Running head: PROCESS OF OBSERVATION 1 INTRODUCTION This paper outlines the general principles relating to the routine use of observation of teaching as part of school approach to improving students learning experiences through enhancement of teacher professional development .The narrative is that classroom observation will result in developmental , constructive feedback leading to improvements in reflective practices and learning process. The experiences of the observer and the observee should contribute to the sharing of good practice and offer fresh percepectives on teaching and learning. Generally, Observation allows for gathering useful information about a process, activities and human behaviors that can help improve a process and It also uncovers issues that can comprise the effectiveness of the process MNP(2015). Observations are done in different forms depending on the purpose .Observation is used in the social sciences as a method for collecting data about people , processes, and cultures. It is also a tool used regularly to collect data by teacher researchers in their classrooms. (Kawulich, 2012). However, this paper focuses on the process of classroom observation. A classroom observation is the purposeful l examination of teaching and learning events through the systematic process of data collection and analysis (Bailey, 2001).The data collected from observations in the classroom is utilized to enhance teacher development which in turn leads to Iimproving quality of teaching and learning. As asserted by Lasagabaster and Sierra (2011),Classroom observation is a key component of teacher professional development and as such , any attempt to improve teaching quality must revolve around the teaching and learning processes taking place in the classroom .Montgomery (2002) , emphasizes this point by saying, although traditionally, classroom observation appraisal has been considered to take three main forms ( for professional development, reward and promotion), PROCESS OF OBSERVATION 2 researchers and practitioners generally agree that the most effective use of classroom observation is for professional development . . Because of the crucial role that classroom observation plays in teaching and learning, the paper is an attempt to give an insight of the suitable practices of the actual process of observation that can lead to development of teachers in order to enhance quality of teaching and learning in schools. The process of observation of learning and teaching with respect to formal class observation, procedures and protocols involved will be outlined and deliberated upon . AN OVERVIEW OF CLASSROOM OBSERVATION n this regard, motivation behind any school observation does not stop at classroom research but also extends to professional development of teachers (Hopkins,2002). On the contrary, observation should not be used as an endorsement for promotion and tenure or intimidation or making decisions, but rather should be intended for enhancing professional growth of the teacher (UK Essays,2016). The implication therefore, is that classroom observation can improve teachers performance if carried out strategically, however can become counter productive if handled otherwise. Lasagabaster and Sierra (2011) regards classroom observation as key component of teacher professional development as any attempt to improve teaching quality must revolve around the teaching and learning processes taking place in the classroom. On the same note, UK Essays (2016) also states that the purpose of classroom observation is to allow a teacher to get feedback and to involve in context- specific discussions about teaching with an experienced observer . Although formal observation and feedback are integral to improving teaching performance and practice (Jonson, PROCESS OF OBSERVATION 3 2008),many professionals express their anxiety and worry when it comes to classroom observation (Li, 2009 the benefits of observation can ultimate)). Lasagabaster& sierra also suggests that, the observed person has to feel confortable psychologically, trust being a fundamental objective, before ly be reaped. Its therefore impotant that a congenial relationship characterized by mutual confidence, respect and trust is established, between the observer and the observee . The need to build a climate of trust has been widely acknowledged ( Aubusson,et al. 2007). 2.0 PROCESS OF F0RMAL CLASSROOM OBSERVATION This involves 5 steps: Planning, pre-observation, Observation, Post –observation and Final report. 2.1 Step 1- PLANNING The process starts with planning for observation.The School management collectively sets goals and standards based on the school vision. Set standards of teaching, learning and assessment are recorded on an observation sheet or template which is used as an observation tool during classroom observation. According to (HRC,2016), the curriculum management team plan the observations for teachers and record on the observation schedule, evidence of standards of teaching ,learning and assessments which includes ,classroom based activities, workshop based activity, one to one reviews, learning support, Assessment activities for employment- based provision. The set standards are used as a criteria for judgement of observation so as to avoid inconsistency in observations made. In addition, HCR( 2016)advocates for an inspection system policy where formal observations are not graded, the grades are replaced with teaching and learning standards and this is believed to provide PROCESS OF OBSERVATION 4 a more comprehensive and holistic understanding of the strengths and areas of improvement for individuals, within curriculum areas. The scheduled plan of observation also includes frequency of observations to be carried out. According to (HRC, 2016), all staff linked to delivering or fascilitating learning will take part in at least one formal observation per academic year and Staff on probation period will have their first formal observation at 6 weeks and another at 18 weeks in addition to any teacher training observations. This is necessary in oder for observers to provide observees with reliable and valuable feedback. According to UK Essays (2016), so as to attain a representative sample of the teacher’s performance in the