Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Chemically reactive systems Dipartimento Energia Politecnico di Torino Fluid machinery 1 Prof. D. Misul 1 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Introduction Chemical reaction Let’s introduce the possibility that the interatomic bonds of the molecules of some or all the original chemical components of the mixture system may break, thus leading to the formation of new chemical componenents. The original mixture components whose molecules undergo disintegration are reffered to as the reactants. The new components whose molecules are formed as the atoms of the original reactants change partners are recognized as the products. A chemical reaction is the process by which the mole number of the mixture changes, from reactants to products. A combustion process is a fast exothermic gas-phase reaction (where oxygen is usually one of the reactants). Fluid machinery 2 Prof. D. Misul 2 1 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Introduction Flame A flame is a combustion reaction which can propagate sub-sonically through space; motion of the flame relative to the unburned gas is an important feature, since it implies that the reaction is confined to a zone which is small in thickness compared to the dimensions of the apparatus (e.g. the engine combustion chamber). The reaction zone is usually called the flame front. This flame characteristic of spatial propagation is the result of the strong coupling between: - chemical reaction; - the transport processes of mass diffusion; - heat conduction; - fluid flow. The generation of heat and active species accelerate the chemical reaction; the supply of fresh reactants, governed by the convection velocity, limits the reaction. When these processes are in balance, a steady-state flame results. Fluid machinery 3 Prof. D. Misul 3 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Introduction Flame classification Flames are usually classified according to three main overall characteristics. • The composition of reactants as they enter the reaction zone: if the fuel and the oxidizer are essentially uniformly mixed together, the flame is designated as premixed (SI engines). If the reactants must mix together in the same region where reaction takes place, the flame is called a diffusion flame (CI engines) because the mixing must be accomplished by a diffusion process. • The time steadiness of the phenomenon: if the flame structure and motion change with time the flame is said to be steady, otherwise it is unsteady. • The basic character of the gas flow through the reaction zone: in laminar (or streamlined) flow, mixing and transport are done by molecular processes. Laminar flows only occur at low Reynolds number. In turbulent flows, mixing and transport are substantially enhanced by the macroscopic relative motion of eddies or lumps of fluid which are the characteristic feature of a turbulent (high Reynolds number) flow. Fluid machinery 4 Prof. D. Misul 4 2 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Energy and enthalpy balance Application of FLT to combustion In a combustion process, fuel and oxidizer react to produce products of different composition. The actual path by which this transformation takes place is understood only for simple fuels such as hydrogen and methane. For fuels with more complicated structure, the details are not well defined. Nonetheless, the first law of thermodynamics can be used to relate the end states of mixtures undergoing a combustion process; its application does not require the details of the process to be known. The FLT relates changes in internal energy (or enthalpy) to heat and work transfer interactions. In applying the FLT to a system whose chemical composition changes, care must be taken in relating the internal energy (or enthalpy) reference states for each species or groups of species. When chemical reactions occur, it is not possible to choose independently the reference