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Skeletal & Joint Diseases: Rickets, Osteoporosis, Arthritis

Diseases of the Skeleton and Joints
➢ Bones become soft, bend and weaken the skeleton.
➢ Weakening leads to deformities and a high incidence of bone fractures
➢ Rickets occur in children where bone development is still occurring. It is
caused by a shortage of vitamin D.
➢ Vitamin D absorbs calcium which is needed for the development of strong
bones and teeth.
* Osteoporosis
➢ Decrease in bone density.
➢ Leads to weakened bones which greatly increase the risk of a fracture of the
hips, spine and wrists.
➢ Osteoporosis is more common in older women.
➢ A curved back and a decrease in height are visible signs of this disease.
* Arthritis
➢ Causes severe pain and a loss of movement in the joints.
➢ Inflammation in the joints
➢ Rheumatoid arthritis: synovial membranes in the joints thicken and
produce too much synovial fluid which causes inflammation. This is an
autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system attacks its own
tissues. Causes deformation of the joints and commonly affects the
small finger joints, wrists, knees and toes.
➢ Osteoarthritis: cartilage that forms part of a joint ages and disintegrates
with time. The bones in the joint grind against each other and cause
inflammation. Occurs in the hips, knees, feet, fingers and spine. Joints can
disintegrate as a person ages, or as a result of sports (high physical
activity) and previous injuries. Age, physical activity and previous injuries
could all lead to more wear and tear on the cartilage of the joints.
Articular cartilage of joint wears away.
Bones of joint grind against each other.
Small outgrowths of bone produced.