SWANSEA UNIVERSITY EG-112 Introduction to Civil Engineering Materials Professor Chenfeng Li c.f.li@swansea.ac.uk Faculty of Science and Engineering Swansea University Course Walk Through ❑ Reference: Construction Materials Their Nature and Behaviour, 5th Edition, Marios Soutsos and Peter Domone, CRC Press. ❑ Content ❖ Introduction ❖ Concrete ❖ Metals and Alloys ❖ Timber ❖ Masonry: Brickwork, Blockwork and Stonework ❖ Bituminous Materials ❖ Glass ❖ Polymers ❖ Fibre Composites 2 Course Walk Through ❑ Canvas -> EG-112: lecture note, lecture and lab recordings, quiz exercise, assignment, lab report, announcement, and feedback…… ❑ Lecture class: timetabled on-campus delivery; prerecorded lectures available on Canvas. ❑ Lab practice: ❖ In personal attendance in concrete and structural labs. ❖ Video recordings available on Canvas ❑ Assessment: lab report 1 (10%), lab report 2 (10%), Canvas test 1 (40%), Canvas test 2 (40%) ❑ Office hours: announced on Canvas. ❑ Offline communication: email and Canvas announcement. 3 Concrete – Content ❑ Introduction ❑ Concrete Mix and Workability Testing ❑ Portland Cements ❑ Admixtures ❑ Additions ❑ Aggregates for Concrete ❑ Properties of Fresh Concrete ❑ Early Age Properties of Concrete ❑ Deformation of Concrete ❑ Strength and Failure of Concrete ❑ Non-Destructive Testing of Hardened Concrete ❑ Durability of Concrete ❑ Recycling of Concrete 4 Concrete – Aggregates ❑ HCP suffers from several drawbacks: high dimensional changes, low modulus, high creep and shrinkage, and cost. These disadvantages are overcome by adding aggregates to the cement paste, thus producing concrete. The objective is to use as much aggregate as possible (about 65–80% of the total concrete cheap strong sand= fine addregate volume). ❑ Aggregates can be thought of as being inert fillers. Size requirements: ❖ The largest possible aggregate size consistent with the mixing, handling and placing requirements of fresh concrete should be used. ❖ A continuous range of particle sizes from fine sand up to coarse stones is desirable; this minimises the void content of the aggregate mixture and therefore the amount of HCP required, and helps the fresh concrete to flow more easily. 5 Concrete – Aggregates ? ❑ Three general types of aggregates: primary, secondary, recycled. industry Primary aggregates form by far the greatest proportion of those used. They can either be obtained from natural sources, such as gravel deposits and crushed rocks, or be specifically manufactured. ❑ Based on the density, aggregates can be divided into three groups. Normal-density aggregates. Many different natural materials are used for making concrete, including gravels, basalt, granite, limestone and sandstone. All of the above rock types have relative densities of approximately 2.55–2.75, and therefore all produce concretes with similar densities, in the range 2250–2450 kg/m3. Lightweight aggregates are used to produce lower density concretes, which are advantageous in reducing the self-weight of structures and also have better thermal insulation than normal-weight concrete. Where concrete of high density is required, for example, in radiation shielding, heavyweight aggregates can be used. These may be from high-density ores such as barytes and haematite, or manufactured, such as steel shot. 6 Concrete – Aggregates ❑ Aggregates are often classified as uncrushed with most particles rounded or irregular and crushed with all particles sharp and angular. More rounded particles will pack more efficiently and will therefore have a lower voids content. 7 Concrete – Aggregates ❑ Based on the particle size, aggregates can be divided into two groups: fine and course aggregates. The size threshold is 4mm, 5mm, 6mm or 8 mm depending on the country. In Europe, the size is described by designation d/D, where d is the smallest nominal particle size and D the nominal largest, such as: 0/4 is a fine aggregate with a maximum particle of 4 mm (with the ‘0’ indicating a near zero lower size limit); 4/20 is a coarse aggregate with a minimum particle size of 4mm and a maximum particle size of 20mm. not % use in lab report ❑ The distribution of particle sizes is also important both for classification and for determining the optimum combination for a particular mix. To determine this, a sieve analysis is carried out. In European practice, sieve sizes ranges from 0.063 to 63mm, each sieve having approximately twice the aperture size of the previous one, i.e. in the geometric progression 0.063, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 63mm. Some countries also use supplementary sizes in the coarse aggregate range, e.g. 10, 20 and 37.5 (40)mm in the UK. 8 Concrete – Aggregates ❑ Sieve analysis: the analysis starts with drying and weighing a representative sample of the aggregate, and then passing this through a stack or nest of the sieves, starting with that of the largest aperture. The weights of aggregate retained on each sieve are then measured. These are converted first to percentage retained and then to cumulative, i.e. total, percent passing, which are then plotted against the sieve size to give a grading curve or particle-size distribution. cut ❑ Grading of aggregates (BS EN 12620) 9 Concrete – Aggregates ❑ During the process of mix design, the individual subdivisions or fractions of aggregates are combined in proportions to give a suitable overall grading for good concrete consistence and stability. Examples for maximum coarse aggregates sizes of 10, 20 and 40mm are shown below Overall aggregate grading affect ❑ It is important that aggregates are clean and free from impurities that would affect the fresh or hardened properties of the concrete. 