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Annotated Bibliography: Systemic Racism in Education

‭Alan Peeler‬
‭Professor Megan Hartline‬
‭Persuasion and Propaganda‬
‭October 28, 2021‬
‭Annotated Bibliography‬
‭Chatterji, Roby. “Fighting Systemic Racism in K-12 Education: Helping Allies Move from the‬
‭Keyboard to the School Board.” Center for American Progress, 24 Sept. 2020,‬
‭This article comes from the Center for American Progress, which describes itself as “an‬
‭independent nonpartisan policy institute that is dedicated to improving the lives of all‬
‭Americans...” This particular article is concerned with the uptick in anti-racism allies and what‬
‭these new additions can do to fight systemic racism, specifically in the nation’s public schools.‬
‭The first suggested course of action is to seek equitable funding for low income areas, as schools‬
‭there were already struggling before much of their limited budget was slashed in the recession of‬
‭2008. The second suggestion offered is for allies to advocate for a lowered police presence on‬
‭school grounds, as all students suffer performance decreases when subjected to scrutiny from‬
‭security, and people of color are on the receiving end of an unfair bias regarding extra policing.‬
‭The final suggestion is to end the de facto segregation that has come with neighborhood zoning‬
‭being used to keep low income children from attending school with those in higher income‬
‭Furfaro, Hannah. “To Understand Structural Racism, Look to Our Schools.” The Seattle Times,‬
‭The Seattle Times Company, 14 July 2020,‬
‭“How Systemic Racism Infiltrates Education.” Https://Www.benjerry.com,‬
‭This fascinating piece is brought to us by the official website for Ben & Jerry’s, the ice‬
‭cream sellers. The author (who is unnamed) sets up the idea that hard work and a good education‬
‭will set people up for success. However, it then describes how black students in particular face‬
‭an unusually high amount of punishment in school, and the author attributes these unfortunate‬
‭facts to a suspicion of guilt that follows those students throughout their time in school. The‬
‭author finishes out with a call to sign a petition and engage in conversation regarding‬
‭institutional racism.‬
‭I am mainly using this article to show a corporate interest in the topic of institutional‬
‭racism. It’s important to note that a company does not do anything without profit in mind, but‬
‭even if this is just part of a public relations stunt, the message at the core of the article is a good‬
‭one. However, the author makes no mention of Ben & Jerry’s putting any money towards the‬
‭cause they’ve just written about, merely imploring the reader to do things outside of the‬
‭Johns, David J. “Disrupting Implicit Bias Final - Ed.”‬‭EDBlogs‬‭,‬
‭Jolley, Ava. “Stop Framing Institutional Racism as a Relic of the Past: It's a Curriculum‬
‭Problem.” Education First, 6 July 2020,‬
‭Jolley presents her point of view as that of a high schooler actually facing the direct‬
‭impact of institutional racism in the public school system. She discusses how students who have‬
‭not been the subject of institutional racism do not believe it exists, despite being classmates with‬
‭those who have dealt with it their whole lives. Jolley stipulates the blame for this lack of‬
‭information lies with a school curriculum that acts as though racism doesn’t exist. This‬
‭ignorance, she says, leaves people unprepared to talk about race issues, as the problems so‬
‭pervasive in the country are simply not taught in classrooms.‬
‭While caution may dictate taking an inflamed article written by a high schooler with a‬
‭grain of salt, it is important to look at issues from the perspective of those directly affected by‬
‭those issues. My main goal in using this source is to show a young person’s perspective on‬
‭racism, along with the perceived reason for it. Jolley’s discussion of how her classmate’s‬
‭ignorance was propagated in the classroom setting is just one example of how not being‬
‭knowingly affected by racial issues can still affect how you impact others.‬
‭Wilson, Charlie. “President's Perspective: Ending Institutional Racism in Education.” Home, 1‬
‭Feb. 2021,‬