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APMP Strategic Plan 2021-2023: Metrology in Asia Pacific

APMP Strategic Plan 2021-2023
This document sets out APMP’s priority strategic objectives and their implementation
plans for the years from 2021 to 2023.
APMP’s vision is to be an inclusive, representative and transparent Regional
Metrology Organization (RMO), providing leadership in meeting measurement
challenges within the Asia Pacific region.
APMP’s mission is to promote and support the development and international
recognition of measurement infrastructure in the Asia Pacific region that facilitates
international trade, improves industrial efficiency and competitiveness, ensures
equity in the marketplace, and enhances the quality of life and the environment for its
The regional and global context
APMP’s strategy evolves with the evolution of national, regional and global contexts1.
This Strategic Plan focuses on the following key aspects of its current context:
Significant and long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID19 pandemic has significantly impacted the whole world and the
consequences are likely to continue for some time. In response, it is imperative
that APMP mobilizes the expertise of its members and stakeholders to foster
capacity building, scientific innovation and collaboration. Intrinsic to this
response, particular attention should be given to narrowing the gap for
developing economies.
The timeframe of this Plan means that the current context encompasses and needs to take into account the
challenges due to COVID-19. The elements of the Plan will be implemented by APMP members adapting to and
mindful of national and regional needs arising from this crisis.
Advances in measurement science and technology and the rise of global
challenges. Rapid advances in scientific innovation have led to dramatic
changes in industry and ways of life. Addressing increasing global challenges
is a priority for all governments to improve quality of life. APMP members
face new research challenges to best leverage advances in measurement
science and technology in support of government priorities and society more
broadly. These challenges include, for example, provision of measurement
solutions for new technologies, emerging industries and to address global
challenges (advanced manufacturing, digital economy, healthcare) and
development of quantum measurement standards and methods.
Uneven development among Members. APMP has a number of member
economies whose national metrology infrastructures are still developing as
well as some that are not yet a part of the global metrology system. It is a core
objective of APMP to help developing economies in the region to both
improve their metrological capabilities, and achieve international recognition
of these capabilities, thereby providing fundamental support to their economy
and society.
Effective and efficient governance. APMP’s ongoing sustainability and
effectiveness is critical, with a need for regular strategic planning, sound
procedures and guidelines for its operations, and an effective monitoring and
evaluation system for its activities and its use of financial resources.
Additionally APMP needs to take advantage of digital platforms to foster
strategic dialogue, store resources and data and facilitate routine work. A
visionary exploration of establishing APMP as a legal entity would help
inform whether this could support its long term sustainability.
Stronger regional and international engagement. APMP can improve its
global standing by showcasing the technical excellence of its members and
increasing participation of APMP members in prioritised regional and
international forums as well as taking on more leadership roles. APMP should
regularly review, and prioritize its stakeholder relationships and enhance
engagement with priority partners in order to increase opportunities for the
application of metrology to regional and global challenges.
Strategic Objectives for years 2021-2023
Based on this context, APMP identifies six strategic objectives as its work priorities for
the years 2021 to 2023.
1. Work together in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic
This Objective focuses on enhancing the strength of APMP members in combating the
COVID-19 pandemic, and promoting the application of measurement technologies in
support of national, regional and international efforts to eliminate COVID-19 and
mitigate its consequences.
We will:
Create platforms to foster and maintain communications among members
and with external stakeholders in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic;
Fund programs to promote comparisons, studies, training, information
exchange, and other activities needed to improve the strength of APMP
member institutes in combating the COVID-19 pandemic;
Encourage collaboration to leverage resources available in NMIs
Use online tools to foster and maintain efficiency in APMP’s work
programs and help developing members adapt to remote work.
2. Promote R&D excellence in emerging areas
This Objective focuses on enhancing the scientific and technical strengths of APMP
members in cutting-edge areas to meet the evolving needs from scientific innovation,
industrial advances and social progress. This requires a clear identification of research
priorities and directions and effective organization of cooperation among APMP
member institutes. APMP will improve the effectiveness of its Technical Committee
Initiative (TCI) Program. It will also initiate, maintain and strengthen links with peak
international partners and forums on cutting-edge topics in which metrology can
provide impact and benefit.
We will:
2.1 With respect to the TCI Program:
Develop Guidelines for APMP TCI and FGI Projects to provide consolidated
guidance for the management of APMP-funded projects;
Orient the Program towards innovation, establish a mechanism to define
and regularly review funding priorities of the TCI Program, monitor and
evaluate funded activities, and encourage follow-up activities of successful
funded TCI projects to increase and extend their value;
Encourage openness to and collaboration with partners from industry,
academia, Quality Infrastructure (QI) organizations, and other
communities of relevance, including other RMOs and forums under the
Metre Convention.
2.2 Increase engagement in peak international academic forums:
Increase participation of APMP members in peak international academic
forums on cutting-edge metrology topics, e.g. the digital SI, and provide
mechanisms for the timely transfer of latest scientific and technical
development information to APMP members.
