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Cloud Computing
Data Concepts
Intellslick Technologies inc.
• HDFS architecture
• HDFS commands
• HDFS file operations
• HDFS data integrity
• HDFS federation
• HDFS high availability
• Linux
• Linux commands
• Linux file system
Intellslick Technologies inc.
• MapReduce
• MapReduce architecture
• MapReduce programming model
• MapReduce data types
• MapReduce input/output formats
• MapReduce partitioning
• MapReduce sorting
• MapReduce joins
• YARN architecture
• YARN components
• YARN resource management
• YARN application management
Intellslick Technologies inc.
• Hive
• Hive architecture
• Hive data types
• Hive query language
• Hive data storage
• Hive partitioning
• Hive indexing
• Sqoop
• Sqoop architecture
• Sqoop import and export
• Sqoop incremental import
• Sqoop data types
• Sqoop data serialization
Intellslick Technologies inc.
• HBase
• HBase architecture
• HBase data model
• HBase data types
• HBase table operations
• HBase data storage
• HBase indexing
• Oozie
• Oozie architecture
• Oozie workflow definition
• Oozie workflow execution
• Oozie coordinator definition
• Oozie coordinator execution
Intellslick Technologies inc.
• Spark Core
• RDD (Resilient Distributed
• Transformations and Actions
• Spark SQL
• Spark SQL architecture
• Spark SQL data sources
• Spark SQL data types
• Spark SQL functions
Intellslick Technologies inc.
• Performance Issues & Tuning
• Spark performance issues
• Spark performance tuning
• Spark memory management
• Spark configuration parameters
Intellslick Technologies inc.
• Overview
• Features
• Service and Support
• Ease of Deployment
• Databricks on Cloud
• Apache Spark vs. Databricks
Intellslick Technologies inc.
• Introduction to Cloud Computing
• Overview of cloud computing
• Cloud computing standards
• Cloud computing account setup
• Fundamentals of Cloud Computing
• Networking concepts
• Infrastructure concepts
• Billing
Intellslick Technologies inc.
• Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service)
• Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)
• Amazon IAM (Identity and Access Management)
• Amazon EMR (Elastic MapReduce)
• AWS Glue
• AWS Lambda
• Amazon Redshift
Intellslick Technologies inc.
• Azure Blob Storage
• Azure HDinsights
• Azure Data Factory (ADF)
• Azure Synapse Analytics
• Azure Logic Apps
Intellslick Technologies inc.
Data Specialized Concepts
• Database
• Data warehouse
• Datamarts
• Data lake
• Data pipelines
• Data Layers
Intellslick Technologies inc.
• Lab sessions - Every Module
• Sample Data/Codes
• References Documents/links
• Interactive Q/A
• Session Recordings
• Resume Review
• Interview Guidance
*Program Certificates Granted On Demand
Intellslick Technologies inc.
Srilatha Kavuri
Call/Message on Whatsapp: +91-7702030405
Email: skavuri@intellslick.com
Intellslick Technologies inc.