Ayurvedic view of melasma – Vyanga Vyanga occurs due to various reasons like suppression of vomiting, day sleep, intake of incompatible food combinations Viruddha Ahara, excess intake of hot spicy food, etc as per Ayurvedic classics. Taking excessive strain for speaking, singing, etc can also add to cause this condition. Classification of Vyanga Vata type – patches are bluish black in colour Pitta type – patches with edges coppery red in colour Kapha type- white, itchy patches Rakta type – red patches with tingling and burning sensation How does Vyanga manifest on the skin? General pathophysiology associated with this – Pitta and Vata when vitiated affects the second layer of skin called Lohita causing painless blackish circular discoloration called Vyanga. Diet and lifestyle tips for melasma Avoid all food that causes an imbalance in the Rakta, pitta, and kapha energies in the body. Add green gram, rice, wheat, and green veggies to your diet. Add yoga practises like Surya namaskar, Bhujangasana , Sarvangasana in your daily routine. Practise Anuloma viloma pranayama for regulating breathing and increased blood flow to sense organs and face. This will also help to get a positive outlook and get a relaxed pleasant state of mind always. Give at least one hour to these lifestyle practices and you will be able to get better results. Herbs used in melasma treatment. Ela, Sariva, Manjistha, Haridra, Chandana, Amla, and Daruharidra are some of the herbs of choice for treating melasma. Ayurvedic Medicines used in Melasma Treatment 1. 2. 3. 4. Chandanasava Kumaryasava, Mahamanjisthadi kashaya, Pravala Bhasma, 5. Chandra Prabha Vati, 6. Sarivadysavam, 7. Patoladi kashaya, 8. Maha tiktakam kashaya, 9. Lodhrasava, 10. Kaishora Guggulu, 11. Khadirarishta, 12. Gandhaka rasayana, 13. Godanti Bhasma, For external application 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Kunkumadi taila, Nalpamaradi taila, Kanaka tailam, Lodhradi lepa, Matulungadi lepa etc. Melasma Treatment in Ayurveda Melasma Treatment in Ayurveda depends on the severity of the disease. In early stage melasma is treated effectively using ayurvedic medicines, dietary, and lifestyle changes. When melasma is chronic in nature one may need to undergo detoxification therapies (panchakarma treatment) to cleanse the body and bring the balance to doshas. Ayurvedic detoxification helps in correcting hormonal imbalances and increases the efficacy of the medicines. Venesection (Sira vyadhana ), Leech therapy (Jalouka avacharana ), Herbal paste application (Mukha Lepa), Oil application on the face, Nasal installation of, medicinal drops (Nasya) all these are told as therapeutic procedures helpful to manage your condition. Melasma treatment at home Application of Green tea extract on the face is a well-known remedy to get rid of those patches on your face. Sandalwood and saffron mixed paste is also suitable yet considering the high cost and less availability of these herbs in pure form, medicines like Kunkumadi tailam are more convenient and effective for use. Kunkumadi oil can be used as a night serum for getting glowing skin by regular use. Kunkumadi can also be added to turmeric paste and aloe vera gel if you wish to try it like a combo face pack. Aloe vera gel rehydrates dry skin and penetrates deep into skin layers. Turmeric can also work wonders on your skin. It is a powerful antiseptic and blood purifying herb. 1 tablespoon gram flour added to a pinch of turmeric and 2 tablespoons of curd or yogurt. In this formula, Lactic acid lightens skin tone. You can also resort to consuming turmeric milk internally for making your skin pure and clear. Lemon juice has vitamin c, which acts as an antioxidant and an effective bleaching agent. You can add lemon juice if you have normal skin with no allergy to citrus fruits. Tomato paste contains lycopene which can also soften your skin and increase blood circulation and make your face rosy and healthy. Indian sarsaparilla root is also a good choice. It is essentially – antibacterial, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory in action. Root paste can be applied to the skin, it also reduces excess heat energy in your skin and thus decreases the possibility of heat rashes also. Multi herbal face pack for melasma Half tsp orange peel powder, sandalwood powder, Manjistha (Indian madder) with a pinch of turmeric paste and honey applied as face pack bestows good results. Honey in this face pack is also healing and soothing to your skin. Sandalwood and Indian madder reduces the heat energy and provides a cooling effect. Turmeric paste increases complexion and orange peel is nourishing in nature. Apply this face pack once a week. Take the paste, apply on your face circularly massaging the area under your eyes and keep it for 15 minutes and wash it off before it completely gets dry. VITILIGO Vitiligo is known as Shweta kushta in Ayurveda. Shwitra, Kilasa, Aruna, Shouklya are also the synonym for vitiligo in Ayurveda. Causes for Shwitra according to Ayurveda. Ayurvedic texts mention the following factors are responsible for shwitra Indulgence in incompatible food Improper diet Improper physical and mental activities Suppression of natural urges Family history Behavioral misconduct Antisocial activities Sinful deeds How does shwitra start? Ayurvedic view Due to the causative factors the three doshas vata, pitta, and kapha gets aggravated travel through channels(siras) to reach rasa (watery element), rakta (blood), mamsa (muscle) dhatus (elements) and disturb their functions. Then the doshas travel to the external surface of the body and produce