i “EFFECT OF LEVELS AND SOURCES OF POTASSIUM ON YIELD AND QUALITY OF KHARIF GROUNDNUT (Arachis hypogaea L.) IN ENTISOL.” By Miss. Bornali Borah (Reg.No.-K-015/108) A thesis submitted to the Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri- 413 722 Dist. Ahmednagar, Maharashtra (India) in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE (Agriculture) in SOIL SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY DIVISION OF SOIL SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY, COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, KOLHAPUR - 416 004 MAHARASHTRA (INDIA) 2017 ii “EFFECT OF LEVELS AND SOURCES OF POTASSIUM ON YIELD AND QUALITY OF KHARIF GROUNDNUT (Arachis hypogaea L.) IN ENTISOL.” By Miss. Bornali Borah (Reg.No.-K-015/108) A thesis submitted to the Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri- 413 722 Dist. Ahmednagar, Maharashtra (India) in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE (Agriculture) in SOIL SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY Approved by Dr. D. S. Patil (Chairman and Research Guide) Dr. G. G. Khot (Committee member) Prof. A. B. Mohite (Committee member) Dr. R. B. Pawar (Committee member) Prof. M. R. Shewale (Committee member) DIVISION OF SOIL SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, KOLHAPUR - 416 004 MAHARASHTRA (INDIA) 2017 iii CANDIDATE’S DECLARATION I hereby declare that this thesis or part there of has not been submitted by me or any other person to any other University or Institute for Award of a Degree or Diploma Place: A. C. Kolhapur Date: / / 2017 Miss. Bornali Borah iv Dr. D. S. Patil Professor, Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Kolhapur Maharashtra state (India) CERTIFICATE This is to certify that, the thesis entitled “EFFECT OF LEVELS AND SOURCES OF POTASSIUM ON YIELD AND QUALITY OF KHARIF GROUNDNUT (Arachis hypogaea L.) IN ENTISOL.” submitted to the Faculty of Agriculture, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar, Maharashtra State in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE (Agriculture) in SOIL SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY, piece of bona-fide embodies the results of a research carried out by Miss. BORNALI BORAH, under my guidance and supervision and that no part of this thesis has been submitted for any other degree or diploma in other form. The assistance and help received during the course of this investigation and sources of reference have been acknowledged. Place: A.C. Kolhapur Dr. D. S. Patil Date: Research Guide / /2017 duly v Dr. G. G. Khot, Associate Dean, College of Agriculture, Kolhapur- 416 004. Maharashtra State (India) CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled, “EFFECT OF LEVELS AND SOURCES OF POTASSIUM ON YIELD AND QUALITY OF KHARIF GROUNDNUT (Arachis hypogaea L.) IN ENTISOL.” submitted to the faculty of Agriculture, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar, Maharashtra State, India in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE (AGRICULTURE) in SOIL SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY, embodies the results of a piece of bona-fide research work carried out by Miss BORNALI BORAH, under the guidance and supervision of Dr. D. S. PATIL, Professor of Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Kolhapur and that no part of this thesis has been submitted for any other degree or diploma in any other form. Place: A. C. Kolhapur Dr. G. G. Khot Date: / /2017 Associate Dean vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I avail this opportunity to acknowledge my sincere, humble indebtedness and deepest sense of gratitude to my honourable guide Dr. D.S.Patil Professor of Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Kolhapur, whose insight, unfailing interest, constructive critism, inspiring guidance, infinite patience were as asset throughout the course of investigation, providing necessary facilities and valuable help in conducting the studies. The words are inadequate to thank him for the painstaking efforts, he has taken during the research work in the preparation of manuscript and final shaping of the thesis in present form. I sincerely thanks to Dr. G. G. Khot, Associate Dean, College of Agriculture, Kolhapur for providing necessary facilities for successful completion of research work. I enroll my esteem and inestimable gratitude with great respect to the Advisory Committee Dr.R.B.Pawar, Assistance Professor of Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry, Prof. M. R. Shewale, Assistant professor of Statistics and Mathematics and Prof.A. B. Mohite , Associate Professor Agronomy , College of Agriculture, Kolhapur for their valuable suggestions during the course of present investigation. I wish to place on record my heartful thanks to Dr. R. V. Kulkarni, Prof. S. M. Jagtap, Dr. B. S. Kadam, and Dr. P. C. Bhosale madam for their valuable support, help and co-operation throughout the course of study. I owe my heartful gratitude to Shri. Mukund M. Patil, Shri. Randive shri. Nikam, Shri. Sankpal, and Shri. Devappa for their timely help and co-operation. Indeed, the words at my command are inadequate in capacity as well as spirit to convey the depth of my heartful feeling which spring in the every core of the heart for my beloved father Shri. Khagen ch. Borah, Mother Smt. Hemoprova Borah, my brother Rupam Borah and my sisters Rituparna Borah and Swapnali Borah for their continuous moral support and heartiest blessing which was the source of constant inspiration throughout my educational career. vii I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my Departmental colleagues Hemanth, Madhuri, Shital pawar, Sayali and Shital jadhwar for their help during course of time. I also thank to my juniors Kalyan, Sumit, Sai Dharma, ketki, Rohini, Utkarsha and all other junior friends for their kind co-operation and support. I would like to thank my seniors Swati, Ushashri, Manpreet, Mukesh, kiran for their valuable help and support for the investigation. I am deeply greatful to all the authors, past and present whose literature has been cited. Place : Kolhapur Date : / /2017 (Miss. Bornali Borah) viii CONTENTS CHAPTERS PAGE NO. CANDIDATE’S DECLARATION iii CERTIFICATES: i) Research Guide iv ii) Associate Dean v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS vi LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xiv LIST OF PLATES xv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xvi ABSTRACT xix 1. INTRODUCTION 1-5 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Effect of levels and sources of potassium on growth 6-20 6 and growth parameters of kharif groundnut. 2.2 Effect of levels and sources of potassium on yield and 10 yield attributes of kharif groundnut. 2.3 Effect of levels and sources of potassium on nutrients 17 and potassium uptake by groundnut. 3. MATERIAL AND METHODS 3.1 21-39 Experimental materials 21 3.1.1 Experimental site 21 3.1.2 Soil of the experimental field 21 3.1.3 Climate conditions and location 23 3.1.4 Cropping history of the experimental field 25 ix 3.2 Experimental details 25 3.2.1 Experimental layout 25 3.2.2 Treatment details 27 3.3 Preparatory tillage 29 3.4 Fertilizer application 29 3.5 Seeds and sowing 29 3.5.1 Seeds and selection of variety 29 3.5.2 Sowing: 29 3.5.3 Gap filling 30 3.6 Irrigations 30 3.7 Harvesting 30 3.8 Biometric observations 32 3.8.1 Post harvest studies 33 Methods 33 3.9.1 Soil Analysis 34 3.9.2 Plant analysis 36 3.9.3 Uptake of nutrients by the crop 39 3.10 Quality analysis of seed 39 3.11 Statistical analysis 39 3.9 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Effect of levels and sources of potassium on yield and 40-68 40 yield attributes of groundnut. 4.1.1 Dry Pod yield 40 4.1.2 Kernel yield 43 4.1.3 Haulm yield 44 4.1.4 Shelling percentage 45 4.1.5 filled and unfilled pods plant-1 46 x 4.2 Effect of levels and sources of potassium on oil content 49 and oil yield of groundnut. 4.3 4.2.1 Oil content 49 4.2.2 Oil yield 50 Effect of levels and sources of potassium on nutrients 52 and potassium uptake by groundnut. 4.4 4.3.1 Total Nitrogen uptake 53 4.3.2 Total Phosphorus uptake 54 4.3.3 Total potassium uptake 55 4.3.4 Total Calcium uptake 58 4.3.5 Total Sulphur uptake 59 4.3.6 Total Boron uptake 60 Effect of levels and sources of potassium on chemical 61 properties and nutrient status of soil. 5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 6. LITERATURE CITED 7. VITA 69-71 72-83 84 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE NO. 1. TITLE NO. Initial soil properties of the experimental field. 22 2. Weather data recorded during experimental period. 24 3. Cropping history of experimental field. 25 4. Treatment details and their symbols used. 27 5. Schedule of field operations carried out in the 31 experimental plot during kharif 2016. 6. Details of plant observations. 32 7. Methods of Soil Analysis. 34 8. Methods used for plant analysis. 37 9. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on dry pod, 42 kernel, haulm yield and shelling percent of groundnut. 10. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on dry pod 43 yield of groundnut. 11. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on kernel 44 yield of groundnut. 12. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on haulm 45 yield of groundnut. 13. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on shelling Percentage of groundnut. 46 xii 14. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on filled and 47 unfilled pods plant-1 of groundnut. 15. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on number of 48 filled pod plant-1 of groundnut. 16. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on number 48 of unfilled pod plant-1 of groundnut. 17. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on oil content 49 and yield of groundnut. 18. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on oil 50 content of groundnut. 19. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on oil yield 51 of groundnut. 20. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on total 52 uptake of primary nutrients by groundnut. 21. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on total 53 uptake of nitrogen by groundnut at harvest. 22. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on total uptake 55 of phosphorus by groundnut at harvest. 23. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on total uptake 56 of potassium by groundnut at harvest. 24. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on total 57 uptake of secondary nutrients by groundnut. 25. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on total 58 uptake of calcium by groundnut at harvest. 26. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on total 59 uptake of sulphur by groundnut at harvest. 27. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on total uptake of boron by groundnut at harvest. 60 xiii 28. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on chemical 62 properties and nutrient status of soil at harvest of groundnut. 29. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on soil pH at 63 harvest of groundnut. 30. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on soil EC at 63 harvest of groundnut. 31. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on soil organic 64 carbon at harvest of groundnut. 32. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on per cent 64 CaCO3 equivalent at harvest of groundnut. 33. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on soil 65 available nitrogen at harvest of groundnut. 34. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on soil 65 available phosphorus at harvest of groundnut. 35. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on soil 66 available potassium at harvest of groundnut. 36. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on soil 66 available sulphur at harvest of groundnut. 37. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on soil 67 exchangeable calcium at harvest of groundnut. 38. