
19.List the emps Who Annual sal ranging from 22000 and 45000.