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Ancient Egypt Hieroglyphics Worksheet

Ancient Egypt – Hieroglyphics
HIEROGLYPHICS was a form of Ancient Egyptian
____________. Some one who could read and write in
ancient Egypt was called a _______________.
When Hieroglyphics were first developed, they were carved
into ___________ or wood, they would later be written on
_______________, which is Egyptian paper.
Jean Champollion was the name of the ___________ scholar
who deciphered Hieroglyphics. Napoleon Bonaparte’s
soldiers discovered in Egypt in 1799 the
_________________. This was a slab of black rock in which a
message was written in 3 languages (hieroglyphics, demotic
and ___________). This was used to decipher hieroglyphics.
Champollion knew Greek and was able to use this to open up
hieroglyphics to the world.