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on soil 67 exchangeable magnesium at harvest of groundnut. 39. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on soil exchangeable sodium at harvest of groundnut. 68 xiv LIST OF FIGURES FIG.NO. TITLE Between page 1. Plan of layout of the experiment. 28-29 2. (a): Effect of levels and sources of potassium on 45-46 dry pod, kernel and haulm yield of groundnut. (b): Effect of levels and sources of potassium on 45-46 shelling percentage of groundnut. 3. Effect of levels and sources of potassium on 48-49 number of filled and unfilled pods plant-1 of groundnut. 4. (a): Effect of levels and sources of potassium 50-51 on oil content of groundnut. (b): Effect of levels and sources of potassium on 51-52 oil yield of groundnut. 5. (a): Effect of levels and sources of potassium on 56-57 total uptake of N, P and K by groundnut at harvest. (b): Effect of levels and sources of potassium on total uptake of Ca, S and B by groundnut at harvest. 60-61 xv LIST OF PLATES PLATE TITLE NO. 1. General view of the experimental field Between page 39-40 2. Comparative performance of groundnut in LOS3 (0 kg K2O ha-1 -bagasse ash) and L4S2 (40 kg K2O ha-1- SOP) 39-40 3. Comparative performance of groundnut in L4S1 (40 kg K2O ha-1 - MOP) and L4S4 (40 kg K2O ha-1- Schoenite) 39-40 xvi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS % : Per cent 0C : Degree Celsius @ : At the rate of Agric. : Agriculture a.i. : Active ingredient Agron. : Agronomy A.O.A.C. : Analytical and Organic Agricultural Chemistry Anal. : Analysis Anon. : Anonymous Appl. : Applied Biotech. : Biotechnology BA : Bagasse ash C.D. : critical difference Chem. : Chemistry Conc. : Concentration cm : Centimeter (s) cm2 : Centimeter square Curr. : Current DAS : Days after sowing dm2 : Decimeter square et al. : et alli (and others) Ecol. : Ecology Environ. : Environment Fig. : Figure FYM : Farm Yard Manure xvii Fertil. : Fertilizer g : gram ha : hectare i.e. : id est (that is) IISS : Indian Institute of Soil Science Int. : International J. : Journal K : Potassium K2O : Potash (potassium oxide) kg : Kilogram (s) Know. : Knowledge m : meter mm : millimeter max : maximum min : minimum m2 : meter square mg : milligram MOP : Muriate of potash N : Nitrogen NARP : National Agriculture Research Project N.S. : Non-significant No. : Number P : Phosphorus Pl. : Plant P2O5 : Phosphorus penta oxide pH : Soil reaction Qual. : Quality xviii PSB : Phosphorus solubilizing bacteria q : quintal RDF : Recommend dose of fertilizers RDN : Recommend dose of Nitrogen Res. : Research Rs. : Rupees S : Sulphur Sci. : Science SCH : Schoenite SOP : Sulphate of potash S.S.P. : Single super phosphate S.E. ± : Standard error Sig. : Significant t : tones Tradit. : Traditional Trop. : Tropical Univ. : University var. : Variety Viz. : Namely wt. : weigh xix ABSTRACT “Effect of levels and sources of potassium on yield and quality of kharif groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in Entisol.)” by Miss. Bornali Borah A candidate for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE (AGRICULTURE) in SOIL SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, KOLHAPUR MAHARASHTRA (INDIA) 2017 Research Guide : Dr. D. S. Patil Department : Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry An experiment entitled, “Effect of levels and sources of potassium on yield and quality of kharif groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in Entisol” was conducted during kharif, 2016 at PG Research Farm, College of Agriculture, Kolhapur. The objectives of experiment were to study the effect of levels and sources of potassium on response and yield, quality and uptake of nutrients of groundnut. The experiment was laid out in a Factorial Randomized Block Design with two replications comprising of five levels (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 kg K2O ha-1) and four sources (Muriate of potash, Sulphate of potash, Bagasse ash and Schoenite) of potassium. Abstract contd….. Borah B. xx The increasing levels of potassium showed significant effect on dry pod, kernel and haulm yield. Significantly highest dry pod and kernel yield (31.69 and 22.13 q ha-1, respectively) were obtained with application of 40 kg K2O ha-1, while among sources sulphate of potash (SOP) recorded highest yields (27.70 and 19.26 q ha-1, respectively) which was significantly superior over S3 (bagasse ash) but at par with rest of potassium sources. Significantly highest haulm yield was observed with application of 40 kg K2O ha-1 (38.94 q ha-1) which was at par with 30 kg K2O ha-1 (37.67q ha-1) but significantly superior over rest of K2O levels. The effect of different sources and interaction were found non-significant in relation to haulm yield. Shelling percentage was found non-significant for the effect of levels and sources of potassium and their interactions. The highest number of filled pods plant-1 (38.89) was recorded by application of 40 kg K2O ha-1 which was at par with 30 kg K2O ha-1 ( 36.21) but significantly superior over rest of K2O levels. Among sources S2 (SOP) recorded highest filled pods plant-1 (37.10) which was significantly superior over rest of K2O sources but interactions were found non-significant. Significantly lowest unfilled pods plant-1 was recorded with L4-40 kg K2O ha-1 (7.88) and S2-SOP (7.90). Oil content of groundnut was influenced by different levels of potassium and L4 (40 kg K2O ha-1) showed highest oil content (47.59 %) which was significantly superior over L0 - 0 kg K2O ha-1 (44.58 %). While no significant difference was recorded among K2O sources and interactions in relation to oil content. Highest oil yield Abstract contd….. Borah B. xxi (1053.71 kg ha-1) was recorded with application of 40 kg K2O ha-1. Among the sources SOP obtained significantly highest oil yield (914.55 kg ha-1). The nutrient uptake of groundnut was found to be increased significantly with increase in levels of potassium. Significantly highest total uptake of N, P, K, Ca, S and B (130.07, 19.81, 82.53, 56.92 and 18.40 kg ha-1 and 44.46 g ha-1, respectively) were recorded by application of 40 kg K2O ha-1 than rest of potassium levels. Amongst different sources S2 -SOP recorded with highest total N (114.32 kg ha-1), Ca (53.24 kg ha-1) and S (15.55 kg ha-1) uptake while highest total P (17.86 kg ha-1), K (75.49 kg ha-1) and B (42.84 g ha-1) uptake were observed with S1 (MOP). Different levels and sources of potassium and their interactions showed non-significant effect on pH, EC, organic carbon, per cent calcium carbonate equivalent and available N, P, K, S and exchangeable Ca and Mg of soil after harvest of groundnut. The results of the present investigation indicated that application of potassium @ 40 kg ha-1 with sulphate of potash significantly increased yield, quality and nutrient uptake of groundnut. Page No.1- 84 1 1. INTRODUCTION Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a unique and important legume-oilseed crop of Indian agricultural system. It contributes about 40 per cent of area and 30 per cent of the production of oilseed crops in India. It is the 13th most important food crop, 4th important source of vegetable oil and 3rd main source of vegetable protein in the world. As regards the nutritional value of groundnut, its seed contains about 4050 per cent oil, 20-30 per cent protein and 10-20 per cent carbohydrates (Okello et al., 2010). At present, India ranks 2nd after China with 33 per cent of world’s total production, but the productivity is far below than the countries like China, Israel and USA because the crop is traditionally grown in dry land belt of India characterized by poor soil fertility, erratic rainfall and low input levels. Groundnut alone contributes 70 per cent of the total edible oil production. It is a money yielding crop for marginal farmers which is largely grown during summer and kharif season. In India, area under groundnut is 5.29 M ha, with the annual production of 6.65 M tonnes and productivity of 1243 kg ha-1 (Anonymous, 2013). Groundnut crop can be grown under wide range of climatic conditions best suited in temperature range between 220 to 370C. However, in Maharashtra area under groundnut was 2.43 lakh ha and production was 2.53 lakh tonnes with an average productivity of 1037 kg ha-1 in kharif season (2014-15), while in summer season (2014-15) area was 0.82 lakh ha and production was 2 1.2 lakh tonnes with an average productivity of 1521 kg ha-1 (Anonymous 2015). Groundnut is widely cultivated by farmers of the Submontane Zone. The recommended dose of fertilizer for groundnut is 25:50 (N: P2O5 kg ha-1). The soils of the submontane Zone region are widely reported to be low in potassium status. The crop can remove 100 to 200 kg K2O ha-1 during a growing season. This is usually far in excess of that released from slowly exchangeable sources in soils low in available K. Under conditions of low K availability, the quantity of non exchangeable K in the soil, its rate of release into the soil solution and the extent to which the K release from this fraction is able to match the K demand of the crop, are important factors relating to K nutrition of crop plants (Darunsontaya et al., 2012; Srinivasarao and Surekha, 2012). Potassium is a multifunctional versatile nutrient, indispensable for plants. Among the three major nutrients, potassium (K) has a special position as evident by its role in increasing the crop yield by adding tolerance to various biotic and abiotic stresses (Yadav, et al., 2003 and Read, et al., 2006). The potassium application improves the kernel size of the groundnut, test weight and shelling percentage. Groundnut crop response well for potassium and play role in maintaining balance in enzymatic, stomatal activity (water use), transport of sugars, water and nutrient and synthesis of protein, photosynthesis and starch thus K application increases growth and yield attributes in groundnut (Krauss and Jiyun 2000 ; Rathore et al. 2014). Enhanced nitrogen 3 metabolism results due to potassium application. The application of K along with existing recommendation of N and P increased the groundnut production. Potassium is one of the 3 main pillers of balanced fertilizer use, alongwith nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). Out of large percentage of area in India, very little or no potassium (K) fertilizers are being applied and therefore it mainly comes from potassium reserves of the soil. Potassium fertilizers are one commodity for which country depends solely on import. India largely depends upon the import of potassium fertilizers at the expense of heavy foreign exchange. The country imported 3380 thousand tonnes of k during 2008-2009. Indigenously the process of production of Sulphate of potash (K2SO4) and Schoenite (K2SO4.MgSO4) from sea bittern has been developed by Central Salt and Marine Chemical Research Institute, Bhavnagar, Gujarat (Rathore et al. 2014). Relative effect of indigenously produced Sulphate of potash and Schoenite on groundnut was, therefore studied in present investigation. Among common potassic fertilizers, Sulphate of potash, is mostly favoured by the majority of growers since it’s low salt index, nonhygroscopic and chlorine free K-fertilizer in comparison with muriate of potash, which is a cheaper source of K-fertilizer but requires specific soil physical properties and some arrangements with irrigation to avoid toxic effect of chlorine. 