3. Increase APMP’s impact and value to members
This Objective focuses on APMP supporting the development of a strong and credible
metrology infrastructure in the Asia Pacific region and increasing benefits for
individual member economies. This Objective has two goals. The first is to expand
APMP’s member coverage so that all economies in the Asia Pacific region will have a
chance to participate in and benefit from the regional and international metrology
systems. The second is to support the capacity building of all APMP member institutes,
especially that of APMP developing member institutes where the APMP Developing
Economies’ Committee (DEC) will play a leading role.
We will:
3.1 Expand regional coverage:
Continue to encourage peak measurement institutes in the region to
become APMP members.
3.2 Support dissemination of the re-defined SI:
Support implementation of the re-defined SI by APMP members. This will
include supporting the provision of traceability to primary standards
based on the re-definitions and the organization of knowledge transfer
3.3 Increase capabilities of developing member institutes:
Through implementation of the DEC Strategic Plan and associated annual
Work Plans, ensure delivery of effective capacity building measures that
utilise at least 80% of the annual DEC budget;
Enhance APMP engagement in the planning and execution of the PTB
MEDEA program, noting the success and value of this cooperation, while
also ensuring that the DEC is developing longer term sustainability into its
activities to build from MEDEA after its completion;
Encourage and utilize diverse resources, including from member
institutes, for capacity building of developing members. Encourage joint
projects between the DEC and developing APMP members to best utilize
APMP members’ resources for training, workshops and attachments, etc.
3.4 Sustain the role of Focus Groups (FG):
Develop an APMP Focus Group Guidance to establish rules and procedures
for the operation of APMP’s Focus Groups;
Establish a mechanism to regularly review and identify new priority FG
areas to enhance APMP members’ collaboration and response to important
emerging cross-disciplinary topics, economic sectors, etc.
Work with TCs and the DEC to foster high quality Focus Group Initiatives
(FGI) projects that include support for technical committees and
developing member institutes;
Encourage openness to and collaboration with stakeholders from
government, industry, academia, QI organizations, and other relevant
forums including, for example, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation and
through linkages with other RMOs and liaisons under the Metre
4. Enhance the quality and efficiency of APMP’s governance and operations
This Objective focuses on holistically improving the operational quality of APMP to
maintain and strengthen its standing in the global metrology community.
We will:
4.1 Develop a systemic approach to strategic planning for APMP and establish a
comprehensive system of rules and procedures:
Establish a best-practice approach to APMP strategic planning aligned
with the term of the APMP Chairperson, and agreed and delivered by all
APMP structures;
Develop and maintain a comprehensive and up-to-date suite of all APMP
rules, operational procedures and guidelines.
4.2 Improve means of communication among members and with external
Develop and maintain a useful, open, informative, and technically
advanced website;
Develop and maintain a high-quality Knowledge Management System
(KMS) as a repository for knowledge products;
Provide an effective information sharing platform among members. This
will include the optimization of APMP meeting structures and agendas,
creation of thematic reporting sessions on important issues, bringing roles
of EC members and Committee Chairs into full focus, and improving
APMP’s NMI Directors Workshop to be an effective platform for highlevel, focused, and in-depth dialogues on strategic issues.
4.3 Explore establishing APMP as a legal entity to ensure the longer term sustainability
of the organization:
Conduct a risk analysis to evaluate the necessity of establishing a legal
entity and a feasibility study to identify key issues to address, procedures,
and costs/benefits if APMP is to establish the legal entity;
If appropriate, explore improvements to APMP’s membership fee
structure in order to ensure the sustainability of APMP’s operation as a
legal entity.
5. Enhance global engagement and partnership
This Objective focuses on building, maintaining and strengthening liaison with
stakeholder organizations to enhance APMP and metrology’s contributions to the
development of the Asia Pacific region. It also encourages APMP being open to and
agile in taking advantage of new opportunities of forging ties with other organizations,
in particular, those that rely on APMP members’ expertise.
We will:
Review, define and prioritize stakeholder organizations annually based on
the changing global and regional context;
Provide regular and effective participation in meetings and activities of
stakeholder organizations to provide APMP inputs and seek collaboration
Provide effective leadership to the APEC Sub-Committee on Standards
and Conformance (SCSC) Specialist Regional Bodies’ (SRB) Forum from
2021 to 2023, strengthen collaboration with the other APEC SRBs;
Enter into a Memorandum of Understanding and promote substantive
cooperation with the Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and
Standards (VAMAS).
6. Fulfill RMO obligations under the CIPM MRA
This Objective focuses on fulfillment of an RMO’s responsibilities in supporting the
operation of the CIPM MRA, as well as in improving the efficiency and effectiveness
of the CIPM MRA operation with APMP proposals.
We will:
Provide effective and competent participation in the JCRB with particular
emphasis on ensuring that the CIPM MRA meets the needs of all APMP
member institutes;
Implement regional comparisons according to APMP members’ needs;
Ensure efficient and effective intra-regional review of CMCs submitted by
APMP members, as well as inter-regional review of CMCs submitted by
other RMOs;
Promote the use of the hybrid comparison scheme as supporting evidence
for CMC submissions;
Maintain up-to-date quality system assessment guidelines to reflect
changes in the associated international documents, as well as new
challenges arising from CMC & QS reviews.