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Climate Change Learning Journal: Challenges & Impacts

Learning Journal of videos
A total of 8 videos have been watched regarding Climate Change, Environment, energy, global
warming, ocean warming etc. and a learning journal has been prepared as follows. The details
of the videos are given in Annexure I. The learning journal have been prepared on a case
approach which typically explains Challenges, Solutions, Results and Impacts.
1. Global warming and Ocean warming is at alarming condition.
Average global sea surface temperature is 20.9 ℃. It affects
the ocean food chain and adversely affect the ocean ecosystem. Ocean play an important role in regulating climate
and acts as a carbon sink.
2. The acidity level in the ocean increasing which is very
detrimental to ocean creatures.
3. The sea level is increasing due to global warming, this has the
potential to sink major cities in the world. This creates migration of people that can lead
to unrest among people due to shortage of available resources.
4. Due to increase in global warming, some of the areas are unable to do manual labour
due to extreme heat, thereby are going to be away from economic activities.
5. Technologies are available for carbon capture and emission reduction, the problem to
fight the climate change is sufficient funding which shall come from political decision
from various governments.
6. Presently the energy demand is met through majority by fossil fuels.
7. More thrust shall be given on reducing the emission by adopting green energy
technologies for electricity.
8. Global warming creates heat waves, rising sea level, desertification, landslides, forest
fire etc. It also creates drought in some areas and reduction in rainfall in some other
9. One of the videos shows that a 3 ℃ temperature rise will be catastrophic on earth.
10. Global warming has an impact on agriculture also which will create problems on food
security in the world.
11. Scarcity of potable water is a major challenge.
12. The challenge is to reduce emissions and limit the temperature rise within 1.5 ℃ above
global average temperature by 2030.
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