4 Another important source of potassium as plant nutrient is bagasse ash. Bagasse ash is a type of organic waste which is obtained from sugar industry during the process of sugar production. Research considers bagasse ash as a good source of micronutrients like Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu (Anguissola et al. 1999). It can also be used as soil additives in agriculture farming having its capacity to supply the plants with small amount of nutrients (Carlson and Adriano 1993). Bagasse ash contain no N, but there are commonly high concentration of K and P. Therefore, it’s use in agriculture for crop production will be proved more beneficial. India is the largest producer and consumer of sugar in the world. Among the several industries sugar industry is the most important which produces annually 7.4 Mt bagasse ash (FAI 2011) which can be use as organic amendment which having favourable effect on soil water holding capacity and aeration (Singh et al; 2002). Thus, application of bagasse ash for crop production is a useful practice for reducing the cost of fertilizer application and safe disposal of the waste. The potassium deficiency symptoms have been observed in the fields of groundnut crop. There are various imported and indigenously produced and organic sources of potassium available, relative efficiency in crops like groundnut need to be evaluated. Keeping this in view the present investigation is planned to find out the response of groundnut to sources and levels of potassium with the following objectives. 5 Objectives: i) To study the response of groundnut to different levels and sources of potassium application. ii) To study it’s effect on yield, quality and uptake of nutrients. 6 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Groundnut is a heavy feeder of potassium and an adequate supply of this nutrient is indispensable to harvest a good crop of groundnut. India is the world’s largest producer of groundnut where nutritional disorders cause yield reduction to the extent of 30-70 per cent depending upon soil types. Thus it is time to look into the mineral nutrition aspects of groundnut for achieving high yield and advocate the suitable fertilizer recommendation for optimization of yield (Singh, 2004). Hence, in order to have an upto date idea on the potassium nutrition of groundnut the available literature has been reviewed briefly under the following heads. 2.1 Effect of levels and sources of potassium on growth and growth parameters of kharif groundnut. 2.2 Effect of levels and sources of potassium on yield and yield attributes of kharif groundnut. 2.3 Effect of levels and sources of potassium on nutrients and potassium uptake by groundnut . 2.1 Effect of levels and sources of potassium application on growth and growth parameters of Kharif groundnut: Jadav and Matkhede (1982) reported that groundnut recorded higher dry matter accumulation, leaf area per plant and leaf area index with the application of 60 kg and 90 kg K2O ha-1 when compared to the control. 7 Laxminarayana and Subbaiah (1992) conducted a field experiment during rabi season to study the effect of different levels of potassium on sandy soil on yield attributes and nutrient composition of groundnut and observed that number of filled pods per plant, number of kernels per pod, test weight, shelling percentage, pod yield, haulm yield and crude protein content were significantly increased with the addition of potassium to a low potassium sandy soil. Khalak and Kumar Swamy (1993) observed that increased number of nodules per plant, nodule dry weight and nodule density with the application of 50:100:150 kg NPK ha-1 as compared to control at Bangalore. Patra et al. (1995) observed that application of 45 kg K2O ha-1 increased pod yield by 25.9 per cent over control (No potassium). Further, application of 50 kg K2O ha-1 significantly increased growth attributes (plant height, leaf area index and dry matter production), pod and oil yield as compared to control. Singh and Chaudhari (1996) reported that application of potassium @ 100 kg ha-1 significantly increased the plant height, nodule weight, pod number, pod and haulm yield of peanut and also increased the concentration of K and S at 45 days after emergence and their uptake by peanut at harvest. Ghatak et al. (1997) revealed that plant height and dry matter at harvest increased with increased rate of K application and pod yield increased significantly with up to 30 kg K2O ha-1. Subrahmaniyan et al. (2000) observed, linear response of confectionery groundnut varieties viz., ICGV 86564 and B 95 8 to NPK fertilizers. Increased dose of NPK fertilizers up to 150% of the RDF (26:51:81 kg NPK ha-1) recorded significantly higher plant height, more number of matured pods plant-1, higher 100 kernel weight, shelling percentage, sound matured kernel percentage and pod yield of groundnut. Viradiya et al. (2003) carried out 70 experiments during the year 1997-2000 at Junagadh (Gujarat) with K2O (40, 80and 120 kg ha-1) on low, medium and high available soil potassium. The pod yield increased to 23, 12 and 21 per cent at 80 kg K2O ha-1 in low, medium and high productive soils, respectively with maximum at 80 kg K2O ha-1 treatment. In medium available K soils pod yield increased up to 17 per cent under 80 kg K2O ha-1. Whereas, in high available K soils, pod yield increased by 18 percent due to 80 kg K2O ha-1. Singh (2007) reported that the main shoot height, number of branches plant-1, kernel pod-1 increased with application of 60 kg K2O + 45 kg S + 60 kg Ca ha-1. Bala et al. (2011) reported that application of N/P fertilizer ratio of 0.76 (20 kg N + 26 kg P2O5 + 26 kg K2O ha-1) increased canopy spreads significantly. The widest canopy spread in 2005 resulted from the application of N/P fertilizer ratio of 0.76 (30 kg N + 26 kg P2O5 + 26 kg K2O ha-1) to mid-June sown crop. Reddy et al. (2011) reported that the export oriented groundnut produced significantly more number of filled pods plant-1 with higher shelling percentage and test weight by the application of 75 K2O kg ha-1 compared to the high dose of 100 K2O kg ha-1. Eventually, the pod and haulm yield were 9 also significantly more at 75 K2O kg ha-1 than the high level of K2O. Salve and Gunjal (2011) reported that application of 30 and 45 kg K2O ha-1 were found to be at par with each other but significantly increased number of branches plant-1, dry matter production plant-1, root nodules and their weight plant-1 at flowering and pod development stages, protein and oil content in kernel and their yields as compared to application of 15 kg K2O ha-1. Alireza et al. (2012) carried out experiment with 0, 30, 60 and 90 kg ha-1 of potassium. The shelling per cent didn’t affect by potassium levels. Oil content was non-significantly differed due to potassium, however interaction effects of potassium and calcium showed significant influence on oil content. Rathore et al. (2014) reported that among schoenite levels, 60 kg ha-1 results in the maximum increase in number of branches plant-1 at 90 DAS, number of plants m-2 and number of pods plant-1 at harvest. The highest total number of pegs plant-1, 1000 seed weight and maximum shelling percentage was recorded with 60 kg K2O ha-1 through schoenite as compared to different levels of sulphate of potash. Sharma (2016) carried out a pot culture experiment by applying sugarcane industry bagasse ash to Brassica juncia @ 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% of weight of soil. The results showed that yield and yield components of Brassica juncia increased due to bagasse ash application. Although the dry weight of plant parts were found to increase in the ratio of bagasse ash as observed in T4 (80%) with a further increase in 10 the ratio of bagasse ash at T3, T2 ,T1 and control a decline in the dry weight of plant parts were observed. Sharma and Rajwar (2016) conducted an experiment to study the effect of bagasse ash and mixed biochar on growth and productivity of soybean (Glysine max L.). Results showed that the growth, pigment and productivity increased significantly in bagasse biochar treatment followed by mixed biochar treatment. 2.2 Effect of levels and sources of potassium on yield and yield attributes of kharif groundnut: Devaranjan and Kothandaraman (1982) reported from their studies carried out on P and K nutrition on peanut, that the application of phosphorus and potassium significantly increased the yield of pods and shelling percentage, however the highest pod yield was obtained by combined application of 60 kg P2O5 and 90 kg K2O ha-1. Rana et al. (1984) studied the response of peanut to fertilizer application, revealed that application of increased dose of NPK (20:60:40 kg ha-1) fertilizers alone or in combination significantly increased the pod yield of peanut. Successive increase in their rates results in significant increase in pod yield. Davide et al. (1986) reported that SOP is the preferred K source mainly because of the adverse effects of Cl, which is supplied in appreciable quantities in MOP. S has been reported to improve the quality of oil crops, hence SOP is preferred. 11 Jana et al. (1990) reported that addition of K upto 49.8 kg ha-1 had increased the number of pods plant-1, number of seeds pod-1, 100 seed weight, pod and oil yield. However, pod yield and haulm yield of peanut increased significantly with application of 40 kg K2O ha-1 over lower dose and further increase beyond this level did not increase the yield. Devi and Reddy (1991) recorded significantly higher oil content of 47.93 % with the application of 40 kg N, 17.5 kg P2O5 and 20 kg K2O ha-1 over the control. Deshmukh et al. (1992) reported that the pod and haulm yield of groundnut increased significantly with application of 40 kg K2O ha-1 over lower dose and further increase beyond this level did not increase the yield. Oil content in kernel was increased with graded levels of K and the higher effect was marked at 60 kg K2O ha-1. However, increase in protein content and protein yield was only up to application of 40 kg K2O ha-1. Bale Rao et al. (1993) observed higher oil content of 48.3 per cent in groundnut kernels with the application of 37.5 kg N, 75 kg P2O5 and 45 kg K2O ha-1 when compared to 47.2 % with the application of 25 kg N, 50 kg P2O5 and 30 kg K2O ha-1. Hameed Ansari et al. (1993) reported that increasing fertilizer dose up to 50:75:30 kg N, P2O5 and K2O ha-1 increased seed yield and oil content of groundnut and further increment of fertilizer did not have economical effect on seed yield and oil content. Application of potassium up to 45 kg ha-1 significantly improved the pod yield (3392 kg ha-1) and its 12 contributing characters compared to lower dose of 15 and 30 kg ha-1. Thimmegowda (1993) obtained significantly higher oil yield of 1606 kg ha-1 with the N/P fertilizer ratio of 0.33 (25 kg N, 75 kg P2O5 and 37.5 kg K2O ha-1) as compared to control. Deshmukh et al. (1994) reported that the highest soybean yield and oil content was obtained with an application of 60 kg K2O ha-1 at Amravati and 90 kg K2O ha-1 at Akola in Maharashtra State. Patra et al. (1995) reported that N/K fertilizer ratio of 0.89 (40 kg N and 45 kg K2O ha-1) gave the highest number of pods plant-1, shelling percentage and 100 kernel weight. Oil content increased up to the application of 60 kg N and 60 kg K2O ha-1. Pod and oil yield increased with N and K2O up to 40 and 45 kg ha-1, respectively. Application of 40 kg N ha-1 increased pod yield by 18.5 % and oil yield by 29.9% while the corresponding increasing from 45 kg K2O were 26.6 % and 38 %. Ponnuswamy et al. (1996) reported that 150 per cent of the recommended dose of K (79 kg ha-1) applied in two equal splits viz., 50 per cent at basal and remaining 50 per cent at 40 DAS gave significantly higher dry pod yield of groundnut (2383 kg ha-1). Balasubramanian (1997) reported that application of N, P2O5 and K2O at 17, 34 and 54 kg ha-1 respectively, was sufficient for optimum production of groundnut in red sandy loam soil. Umar et al. (1999) reported that increase in number of pods plant-1 and 1000 kernel weight were obtained with increased level of potassium upto 60 kg ha-1 and pod yield by 13 84% and oil content increased by 51.5% over control. Foliar spray of K improves groundnut quality regarding protein and oil contents of seeds, the improvement was better with potassium sulphate (K2SO4) probably due to the positive effect of sulphate in enhancing the protein and oil contents in crops. Shinde et al. (2000) reported that the N/P fertilizer ratio of 0.50 (25 kg N, 50 kg P2O5 and 00 kg K2O ha-1) recorded higher protein content (21.58 %), oil content (51.70 %) and oil yield (15.82 q ha-1) as compared to control. Vinod Kumar et al. (2000) reported that application of 30 kg N, 60 kg P2O5 and 30 kg K2O ha-1 (N/P fertilizer ratio of 0.50) significantly increased in pod yield (2,849 kg ha-1) as compared to lower levels of NPK i.e., 10 kg N, 20 kg P2O5 and 10 kg K2O ha-1 (1,611 kg ha-1) to 20 kg N, 40 kg P2O5 and 20 kg K2O ha-1 (1,878 Kg ha-1) respectively. Tiwari et al. (2001) conducted a long term field experiment on vertisol at Jabalpur (MP) to see the effect of potassium nutrition on yield and quality improvement of soybean and revealed that application of 30 kg N ha-1, 80 kg P ha-1 and 100 kg K ha-1 recorded significantly higher seed yield. Mandal et al. (2002) reported that on an average, groundnut required 160 to 180 kg of N, 20-25 kg of P and 80 to 100 kg of K to produce 2.0 to 2.5 t ha-1 of economic yield. Umar and Moinuddin (2002) reported from the field experiment conducted at Junagadh (Saurashtra, Gujarat) with highly calcareous vertic ustocherpt soil and erratic rainfall conditions that the genotype GAUG-1 responded the best to 25 kg K2O ha-1, while GAUG-10 to 50 kg K2O ha-1 through MOP. Application of 25 and 50 kg K2O ha-1 increased 14 the pod yield by 31% and 35% in GAUG-1 and GAUG-10, respectively. Chitdeshwari et al. (2003) reported that application of 34:64:108 kg NPK ha-1 as three splits of N and K at basal (50% N & K), flowering (25% N & K) and peg formation stage (25% N & K) and 100% P as basal were found to be the optimum dose for getting the highest pod yield. Viradiya et al. (2003) carried out 70 experiments during the year 1997-2000 at Junagadh (Gujarat) with K2O (40, 80and 120 kg ha-1) on low, medium and high available soil potassium. The pod yield increased to 23, 12 and 21 per cent at 80 kg K2O ha-1 in low, medium and high productive soils, respectively with maximum at 80 kg K2O ha-1 treatment. In medium available K soils pod yield increased up to 17 per cent under 80 kg K2O ha-1. Whereas, in high available K soils, pod yield increased by 18 per cent due to 80 kg K2O ha-1. Munda et al. (2004) observed increased branches plant-1 from 9.9 to 10.1 and number of pods plant-1 from 9.2 to 12.3 when 20:60:40 kg N, P2O5 and K2O ha-1 was applied to groundnut as compared to control. Hadwani and Gundalia (2005) reported that application of potassium significantly increased pod, haulm, oil and protein yield over control. The application of K increased the pod and haulm yield by 52.0 and 64.2 and 37.6 and 46.7% with the application of K50 and K100, respectively over control .The application of highest K level (100 kg K2O ha-l) produced the highest oil and protein yield. Chandra et al. (2006) reported from the field experiment conducted in 2002 at Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya 15 under New Alluvial Zone of West Bengal that application of potassium @ l80 kg ha-1 gave highest yield but were statistically at par with 120 kg K2O ha-1 or even 60 kg K2O ha-1. The yield attributes like pod plant-1, kernel pod-1,100 kernel weight and shelling percentage increased significantly with the increased level of K up to 120 kg ha-1. However, its economic dose was 96.3 kg K2O ha-1. Umar (2006) conducted an experiment on alleviating adverse effects of water stress on yield of groundnut by Potassium application. The maximum yields were recorded at K50 which was at par with K75. The per cent variation in seed yield, biomass and harvest index was 44.2 %, 26.3 % and 14.3 %, respectively at K50 in comparison to K0 under normal conditions. Singh (2007) carried out a field experiment at Mainpuri, Kanpur (U.P.) which revealed that, summer groundnut responded to application of 60 kg K2O ha-1 which was registered significantly higher pod yield (29.02 q ha-1) over 45 kg K2O ha-1 (23.90 q ha-1). Thorave and Dhonde (2007) reported that application of 25 kg N, 50 kg P2O5 and 00 kg K2O ha-1 gave the highest plant height and total dry matter plant-1 at harvest and yield also increased. Elayaraja and Singaravel (2009) observed that higher pod yield (2196 kg ha-1) and haulm yield (2930 kg ha-1) were noticed with the application of 150 % NPK level ha-1 compared to control, 100 % NPK level and 125 % NPK level. Karunakaran et al. (2009) conducted an experiment to study the effect of integrated nutrient management on the 16 growth and yield of groundnut at Karaikal, Pondicherry. The results revealed that application of 125% RDF i.e. 17-34-54 kg N-P-K ha-1 (75, 100 and 125%)] + 5 t ha-1 enriched compost increased growth and yield attributes that led to its significantly higher productivity (2.25 and 5.00 tonne ha-1 of mean pod and haulm yield) and nutrient uptake of groundnut besides enriching soil available nutrients after harvest of groundnut over control(no organics or fertilizer). Veeramani and Subrahmaniyan (2011) reviewed that, the pod and haulm yields of groundnut increased significantly with application of 40 kg K2O ha-1 over lower dose and further, increase beyond this level did not increase the yield. Oil content in kernel increased with graded levels of K and effect was marked to the higher at 60 kg K2O ha-1. However, increase in protein content and protein yield was only upto application of 40 kg K2O ha-1. Srinivasarao (2013) reported that groundnut yield increased from 0.54 mt ha-1 (control) to 0.75mt ha-1 with 60 kg K ha-1 through muriate of potash; a 33 per cent increase over the control. Similarly, straw yield was significantly increased by 11 per cent at 60 kg K ha-1. Rathore et al. (2014) reported that maximum dry pod yield, harvest index and oil yield was recorded in 60 kg ha-1 potash through schoenite during both experimental year (2006-08). However, the effect of schoenite and sulphate of potash @ 60 kg potash ha-1 was found statistically at par on dry pod yield. Application of 60 kg potash through schoenite increased dry pod yield by 22.5 to 68.2 % over control (10 kg K2O ha-1). There was a sharp increase in dry pod yield from 40 kg potash 17 ha-1 through schoenite + sulphate of potash and 40 kg potash ha-1 through sulphate of potash to 60 kg K2O ha-1 through only schoenite. But effect of various treatments on shelling percentage was not-significant. Kulkarni and Upperi (2015) conducted a field experiment during 2012-13 in red soil to study the response of groundnut to different levels of potassium. Results indicated that RDF+12.5 kg K2O+1% K foliar spray at 45 DAS recorded significantly higher pod yield of groundnut (1545 kg ha-1) and yield parameters like number of pods plant-1 (24) was also significantly superior with this treatment compared to the all other combinations. 2.3 Effect of levels and sources of potassium on nutrients and potassium uptake by groundnut: Reddy et al. (1982) reported that the application of 20 kg N, 10 kg P2O5 and 25 kg K2O ha-1 as basal dose and 20 kg N ha-1 at 30 days after sowing resulted in higher uptake of N (114 kg ha-1), P (17 kg ha-1) and K (58 Kg ha-1). Dubey and Shinde (1986) reported that application of fertilizer K increased uptake of nutrients by groundnut. Removal of N, P and K were highest when full dose of K was applied at sowing and the next best treatment was application of 75 percent K at sowing and 25 per cent at flowering stage. Patel and Patel (1988) reported that application of K at 60 kg ha-1 increased N and K content, which altered the yield of groundnut. Application of K, in general increased N, P and K content of all the plant parts at harvest stage. 18 Deshmukh et al. (1993) reported that application of K, in general increased N, P and K content in all the plant parts at harvest stage. On an average 137.31, 16.6 and 63.34 kg N, P and K ha-1, respectively were removed by groundnut crop. Thimmegowda (1993) stated that application of 25 kg N, 75 kg P2O5 and 37.5 kg K2O ha-1 recorded higher uptake of N, P, K and micronutrients over the control. Yakadri and Sathyanarayana (1995) reported that during the rainy season of 1989 at Hyderabad, AP, groundnut cv. TMV-2 recorded higher uptake of N, P and K with N/P fertilizer ratio of 0.50 (30 kg N, 60 kg P2O5 and 60 kg K2O ha-1). Khamparia (1996) reported that application of potassium from K0 to K20 successfully influenced the uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulphur except P uptake at 50 DAS and Mg uptake in flowering stage. Balasubramanian (1997) observed numerically higher uptake of NPK (89.8:17.52: 34.6 kg ha-1) by groundnut with the application of 25.5 kg N, 51 kg P2O5 and 81 kg K2O ha-1 as compared to the application of 17 kg N, 34 kg P2O5 and 54 kg K2O ha-1 . Selva kumari et al .(1999) inferred that integration of fly ash alone and with other components of the nutrient supply system ,because of synergistic effects, results in better nutrient uptake, higher yield and improved maintenance of soil fertility in groundnut cultivation. Vinod kumar et al. (2000) reported that the application of 30 kg N, 60 kg P2O5 and 30 kg K2O ha-1 recorded significantly the maximum uptake of NPK (121.12, 10.14, 34.89 kg ha-1) as compared to the 10 kg N, 40 kg P2O5 and 10 kg K2O ha-1. 19 Dutta et al. (2003) reported that potassium content both in kernel and haulm was significantly affected by the different levels of potassium and maximum was observed with application of 50 kg K2O ha-1.Application of graded levels of potassium produced significant difference in uptake of N, P and K and significantly increased due to higher doses of potassium application (50 kg K2O ha-1). Hadwani and Gundalia (2005) observed that application of potassium significantly increased the total uptake of N, P and K by groundnut. The highest level of K (K100) recorded the highest total uptake of N (139.4 kg ha-l), P (11.4 kg ha-1) and K (27.0 kg ha-1). In presence of potassium, the increase in N uptake could be attributed to enhancing vigour of crop growth with increased N utilization and translocation into the plant, resulting in the enhancement of yield. Rajeev (2012) reported that the concentration of K in all parts is directly related to the supply as it increased gradually with an increase in K supply from 0.5 to 16 mM through KCl. However, the concentration of K was more pronounced in leaves (0.27 to 2.37%) than seeds (0.41 to 1.78%). Nathiya and Sanjivkumar (2014) conducted a pot culture experiment to study the effect of combined use of organic manures with inorganic fertilizers on uptake of available nutrients and yield of groundnut crop at Tamil Nadu Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai during kharif season of 2008-2009.The results revealed that highest nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium uptake of 1.01, 0.96 and 0.80 g pot-1 was recorded in the treatment that received 75 kg K2O ha-1 and 20 Pressmud @ 5 t ha-1. Rathore et al. (2014) reported that increasing levels of K significantly influenced the nutrient uptakes except for Ca in seed, straw, shell and P in straw and shell of the groundnut. The higher level of potash from 60 kg ha-1 through schoenite has increased the N uptake of groundnut in seed, straw and shell respectively, though maximum uptake of N was at 40 kg ha-1 through schoenite but it was statistically at par with 60 kg ha-1 schoenite. The uptake of P, K, S, Ca and Mg was maximum at 60 kg ha-1 through schoenite which was statistically at par at 60 kg ha-1 through sulphate of potash. The K uptake was exceptionally higher in straw and this trend was similar in case of uptake of Ca and Mg. 21 3. MATERIAL AND METHODS The present field investigation was carried out during kharif season of 2016-17 to study the “Effect of levels and sources of potassium on yield and quality of kharif groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in Entisol.” The details regarding the materials used and methods followed during the course of present investigation are described below. 3.1 Experimental materials 3.1.1 Experimental site The experiment was laid out in plot number „4C‟ during kharif season of the year 2016-17 at the Post Graduate Research Farm, College of Agriculture, Kolhapur. The site was selected on the basis of suitability of soil for raising groundnut. The topography of the experimental field was fairly uniform and leveled. 