states of the involved chemical substances. Fluid machinery 5 Prof. D. Misul 5 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Energy and enthalpy balance Application of FLT to combustion Consider a system of mass m which changes its composition from reactants (R) to products (P) by a chemical reaction. Products Reactants ti Fluid machinery tf 6 Prof. D. Misul 6 3 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Energy and enthalpy balance Application of FLT to combustion Applying the first law to the system between its reactants, R (or initial, i) and products, P (or final, f) states gives Q + L e = U + Ek + Eg E The overall energy change is composed by macroscopic forms of energy (kinetic, gravitational, centrifugal) and by internal energy, which depends on temperature and chemical composition. We will suppose that change in macroscopic forms of energy are negligible, therefore: Q + Le = U = UP t f - UR ti Recall that the internal energy can be splitted into a chemical and a thermal component: U = Uch + Uth Fluid machinery 7 Prof. D. Misul 7 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Energy and enthalpy balance Sample processes Let’s now consider a series of special processes. Let’s start with a constant volume process where the initial and final temperature is the same (T’): Le = 0 Q = UP T - UR T = U V,T Combustion processes are exotermic. Therefore in order to keep the final temperature equal to the initial one in a constant volume process, heat must be substracted: Q = U V,T < 0 Let’s now consider a constant pressure process where the initial and final temperature is the same (T’): Q - p VP - VR = UP T - UR T Fluid machinery 8 Prof. D. Misul 8 4 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Energy and enthalpy balance Sample processes and heat of reaction The previous equation can be rearranged as: Q = UP T + pVP - UR T + pVR Therefore, enthalpies can be introduced: Q = HP T - HR T Again, since combustion processes are exotermic, heat must be substracted: Q = H p,T < 0 The quantities - U V,T and - H p,T are called heat of reaction at constant volume and pressure, respectively, and they depend on the temperature T’; moreover, remember that the energy balance is written per mole of fuel. Fluid machinery Prof. D. Misul 9 9 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Energy and enthalpy balance Internal energy and enthalpy plots These processes can be displayed on the internal energy or enthalpy versus temperature plots, respectively: R U U0 P P - U V,T - H p,T H0 - U V,T - H p,T 0 0 T0 Fluid machinery R H T’ T T0 10 T’ T Prof. D. Misul 10 5 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Energy and enthalpy balance Internal energy and enthalpy plots If the internal energy (or enthalpy) for the reactants is arbitrarily assigned a value U0 (or H0 ) at some reference temperature T0, then the value of - U V,T (or - H p,T ) fixes the relationship between U T (or H T ) for the products and the reactants. Note that the slope of these lines increases with increasing - H p,T ) temperature; also, the magnitude of - U V,T (or decreases with increasing temperature (cv or cp pattern). It is also worthwhile recalling that: H p,T - U V,T = p VP - VR Therefore, if P and R are ideal gases: H p,T - U V,T = R nP - nR T Fluid machinery Prof. D. Misul 11 11 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Energy and enthalpy balance Internal energy vs temperature plot From the internal energy versus temperature plot it is also apparent that: R U P - U V,T U0 - U V,T 0 T’ T0 T - U V,T + UR T - UR T0 = - U V,T + UP T - UP T0 0 T - U V,T = - U V,T - m c v,P - c v,R dT 0 Fluid machinery 12 T0 Prof. D. Misul 12 6 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Energy and enthalpy balance Enthalpy vs temperature plot Similarly from the enthalpy versus temperature plot: H R P - H p,T H0 - H p,T 0 T’ T0 T - H p,T + HR T - HR T0 = - H p,T + HP T - HP T0 0 T - H p,T = - H p,T - m c p,P - c p,R dT 0 