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Week 1.pdf

Day one of the Jay Cutler Living Large mass trainer begins with chest. Today, we're promoting growth with
heavy sets of 10 reps. It's bodybuilding 101!
Are you ready to build a legacy? It's starts right now—day one of the Jay Cutler Living Largetrainer.
Your goal is mass; that means you need to pick up heavy weight. You may not be able to throw around the poundage that Jay
does, but size doesn't come from 5-pound dumbbells. Add meat to your chest by using big weights. Go heavy, go hard, and get it
done. You have 21 sets to make a change in your body. Let's get lifting!
Pro tip: Using dips to work your chest requires a little bit of technique. Lean your body forward–your shoulders ahead of your
hands–while you're doing the movement. Focus on engaging your chest, instead of relying solely on your triceps to press your
body upward.
Day 1: Chest
Leverage Incline Chest Press
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 180-360 pounds
Flat Bench Press
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 225-315 pounds
Dumbbell Flyes
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 65-85 pounds
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: Bodyweight (280-300 pounds)
Dumbbell Straight-Arm Pull-Over
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 100 pounds
Standing Calf Raise
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 250-350 pounds
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3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 90-180
Without big arms, your most muscular pose won't win you any fans. Use Jay's arms workout to achieve that
awe-inspiring size you've always wanted!
Nothing says "bodybuilder" like a set of massive arms. Bulging biceps and 3D triceps don't come without a little pain and a lot of
hard work.
Make sure you do all the sets. It's a lot of volume, but that's the way Jay Cutler likes to train. Hit those angles and pump the
muscles full of blood. You won't get anywhere by cutting corners or taking it easy. Do it right, and by the end of the workout your
arms will feel so big and heavy you won't be able to take a drink of your post-workout shake!
Day 2: Arms
Rope Push-Down
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 100-150 pounds
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: Bodyweight (280-300 pounds)
French Press
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 65-105 pounds
Close-Grip Bench Press
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 185-245 pounds
Straight-Bar Push-Down
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 120-180 pounds
Barbell Curl
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 95-135 pounds
Preacher Curl
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 85-125 pounds
Dumbbell Curl
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 45-65 pounds
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Curl from CourseHero.com on 10-24-2023 19:51:58 GMT -05:00
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 65 pounds
Reverse Curl
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 85-105 pounds
Today, your task is to concentrate on repairing your muscles. Rest is crucial for muscle recovery and growth.
Sleep well, eat up, and get ready to go hard again tomorrow.
If you want to get big like Jay, you need to rest and recover. Rest days are essential for promoting muscle growth. Without them,
you'll leave yourself more prone to injury, fatigue, and even training plateaus. It might be tempting to use that this extra time on
the treadmill—fight the urge. You've spent your training days tearing down your muscle fibers, so now it's time to let them repair
and re-grow.
Today, focus on your nutrition. Get those calories in and your body will have no choice but to respond by gaining mass. Don't
skip meals, but also don't think "rest day" is a code word for "cheat day." Your diet may not be as strict as a fat-loss program
would call for, but the proper macronutrient ratio is essential for muscle growth. Fuel your body with healthy food and you'll get
the best from your muscles; you'll go harder and heavier on your training days. Feed your body crap, and your work in the gym
will suffer.
Rest days are also excellent opportunities for fun. Spend time with your family, take your dog for a walk, see a movie, take a
nap—or all of the above. Jay Cutler lives large by balancing bodybuilding, business, and life. He puts on his game face when he
needs to, but he doesn't immerse himself so heavily in the lifestyle that he can't find his way back out again. Take your cues from
Jay and enjoy each day as it comes.
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Jay Cutler will show you how to get wider than a barn door and stronger than an ox. Try this back workout
and you'll quickly learn what it means to 'Train Large!'
Too many people forget about their back. You can't see it in the mirror very well, but a big, ripped back is absolutely necessary to
building a symmetrical physique. Even if you don't have to worry about a competition-ready double-back biceps pose, it's worth
your time to build wide lats and strong rhomboids. Width comes from a large back, and Jay Cutler is one wide dude.
Make it your goal to increase your pull to match the strength of your push. While you're definitely focusing on hypertrophy and
physique during this trainer, it doesn't hurt to find balance in your strength levels. If you can bench press 100 more pounds than
you can deadlift, set the goal of raising that second number before you're done with this program.