3.1.2 Soil of the experimental field The soil samples from 0-22.5 cm depth were randomly collected from the experimental plot before sowing. These samples were mixed together and a representative soil sample was prepared for determining physical and chemical properties of the soil. The initial sol properties of the experimental field are presented in Table1. The soil of the experimental plot was sandy clay loam with 90 cm depth, low in available N (150.25 kg ha-1), and moderately high P2O5 (21.37 kg ha-1) and K2O (252.75 kg ha-1). The status of organic carbon content (0.45 %) was moderate and moderately calcareous with 4.87 per cent CaCO3 equivalent. The pH, EC values were 7.60 and 0.27 dS m-1, respectively. 22 Table 1: Initial soil properties of the experimental field Sr. No. Parameters Value A) Physical properties 1 Sand (%) 56.70 2 Silt (%) 18.70 3 Clay (%) 24.60 B) Chemical properties 1 pH (1:2.5) 2 EC (dS m-1) 0.27 3 Organic Carbon (%) 0.45 4 Per cent calcium carbonate equivalent 4.87 5 Available Nitrogen 7.6 150.25 (kg ha-1) 6 Available Phosphorus 21.37 (kg ha-1) 7 Available Potassium 252.75 (kg ha-1) 8 Available Sulphur 10.35 (mg kg-1) 9 Exchangeable Ca { cmol(p+) kg-1 } 20.90 10 Exchangeable Mg { cmol(p+) kg-1} 7.48 11 Exchangeable Na { cmol(p+) kg-1} 1.93 12 Fe (mg kg-1) 16.60 13 Mn (mg kg-1) 8.60 14 Zn (mg kg-1) 1.98 15 Cu (mg kg-1) 2.40 23 3.1.3 Climatic conditions and location: General: The Kolhapur is situated on an elevation of 548 meters above the mean sea level on 160 42‟ North latitude and 740 14‟ East longitude and comes under the sub montane zone of NARP. The average annual rainfall is 1057 mm, with 84 rainy days, which are received mostly from South-West monsoon. Out of the total annual precipitation about 80 per cent is received from June to September (South-West monsoon), while the remaining quantity is received from North-East monsoon in the months of October and November. The annual mean maximum temperature range between 340C and 400C while, the annual mean minimum temperature varies from 60C to 100C. The mean humidity percentage during summer season ranges between 78 to 95 per cent. Climatic conditions: From the weather data presented in Table 2, it is observed that the total rainfall received during the period of field experiment was 1056.50 mm in 63 rainy days. The relative humidity during the crop period was in the range of 70 to 91 per cent at morning and 48 to 90 per cent at evening. The minimum temperature varied from 10.60C to 21.50C, while maximum temperature was in the range of 25.30C to 31.90C. The evaporation during experimentation ranges between 1.4 mm to 5.7 mm per day. The climatic conditions were more or less favourable for the growth of groundnut crop. 24 Table 2: Weather data recorded during experimental period Temp. (0C) Relative Humidity (%) No. of rainy days Evapora -tion (mm day-1) Wind velocity (kmh-1) Max. Min. Morn. Even. Rainfall (mm) 25-01 June 26.3 19.7 85 85 42.9 6 2.3 7.2 27 02-08 July 26.1 19.6 87 86 75.5 7 1.6 28 09-15 July 25.3 19.3 86 87 381.5 7 1.4 29 16-22 July 26.3 19.8 83 87 24.4 5 1.9 30 23-29 July 26.9 18.7 85 81 20.5 4 2.2 31 30-05 Aug. 25.8 18.5 88 90 166.7 7 1.8 7.0 7.7 5.3 5.0 7.8 32 06-12 Aug. 29.8 19.0 90 86 100.4 6 1.7 33 13-19 Aug. 26.7 19.3 88 88 16.7 4 2.9 8.6 8.5 34 20-26 Aug. 27.2 18.2 88 85 27.1 3 2.6 5.6 35 27-02 Sep. 28.1 19.1 85 83 - - 3.5 6.7 36 03-09 Sep. 28.5 18.0 86 69 - - 3.0 2.5 37 10-16 Sep. 26.3 19.7 90 86 17.9 3 3.5 2.5 38 17-23 Sep. 26.0 18.7 91 86 44.0 4 2.4 12.2 39 24-30 Sep. 29.1 19.1 81 76 - - 3.2 4.2 40 01-07 Oct. 28.5 17.5 80 72 2.7 1 4.1 4.1 41 08-14 Oct. 30.7 17.8 78 67 29.0 2 2.9 4.4 42 15-21 Oct 31.9 17.2 80 54 - - 4.8 50 - - 5.6 1.9 Meteoro-logical Week Date June, 2016 26 July, 2016 August, 2016 September, 2016 October, 2016 1.3 43 22-28 Oct 31.7 14.9 79 44 29-4 Oct 31.8 14.2 70 58 - - 5.7 1.9 31.2 10.6 68 48 - - 5.4 1.8 November, 2016 45 4-11 Nov 25 3.1.4 Cropping history of the experimental field The cropping history of the experimental plot for previous three years is presented in Table 3. Table 3: Cropping history of experimental field Year Kharif Rabi Summer 2014-2015 Soybean Wheat Maize 2015-2016 Groundnut Wheat Maize 2016-2017 Groundnut --- --- (experimental) 3.2 Experimental details 3.2.1 Experimental layout The experiment was laid out in the factorial randomized block design. The treatments consisted of five levels of potassium viz.0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 kg ha-1 which were supplied through four different potassium sources viz muriate of potash, sulphate of potash, bagasse ash and schoenite. The treatment details are presented in Table 4 and the plan of layout is depicted in Fig. 1. 26 Experimental details: 1) Crop : Groundnut 2) Variety : Phule Warna (KDG 128) 3) Design : Factorial Randomized Block Design. 4) No. of replications :2 5) No. of treatments : 20 6) Season : Kharif, 2016 7) Date of sowing :28.06.2016 8) Seed rate :100 kg ha-1 9) Spacing :30 cm x 15 cm 10) Date of Harvesting : 9.11.2016 11) Plot size : Gross- 5.40 m x 2.40 m Net -5.10 m x 1.80 m 12) Location : PG Research Farm, College of Agriculture, Kolhapur. 27 3.2.2 Treatment details Table 4: Treatment details and their symbols used Table 4(a): Potassium levels Treatment No. Levels of Potassium(kg ha-1) LO 0 L1 10 L2 20 L3 30 L4 40 Table 4(b): Potassium sources Treatment No. Sources of Potassium Content of K2O S1 Muriate of potash 60% S2 Sulphate of potash 52% S3 Bagasse ash 0.02% S4 Schoenite 22-24% 28 Table 4(c): Treatment combinations Treatment No. Treatment combinations T1 L0S1(MOP 0) T2 L1S1(MOP10 ) T3 L2S1( MOP 20 ) T4 L3S1(MOP 30 ) T5 L4S1(MOP 40 ) T6 L0S2(SOP 0 ) T7 L1S2(SOP 10) T8 L2S2(SOP 20 ) T9 L3S2(SOP 30 ) T10 L4S2 (SOP 40 ) T11 L0S3(Bagasse ash 0 ) T12 L1S 3(Bagasse ash 10) T13 L2S3(Bagasse ash 20 ) T14 L3S3(Bagasse ash 30 ) T15 L4S3( Bagasse ash 40 ) T16 L0S4(schoenite 0 ) T17 L1S4 (schoenite 10 ) T18 L2S4(schoenite 20 ) T19 L3S4 (schoenite 30 ) T20 L4S4(schoenite 40 ) ï‚· Recommended dose of N and P2O5 (25:50 kg ha-1) was applied to all treatments through Urea and Single super phosphate. 29 ï‚· Plan of layout of experiment N R-I R-II 2.4 m 5.4 m 1m T1 T10 T9 T2 T15 T11 T13 T4 T14 T16 T20 T10 T4 T14 T1 T6 T3 T8 T5 T16 T7 T15 T18 T9 T5 T12 T7 T19 T6 T17 - T8 T18 T2 T12 T19 Fig. 1: Plan of layout of the experiment T20 T13 - T17 T3 T11 29 3.3 Preparatory tillage: The land was ploughed about 30 cm deep with tractor. It was subsequently harrowed twice with common blade harrow to achieve loose and friable seed bed and leveled. After attaining desired tilth field was laid out as per plan and kept ready for sowing. 3.4 Fertilizer application: Recommended dose of fertilizers i.e. 25: 50: 00 kg N, P2O5, and K2O per hectare were applied as basal dose through Urea, Single Super Phosphate to all the treatments. 3.5 Seeds and sowing 3.5.1 Seeds and selection of variety The seeds of recently developed genotype KDG 128 (phule warna) was obtained from Agriculture Research Station, Gadhinglaj. The maturity period of this variety varied from 115-120 days. The potential yield of the cultivar is 25-30 q ha-1 under kharif condition. Plants of this variety are semispreading type with medium green leaflets. Shelling percentage is 69 and average oil content is 50 percentage for this variety. The seeds were treated first with thirum @ 2.5 g kg-1 followed by Rhizobium and PSB @ 250 g 10 kg-1 seed, dried in shade and then used for sowing. 3.5.2 Sowing: Sowing was carried out by dibbling two seed per hill with spacing of 30×15 cm. The seeds were covered immediately after sowing. 30 3.5.3 Gap filling The gap observed in the experimental plots were filled 10 days after sowing to maintain uniform plant population. 3.6 Irrigations Irrigations were given during the crop period as per requirements considering rainfall and crop growth stages i.e. flowering, pegging and pod development. 3.7 Harvesting The maturity of the crop was judged by examining the colour of the kernel and development of black impressions on inner side of pod shell. 31 Table 5: Schedule of field operations carried out in the experimental plot during kharif 2016 Sr. No. 1 Frequency Date of operation Ploughing 1 2 Harrowing 2 3 4 5 Preparation of field layout Application of FYM Pre sowing irrigation Seed treatment with fungicide and Rhizobium and PSB 1 1 1 27.05.2016 02.06.2016 04.06.2016 06.06.2016 15.06.2015 24.06.2016 1 28.06.2016 7 Sowing, covering the seed and application of basal dose (25:50:00) N, P2O5 and K2O kg ha-1. 1 28.06.2016 8 Application of fertilizers (Treatment wise) 1 28.06.2016 6 Name of operations 9 Irrigation 3 17.7.2016 28.8.2016 26.9.2016 10 Gap filling 1 15.07.016 11 Hand weeding 1 12 Harvesting 1 26.07.2016 09.11.2016 ï‚· After experimental layout Bagasse ash was applied as per the treatments well in advance before dibbling of groundnut seeds and well mixed in surface soil. 32 3.8 Biometric observations The details of various biometric and observations recorded during the course of investigation are given in Table 6. Table 6: Details of plant observations Sr. No. A. 1. Particulars Period of observations Growth studies Number of pods plant-1 i.e. filled and unfilled At harvest 2. Pod yield (q ha-1) At harvest 3. Kernel yield (q ha-1) At harvest 4. Straw yield (q ha-1) At harvest 5. Shelling percentage At harvest 6. Oil content( %) and oil yield (kg ha-1) B. At harvest Plant analysis Total uptake of N, P, K, S, Ca and B After harvest 33 3.8.1 Post harvest studies A) Number of pods plant-1 The total number of filled and unfilled pods plant-1 were counted from five randomly selected plants from each net plot at the time of harvest and average of filled pods was recorded as number of matured pods plant-1. B) Pod yield The pods from the plants uprooted from each net plot were separated into pods and haulm. The soil and were removed from the plants. Pods were air dried and then weighted. Weight of pods plot-1 was recorded in kilogram and expressed in q ha-1. C) Haulm yield The plants after removal of pods were kept in the field for some period for air drying. The dried plants were then tied in to bundle and weighed. Weight of haulm plot-1 was recorded in kilogram and expressed in q ha-1. D) Kernel yield The weight of kernels from 100 g pods plot-1 were taken after thorough drying of pods and expressed in q ha-1. E) Shelling percentage The hundred grams of sun dried pods from sample of each plots was shelled manually and the shelling percentage was calculated by dividing the weight of kernels to weight of pods taken and expressed in percentage. 3.9 METHODS The analytical work was done in the research laboratory of Division of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of 34 Agriculture, Kolhapur during the academic year 2016-2017. The analytical method employed are mentioned in the Table 7. 3.9.1 Soil Analysis Before sowing and after harvest of crop representative soil samples were collected from 0-22.5 cm depth, processed and analysed by following methods. Table 7: Methods of Soil Analysis Parameters Methods used References pH(1:2.5; Soil :Water) Potentiometry Jackson (1973) 2. EC(1:2.5; Soil :Water) Conductometry Jackson (1973) 3. Organic Carbon Wet oxidation 4. Rapid Titration 4. Per cent CaCO3 equivalent Available Nitrogen Nelson and Sommer (1982) Piper (1966) 5. Available Phosphorus 6. Available Potassium 7 Available Sulphur Sr. No. 1. 8. 9. Exchangeable Ca and Mg Exchangeable Na 10. DTPA extractable Micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu.) Alkaline permanganate Olsen (0.5 M sodium bicarbonate) (pH-8.5) Flame photometry, 1N neutral ammonium acetate (pH-7.0) Turbidimetric Versenate titration Subbiah and Asija (1956) Olsen et al. (1965) ( Jackson ,1973) Williams and Steinberg (1959). (Page, et al.,1982) Flame photometry (Page, et al.,1982) Atomic Absorption Sectrophotometer Lindsay and Norvell (1978) 35 1) Soil reaction (pH) The pH of soil was measured with the help of pH meter having glass electrod and calomel electrod using 1:2.5 soil: water ratio as described by Jackson (1973). 