vitiligo (shwitra) Vitiligo classification according to Ayurveda Vitiligo classification ayurveda has done depending on the dosha predominance. They are three in number as follows. Vataja Vitiligo – Non-glistening, mild and red in color, and non-exudative. Pittaja Vitiligo – Coppery red in color or resembles the lotus petal, burning sensation, loss of hairs. Kaphaja Vitiligo – Whitish in color, thick, heavy patches with itching. Prognosis Vitiligo which has black hairs on the skin, very few patches, not joined together, recent onset, and which is not due to burning by fire is considered curable. When the lesions appear on the genitals, palms, and lips are incurable even if they are newly started. When more than one colored lesion and a combination of two or more doshas are considered difficult to cure. Ayurvedic Treatment for Vitiligo Ayurvedic treatment for vitiligo includes both purificatory and administration medicines. Due to its chronic nature, one may need to undergo repeated purificatory procedures such as Panchakarma treatments. Other treatments include lepana (external application, snehana (external application of oil/ghee and internal administration of oil/ghee), and swedana (sudation). Ayurvedic medicines for Vitiligo Following are the few classical ayurvedic medicines used in treating vitiligo. Chithrakasavam Guduchyadi kashayam Mahamanjistadi Kashayama Mahathiktakam Kashayam Patolamooladi kashayam Thiktakam Kashayam Vajrakam Kashayam Aragwadharishtam Ayaskriti Lodhrasava Patolasava Avalgujabeejadi choorna Eladi choorna Panchanimbadi gulika Shiva Gulika Swayambhuva guggulu Eladi thaila Markava Thaila Maha vajraka thaila Thiktaka Ghrita Mahathiktaka Ghrita Agarwadha mahathiktaka ghrita Markava Rasayana Madhusnuhi rasayana What’s good in vitiligo? Have light food. Use bitter predominant vegetables. Old shali rice The meat of arid land Green gram shake gourd Medicated food Medicated ghee Triphala Nimba Yava Wheat What to avoid in Vitiligo Heavy food Sour predominant food and drinks Curd Milk The meat of marshy land Fish Jaggery Sesame Black gram pungent and salty food Spicy food Vitiligo is known as shwitra in Ayurveda. As vitiligo has no cure treatments help to prevent the progression of the disease. ayurvedic treatments for vitiligo include purification of the body to expel morbid doshas and medicine helps to normalize the doshas. Application of medicated oils, ghee, powders, and paste is also advised depending on the severity of the disease. ayurvedic treatments for vitiligo show remarkable results in vitiligo by preventing further progression of the disease along with improving pigmentation on the lesions. Acne according to Ayurveda? Kapha, Rakta & Vata dosha is causative factors of Mukhadushika. Among the Tri-dosha’s Kapha and Vata are vitiated along with the blood and fats. Manifestation of Acne Consumption of causative factors such as incompatable food causes aggravation of doshas in the body. The aggravated doshas then travel all over the body and produce yauvana pidakas where these aggravated doshas get settled such as the face, neck, or back. Signs and symptoms according to Ayurveda 1. Swellings on the face that resemble the thorns of the Shalmali (Bombax malabaricum) tree. 2. Pain 3. Burning Sensation Ayurvedic Treatment for Acne and Pimples Ayurvedic treatment for Acne and pimples depends on the severity of the disease. 1. Palliative Treatment (Shamana Chikitsa) 2. Purificatory Treatment (Shodana Chikitsa) When the symptoms are mild, a palliative line of treatment is adopted and when the symptoms are severe then purificatory procedures are done to eliminate excess doshas so that medications can act effectively and bring quick results. Ayurvedic medicines for Acne Various ayurvedic medications are used in treating acne or pimples depending on the cause, state, and stage of the disease and patient. Here are the few common medications that are prescribed for acne and pimples. 1. Amruthotharam kashayam 2. Thiktaka Kashayam 3. Navakarshika Kashayam 4. Kaisora guggulu 5. Triphala Guggulu 6. Kadhrarishatm 7. Manibadrakudam 8. Madhusnuhi Rasayanam 9. Nimbarishta 10. Arogyavardhini Vati 11. Ushirasavam 12. Chandanasavam 13. Thiktaka Ghruta 14. Manjishtadi kashayam External applications used in Acne. 1. Triphala kashayam 2. Lodhradi Choorna 3. Nalpamaradi Choorna 4. Haridradi Choorna 5. Mukhadoodhikari Lepam 6. Kumkumadi Thaila 7. Nalpamaradi Thaila 8. Nimba Choorna Detoxification for Acne When the acne or pimple becomes severe due to various causative factors it’s ideal to perform suitable detoxification or Panchakarma treatment to eliminate the aggravated doshas from the body. As we know Acne or pimples are formed due to the predominance of Kapha vata and rakta depending on the dosha predominance Vamana (therapeutic vomiting), Virechana (therapeutic purgation) are administered considering the patient’s strength. What to eat in Acne Eating right helps in healing acne along with treatments. One should follow these food habits 1. Eat only when you feel hungry. 2. Eat freshly prepared food. 3. Eat seasonal & local fruits. 4. Drink boiled water 5. Eat whole food. 6. Moderate your sugar intake. What to avoid in Acne 1. Avoid oily and spicy food. 2. Avoid processed food. 3. Avoid Dairy and animal products. 4. Avoid old and fermented foods. 5. Avoid habit-forming substances. Lifestyle Changes that help in Acne and Pimples 1. Have a healthy daily routine. 2. Exercise daily 3. Get exposed to sunlight. 4. Practice breathing exercises 5. Practice meditation 3. Daru haridra – It reduces the acne scars and gives the glow to the face.