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Colgate Orange Herbal Toothpaste Marketing Plan

Course Title: Principles of Marketing
Course Code: MKT201
Semester: Autumn 2022
Section: 03
Date of Submission: 7th April, 2022
Submitted To: Mrs. Zakia Binte Jamal
Senior Lecturer
Members of Team Infinity:
Daniel Bin Zakaria
Al Siam Naim
Mazharul Islam Asif
Nabila Sarkar Arobi
Dewan MD Alif
7th April, 2022
Mrs. Zakia Binte Jamal
Faculty of MKT201, Sec 03
School of Business
Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)
Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka
Subject: Submission of Marketing Plan of Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste.
Dear Madam,
With due respect, it is our pleasure and honor to be your students and have this opportunity to present the
marketing plan of Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste. While preparing the marketing plan, we
have given our best effort thoroughly on the topic regarding this project and we believe and hope that our
plan will provide a clear conception and will appear as realistic as possible.
Though we are in the learning phase of our career, this plan has helped as gain sufficient knowledge on
running a marketing plan properly having proper target market, assessment of 4ps, bulding brand and
marketing strategies. It is indeed a challenging and interesting experience.
We are more than willing to answer any questions regarding this marketing plan and clarify it fully to your
understanding. Thank you very much for all your support, which helped us significantly in preparing this
marketing plan.
Sincerely Yours,
Group members of “TEAM INFINITY”
Firstly, I would like to thank the Almighty Allah for helping us to complete the final report. I am grateful
to the honourable faculty Mrs. Zakia Binte Jamal for giving such a tremendous opportunity to work on
marketing plan of “Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste”. I would like to convey my tremendous
gratitude to my honourable faculty, Mrs Zakia Binte Jamal for providing us the guideline about how we
can prepare this report. She helped us a lot by sharing his valuable knowledge with us. Lastly, I would
like to thank my classmates. They have been helpful and provided valuable insights from time to time.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY……………………………………………..…………01
COMPANY OVERVIEW……………………………………………………...….03
CURRENT MARKET SITUATION…………………………………….…..…….03
OBJECTIVES & ISSUES…………………………………………….………..….07
MARKETING STRATEGY………………………………………….…….……..09
This report is about to a marketing plan on Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste. The aim
of this report is to analysis the different marketing strategies of Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal
Toothpaste. This will be a new product which will be readily available for our customers which
meets their satisfaction. Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste seeks to achieve a unique
ability to provide distinctive, high quality toothpaste using distinct ingredients to appeal and to
excite contemporary orange tastes for this product. Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste
combines the oral care science of Colgate with orangy smells and nature’s best herbs for
healthier teeth and gums. Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste safely polishes your teeth
to help restore their natural whiteness and shine. Its unique formula of Eucalyptus, Melissa,
and Orange extract combines the expert science of Colgate with some of nature’s finest
ingredients. Strengthens and whitens teeth and fights cavities with Fluoride. It is great for
everyday use. We will need to evaluate our market size and trends and our competitors and
potential partners. This product will lead the company in herbal toothpaste market and will
carry the company on the top spot. The target market for the product will be the city people,
children and youths. The major competitors of Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste are
Dabur Herbal Toothpaste, Pepsodent Herbal Toothpaste and CloseUp Herbal Toothpaste. We
select the conventional marketing channel to distribute our product. We have selected a
reasonable price considering both the consumers buying capacity & our profit margin. Colgate
Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste will increase its market share through targeted advertising to
increase the number of customers who want convenience and are looking to have a natural oral
care orange scent which will give them natural fruity taste & satisfaction.
Colgate Orange Herbal Toothpaste is made from natural ingredients. This toothpaste is still
approved as organic. From our study and research it is found that many customers have taking
place to change over to organic toothpastes to avoid synthetic & artificial flavours which are
normally found in regular toothpastes. Because of the increased demand of natural products,
Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste will be the perfect timing of demand. This
toothpaste does not have dyes, artificial flavours or chemicals and this is one of the mainly
general reasons that consumers claim when switching from ordinary toothpaste to Colgate
Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste.
Some people would rather use Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste for their oral hygiene
and variety of reasons. Many people actually opting for them since they are not tested on
animals. Others, devoted to guard the environment or who are sensitive to the ingredients in
usual toothpastes, are attracted to the reality that they have no artificial colours or flavourings.