2) Electrical conductivity (dS m-1) It was determined in 1:2.5 soil: water suspension with the help of conductivity meter as described by Jackson (1973). 3) Organic carbon (%) Organic carbon in soil (0.5 mm sieved) was determined by wet oxidation method as described by Nelson and Sommer (1982). 4) Per cent Calcium carbonate equivalent (%) The per cent CaCO3 equivalent of soil was determined by rapid titration method using phenolphthalein indicator as described by Piper (1966). 5) Available nitrogen (kg ha-1) Available nitrogen was estimated by alkaline potassium permanganate (0.32% KMnO4) method as described by Subbiah and Asija (1956). 6) Available phosphorus (kg ha-1) It was estimated by adopting Olsen‟s method using 0.5 M NaHCO3 extractant at pH 8.5. The soil: extractant ratio was 1:20 and the shaking time was 30 minutes. The phosphorus in the extract was determined colorimetrically at 660 nm wavelength by using spectrophotometer (Olsen et al.1965). 7) Available potassium (kg ha-1) The available potassium content in soil was extracted with neutral normal ammonium acetate (pH= 7.0). The potassium 36 in the extract was determined by flame photometer as described by Jackson (1973). 8) Available Sulphur (mg kg-1) Available Sulphur was determined by Turbidimetric method using Morgan‟s (sodium acetate and acetic acid) extracting solution. Sulphur in the extract was determined colorimetrically by using spectrophotometer at 420 nm wavelength as described by Williams and Steinberg (1959). 9) Exchangeable Calcium and Magnesium {cmol (p+) kg-1} Exchangeable calcium and magnesium was estimated by using neutral normal ammonium acetate extract of the soil by titration with standard versenate solution using murexide and EBT indicators for calcium and calcium plus magnesium, respectively. The difference between the value of calcium plus magnesium and calcium gives the amount of exchangeable magnesium (Page, et al., 1982). 10) Exchangeable Sodium {cmol (p+) kg-1} The exchangeable sodium content in soil was extracted with neutral normal ammonium acetate (pH= 7.0) and determined by flame photometer (Page, et al., 1982). 11) Available micronutrients (mg kg-1) Micronutrients from soil samples were determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer using DTPA extract as described by Lindsay and Norvell (1978). 3.9.2 Plant analysis The treatment wise pod and haulm samples collected at harvest were cleaned, chopped and then dried in hot air oven at 650C ± 50C. Further, these samples were milled to 37 considerable fineness in a willey mill and stored in plastic bags for further analysis. Table 8: Methods used for plant analysis Sr. No. 1. Parameters Methods Total Nitrogen References 2. Microkjeldhal (Diacid Digestion) Total Phosphorus Vanadomolybdate Yellow colour in Nitric acids system (Triacid Digestion) Parkinson & Allen (1975) Jackson (1973) 3. Total Potassium Flame photometry (Triacid Digestion) Chapman & Pratt (1973) 4. Total Sulphur Turbidimetric Tabatabai and Bremner (1970) 5. Total Calcium Versenate Titration 6. Total Boron Spectrophotometric 7. Oil content Soxhlet Ether Extract Cheng and Bray (1951) Hatcher and Wilcox (1950) A.O.A.C.(2002) 1) Total Nitrogen (kg ha-1) The powdered 0.5 g plant sample was digested with concentrated H2SO4 (5 mL), and H2O2 (5 mL) digestion mixture (CuSO4 + K2SO4 + selenium powder). The volume was made to 100 mL with distilled water after digestion. The nitrogen of aliquot was determined by Micro Kjeldahl method (Parkinson and Allen, 1975). 2) Total Phosphorus (kg ha-1) The plant samples (0.5 g each) were wet digested with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, and perchloric acid in ratio 9:4:1. The volume was made to 100 mL with distilled water after 38 digestion. and phosphorus content in aliquot was estimated by vanado-molybdate phosphoric yellow colour method in nitric acid medium and the colour intensity was measured at 420 nm wave length as described by Jackson (1973). 3) Total Potassium (kg ha-1) The total potassium was determined from known quantity of triacid digested extract by flame photometer (Chapman and Pratt, 1982). 4) Total Sulphur (kg ha-1) Finely ground plant samples (0.5 g each) were digested in concentrated HNO3 and HClO4 in the ratio of 9:4. The volume was made to 100 mL with distilled water after digestion and was used for determination of sulphur which was estimated colorimtrically by using spectrophotometer at 420 nm wavelength (Tabatabai and Bremner, 1970). 5) Total Calcium (kg ha-1) The total calcium was determined from known quantity of triacid digested extract by using EDTA Complexometric (versenate) Titration method as described by Cheng and Bray (1951). 6) Total Boron (g ha-1) The plant sample test solution was prepared by dry ashing procedure. The finely ground plant samples were first ignited in burner and residues were ignited in a muffle furnace at 5500C .The boron in residue was dissolved in measured volume of 0.1 N HCl. The suspension was filtered to obtain a clear solution. The boron dissolved in HCl was reacted with curcumine to form coloured complex for the colorimetric 39 determination of boron by spectrophotometer at 540 nm wavelength (Hatcher and Wilcox, 1950). 3.9.3 Uptake of nutrients by the crop The uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulphur and boron was worked out by multiplying the percentage of these nutrients with the corresponding yield of respective constituent. 3.10 Quality analysis of kernel 3.10.1 Oil percentage Oil percentage from groundnut kernel was estimated by Soxhlet method of oil extraction. 3.10.2 Oil yield The oil yield (kg ha-1) was worked out by multiplying the per cent kernel oil content with the corresponding kernel yield of groundnut. 3.11 Statistical analysis The experimental data were analysed statistically by applying the techniques of “Analysis of variance” and significance was tested by variance ratio i.e. F value at 5 per cent level of significance as described by Panse and Sukhatme, (1967). Standard error of mean (S.Em.) and critical difference (CD) was worked out to evaluate differences between treatment means. 40 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of a field experiment on “Effect of levels and sources of potassium on yield and quality of kharif Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in Entisol” are presented and discussed under the following heading: 4.1 Effect of levels and sources of potassium on yield and yield attributes of groundnut. 4.2 Effect of levels and sources of potassium on oil content and oil yield of groundnut. 4.3 Effect of levels and sources of potassium on nutrient uptake of groundnut. 4.4 Effect of levels and sources of potassium on chemical properties and nutrient status of soil. 4.1 Effect of levels and sources of potassium on yield and yield attributes of groundnut: The data in respect of dry pod, kernel, haulm yield and shelling percentage influenced by levels and sources of potassium is presented in table 9 to 13 and graphically depicted in fig 2 (a & b), respectively. 4.1.1 Dry pod yield: The data presented in table 9 & 10 and graphically presented in fig 2 (a) indicated that the increasing levels of potassium showed significant effect on dry pod yield. Significantly highest dry pod yield (31.69 q ha-1) was obtained with the application of 40 kg K2O ha-1 than rest of the potassium levels. While among the sources of potassium S2 – SOP recorded significantly highest dry pod yield (27.70 q ha-1) which was statistically superior over S3 -bagasse ash (25.07 q 41 ha-1) but at par with S1 -MOP (26.69 q ha-1) and S4(Schoenite ) (26.6 q ha1). The highest yield obtained with SOP might be attributed to its sulphur content. Interaction effects of different levels and sources of potassium were found non-significant in relation to dry pod yield. Potassium play vital role in maintaining balance in enzymatic, stomatal activity (water use), transport of sugars, water and nutrients and synthesis of protein, starch and photosynthesis, thus K application increased growth and yield attributes in groundnut. The results are in close conformity with the observations recorded by Davide et al. (1986) and Vinod Kumar et al. (2000). 42 Table 9: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on pod, kernel, haulm yield and shelling percentage of groundnut Treatments Dry pod yield Kernel yield haulm yield (q ha-1) (q ha-1) (q ha-1) Shelling % Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 (0) 21.74 14.71 33.93 67.63 L1(10) 23.68 16.28 35.05 68.73 L2(20) 26.25 18.15 35.23 69.08 L3(30) 29.26 20.27 37.67 69.26 L4(40) 31.69 22.13 38.94 69.90 S.E.± 0.57 0.38 0.56 0.52 CD at 5% 1.69 1.14 1.67 NS Sources of potassium S1(MOP) 26.69 18.48 36.58 69.19 S2(SOP) 27.70 19.26 36.64 69.46 S3(BA) 25.07 17.06 35.49 67.89 S4(SCH) 26.63 18.44 35.94 69.13 S.E.± 0.51 0.34 0.50 0.47 CD at 5% 1.51 1.02 NS NS Interaction (L x S) S.E.± 1.14 0.77 1.13 1.06 CD at 5% NS NS NS NS 43 Table 10: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on dry pod yield of groundnut. Sources of potassium Dry pod yield (q ha-1) Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 Mean S1 21.79 23.93 26.49 29.90 31.73 26.69 S2 22.32 24.48 27.43 31.36 32.89 27.70 S.E. 0.57 0.51 1.14 L S LXS S3 21.24 22.63 24.70 26.25 30.53 25.07 CD at 5% 1.69 1.51 NS S4 21.61 23.67 26.36 29.90 31.61 26.63 Mean 21.74 23.68 26.25 29.26 31.69 26.52 4.1.2 Kernel yield: The data regarding kernel yield of groundnut presented in table 9 & 11 and graphically depicted in fig 2 (a). From the data it is observed that the significantly highest kernel yield (22.13 q ha-1) was obtained due to application of 40 kg K2O ha-1 which was statistically superior over rest of K2O levels. While among sources of potassium S2 (SOP) showed significantly highest kernel yield (19.26 q ha-1) which was statistically superior over S3 (bagasse ash) but at par with rest of K2O sources. In relation to kernel yield interaction effects of different levels and sources of potassium was found non-significant. Similar results were obtained by Davide et al. (1986) and Vinod Kumar et al. (2000). 44 Table 11: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on kernel yield of groundnut Sources of potassium Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 Mean Kernel yield (q ha-1) S1 S2 S3 S4 14.85 15.33 14.01 14.66 16.47 16.96 15.26 16.44 18.70 19.34 16.63 17.91 21.13 21.58 18.12 20.26 22.11 23.09 21.26 22.08 18.65 19.26 17.06 18.27 S.E. CD at 5% L 0.38 1.14 S 0.34 1.02 L X S 0.77 NS Mean 14.71 16.28 18.15 20.27 22.13 18.31 4.1.3 Haulm yield: The data pertaining to haulm yield of groundnut presented in table 9 &12 and graphically depicted in fig 2 (a). Significantly highest haulm yield was recorded with application of 40 kg K2O ha-1 (38.94 q ha-1 ) which was at par with 30 kg K2O ha-1 (37.67q ha-1) and significantly superior over rest of K2O levels. Effect of different sources and interaction were found non-significant in relation to haulm yield. Similar results were obtained by Hadwani and Gundalia (2005) and Veramani and Subrahmaniyan (2011) who also reported response of groundnut to the applied potassium. 45 Table 12: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on haulm yield of groundnut Sources of potassium Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 Mean S1 33.12 35.44 36.59 38.88 38.87 36.58 L S LXS Haulm yield ( q S2 S3 33.49 32.92 36.00 33.64 37.69 34.35 39.44 36.15 39.59 37.95 36.64 35.49 S.E. CD at 5% 0.56 1.67 0.50 NS 1.13 NS ha-1) S4 33.20 35.14 35.30 36.19 39.34 35.94 Mean 33.93 35.05 35.23 37.67 38.94 36.16 4.1.4 Shelling percentage: The data presented in table 9 &13 and graphically depicted in fig 2 (b) showed that, shelling percentage was not much more influenced by the different levels and sources of potassium and it was found non-significant. The highest shelling percentage was recorded in L4- 40 kg K2O ha-1 (69.90 %) and among the sources S2- MOP was recorded 69.46 per cent. Similar findings have been reported by Rathore et al. (2014). 