SUBMITTED BY SHAHEEN SULTANA ID: 20210102005 SHAHRIAR ALI ID: 20210102028 SUBMITTED TO : PROF. DR. WAHIDUZZAMAN KHAN professor of marketing, School of Business. Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology. The TECHY AMAZON INSIGHT THE AMAZON COMPANY THE AMAZON COMPANY Amazon is an American multinational technology company based in Seattle that focuses on e-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence. It is considered one of the Big Four tech companies, along with Google, Apple, and Facebook. Net Worth $164.5 billion Founded by Jeff Bezos WHAT MADE AMAZON COME TO INDIA? WHAT MADE AMAZON COME TO INDIA? • More than 65% consumers were under the age of 35 years • 67% of population lived in rural area. Only 35% of Indian population have access to the internet Customers preferred cash transactions Vision Mission Objective s “T o b e Eart h’s mos t customer-cen tric company, where cu stomer s can fin d and d iscover anythin g they might want to b uy onl ine’’ ‘’ W e s t rive to offer our cu stomers the lowest po ssible p rices, th e best a vailabl e select ion’’ • • • • cu s t omer ob session rather than co mpetit or focus , p a s s ion for i nventio n, co mmitmen t to ope rationa l excell ence, l o n g -term t hinking Vision “To be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online’’ Mission ‘’ We strive to offer our customers the lowest possible prices, the best available selection’’ Objectives • customer obsession rather than competitor focus, • passion for invention, • commitment to operational excellence, • long-term thinking BUSINESS ISSUES • CASH BASED ECONOMY MODEL • LACK OF E-COMMERCE KNOWLEDGE AMONG PEOPLE BUSINESS ISSUES • VENDORS WERE SMALL IN SCALE . • LOWER LITERACY AND LIMITED INFRASTRUCTURE IN RURALAREAS • MANY INDIANS WERE NOT READY TO RELY ON ONLINE SERVICES APPROACHES ISSUES TAKEN BY AMAZON TO FACE THOSE APPROACHES TAKEN BY AMAZON TO FACE THOSE ISSUES ISSUES APPROACHES TAKEN BY AMAZON TO FACE THOSE ISSUES "Amazon Chai Cart" and "Amazon Tatkal" to educate and onboard small business owners onto their platform ISSUES APPROACHES TAKEN BY AMAZON TO FACE THOSE ISSUES ISSUES They established warehouses, and developed delivery systems using services like India Post and Blue Dart Amazon also leveraged bikes and bicycles for product delivery in both urban and rural areas. APPROACHES TAKEN BY AMAZON TO FACE THOSE ISSUES ISSUES The company conducted extensive market research to understand consumer behavior and preferences. By using keywords and personalized offers based on customers' purchase history. DATA COLLECTION METHODS DATA COLLECTION METHODS COMPANY USES BUYING PATTERN AND ACCOUNT INFORMATION WITH CUSTOMER REVIEW SEARCH OPTIMIZATION AND REVIEW COUNT WERE ALSO UNDERTAKEN TECHNIQUES SUCH AS BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE,MACHINES LEARNING HELPS IN UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR IT ALSO REALIZED THAT CLICKS DO NOT WORKS FOR THEM SO THEY MODIFIED THE SEARCH AS IT WILL BY FILLED BY AMAZON thanks!