What Every Scope User Needs to Know About Transmission Lines Dr. Eric Bogatin, Signal Integrity Evangelist Dean, Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy www.beTheSignal.com Director, Teledyne LeCroy Front Range Signal Integrity Lab Adjunct Prof, Univ of Colorado, Boulder, ECEE Editor, Signal Integrity Journal, www.SignalIntegrityJournal.com Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy 1 A Confusing Aspect of Scope Measurements When you measure the rise time of the cal signal (really the compensation reference signal) the rise time depends on the length of the cable. How come? Are we seeing losses in the cable? Is it an RC charging effect? How do we interpret the source features from this sort of measurement? Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy 2 Looks like longer cables have longer rise times 3 ft cable 6 ft cable Cal out source is really RT = 5 nsec Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy 3 Outline Five essential principles 1. All interconnects are transmission lines 2. Signals propagate 3. Signals see an instantaneous impedance 4. Signals reflect when they encounter a change in the instantaneous impedance 5. ALL voltage sources have a Vth, Rth, 10-90 rise time ▪ Applied to interpreting scope measurements ▪ Common artifacts ▪ When to use 1 Meg input, when to use 50 Ohm input Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy 4 “A method is a trick that works more than once”- George Polya Gary Larson: We will encounter many trickssome more valuable than others Pay attention to the more valuable ones “remember that spot” Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy An important habit for ALL Engineers Rule #9: Never do a measurement or simulation without first anticipating what you expect to see. If you are wrong, there is a reason- either the set up is wrong or your intuition is wrong. Either way, by exploring the difference, you will learn something If you are right, you get a nice warm feeling that you understand what is going on. Corollary to rule #9: There are so many ways of screwing up a measurement or simulation, you can never do too many consistency checks • Get in the habit of: • Never passing an opportunity to apply rule #9. • Evaluating every measurement with rule #9 • Practice thinking of new consistency tests you can perform, and doing them. • “Put in the numbers” at every opportunity Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy Essential Principle: All interconnects are transmission lines Signal path Vin V Return path Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy GROUND Essential Principle: Signals are Dynamic All interconnects are transmission lines A signal as a voltage difference Signals propagate Signal path V Vin Return path v 12 inches n sec Dk In Coax cable In FR4 traces 12 inches n sec 4 GROUND 12 inches n sec 6 inches n sec 2 12 inches n sec 12 inches n sec 8 inches n sec 1.5 2.2 TD for 1 foot coax = 1.5 nsec, 3 feet in 4.5 nsec ~ 5 nsec Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy Dynamic Simulation of Propagating and Reflected Signals Download this free animation tool from www.beTheSignal.com VRPW-30-16: Yoshi’s Animations of Reflections Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy Essential Principle: Signals see an instantaneous impedance ALL Signals ALWAYS propagate The edge has a spatial extent, where the dV/dt, dI/dt is The edge sees an instantaneous impedance Vsignal V Frozen in time Signal path Vin V Return path The dV/dt The dI/dt V I Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy GROUND Really Simple View of the Impedance of a Transmission Line Z Voltage applied Current through C = C L x I = Qt I C x V Q = CV, x every t = v v CL x V Q = v C LV I = t = x instantaneous impedance of the transmission line V V 1 Z I vCL V vCL The characteristic impedance of a transmission line: The one value of instantaneous impedance in a uniform transmission line Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy 11 Essential Principle: The Return Current is Just as Important as the Signal Current signal +++ +++ I = --- displacement current +++ The current loop has two directions associated with it: 1. A direction of propagation 2. A direction of circulation They are independent! Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy Signals reflect when the instantaneous impedance changes If the instantaneous impedance changes some of the signal reflects Most important distinction: signals are dynamic! Don’t confuse the signal that propagates with the measured voltage at a node. Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy Three Secrets to Understanding Scope Measurements 1. Keep track of all the reflections 2. Know your source impedance 3. Know the round trip time of the cable: round trip time for a reflection to come back to the scope is 2 x 1.5 nsec per foot of cable. • 2 foot cable, RT time ~ 6 nsec • 1 m cable, RT time ~ 10 nsec Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy 14 Situational Awareness: ALWAYS be aware of your scope features AND your DUT features ▪ Scope: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Sample rate Time base Number of samples in an acquisition Vertical resolution Analog bandwidth, instrument intrinsic rise time Scope input impedance setting ▪ Cable (probe): ▪ BW (from losses) ▪ Z0, TD ▪ DUT (as a Thevenin Source) ▪ Unloaded voltage ▪ Source resistance ▪ Rise time Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy 15 The Scope We Are Using Today ▪ Teledyne LeCroy WavePro HD ▪ Main features ▪ 4 channels ▪ 8 GHz analog BW ▪ 12 bit vertical resolution ▪ 20 Gsamples/sec (50 psec interval) ▪ 60 fsec rms sample clock jitter ▪ 5 G samples acquisition memory ▪ Longest acquisition time at max sample rate = 5 G samples / 20 Gsamples/sec = 0.25 sec @ 50 psec resolution! Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy 16 Six important cases: what we expect to see depends on the source impedance! Source Impedance Scope termination 50 Ohms 50 Ohms 50 Ohms 1 Meg >> 50 Ohms 50 Ohms >> 50 Ohms 1 Meg << 50 Ohms 50 Ohms << 50 Ohms 1 Meg Expected behavior Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy 17 How to Reverse Engineer the DUT Figures of Merit Measured voltage is the unloaded, open circuit, Thevenin voltage of source Step 1: Measure the DUT output voltage with scope at 1 Meg input Step 2: Measure the DUT voltage with scope at 50 Ohms (caution: make sure voltage is < 5 V rms!!) Step 3: calculate the output source resistance Vmeas Vsource Rscope Rsource Rscope Rsource Rscope Measured voltage is the voltage across a 50 Ohm load to the Thevenin circuit Vsource Vmeas Vmeas Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy 18 Example #1: LeCroy WaveStation 2052 50 MHz Waveform Generator Set up for 1 V P-P output ▪ On square wave output ▪ What is ✓Vsource ✓Rsource ✓10-90 rise time Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy 19 How to Understand the Voltages and Signals 50 Ohm source 2 v P-P 7 nsec rise time When you set 1 V P-P, the Thevenin voltage is set to 2 V P-P The source impedance is 50 Ohms. A 1 V P-P signal is launched into the 50 Ohm coax cable. What you do with this 1 V P-P signal is up to you. When scope is 50 Ohms, you measure the 1 V P-P signal When scope is 1 Meg load, 1 V P-P enters 1 Meg resistor, 1 V P-P reflects. Scope measures sum of both waves Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy 20 The Cal Out Signal, 1 Meg Scope Input Scope input: 1 Meg Ohm Probe: 1 m long RG58 cable with gripper tips V_source = 1 V RT = 206 nsec ▪ On square wave output ▪ What is ✓ Vsource ✓ Rsource ✓ 10-90 rise time Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy 21 Source impedance of Cal signal Rsource Rscope Vsource Vmeas Vmeas V-measured, 1 Meg = 1 V V-measured 50 Ohm load = 0.06 V Rsource 50 1 0.06 780 0.06 780 Ohms >> 50 Ohms Rule #9: What should we see? 3 ft cable, TD = 4.5 nsec, round trip = 9 nsec With 50 Ohms With 1 Meg input? Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy 22 Looks like longer cables have longer rise times ▪ It is an artifact of the reflections in the cable ▪ Eliminate the reflections (terminate at scope), you eliminate the artifacts 3 ft cable 6 ft cable Cal out source is really RT = 5 nsec Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy 23 Summary ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Always characterize your source: Know its Vth, Rth, RT Eliminate cable reflections using 50 Ohm input to the scope But this loads the source down If you use 50 Ohm cable and 1 Meg input AND the source is high output impedance ▪ Be aware that you will have cable reflections ▪ Rise time will look like it depends on the cable length ▪ Rise time will look like an RC charging, but it is due to reflections ▪ If you do not want to load your source with 50 Ohms ▪ Use an active high bandwidth probe ▪ Use a 10x high impedance probe, but be aware of its artifacts!! Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy 24 What Every Scope User Needs to Know About Transmission Lines Dr. Eric Bogatin, Signal Integrity Evangelist Dean, Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy www.beTheSignal.com Director, Teledyne LeCroy Front Range Signal Integrity Lab Adjunct Prof, Univ of Colorado, Boulder, ECEE Editor, Signal Integrity Journal, www.SignalIntegrityJournal.com Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy 25