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Storyboard Assignment: Illustrating Key Ideas

Storyboard Assignment: Illustrating Key Ideas or Symbols
Assignment Instructions:
You will create a storyboard that illustrates the key themes or symbols from either "The
Woman Who Fell from the Sky" or "The World on the Turtle's Back."
1. Identify Key Ideas and Symbols:
Reflect on the story and identify at least 6 key moments (if you identify more, feel
free to include them)
2. Create a Rough Draft Storyboard:
Create a rough draft with a minimum of 6 frames that illustrate key moment in the story,
focusing on themes and symbols.
Storyboard must include:
a. 6 frames minimum
b. Illustrations with details in each panel that represent the events, show
emotions, setting, and key actions.
Each frame should include:
c. Dialogue/Captions that capture key moments and emotions, describe
what’s happening in the scene, or convey character thoughts.
d. An illustration representing a moment in the story or a key
3. Create a Final Copy: You can create your final copy however you choose. You can
create and draw your own panels or use the ones provided to you.
4. Use Color and Detail:
Make your storyboard visually engaging by adding color, textures, or other artistic
elements that reflect the mood or tone of the story
Understanding Demonstrates a deep
and Use of
understanding of themes and
Themes and
symbols, with insightful
connections to the story.
Illustrations and captions
clearly and powerfully
represent these themes.
Demonstrates a good
understanding of themes
and symbols, with clear
connections. Illustrations
and captions represent
themes with some clarity.
Demonstrates a basic
understanding of themes and
symbols, with unclear or
underdeveloped connections.
Illustrations and captions may
lack clarity.
Demonstrates a limited
understanding of
themes and symbols.
Key elements are
misunderstood or
Creativity and
Storyboard is visually striking,
creatively designed, and
engages the audience.
Strong attention to detail and
thoughtful use of color and
design elements.
Storyboard is visually
appealing with a complete
design, using color and
some design elements to
support the story.
Storyboard is functional, with
some creativity shown, but
lacking in visual elements or
overall appeal.
Storyboard is
incomplete or lacks
creativity, with minimal
or no visual elements to
support the story.
and Clarity
The storyboard is very wellorganized with a clear, logical
flow. All frames are
appropriately labeled and
The storyboard is organized,
with a clear flow and most
frames labeled and
The storyboard has some
organization, but the flow
may be unclear or
incomplete. Some frames
lack labels or explanations.
The storyboard lacks
organization and is
difficult to follow. Many
frames are missing
labels or explanations.
Language Use
Captions are detailed,
insightful, and effectively
explain the connection
between the scenes,
symbols, and themes.
Language is clear, with
strong tone and voice.
Captions provide good
explanations of the
connection between the
scenes and the
themes/symbols. Language
is mostly clear and
Captions are basic, with
some unclear or
underdeveloped explanations
of the themes/symbols.
Language may be vague or
too simple.
Captions are vague or
incorrect, with minimal
or no explanation of the