46 Table13: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on shelling percentage of groundnut Sources of potassium Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 Mean S1 68.09 68.92 70.65 68.58 69.73 69.19 L S LXS Shelling percentage S2 S3 S4 68.59 65.93 67.90 69.22 67.40 69.40 70.47 67.31 67.89 68.79 69.07 70.59 70.25 69.74 69.89 69.46 67.89 69.13 S.E. CD at 5% 0.53 NS 0.47 NS 1.06 NS Mean 67.63 68.73 69.08 69.26 69.90 68.92 4.1.5 Filled and unfilled pods plant-1: The data in respect of filled pods plant-1 presented in table 14 & 15 and graphically depicted in fig 3. From the data it is observed that the filled pods plant-1 was significantly affected by different levels and sources Significantly highest number of filled pods of potassium. plant-1 (38.89) were recorded by application of 40 kg K2O ha-1 which was at par with 30 kg K2O ha-1 (36.21) and significantly superior over rest of K2O levels. Among the sources S2 (SOP) recorded significantly highest filled pods plant-1 (37.10) than all other sources of potassium. The number of unfilled pods plant-1 was decreased considerably with graded levels of potassium. Significantly lowest unfilled pods plant-1 was recorded with L4-40 kg K2O 47 ha-1 (7.88) than the all other levels of potassium. Among the sources, significantly lowest unfilled pods plant-1 were recorded with S2-SOP (7.90) than the all other sources of potassium. However, interaction effects were found non-significant in relation to number of filled and unfilled pods plant-1. The results are in close aggrement with the findings reported by Singh and Chaudhari (1996), Reddy et al. (2011) and Nathiya and Sanjivkumar (2014) who also reported superior performance of groundnut to the SOP and levels of potassium. Table 14: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on filled and unfilled pods plant-1 of groundnut Treatments Filled pods Plant-1 Unfilled pods Plant-1 Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 S.E.± CD at 5% Sources of potassium S1(MOP) S2(SOP) S3(BA) S4(SCH) S.E.± CD at 5% Interaction (L X S) S.E.± CD at 5% 24.24 29.71 33.04 36.21 38.89 1.04 3.08 9.88 9.25 8.25 8.13 7.88 0.37 1.10 32.79 37.10 28.77 31.00 0.93 2.76 8.60 7.90 9.40 8.80 0.33 0.98 2.08 NS 0.74 NS 48 Table15: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on number of filled pods plant-1 of groundnut Sources of potassium Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 Mean S1 24.50 29.00 36.05 37.04 37.35 32.79 L S LXS Filled pods plant-1 S2 S3 S4 26.00 22.35 24.10 36.50 26.15 27.20 34.50 29.60 32.00 43.50 29.25 35.04 45.00 36.50 36.70 37.10 28.77 31.01 S.E. CD at 5% 1.04 3.09 0.93 2.76 2.08 NS Mean 24.24 29.71 33.04 36.21 38.89 32.42 Table16: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on number of unfilled pods plant-1 of groundnut Sources of potassium Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 Mean S1 9.00 9.47 8.50 8.00 8.00 8.60 L S LXS Unfilled pods plant-1 S2 S3 S4 9.50 10.50 10.48 8.50 9.50 9.48 7.50 8.50 8.50 7.50 9.50 7.50 6.50 9.00 8.00 7.90 9.40 8.80 S.E. CD at 5% 0.37 1.10 0.33 0.98 0.74 NS Mean 9.88 9.25 8.25 8.13 7.88 8.68 49 4.2 Effect of levels and sources of potassium on oil content and oil yield of groundnut: 4.2.1 Oil content: From the data presented in table 17 & 18 and graphically depicted in fig. 4(a) revealed that significantly highest percentage oil content was recorded in potassium level L4- 40 kg K2O ha-1 (47.59 %) than the Lo- 0 kg K2O ha-1 (44.58%) but it was at par with rest of K2O levels, while there was no significant difference among K2O sources and interactions in relation to oil content. Table 17: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on oil content and yield of groundnut Treatments Oil content % Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 44.58 L1 45.64 L2 45.92 L3 47.06 L4 47.59 S.E.± 0.67 CD at 5% 1.98 Sources of potassium S1(MOP) 46.24 S2(SOP) 47.27 S3(BA) 44.99 S4(SCH) 46.13 S.E.± 0.60 CD at 5% NS Interaction (L x S) S.E.± 1.34 CD at 5% NS Oil yield (kg ha-1) 655.16 743.69 835.45 955.29 1053.71 21.27 62.95 856.90 914.55 769.13 854.07 19.02 56.30 42.53 NS 50 Table 18: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on oil content of groundnut Sources of potassium Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 Mean S1 45.17 45.65 46.00 46.89 47.48 46.24 L S LXS Oil content S2 S3 45.19 42.67 46.53 44.80 46.94 45.33 48.55 45.84 49.14 46.30 47.27 44.99 S.E. CD at 5% 0.67 1.98 0.60 NS 1.34 NS (%) S4 45.30 45.57 45.40 46.95 47.44 46.13 Mean 44.58 45.64 45.92 47.06 47.59 46.15 4.2.2 Oil yield The data reported in table17 & 19 and graphically depicted in fig 4 (b) showed that oil yield of groundnut is enhanced due to increasing levels of potassium. The results indicated that, significantly highest oil yield (1053.71 kg ha-1) was recorded by application of L4 (40 kg K2O ha-1) which was significantly superior over rest of K2O levels. Among sources S2 (SOP) recorded significantly highest oil yield (914.55 kg ha-1) than the rest of K2O sources. However, the interaction effects were found non- significant in relation to oil yield. 51 Balanced use of nutrients might have improved the yield attributing characteristics like root and plant growth, nutrient uptake, physical, chemical and biological activities which ultimately results in higher kernel and oil yield. Increased oil yield was due to the reason that, sulphur might be associated with accelerated formation of acetyl Co- A, a precursor of fatty acids synthesis and enzyme activities of potassium. Umar et al. (1999) and Rathore et al. (2014) have reported similar findings in relation to oil content and oil yield of groundnut. Table19: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on oil yield of groundnut Sources of potassium Oil yield (kg Levels of S1 S2 S3 potassium (kg ha-1) L0 670.05 691.97 595.08 L1 752.08 788.25 684.63 L2 861.82 909.48 755.31 L3 950.91 1048.17 828.25 L4 1049.62 1134.89 982.39 Mean 856.90 914.55 769.13 CD at S.E. 5% S 21.27 62.95 K 19.02 56.30 SXK 42.53 125.89 ha-1) S4 Mean 663.54 655.16 749.82 743.69 815.20 835.45 993.83 955.29 1047.95 1053.71 854.07 848.66 52 4.3 Effect of levels and sources of potassium on nutrient uptake of groundnut. Table 20: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on total Treatments uptake of primary nutrients by groundnut Total N uptake kg ha-1 Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) 90.39 L0 96.89 L1 106.59 L2 119.76 L 3 Total P uptake kg ha-1 Total K uptake kg ha-1 14.55 53.21 15.61 63.82 16.64 71.09 18.05 77.17 L4 130.07 19.81 82.53 S.E. ± 1.17 0.25 1.37 CD at 5% 3.47 0.74 4.06 17.86 75.49 17.81 69.31 16.23 64.81 16.72 67.87 0.22 1.23 0.66 3.64 2.34 0.50 2.75 NS NS NS Sources of potassium 109.33 S1(MOP) 114.32 S2(SOP) 102.90 S3(BA) 108.40 S4(SCH) 1.05 S.E. ± CD at 5% 3.10 Interaction (L x S) S.E. ± CD at 5% 53 4.3.1 Total Nitrogen uptake The data presented in table 20 & 21 and graphically depicted in fig 5(a) revealed that, the total uptake of nitrogen was significantly affected by different levels and sources of potassium. Significantly highest total N uptake was recorded by application of 40 kg ha-1 K2O (L4) and with SOP (S2) (130.07 and 114.32 kg ha-1, respectively) and it was superior over all other levels and sources of potassium. However, for total N uptake interaction effects were found non-significant. The added nutrients and synergetic effect N and S might have enhanced the microbial activities resulting in higher nitrogen fixation, profuse plant and root growth which ultimately increased total uptake of nitrogen. The results are in close aggrement with the findings reported by Dutta et al. (2003) and Rathore et al. (2014). Table 21: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on total uptake of nitrogen by groundnut at harvest Sources of potassium Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 Mean S1 89.30 99.36 108.30 120.98 128.74 109.33 L S LXS Total N uptake (kg ha-1) S2 S3 S4 93.44 87.15 91.67 99.63 92.38 96.19 113.92 99.52 104.63 126.64 109.64 121.77 137.98 125.81 127.75 114.32 102.90 108.40 S.E. CD at 5% 1.17 3.47 1.05 3.10 2.34 NS Mean 90.39 96.89 106.59 119.76 130.07 108.74 54 4.3.2 Total Phosphorus uptake The total uptake of phosphorus by groundnut was significantly affected by different levels and sources of potassium. The significantly highest total P uptake (19.81 kg ha-1) was found with application of 40 kg K2O ha-1 than the other levels of potassium. Among sources significantly highest total P uptake (17.86 kg ha-1) was recorded with S1-MOP which was at par with S2-SOP (17.81 kg ha-1) than the rest of potassium sources. Interaction effects of different levels and sources of potassium were found non- significant in relation to total P uptake. The increased root and plant growth might have increased higher total uptake of P. Again, the presence of other nutrients in different potassium sources might have increased the availability of phosphate solubilizing bacteria which improved total P uptake. The results are in close conformity with the findings reported by Dutta et al. (2003) and Hadwani and Gundalia (2005). 55 Table 22: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on total uptake of phosphorus by groundnut at harvest Sources of potassium Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 Mean S1 14.74 16.06 17.88 18.89 21.73 17.86 L S LXS Total P uptake (kg ha-1) S2 S3 S4 Mean 14.92 14.00 14.52 14.55 16.23 14.62 15.53 15.61 17.75 14.87 16.08 16.64 19.42 16.54 17.37 18.05 20.73 18.90 17.91 19.81 17.81 16.23 16.72 16.93 S.E. CD at 5% 0.25 0.74 0.22 0.66 0.50 NS 4.3.3 Total potassium uptake From the data presented in table 20 & 23 and graphically depicted in fig 5(a), it was found that significantly highest total K uptake was with the application of 40 kg K2O ha-1 (82.53 kg ha-1) and MOP (75.49 kg ha-1) than the rest of levels and sources of potassium. Interaction effects of different levels and sources of potassium were found non- significant in relation to total K uptake. The increased uptake of potassium might be due to added potassium and profuse growth of root and plant as a result of added nutrients. Similar finding were reported by Dutta et al. (2003) and Hadwani and Gundalia (2005.) 