Fluid machinery 13 T0 Prof. D. Misul 13 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Energy and enthalpy balance H2O effect With an hydrocarbon fuel, one of the products, H2O, can be in gaseous or liquid phase. Therefore, the internal energy (or enthalpy) in the constant volume (or constant pressure) process will depend on the relative amount of water in each phase. R R H 2O H 2O U H vapour vapour P P - U V,T - H p,T U0 A - U V,T 0 Fluid machinery T0 B - H p,T 0 H2O liquid T’ H0 H2O liquid T 14 T0 T’ Prof. D. Misul T 14 7 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Energy and enthalpy balance H2O effect The highlighted differences can be explicated in the following way: A = U V,T,H Oliq - U V,T,H O vap = mH2OuH2O,P 2 2 B = H p,T,H Oliq - H p,T,H Ovap = mH2OhH2O,P 2 2 Where mH2O is the mass of water in the products, and uH20,P (or hH20,P) are the internal energy (or enthalpy) of vaporization of water at the temperature and pressure of the products. - U = - U V,T + mH2OuH2O,P V,T H O liq H2O vap 2 - H = - H V,T + mH2OhH2O,P p,T H O liq H2O vap 2 Fluid machinery 15 Prof. D. Misul 15 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Enthalpies of formation Definition For fuels where the exact composition is known, the internal energies or enthalpies of the reactants and the products can be related through the so-called enthalpies of formation of the reactants and products. The enthalpies of formation of a chemical compound is the enthalpy increase associated with the reaction of forming one mole of the given compound from its elements, with each substance in its thermodynamic standard state (p=1 atm) at the given temperature. Since thermodynamic calculations are made as a difference between an initial and a final state, it is necessary to select a datum state (the most common is p = 1 atm; T0 = 298.15 K) to which all other thermodynamic states can be referred. Elements at their reference state (i.e., the stable standard state of the elements) are arbitrarily assigned zero enthalpy at datum temperature (e.g., for oxygen at 298.15 K the reference state is O2 gas, whose formation enthalpy is therefore zero). Fluid machinery 16 Prof. D. Misul 16 8 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Enthalpies of formation Definition Enthalpies of formation will be labeled as h sf , where the superscript s denotes the thermodynamic standard state, the subscript f stands for formation, and the “tilde” indicates that it is the enthalpy increase associated with the reaction of forming one mole of the given compound For a given reaction, the enthalpy of reactants and products at the standard state relative to the enthalpy datum is then given by: HRs = ni his HPs = ni his reactants products The enthalpy increase is then obtained from: H p,T = HPs - HRs whereas the internal energy increase can be obtained with: U = H p,T - R nP - nR T V,T Fluid machinery Prof. D. Misul 17 17 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Enthalpies of formation State (at 298.15 K and 1 atm) O2 Gas 0 N2 Gas 0 H2 Gas 0 C Gas 0 CO2 Gas -393.52 H2O Gas -241.83 H2O Liquid -285.84 CO Gas -110.54 CH4 Gas -74.87 C3H8 Gas -103.85 CH3OH Gas -201.17 CH3OH Liquid -238.58 C8H18 Gas -208.45 C8H18 Liquid -249.35 18 l o m k J M Fluid machinery sf h Δ Typical values Species Prof. D. Misul 18 9 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Example Calculate the enthalpy of the products and reactants, and the enthalpy increase and internal energy increase of the reaction, of a stoichiometric mixture of methane and air at 298.15 K: CH4 + 2O2 + 2 N2 = CO2 + 2H2 0 + 2 N2 = 3.773 Rs = -74.87 + 2 0 + 7.546 0 MJ kmolCH = -74.87 MJ kmolCH H 4 4 H20 liquid Ps = -393.52 + 2 -285.84 + 7.546 0 MJ kmolCH = -965.20 MJ kmolCH H 4 4 H = H - H = -965.20 - -74.87 MJ kmol = -890.33 MJ kmol U = H - R n - n T = -885.4 MJ kmol 8.546 -10.546 298.15 MJ kmol U = -890.33 - 8314.3 10 p,T s P s R P p,T V,T CH4 R CH4 6 V,T CH4 Fluid machinery CH4 Prof. D. Misul 19 19 