Colgate Orange Herbal toothpastes is also fluoride free, which appears to be other frequent
grounds why some individuals prefer this category of toothpaste more than regular one. Also
some people have allergies or other health concerns who may wish to think about Herbal or
organic tooth paste formulations. Classic ingredients in Herbal and organic toothpastes include
herbs with traditional historical uses like myrrh to help destroy plaque-causing bacteria;
chamomile to reduce gum inflammation; Echinacea to inspire the immune system; sage and
rhatany to decrease bleeding and essential oils like peppermint, to add orange flavour and ease
pain and irritation and give fruity refreshment. Some other common raw materials for these
products include clove, ginger and tea tree oils. Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste also
contain oils such as oils of coriander, ginger, orange and spearmint. Eucalyptus is however one
of the most common ingredients in herbal toothpastes, mainly for its properties of whitening
and prevents stained teeth. Myrrh is used to prevent gingivitis and bad breath and Chamomile
and Sage are said to be helpful in soothing mouth ulcers, toothaches and inflamed gums.
ACI is the trusted brand in Bangladesh. To expand its business category ACI imports
international products. As a part of this, they import Colgate brand in Bangladesh which is very
successful in India and going well in Bangladesh as well. ACI-Colgate is conducting a survey
program on retailers. Here, all the shopkeepers’ in Dhaka is interviewed about the Colgate. It
does not include any super shop like, Agora, Shopno or any other branded super shops. It
includes the retailing shop including pharmacy shop around Dhaka. All the retailers’ shops are
divided into three categories. They are Category A, B, C that indicates big, medium and small
shop respectably. Also, ACI divides the Dhaka into four zones to survey better. Also, within
these 4 zones, there are many territories where this survey work was conducted. The main
reason is to do this survey to learn about the consequence of distribution channel strategy of
Colgate. During this survey, certain criteria and rules have been followed. Analyzing the survey
data, distribution strategy will be developed in future. Moreover, some general gaps and
judgment are recommended. Furthermore, this research work will continue time to time as it is
the way to develop better distribution strategy.
MARKET DISCRIPTION : We are going to introduce a new herbal toothpaste under
Colgate that is Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste. Herbal toothpaste is the perfect
refreshment for those type of people who want natural toothpaste . In this concept we also
added orange fruit flavour for refreshment . It's made for light user but it can be used by heavy
user though we have a lot of herbal toothpaste already had in the market. That’s why we target
concentrate as a appropriation. It’s a Herbal toothpaste made with natural herbs and fruits
ingredients. Already Colgate is popular in the market. Every type of people love this other
products. In herbal toothpaste we add up the orange flavour that is health beneficial too. who
doesn’t want to be fit now a days. Right?
Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste combines the oral care science of Colgate with
Orange fruity scent and nature's best herbs for healthier teeth and gums. Colgate Orange
Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste safely polishes your teeth to help restore their natural whiteness
and shine. Its unique formula of Eucalyptus, Melissa, Mint and Orange extract combines the
expert science of Colgate with some of nature's finest ingredients. Strengthens and whitens
teeth and fights cavities with Fluoride.
Twist cap
Easy to grave
Orange Flavor
Logo of Colgate
Pricing strategies are the most important stage in marketing mix. If we select extensively high
price, customers will not buy and volume of sales will be very low. On the other hand, setting
lower price will not cover our costs. So we have to consider the pricing strategy in selecting
We shall make promotional activities for our product in different advertisement, school,
college, various quiz competitions, debates, and so on.These are:
(1) Bill board (2) TV Ad (3) Sponsorship (4) Short film (5) Drama (6) Commercial5 (7)
A distribution strategy defines how we are going to move products from point of creation to
the point of consumption, in a cost-effective manner. In generally, there are different types of
marketing distribution system. Consumers are able to buy the products from different market
place. All these distribution strategies are consists of producer, wholesaler, retailer, and finally
to the consumer.
Inventory : Factory where it is produced.
Location : 64 districts
Channels : Wholesaler, commercial, office
Transportation : Distribution mini truck, van etc
Logistic : whole seller , co. distributor co.
Whenever a company launches their product they need to analyze what their competitors are
up to and try giving better products at either the same price or less than the competitor’s price.
