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USA as Terrorist: Foreign Policy & Global Perceptions

Good paper. Your questions are valid, as we in the US are trying to define terrorist and domestic
terrorist. It is important to understand how other countries view the United States. I don’t think
the US government cares what Russia, China, and North Korea who government officials are
dictators and do harm to their citizens cares how we are viewed.
I did add some information to your paper. These are not corrections to your view, or me trying to
change your view. It is away to get you thinking on questions that will be asked when you make
a stance on your statement. When making a statement or giving your opinion, in a scholarly
setting it needs to be backed by facts. It is ok to disagree with the facts and offer why you think it
should be viewed in a different way, but it still needs to have a set of facts. This is not only a
writing assignment, but also your working thesis.
Week 2 Paper
Wyatt Powers
New Mexico Highlands University
Professor Romero
After watching the zoom video, TED Talks, and reading the articles, I had a few
additional ideas. The main idea in my head was which groups thought of the USA as terrorists? I
know there are many within the middle eastern area but does China, Russia, or North Korea view
us in that light? I mean I would understand why considering the USA has been capable of
waging multiple wars at once across the globe since World War 1 (Library Of Congress). The
United State’s foreign policy within the middle east could easily be seen as terrorism when
following Daniel Snook’s Four Major Components of Terrorism (Snook, 2018) What is the US
foreign policy in the middle east and how could it be seen as terrorism? When citing a source,
you also need to elaborate further in your statements. The US foreign policy can be viewed in
other countries as the US being terrorist, however, what sanctions or repercussions will those
countries take towards the US?)
The point made in the zoom video of how cutting off food supply wouldn’t necessarily
harm the leaders but definitely the population hit home with me. It reminded me of the potential
future of war, being only cyber-attacks on dams, power grids, pipelines, etc. This wouldn’t harm
the leaders of a country probably since there will be backup systems to ensure their safety, but
the citizens of the targeted country would be the most impacted.
Jason McCue’s TED Global Talk was phenomenal. The perspective of terrorism being a brand
was a great way of bringing his point across to the audience (McCue, 2012). The entire process
of exposure with different cultures and people has been shown to break down walls over and
over again. His point of practicing what we preach would be essential for changing the brand of
the USA and any country or group. We would need to start taking better care of our citizens and
those who want to join the USA (how would you implement your ideas to better take care of the
USA? Will this slow down or stop terrorist?). With the interactions of Hamas and the Israelis,
there’s no wonder why Hamas has committed terrorist acts, their homes have been bulldozed,
they have no opportunities to make a living, and every interaction with Israelis is when the
military is patrolling (You need to add an article, reading, or some type of facts to back your
statement). As for Hamas, this group has committed terrorist acts and that is because they are a
terrorist group. There is no excuse for their actions on innocent civilians or the attack on Israel.
Over the years Hamas is responsible for suicide bombings and other despicable acts. Their only
intention is to try and control their country and citizens through fear and killings. Here is an
article in regard to, What Is Hamas? | Council on Foreign Relations (cfr.org)
Library Of Congress. (n.d.). U.S. participation in the Great War (World War I) : Progressive
Era to New Era, 1900-1929 : U.S. history primary source timeline : classroom materials
at the Library of Congress : library of Congress. The Library of Congress.
Snook, D. (2018, April). Fear itself: America’s dysfunctional relationship with terrorism. Daniel
Snook: Fear Itself: America’s Dysfunctional Relationship with Terrorism | TED Talk.
McCue, J. (2012, June). Terrorism is a failed brand. Jason McCue: Terrorism is a failed brand |
TED Talk. https://www.ted.com/talks/jason_mccue_terrorism_is_a_failed_brand