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Example H20 vapour: Ps = -393.52 + 2 -241.83 + 7.546 0 MJ kmolCH = -877.18 MJ kmolCH H 4 4 H = H - H = -877.18 - -74.87 MJ kmol = -802.31MJ kmol U = H - R n - n T = -802.31MJ kmol 10.546 -10.546 298.15 MJ kmol U = -802.31- 8314.3 10 p,T V,T V,T s P p,T s R CH4 P CH4 R CH4 6 CH4 All quantities were indicated with the “tilde” so as to highlight that the considered combustion reaction involves one mole of fuel, i.e. the calculated enthalpy and internal energy increases correspond to the heats of reaction at constant pressure and volume, respectively. Fluid machinery 20 Prof. D. Misul 20 10 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Heating values Definition For fuels whose exact composition is not known, the internal energies or enthalpies of the reactants and products cannot be determined from the enthalpies of formation. Therefore, the so-called heating value (or calorific value) of the fuel is measured directly. The heating value H of a fuel is the heat of reaction required at constant pressure or at constant volume at a standard temperature (usually 298.15 K) for the complete combustion of a unit mass of fuel. Complete combustion means that all carbon is converted to CO2, all hydrogen is converted to H2O and any sulfur present is converted to SO2. It is unnecessary to specify how much oxidant was mixed with the fuel, though this must exceed the stoichiometric requirement. It is immaterial whether the oxidant is air or oxygen. U Fluid machinery V,T 0 HV = =T0 mmole,f Heating value at constant volume: U V,T 0 mf Prof. D. Misul 21 21 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Heating values Definition H H p,T0 p,T0 Heating value at constant pressure: Hp = =T0 mmole,f mf mmole,f is the mass of a mole of fuel, mf is the mass of fuel involved in the combustion. If P and R are ideal gases: H p,T - U V,T 0 0 mf HV T 0 = HP T + 0 R mf = R mf nP - nR T0 = HV T nP - nR T0 0 m RP - RR T0 mf = HP T + 0 m RP - RR T0 mf where m is the mass (of reactants or products) involved in the combustion. Fluid machinery 22 Prof. D. Misul 22 11 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Heating values H2O effect For fuels containing hydrogen, the phase of H2O in the products (liquid or gaseous phase) affects the value of the heat of reactions. The term higher heating value or gross heating value (HHV or HHp) is used when the H2O formed is all condensed to the liquid phase. The term lower heating value or net heating value (HLV or HLp) is used when the H2O formed is all in the vapour phase. Constant volume heating value: - U V,T0 H2O liq mf HHV T 0 = - U V,T0 H2O vap mf = HLV T + mH2O 0 Fluid machinery mf + mH2O mf uH2O,P uH2O,P Prof. D. Misul 23 23 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Heating values H2O effect Constant pressure heating value: - H p,T0 H O liq 2 mf = - H p,T0 H O vap 2 mf + mH2O mf hH2O,P mH O HHp = HLp + 2 hH2O,P T0 T0 mf Fluid machinery 24 Prof. D. Misul 24 12 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Heating values Continuous flow calorimeter Heating values of fuels can be measured in calorimeters according to specifically defined standard procedures. For gaseous fuels, the continuous-flow atmospheric pressure calorimeter is used. The entering fuel is saturated with water vapour and mixed with sufficient saturated air for complete combustion at the reference temperature T0. The mixture is burned in a burner and the combustion products are cooled with water-cooled metal tube coils down to a value close to the inlet temperature. The heat transferred to the cooling water is calculated from the measured water flow rate and the water temperature rise. The H determined by this process is therefore the higher heating value at constant pressure HHp. Fluid machinery 25 Prof. D. Misul 25 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Heating values Bomb calorimeter For liquid and solid fuels, it is more effective to burn the