10 Concrete – Aggregates absorb water? rock property ❑ All aggregates contain pores, which can absorb and hold water. Moisture conditions (1) or (2) will absorb some of the mix water in mixed fresh concrete, condition (4) will contribute water, and condition (3), saturated surface dry, is most desirable for use in concrete mix. add water, wait (1) Completely dry, all pores empty (2) Air dry, water partially saturated (3) Fully saturated but surface dry w2=wet aggragate (4) Wet, inside outside excess water w1=one Absorption (% by weight) = 100(w2 - w1)/w1, where w1 is weight of a sample of aggregate in the completely (oven) dry state and w2 is the weight in the saturated surface dry state. The absorption is related to the porosity of the aggregate particles. Most normal weight aggregates have absorptions in the range 1–3%. It is necessary to allow for the aggregate moisturecondition when calculating the amount of water to be added during concrete mixing. If the aggregate is drier than saturated surface dry, extra water must be added. If it is wetter, then less mix water is required. 11 Concrete – Aggregates ❑ Normal-weight aggregates are generally considerably stronger than the HCP and therefore do not have a major influence on the strength of most concretes. However, in high-strength concrete (with compressive strengths in excess of, say, 80Mpa) careful aggregate selection is important. ❑ The surface texture of the aggregate has a greater influence on the flexural strength than on the compressive strength of the concrete, probably because a rougher texture results in better adhesion to the HCP. This adhesion is also greatly affected by the cleanliness of the surface – which must therefore not be contaminated by mud, clay or other similar crack between attracted layer materials. ❑ The interface or transition zone between the aggregate surface and the HCP has a major influence on the properties of concrete, particularly its strength. 12 Concrete – Aggregates ❑ Manufacturing of aggregates https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTwidiB15I8 13 Concrete – Content ❑ Introduction ❑ Concrete Mix and Workability Testing ❑ Portland Cements ❑ Admixtures ❑ Additions ❑ Aggregates for Concrete pure water ❑ Properties of Fresh Concrete ❑ Early Age Properties of Concrete ❑ Deformation of Concrete ❑ Strength and Failure of Concrete ❑ Non-Destructive Testing of Hardened Concrete ❑ Durability of Concrete ❑ Recycling of Concrete 14 Concrete – Properties of Fresh Concrete ❑ The behaviour and treatment of the concrete during the period before setting and during the first few days of hardening have a significant effect on its long-term performance. The aim of practices is to produce a homogeneous structure with minimum air voids as efficiently as possible; it is also necessary to ensure that the concrete is stable and achieves its full, mature properties. ❑ Fluidity. The concrete must be capable of being handled and flow into the formwork and around any reinforcement, with the assistance of whatever equipment is available. ❑ Compactability. All, or nearly all, of the air entrapped during mixing and handling should be capable of being removed by the compacting system being used, such as poker vibrators. ❑ Stability or cohesiveness. The concrete should remain as a homogeneous uniform mass throughout. For example, the mortar should not be so fluid that flows out of or segregates from the coarse aggregate. water, rock uniformly seperate, located 15 Concrete – Properties of Fresh Concrete ❑ Fluidity and compactability, have traditionally been combined into the compact, need to be flow general property called workability. But this has now been replaced by the term consistence in some current standards. The definition of workability / consistence is by no means straightforward: x definetion ❖ ‘That property of freshly mixed concrete or mortar which determines the ease and homogeneity with which it can be mixed, placed, consolidated and finished’ (ACI, 1990) ❖ ‘That property determining the effort required to manipulate a freshly mixed quantity of concrete with minimum loss of homogeneity’ (ASTM, 1993). ❑ By an increased water content, higher consistence concrete can be reached, while a lower strength and/or durability will result if no other changes to the mix are made. The use of plasticisers increase workability and superplasticisers has therefore been a key factor in the trend towards the use of higher-consistence concrete in recent years. 