Day 4: Back
Reverse-Grip Pull-Down
4 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 200-300 pounds
One-Arm Dumbbell Row
4 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 100-180 pounds
T-Bar Row
4 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 135-270 pounds
Bent-Over Barbell Row
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 225-365 pounds
Seated Cable Row
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 250-275 pounds
4 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 225-315 pounds
Back Extensions
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: Bodyweight
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The coveted V-taper starts with a set of wide shoulders. Build yours by following Jay Cutler's shouldertraining workout. Your delts and traps will never be the same!
If you're plagued by skinny shoulders and sad-looking traps, worry no more. Jay Cutler has the workout you need to add size and
shape to that sickly upper body!
There's more to shoulder training than grabbing some dumbbells and front-raising until the cows come home. Without some reardelt action, your shoulders will roll forward and you'll look more like the Hunchback of Notre Dame than the Incredible Hulk. Hit
your shoulders from every angle so you'll never have to worry about inconsistent aesthetics. Jay's plan will help you build that
awesome V-taper and 360-degree muscularity.
Day 5: Shoulders
Seated Side Dumbbell Lateral
6 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 40-65 pounds
Dumbbell Press
4 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 100-150 pounds
Barbell Front Raise (shown with dumbbells)
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 100-135 pounds
Cable Lateral Raise
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 55-70 pounds
Rear Dumbbell Lateral
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 50-60 pounds
Rear Cable Lateral
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 50-55 pounds
Dumbbell Shrug
6 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 120-160 pounds
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It's leg day, baby. If you're nervous, it's OK. But don't be scared of your own potential. Go crazy today and
earn tomorrow's rest!
You can't have a mass trainer without an intense leg day. Jay Cutler hits his quads, hams, and glutes with tenacity and aggression.
He wouldn't be caught dead on a bodybuilding stage with stringy quads or tiny hamstrings. If your normal workout program
doesn't include a dedicated leg day, you're in dire need of a Cutler intervention.
On some lifts, Jay's weight selection ranges quite substantially. It's your job to make the workout difficult, whatever that means to
you on any given day. Some days may feel better than others, but if you're not working your muscles to the apex of their ability,
you're doing yourself a disservice. Don't finish a week's worth of great workouts with a fizzle, end it with a loud bang you can be
proud of. You have tomorrow to recover.
Day 6: Legs
Lying Leg Curl
4 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 100-180 pounds
Seated Leg Curl
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 120-150 pounds
Single-Leg Curl
3 sets of 10 reps per legJay's Weight: 100-120 pounds
Stiff-Legged Deadlift
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 135-225 pounds
Leg Extension
2 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 100-120 pounds
Leg Press
4 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 10-16 plates
Hack Squat
4 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 6-12 plates
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Front Squat
4 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 135-365 pounds
3 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: Bodyweight
Leg Extension
4 sets of 10 repsJay's Weight: 120-160 pounds
Today, your task is to concentrate on repairing your muscles. Rest is crucial for muscle recovery and growth.
Sleep well, eat up, and get ready to go hard again tomorrow.
by Bodybuilding.com
If you want to get big like Jay, you need to rest and recover. Rest days are essential for promoting muscle growth. Without them,
you'll leave yourself more prone to injury, fatigue, and even training plateaus. It might be tempting to use that this extra time on
the treadmill—fight the urge. You've spent your training days tearing down your muscle fibers, so now it's time to let them repair
and re-grow.
Today, focus on your nutrition. Get those calories in and your body will have no choice but to respond by gaining mass. Don't
skip meals, but also don't think "rest day" is a code word for "cheat day." Your diet may not be as strict as a fat-loss program
would call for, but the proper macronutrient ratio is essential for muscle growth. Fuel your body with healthy food and you'll get
the best from your muscles; you'll go harder and heavier on your training days. Feed your body crap, and your work in the gym
will suffer.
Rest days are also excellent opportunities for fun. Spend time with your family, take your dog for a walk, see a movie, take a
nap—or all of the above. Jay Cutler lives large by balancing bodybuilding, business, and life. He puts on his game face when he
needs to, but he doesn't immerse himself so heavily in the lifestyle that he can't find his way back out again. Take your cues from
Jay and enjoy each day as it comes.
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