fuel with oxygen under pressure at constant volume in a bomb calorimeter. A sample of fuel is placed in a bomb apparatus, which is a stainless steel container immersed in cooling water at the standard temperature T0. Sufficient water is placed in the bomb to ensure that the water produced in the combustion process will condense. Oxygen at a pressure of about 25-30 atm is admitted to the bomb, so as to guarantee the rapid and complete combustion of the fuel sample. The fuel is ignited by means of an electric current. The T rise of both the bomb and the cooling water is hence measured. The heating value determined by this process is the higher heating value at constant volume HHV. Fluid machinery 26 Prof. D. Misul 26 13 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Heating values JANAF tables HHp [MJ/kg] HLp [MJ/kg] stech Gasoline (l) 47.3 44 14.6 2.83 Light diesel oil (l) 44.8 42.5 14.5 2.74 Heavy diesel oil (l) 43.8 41.4 14.4 2.76 50 45 14.5 2.9 55.5 50 17.17 2.75 Fuel Natural gas (g) Methane (CH4) (g) HLp/(1+stech) [MJ/kg] Propane (C3H8) (g) 50.4 46.4 15.67 2.75 Isooctane (C8H18) (l) 47.8 44.3 15.13 2.75 Cetane (C16H34) (l) 47.3 44 14.82 2.78 Benzene (C6H6) (l) 41.9 40.2 13.27 2.82 Methanol (CH3OH) (l) 22.7 20.0 6.47 2.68 Ethanol (C2H5OH) 29.7 26.9 9.00 2.69 Carbon (s) 33.8 33.8 11.51 2.70 Carbon monoxide (CO) (g) 10.1 10.1 2.467 2.91 Hydrogen (H2) (g) 142 120 34.3 3.40 The difference between Hp and HV is usually small. The heating value at constant pressure is the most commonly used. Mostly often the qualification “at constant pressure” is omitted. Fluid machinery Prof. D. Misul 27 27 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Heating values Graphical meaning Recalling the heating values definition, they can be easily highlighted on the specific internal energy or specific enthalpy plots: R U R h P P HV T Hp T m mf m mf HV T Hp TO O m mf Fluid machinery m mf T0 T’ T T0 28 T’ T Prof. D. Misul 28 14 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Heating values Temperature effect The effect of temperaure on H can be taken into account as shown here: - U V,T mf = - U V,T 0 mf HV T = HV T 0 - m mf - m mf T Cv,P - Cv,R dT T0 T Cv,P - Cv,R dT T0 T - H p,T = - H p,T - m Cp,P - Cp,R dT 0 m Hp = Hp T T0 m f Fluid machinery T0 T Cp,P - Cp,R dT T0 Prof. D. Misul 29 29 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Example Calculate the heating values and the fuel energy factor HLp/(m/mf) for the stoichiometric combustion of methane at T0 = 298.15 K: CH4 + 2O2 + 2 N2 = CO2 + 2H2 0 + 2 N2 = 3.773 H H p,T = -890.33 MJ kmolCH4 p,T0 -890.33 HHp = = MJ kg = 55.51MJ kg T0 mmole,f 16.04 mH2O = 2 18.02 kg/kmolCH4 = 36.04 kg/kmolCH4 hH2O,P = 2442 kJ/kg at 25°C mH O 36.04 HLp = HHp - 2 hH2O,P = 55.512.442 MJ kg = 50.02 MJ kg T0 T0 mf 16.04 HHV T 0 = HHp T0 + R mf nP - nR T0 8314.3 = 55.51+ 8.546 -10.546 298.15 MJ kg = 55.20 MJ kg 6 16.04 10 Fluid machinery 30 Prof. D. Misul 30 15 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Example HLV T 0 = HLp T0 + R mf nP - nR T0 8314.3 = 50.02 + 10.546 -10.546 298.15 MJ kg = 50.02 MJ kg 16.04 106 m = mf + mair = 16.04 + 2 32 + 7.546 28.01 kg/kmolCH4 = 291.40 kg/kmolCH4 mf = 16.04 kg/kmolCH4 m mf = HLp T0 m mf mf + mair m 291.40 = 1+ air = 1+ = 1+ st = = 18.167 mf mf 16.04 = HLp T0 1+ st 50.02 MJ kg = 2.75 MJ kg 18.167 Fluid machinery Prof. D. Misul 31 31 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Adiabatic combustion processes Constant volume combustion ti Ti reactants (R): mair (air) mf (fuel) mr (residual gas) products (P) tf mR = mair + mf + mr = mP = m Q + L e = UP t f - UR ti = 0 UP t f = UR ti mPUP t f = mRUR ti UP t f = UR ti Fluid machinery 32 Prof. D. Misul 32 16 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Adiabatic combustion processes Constant volume combustion UP Tf - UP Ti = UR Ti - UP Ti R U Tf Cv,P dT = P HLV T i m mf Ti = Ui = Uf mair mf = HLV T i 1+ + = mr mf Assuming C’v to be the average value of Cv,P in the interval [Ti,Tf]: HLV T