16 Concrete – Properties of Fresh Concrete ❑ Rigorous measurement of the flow behaviour of any fluid is normally carried out in a rheometer or viscometer. There is general agreement that the behaviour of fresh paste, mortar and concrete all approximate reasonably closely to the Bingham model. stress, flow Flow only starts when the applied shear stress reaches a yield stress (𝜏_𝑦) sufficient to overcome the interparticle interference effects, and at higher stresses the shear rate varies approximately linearly with shear stress, whose slope is the plastic viscosity (𝜇). ❑ A large number of simple but arbitrary tests have been used over many years. These all measure only one value, and are called single-point tests, e.g. slump flow test, compacting factor test, flow table test, V-funnel test etc. Details of these have been covered in the lab description of “concrete mix and workability test”. 17 Concrete – Properties of Fresh Concrete ❑ Despite their limitations, single-point tests, particularly the slump test, the flow table and slump-flow tests, are popular and in regular use, both for specification and for compliance testing of the concrete after production. ❑ Lower values of yield stress (𝜏𝑦 ) and plastic viscosity (𝜇) indicate a more flowable mix. Some of the more important effects of variation of mix proportions and constituents on 𝜏𝑦 and 𝜇. mainly 18 Concrete – Properties of Fresh Concrete =workability ❑ The consistence of concrete continually decreases after it’s mixed. Solutions: ❖ Absorption of water by the aggregate can be avoided by ensuring that saturated aggregate is used, for example by spraying aggregate stockpiles with water and keeping them covered in hot/dry weather. ❖ Evaporation of mix water can be reduced by keeping the concrete covered during transport and handling as far as possible. ❖ The rate of loss of consistence can be reduced by continued agitation of the concrete, for example, in a ready-mix truck, or modified by admixtures, particularly retarders. ❖ Hot weather, the initial concrete temperature can be reduced by cooling the constituents before mixing (adding ice to the mix water is a common practice), and the concrete can be transported in cooled or insulated trucks. 19 undergroung to support building Deep Foundation Construction and Defects Mattressing Inclusions Channeling bleeding Segregation not enough cemant 20 Deep Foundation Construction and Defects Mattressing Inclusions Channelling Segregation 21 Rheology of Fresh Concrete Bingham Model: = + 0 0: yield stress : viscotiy Slope: 0 0 Bingham model is widely accepted for cement-based material: grout, paste, mortar and concrete. 1. Shear stress VS shear rate; 2. Properties: yield stress and viscosity. 22 Workability Tests Space scale index Slump flow test Output: spread diameter Time scale index V-funnel test Output: discharge time 23 Digital Twin of Workability Tests 𝜏0 = 40 𝑃𝑎 𝜇 = 100 𝑃𝑎 ∙ 𝑠 Digital twin of slump flow test 40 discharge time Digital twin of V-funnel test 0 120 Pa 0 140 Pa 0 160 Pa 0 180 Pa 0 200 Pa 0 220 Pa 0 240 Pa 0 260 Pa 0 280 Pa 0 300 Pa 10 0 20 Pa 0 40 Pa 11 viscosity 0 60 Pa 20 0 80 Pa 0 100 Pa 10 yield stress tn (s) 30 100 Pas 90 Pas 80 Pas 70 Pas 60 Pas 50 Pas 40 Pas 30 Pas 20 Pas 10 Pas 0 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 D (m) 0.8 diammiter 0.9 1.0 24 Workability to Rheology Conversion 40 0 120 Pa 0 140 Pa 0 160 Pa 0 180 Pa 0 200 Pa 0 220 Pa 0 240 Pa 0 260 Pa 0 280 Pa 0 300 Pa 10 0 20 Pa 0 40 Pa 0 60 Pa 20 D = 0.57 m 0 80 Pa 0 100 Pa tn (s) 30 100 Pas 90 Pas 80 Pas 70 Pas 60 Pas 50 Pas 40 Pas 30 Pas 20 Pas 10 Pas Slump flow test 0 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 D (m) 0.8 0.9 1.0 tn =12 s Workability to Rheology Conversion V-funnel test 25 Case Study - Diaphragm Wall 6m Real Joints 6.1 m 1m Geometry Simplified Joints 26 Case Study - Diaphragm Wall Cone outflow test Slump flow test property of concrete varied 800 S50 S40 Diameter (mm) 700 600 500 400 300 0 5 10 15 20 25 Flow Time (s) Summary of Tests On-site tests 27 Case Study - Diaphragm Wall 9 representative concretes Concrete Mixes CM1 CM2 CM3 CM4 CM5 CM6 CM7 CM8 CM9 Flow Time (s) 4 3.7 4.2 6 6.3 8.7 11.2 2 4 Diameter (mm) 470 520 630 400 550 550 480 500 750 Concrete Mixes CM1 CM2 CM3 CM4 CM5 CM6 CM7 CM8 CM9 Viscosity (Pa·s) 120 120 160 120 200 240 250 60 160 Yield Stress (Pa) 200 110 60 350 80 80 150 130 40 28 Case Study - Diaphragm Wall not consistence 9 Representative concretes in middle section 9 Representative concretes on surface 29 Case Study – Bored Pile concrete flow not work Pile design && concrete placement 30 Case Study – Bored Pile have reference, books ? concrete flow Velocity field Flow History 31 Bored pile investigation 32 Bored pile investigation 33 Other Examples of Computer Simulation 34