1.5.16 Email to Parents

This week in English Class – We are off to a great START to the new year! --
Word of the Week (WOW):
*The “Line Game”– A great icebreaker activity, students will step to the line in the center of
the room if the question I ask relates to them. This is a great way for me to get to know them, but they
also learn of things they have in common with others in their class! Plus….shhhh….. I can also test them
on their knowledge of Shakespeare and more! 
*”2016 Writing Exercise”– While discussing the new year and “resolutions” or “goals,” if
you will, students will complete an organizer about the TOP 20 things they would like to accomplish this
year, along with the BOTTOM 16 things they would like to avoid or change this year. They will then
complete the opposite side of the page, filling in (and decorating) their favorites in the numbers “2016”
to share with the class!
*Compare & Contrast/Essay Writing – We will look more at comparing and contrasting this
semester, as we shift into more reading comprehension and writing assignments. In the next few
weeks, we will begin “painting” essays to learn how they are structured, doing research for our own
essays, and learn more about the writing process.
*WRAP: Write or Read All Period – This Friday, we will visit the Media Center to check
in/check out books, and spend some time reading for pleasure in class. Students may also write for
pleasure. This is for a grade, so they will take time to find a good book to read (not study hall or
textbooks…!). Students may read an electronic book, as long as I see what they are reading from their
*Jaguar NEWS:
**See Athletic information attached.
**Don’t forget to check my website and Class Calendar there to see what is going on each
week. Have a great week!
“Go Jaguars!”