i HLV T m mf i Ti m mf T Tf = Cv Tf - Ti Tf = Ti + Fluid machinery 1 HLV Ti Cv m mf Prof. D. Misul 33 33 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Adiabatic combustion processes Constant pressure combustion F F ti Ti reactants (R): mair (air) mf (fuel) mr (residual gas) products (P) tf mR = mair + mf + mr = mP = m Q - p VP t f - VR ti = UP t f - UR ti HP t f = HR ti hP t f = hR ti Fluid machinery 34 Prof. D. Misul 34 17 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Adiabatic combustion processes Constant pressure combustion hP Tf - hP Ti = hR Ti - hP Ti R h Tf Cp,P dT = P Ti = hi = hf HLp Ti m mf mair mf = HLp Ti 1+ + = mr mf Assuming C’p to be the average value of Cp,P in the interval [Ti,Tf]: HLp Ti m mf HLp Ti Ti m mf T Tf Tf = Ti + Fluid machinery = Cp Tf - Ti 1 HLp Ti Cp m mf Prof. D. Misul 35 35 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Steady state combustion processes Gas turbine burner f ; Tf m G air ; T2 m + L i = m jh j Q j Fluid machinery air + m f ; T3 m j > 0 outlet ports m m j < 0 inlet ports 36 Prof. D. Misul 36 18 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Steady state combustion processes Gas turbine burner f ; Tf m = m air + m f hP T3 - m air hair T2 - m f hf Tf Q = m air + m f hP T3 - m air hair T2 - m f hf Tf Q f hf T2 + m f hf T2 -m = mh P T3 + m f hf T2 - hf Tf Q air hair T2 - m f hf T2 -m air ; T2 m =m air + m f ; T3 m f hf T2 + m air hair T2 = m f +m air hR T2 = mh R T2 Considering that: m = mh P T3 - mh R T2 + m f hf T2 - hf Tf Q Fluid machinery Prof. D. Misul 37 37 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Steady state combustion processes m f Q Gas turbine burner h T - hf Tf = hP T3 - hR T2 m f 2 m = hP T3 - hR T2 + hP T2 - hP T2 R h P cp,P dT - T2 HLp T2 = m f m Fluid machinery T3 T2 air m f m HLp T2 m f m 1+ = m f m T 38 Prof. D. Misul 38 19 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Steady state combustion processes Gas turbine burner Assuming C’p to be the average value of Cp,P in the interval [Ti,Tf]: R h HLp T2 1+ P HLp T2 = Cp T3 - T2 - b m f m T2 Fluid machinery 1 + h T - hf Tf 1+ f 2 m HLp T2 1+ = cp T3 - T2 Burner efficiency T T3 Q Prof. D. Misul 39 39 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Steady state combustion processes Steam generator v ; TO m G a ; Tair,in m f ; Tf,in m v ; TM m =m air + m f ; Texh m > 0 outlet ports m + L i = m jh j j Q j Fluid machinery j < 0 inlet ports m 40 Prof. D. Misul 40 20 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Steady state combustion processes Steam generator =m v hv,O - m v hv,M + m air + m f hP Texh - m air hair Tair,in - m f hf Tf,in Q =m v hv,O - m v hv,M Q v ; TO m air + m f hP Texh - m air hair Tair,in + m f hf Tf,in + m f hf Tair,in - m f hf Tair,in -m =m v hv,O - m v hv,M Q a ; Tair,in m f ; Tf,in m air + m f hP Texh - m air + m f hR Tair,in + m f hf Tf,in + m f hf Tair,in -m Fluid machinery =m air + m f m v ; TM m 41 Texh Prof. D. Misul 41 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Steady state combustion processes Steam generator =m v hv,O - m v hv,M + m air + m f hP Texh - m air + m f hR Tair,in Q air + m f hP Tair,in - m air + m f hP Tair,in - m f hf Tf,in - hf Tair,in m =m v hv,O - hv,M + m air + m f hP Texh - hP Tair,in Q air + m f hR Tair,in - hP Tair,in - m - m f hf Tf,in - hf Tair,in =m v hv,O - hv,M + m air + m f hP Texh - hP Tair,in Q air + m f hR Tair,in - hP Tair,in - m - m f hf Tf,in - hf Tair,in =m v hv,O - hv,M + m air + m f hP Texh - hP Tair,in Q air + m f - m HLp Tair,in m air + m f Fluid machinery -m h T - h T f f f f,in f air,in m 42 Prof. D. Misul 42 21 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Steady state combustion processes Steam generator +m f HLp Q T air,in f hf Tair,in - hf Tf,in - m air + m f Cp Texh - Tair,in = -m v ; TO m v hv,O - hv,M m f HLp bm Tair,in a ; Tair,in m = mv hv,O - hv,M m f ; Tf,in Fluid machinery =m air + m f m v ; TM m Steam Generator efficiency Texh Prof. D. Misul 43 43 