class, a number of different classroom observations need to be implemented. Members of staff are given notice of observation and all notifications should be copied to the line manager and the quality team. Observation of assessment in a work based area should be more flexible with formal notification in order to meet the needs for both the teacher and the employer (HCR,2016). Unannounced visits can be misinterpreted by teachers as an act of witch hunting . Marshall (2007) argues against announced class visits and encourages short and unannounced visits followed by feedback , saying observers see a real sampling of teaching throughout the year , unlike one unannounced observation wher the observer sees a tiny percentage of teaching. And a teacher can put 0n a special show for observation. Observers must be fully educated and trained not only in how to perform an effective classroom observation , but to have a clear ideaabout each category in which the teacher will be evaluated Danielson 2007. The purpose is to recognize bias and minimize its effect, Hofer 2016. Danielson, C. 2007.Enhancing professional practice. A framework for teaching. Alexadria VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. PROCESS OF OBSERVATION 2.2 5 STEP 2- Pre- observation meeting Pre- observation meeting is executed before the classroom observation between the teacher and the observer. Uk essays(2016)also states that pre-observation phase aims at clarifying activities through which outcomes of lessons observed will be attained. This step is supported by( Hadingham,2010) as being fundamental as it enables the reviewer and the reviewee to identify the goals for the observation and the specific aspects of classroom practice that the later would like evaluated. It is also inevitable that during this meeting, the purpose for conducting classroom observation is clarified to avoid arousing opposition and mistrust, as (Borch,2008) suggests, in the belief that their competencies is going to be questioned or judged . The member of staff being observed is expected to have read and clarified the criteria they are to be judged against, prior to the observation taking place (HRC, 2016). 2.3 STEP3- Classroom observation Observers gather information including organization and presentation of the lesson instructional methods, teacher- student interaction, flow of the session etc by using a checklist tool designed for classroom observation purpose( UK Essays,2016). The information gathered can help to gauge the effectiveness of educational practices and plan attempts for improvements (Malderez, 2003). Where possible, observers should elicit learner feedback during the session through talking to individual learners during the session and in addition Learner progress will also be informed by looking at student work, and tracking documentation (UK Essays).It is a good idea to sit at the back of the class so that you have a wide view of the entire room and also so that the students are not overly aware of observer’s presence and the teacher does not feel self conscious ( Hadingham,2010). PROCESS OF OBSERVATION 6 Where possible and only when it does not disrupt leaning, it is recommended that the member of teaching staff briefly introduces the observer and informs students of the purpose of observation when the observer arrives. The observee is expected to provide a range of documentation relevant to the session, including a learning plan ,Copies of any handouts, worksheets, assignment material and such, related to the session. PROCESS OF OBSERVATION 2.4 7 Step 4: Post – observation meeting This involves provision of feedback to the observee by the observer. Detailed verbal feedback on strengths, areas of development ,should be given to the employee within 48 hours of the observation wherever possible, and actions to be taken or any support the member of staff needs in order to improve or further develop their practice are discussed ,eg specific staff development, peer observation, development of resources, coaching, arrangements to share good practice etc. Marshall(2009) supports the use of frequen, focused classroom observation that include immediate and specific feedback to teachers.t This an opportunity for the reviewee to reflect on their teaching during the observation and the reviewer should provide constructive feedback. Holdheide2013, contends that conversations should center on instructional strategies to adree learning needs and shoul be constructive rather than critical. This is also an opportunity for the reviewee to dispute any observation made by reviewer in draft report ( Hadingham, 2010). If a member of staff does not agree with the overall judgment that has been awarded, they may appeal in writing to the head of quality. In all cases where an appeal is upheld, the original outcome is removed from the system and re- observation arranged (HRC, 2016). If a session has been judged to be effective overall, the action plan must contain elements of sharing good practice. If a session has been judged as not yet effective overall , the member of staff will be provided with appropriate support and will be re- observed within 8 teaching weeks (HCR, 2016).Any further failure to produce effective results will result in a decision to invoke the capability procedure. PROCESS OF OBSERVATION 2.5 Step 4 : The final report. A copy of the completed observation form and the observation action plan should be sent to the quality team within one week of the observation. The original observation report, signed by both the observer and observee, should be given to the observee.After observing the teacher, the observer should provide written specific feedback and recommendation for improvement for the teacher.Hofer, C.L(, 2016) CONCLUSION 8 PROCESS OF OBSERVATION 9 REFFERENCES David Lasagabaster& Sierra, J.M, (2011). Classroom observation:desirerable conditions established by teachers.European Journal of Teacher Education, Vol34:4, 449-463. Essays, UK. (2013). Classroom observation is the purposeful Examination of Teaching. Retrieved from essays/ education / classroom-observation- is -the –purposefulexaminination- of-teaching-education-essay. Php?vref =1 Essays, UK . (2013). 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