56 Table 23: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on total uptake of potassium by groundnut at harvest Sources of potassium Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 Mean S1 53.28 72.67 79.41 86.19 89.76 75.49 L S LXS Total K uptake (kg ha-1) S2 S3 S4 53.97 52.68 52.91 61.91 60.37 60.34 69.66 64.89 70.37 76.45 71.85 74.19 84.56 74.26 81.55 69.31 64.81 67.87 S.E. CD at 5% 1.37 4.06 1.23 3.64 2.75 NS Mean 53.21 63.82 71.09 77.17 82.53 69.56 57 Table 24: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on total uptake of secondary nutrients by groundnut Total Ca uptake Total S uptake Total B uptake kg ha-1 kg ha-1 g ha-1 Treatments Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 48.59 13.57 40.21 L1 50.66 14.77 41.32 L2 51.27 16.01 42.67 L3 55.07 16.73 43.63 L4 56.92 18.40 44.46 S.E. ± 0.81 0.26 0.36 CD at 5% 2.39 0.76 1.08 Sources of potassium S1(MOP) 52.88 15.55 42.84 S2(SOP) 53.24 16.72 42.59 S3(BA) 51.50 15.33 41.64 S4(SCH) 52.40 15.89 42.77 S.E. ± 0.72 0.23 0.33 CD at 5% NS 0.68 NS S.E. ± 1.61 0.51 0.73 CD at 5% NS NS NS Interaction (L x S) 58 4.3.4 Total Calcium uptake The data presented in table 24 & 25 and graphically depicted in fig. 5(b) revealed that, total uptake of calcium by groundnut was found significantly highest (56.92 kg ha-1) at L4 -K 40 but it was at par with L3-K 30 (55.07 kg ha-1). The effect of sources and interaction effects of different levels and sources of potassium were found non- significant in relation to total Ca uptake. The increased potassium levels associated with profuse growth of plant and roots and thus increased total Ca uptake by groundnut. The results are in close conformity with the findings reported by Rathore et al. (2014). Table 25: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on total uptake of calcium by groundnut at harvest Sources of potassium Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 Mean S1 47.73 51.36 52.90 57.35 55.04 52.88 L S LXS Total Ca uptake (kg ha-1) S2 S3 S4 47.88 46.94 51.82 52.04 50.83 48.40 50.11 51.86 50.22 57.78 51.92 53.23 58.36 55.94 58.32 53.24 51.50 52.40 S.E. CD at 5% 0.81 2.39 0.72 NS 1.61 NS Mean 48.59 50.66 51.27 55.07 56.92 52.50 59 4.3.5 Total Sulphur uptake From the data presented in table 24 & 26 and graphically depicted in fig 5(b) revealed that, the total uptake of sulphur was significantly highest (18.40 ha-1) at L4 (K 40) which was significantly superior over rest of potassium levels. Among sources highest total S uptake (16.72 kg ha-1) was recorded with S1 (MOP) which was significantly superior over rest of potassium sources. However, interaction effects of different levels and sources of potassium were found non-significant in relation to total S uptake. The added sulphur by Sulphate of potash and schoenite might have increase the pool available sulphur in soil and improved activities of sulphur oxidizing microbs might have helped for oxidation of elemental sulphur to SO4. Similar findings was reported by Rathore et al. (2014) Table 26: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on total uptake of sulphur by groundnut at harvest Sources of potassium Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 Mean S1 13.25 14.69 15.82 16.18 18.32 15.65 L S LXS Total S uptake (kg ha-1) S2 S3 S4 14.16 13.35 13.54 15.64 14.03 14.74 16.98 15.43 15.80 17.95 15.95 16.85 18.87 17.91 18.52 16.72 15.33 15.89 S.E. CD at 5% 0.25 0.76 0.23 0.68 0.51 NS Mean 13.57 14.77 16.01 16.73 18.40 15.90 60 4.3.6 Total Boron uptake The data presented in table 24 & 27 and graphically depicted in fig 5(b) revealed that, total uptake of boron by groundnut was significantly highest (44.46 g ha-1) at L4- K 40 but it was at par with L3-K 30 (43.63 g ha-1). The effect of sources and interaction effects of different levels and sources of potassium were found non-significant in relation to total B uptake. Table 27: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on total uptake of boron by groundnut at harvest Sources of potassium Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 Mean S1 40.67 41.43 43.47 43.95 44.68 42.84 L S LXS Total B uptake (g ha-1) S2 S3 S4 40.71 39.53 39.94 41.67 40.95 41.22 42.79 41.59 42.84 43.92 42.55 44.10 43.85 43.61 45.73 42.59 41.64 42.77 S.E. CD at 5% 0.36 1.08 0.33 NS 0.73 NS Mean 40.21 41.32 42.67 43.63 44.46 42.46 61 4.4 Effect of levels and sources of potassium on chemical properties and nutrient status of soil after harvest of groundnut: The data in respect of effect of potassium levels and sources on different chemical properties and nutrient status of soil after harvest of groundnut crop is presented in table 28 to 39. From the data it was revealed that effect of different levels and sources of potassium and their interactions were nonsignificant on soil chemical properties i.e. pH, EC, OC, per cent CaCO3 equivalent of soil at harvest. However, pH was slightly decreased with potassium sources containing sulphur. The data given (Table 28) showed that, the available (N, P, K, S) and exchangeable (Ca, Mg, Na) nutrients in soil after harvest of groundnut were not much more influenced by the different levels and sources of potassium and were found nonsignificant. 62 Table 28: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on chemical properties and nutrient status of soil at harvest of groundnut Treatments pH (1:25) EC (dS m-1) OC (%) per cent CaCO3 equivalent Available nutrients N P K S (kg Levels of potassium ( L0 759. L1 7.63 L2 7.65 L3 7.67 L4 7.67 S.E.± 0.03 CD at 5% NS sources of potassium S1(MOP) 7.65 S2(SOP) 7.63 S3(BA) 7.66 S4(SCH) 7.63 S.E.± 0.29 CD at 5% NS Interaction (L x S) S.E.± 0.08 CD at 5% NS ha-1) Exchangeable cations { cmol (p+) kg-1} (mg kg-1) Ca Mg Na kg ha-1) 0.25 0.44 0.26 0.45 0.27 0.48 0.25 0.46 0.29 0.48 0.005 0.01 NS NS 4.55 4.62 4.65 4.72 4.90 0.08 NS 153.74 155.70 157.18 162.27 165.03 2.89 NS 21.23 21.36 21.88 22.24 22.42 0.33 NS 243.89 245.32 247.82 250.99 253.86 2.55 NS 9.74 10.14 10.43 10.48 11.01 0.36 NS 20.53 20.88 21.11 21.36 21.85 0.31 NS 7.30 7.34 7.38 7.45 7.50 0.07 NS 1.95 1.97 2.01 2.04 2.18 0.05 NS 0.27 0.24 0.29 0.25 0.004 NS 0.46 0.47 0.45 0.46 0.01 NS 4.73 4.66 4.69 4.67 0.07 NS 159.35 159.87 157.86 158.05 2.58 NS 21.90 21.92 21.67 21.82 0.29 NS 250.54 10.22 249.19 10.62 245.73 9.95 248.04 10.65 2.28 0.32 NS NS 21.11 21.49 20.79 21.27 0.28 NS 7.42 7.39 7.32 7.44 0.06 NS 2.03 2.04 2.01 2.04 0.05 NS 0.01 NS 0.02 NS 0.16 NS 5.77 NS 0.65 NS 5.11 NS 0.72 NS 0.62 NS 0.13 NS 0.11 NS 63 Table 29: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on soil pH at harvest of groundnut Sources of potassium Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 Mean S1 7.61 7.65 7.68 7.66 7.73 7.65 S2 7.53 7.63 7.63 7.65 7.66 7.63 S.E. L 0.03 S 0.03 L X S 0.06 Soil pH S3 7.55 7.69 7.68 7.73 7.77 7.66 CD at 5% NS NS NS S4 7.52 7.61 7.65 7.69 7.68 7.64 Mean 7.59 7.63 7.65 7.67 7.67 7.65 Table 30: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on soil EC at harvest of groundnut Sources of potassium Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 Mean S1 0.23 0.26 0.31 0.25 0.30 0.28 S2 0.28 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.29 0.27 S.E. L 0.01 S 0.01 L X S 0.02 EC (dS m-1) S3 S4 0.28 0.24 0.24 0.26 0.25 0.25 0.26 0.24 0.29 0.28 0.26 0.25 CD at 5% NS NS NS Mean 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.25 0.29 0.26 64 Table 31: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on soil organic carbon at harvest of groundnut Sources of potassium Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 Mean S1 0.45 0.46 0.47 0.41 0.46 0.45 L S LXS S2 0.47 0.46 0.47 0.46 0.49 0.47 S.E. 0.01 0.01 0.02 OC (%) S3 0.40 0.44 0.52 0.47 0.44 0.45 CD at 5% NS NS NS S4 0.47 0.43 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 Mean 0.45 0.45 0.48 0.45 0.46 0.46 Table 32: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on per cent CaCO3 equivalent at harvest of groundnut Sources of potassium Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 Mean per cent CaCO3 equivalent S1 S2 S3 S4 Mean 4.41 4.71 4.58 4.50 4.55 4.69 4.53 4.69 4.58 4.62 4.84 4.56 4.57 4.63 4.65 4.71 4.70 4.78 4.69 4.72 5.01 4.81 4.84 4.95 4.90 4.73 4.66 4.69 4.67 4.69 S.E. CD at 5% L 0.08 NS S 0.07 NS L X S 0.16 NS 65 Table 33: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on soil available nitrogen at harvest of groundnut Sources of potassium Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 Mean S1 153.73 157.66 158.67 163.69 163.01 159.35 L S LXS Available N (kg S2 S3 155.14 152.66 155.89 153.10 157.93 155.99 165.11 160.72 165.30 166.83 159.87 157.86 S.E. CD at 5% 2.89 NS 2.58 NS 5.77 NS ha-1) S4 153.44 156.15 156.11 159.57 165.01 158.05 Mean 153.74 155.70 157.18 162.27 165.03 158.78 Table 34: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on soil available phosphorus at harvest of groundnut Sources of potassium Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 Mean S1 21.60 21.60 21.93 21.95 22.44 21.90 L S LXS Available P (kg S2 S3 21.24 20.90 21.56 21.01 22.01 21.89 22.38 22.25 22.44 22.28 21.92 21.67 S.E. CD at 5% 0.33 NS 0.29 NS 0.65 NS ha-1) S4 21.18 21.28 21.70 22.39 22.54 21.82 Mean 21.23 21.36 21.88 22.24 22.42 21.83 66 Table 35: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on soil available potassium at harvest of groundnut Sources of potassium Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 Mean S1 246.05 248.05 251.71 252.73 254.15 250.54 L S LXS Available K (kg S2 S3 244.60 242.35 246.12 243.15 250.58 244.14 251.43 248.71 253.23 250.30 249.19 245.73 CD at S.E. 5% 2.55 NS 2.28 NS 5.11 NS ha-1) S4 242.56 243.94 244.83 251.11 257.76 248.04 Mean 243.89 245.32 247.82 250.99 253.86 248.37 Table 36: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on soil available sulphur at harvest of groundnut Sources of potassium Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 Mean S1 9.75 10.98 10.31 9.93 10.14 10.22 L S LXS Available S (mg kg-1) S2 S3 S4 10.01 9.23 9.99 10.08 9.62 9.90 10.64 10.04 10.74 10.76 10.09 11.14 11.64 10.75 11.51 10.62 9.95 10.65 S.E. CD at 5% 0.36 NS 0.32 NS 0.72 NS Mean 9.74 10.14 10.43 10.48 11.01 10.36 67 Table 37: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on soil exchangeable calcium at harvest of groundnut Sources of potassium Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 Mean exchangeable Ca { cmol (P+) kg-1} S1 S2 S3 S4 Mean 20.15 20.88 20.15 20.93 20.53 21.10 21.27 20.22 20.95 20.88 20.97 21.39 20.39 21.69 21.11 21.33 21.80 21.32 20.99 21.36 21.99 22.10 21.88 21.45 21.85 21.11 21.49 20.79 21.27 21.15 S.E. CD at 5% L 0.31 NS S 0.28 NS L X S 0.62 NS Table 38: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on soil exchangeable magnesium at harvest of groundnut Sources of potassium Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 Mean exchangeable Mg { cmol (P+) kg-1} S1 S2 S3 S4 Mean 7.32 7.29 7.20 7.38 7.30 7.39 7.32 7.23 7.42 7.34 7.43 7.37 7.29 7.43 7.38 7.47 7.46 7.40 7.48 7.45 7.50 7.53 7.47 7.52 7.50 7.42 7.39 7.32 7.44 7.39 S.E. CD at 5% L 0.07 NS S 0.06 NS L X S 0.13 NS 68 Table 39: Effect of levels and sources of potassium on soil exchangeable sodium at harvest of groundnut Sources of potassium Levels of potassium (kg ha-1) L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 Mean exchangeable Na { cmol S1 S2 S3 2.08 1.93 1.80 2.09 2.02 2.01 2.00 2.10 1.95 1.80 2.06 2.05 2.19 2.11 2.24 2.03 2.04 2.01 S.E. CD at 5% L 0.05 NS S 0.04 NS L X S 0.10 NS (P+) kg-1} S4 Mean 2.00 1.95 1.78 1.97 2.00 2.01 2.25 2.04 2.17 2.18 2.04 2.03 69 5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION The present investigation entitled “Effect of levels and sources of potassium on yield and quality of kharif Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in Entisol.” was undertaken during kharif season 2016-17 at Agronomy Farm, College of Agriculture, Kolhapur. The experiment was laid out in a Factorial Randomized Block Design with twenty treatments and two replications. The important findings of the present investigation are summarized below: 1. The yield of dry pod, kernel and haulm of groundnut were increased significantly with increasing levels of potassium and highest yields (31.69, 22.13, and 38.94 q ha-1, respectively) were recorded by application of 40 kg K2O ha-1. Amongst sources highest yields (27.70, 19.26 and 36.64 q ha-1, respectively) were recorded with S2 SOP. 2. Significantly highest number of filled pods plant-1 (38.89) were recorded with application of 40 kg K2O ha-1 and S2 – SOP (37.10) and significantly lowest unfilled pods plant-1 were recorded with L4-40 kg K2O ha-1 (7.88) and S2-SOP (7.90). 3. The oil content of groundnut was significantly highest (47.59 %) with application of 40 kg K2O ha-1 but effect of sources and interactions were found non- significant. 4. Oil yield was increased significantly with increasing levels of potassium and highest oil yield (1053.71 kg ha-1) was recorded with application of 40 kg K2O ha-1 70 and among sources, S2 –SOP (914.55 kg ha-1) recorded significantly highest yield. 5. The application of potassium significantly increased the uptake of N, P, K, Ca, S and B. The highest uptake of these nutrients (130.07, 19.81, 82.53, 56.92 and 18.40 kg ha-1 and 44.46 g ha-1, respectively) were recorded with application of 40 kg K2O ha-1. Amongst different sources S2 -SOP recorded highest total N (114.32 kgha-1), Ca (53.24 kg ha-1) and S (16.72 kg ha-1) uptake while highest total P (17.86 kg ha-1), K (75.49 kg ha-1) and B (42.84 g ha-1) uptake were observed with S1 (MOP). 6. Different levels and sources of potassium and their interactions showed non-significant effect on pH, EC, organic carbon and per cent calcium carbonate equivalent of soil after harvest of groundnut. 7. 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