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Combustion in IC engines Power balance - L i = m air + m f hP Texh - m air hair Tair,in - m f hf Tf,in Q f ; Tf,in m - L i = m air + m f hP Texh Q air ; Tair,in m air hair Tair,in - m f hf Tf,in -m f hf Tair,in - m f hf Tair,in +m =m air + m f m Texh - L i = m air + m f hP Texh Q Q air + m f hR Tair,in - m f hf Tair,in - hf Tf,in +m Fluid machinery i L 44 Prof. D. Misul 44 22 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Combustion in IC engines Power balance - L i = m air + m f hP Texh + m air + m f hP Tair,in - m air + m f hP Tair,in Q air + m f hR Tair,in + m f hf Tair,in - hf Tf,in - m - L i = m air + m f hP Texh - m air + m f hP Tair,in Q HLp Tair,in air + m f - m m air + m f m f Q air + m f m Fluid machinery - +m f hf Tair,in - hf Tf,in HLp Tair,in = hP Texh - hP Tair,in - m air + m f +m f m f m air f m h T + -h T mair + m f f air,in f f,in i L 45 Prof. D. Misul 45 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Combustion in IC engines Power balance HLp Tair,in m air + m f m f i L Q = h T - h T + P exh P air,in air + m f m air + m f m + HLp Tair,in m air + m f m f Fluid machinery f m h T -h T air + m f f air,in f f,in m i L Q C T - T + p exh air,in air + m f m air + m f m 46 Prof. D. Misul 46 23 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Combustion in IC engines Power balance HLp Tair,in m +m f m f air h i L Q C T - T + p exh air,in air + m f m air + m f m R P HLp Tair,in air + m f m f m T Tair,in Texh Fluid machinery Prof. D. Misul 47 47 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Combustion in IC engines Premixed charge engine IVC (Inlet Valve Closing): mR = mair + mf + mr = m TIVC EVO (Exhaust Valve Opening): mP = mR = m TEVO Q - L = mUP TEVO - mUR TIVC Q - L = mUP TEVO - mUR TIVC + mUP TIVC - mUP TIVC HLV T IVC = UP TEVO - m m m mf Q L - Fluid machinery 48 - UP TIVC Prof. D. Misul 48 24 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Combustion in IC engines Premixed charge engine HLV T IVC = UP TEVO - m m m mf Q L - R U HLV T IVC m mf P - UP TIVC Q L = Cv TEVO - TIVC - + m m HLV T IVC m mf TIVC TEVO T Fluid machinery 49 Prof. D. Misul 49 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Chemical equilibrium and dissociation The working fluids in internal combustion engines and gas turbines are mixture of gases. Chemical reactions may be: • so slow that they have a negligible effect on the mixture composistion (i.e., the mixture composition is essentially “frozen”); • so rapid that the mixture state changes and the composition remains in chemical equilibrium; • one of the rate-controlling processes that determine how the composition of the mixture changes with time. In this context, the mixture composition of the reactants will be considered to be “frozen”, whereas the burned gases produced by the combustion of fuel and air will be regarded as a chemical equilibrium. This also means that, at high temperatures (T > 1850 K), some molecules of burned gas (namely, CO2 and H2O) might dissociate. CO2 1 CO + O2 2 Fluid machinery 68000 kcal kmolCO2 H2 O 50 H2 + O 58000 kcal kmolCO2 Prof. D. Misul 50 25 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Chemical equilibrium and dissociation Premixed charge engine R U HLV T IVC m mf Q L 2 = Cv TEVO - TIVC - + +Di TEVO -1850 m m P P - Q m L HLV T m IVC m mf Di TEVO -1850 TEVO TIVC TEVO T 1850 K 2 Fluid machinery 51 1850 K Ing. D. Misul 51 Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Energia Combustion with rich mixtures For rich mixtures, the reactants cannot complete their oxidation due to the lack of available oxygen. Thus: HLV T Q L 2 = Cv TEVO - TIVC - + +Di TEVO -1850 IVC U R st m mf m m P HLV TIVC st m mf TEVO TIVC 1850 K Fluid machinery T 52 With reference to the premixed charge engine and considering dissociation, TEVO can be evaluated as reported in the figure. We assume the portion of fuel corresponding to the available oxygen alone to take part to the reactions. Prof. D. Misul 52 26