By offering high-quality goods at fair and affordable prices, the brand has earned the
confidence of millions of customers. Although it faces strong competition from other brands,
this healthy competition encourages them to improve their products to keep their market share.
Some of the competitors Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste faces are:
1. Pepsodent Herbal Toothpaste
Pepsodent is a Company owned by Unilever. The USP(Unique selling point) of Pepsodent is
that it creates toothpaste that tastes like mint. According to the company, their toothpaste
protects teeth from germs and strengthens teeth to fight against bacteria and captivity. It has
operations in over 50 countries and it is one of the biggest competitors of Colgate Orange
Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste
2. Closeup Herbal Toothpaste
Closeup is also a Unilever Product. It is known for its long-lasting freshness, it has been a
market leader for many decades as it targets the youth of the nation. The biggest advantage of
Closeup is that it was the first gel-based toothpaste that attracts its target audience.
3. Dabur Herbal Toothpaste
Dabur is produces herbal toothpaste and their product whitens the teeth with the help of
whitening agents. It makes use of natural ingredients which has no side effects and can be used
by people of any age group.
Now as we saw that before launching the product a company needs to go through competitor
analysis. So we have to lookup these products overview to increase market share of Colgate
Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste.
INCREASE SALES: Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste is a natural cavity-fighting
formula fruity scent. However, we believe the company can do a lot better. We aim to boost
Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste sales, but we believe the brand can go better. so that
it may compete more effectively with global brands We intend to do so in a methodical and
deliberate manner. Provide a high-quality product at a reasonable cost. We also give a variety
of ingredients. We feel that by branding in a distinctive way, consumers will be more likely to
purchase our product.
INCREASE MARKET SHARE: We want to make Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste
bigger player in the market in Bangladesh. We want to provide better quality Herbal toothpaste
through looking at the demand and the requirements of the consumers. Because many people
have dental health problems, including bad breath, tooth decay, teeth whitening, tooth
sensitivity, and more. And thus, we want to use this information to improve our product so that
people are intrigued to buy it .We want to make a far more frequent purchase for our loyal
customers. A major issue for Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste is its competition,
brands such as pepsodent and Close up toothpaste have much bigger budgets. So therefore, we
need to make sure our strategies are unique and catered to our strengths .
Increase brand awareness for existing product:
Nowadays there are several ways to Improve brand awareness. Some of the important elements
of brand awareness are discussed below:
USE NATIVE ADVERTISING: Employing native advertising is one of the most effective
ways of increasing brand awareness and reach over to new customers who needs herbal
toothpaste.we want to host publishing sites, native ads help you reach people .we can serve up
native ads on publications like The Daily Star or Prothom Alo, we want providing great
knowledge about Colgate herbal.
RUN SOCIAL MEDIA ADVERTISING: By running brand-awareness ads, we can reach new
people who might be interested.we can provide Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste ads
need to highlight the main characteristics of toothpaste for maximum exposure and can be
placed on radio and television stations that reach a wide audience.
BUILDING BRAND IMAGE : Identify who you are as a brand:
Before creating brand, we must identify who are as a company.Why are offering this
product/service? All of these questions will help we set our intentions as a brand.
Identify Key Audiences :The first step is to identify our target audiences. Our target audiences
will consist of a mix of external and internal groups, including customers, partners, industry
analysts and employees. It's important to be very specific when defining our audiences.
Define Brand Persona :Once we have determined our key audiences and critical business goals,
we can start to build out your brand persona. Our persona should appeal to customers and
articulate our most important differentiators and product benefits. Here Colgate Orange Flavoured
Herbal Toothpaste will show the importance of its freshness.
Develop Key Messaging :After we have defined our brand persona and image, document our
key messages and align them with our audiences. Our key messages will be the most important
takeaways we want our audience to walk away with after interacting with your brand.
Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste is new brand, we need to make sure we take the
correct steps to introduce it to the market and make sure people are aware of its existence.
Advertising on physical mediums and socially will be our first step into introducing the brand.
We would like to create interest by giving our samples and sponsoring health related events so
that we can grab people's attention and get them interested in the product.
A marketing strategy is a company's overall plan for reaching out to potential customers and
transforming them into paying customers for their goods or services. The company's value
proposition, key brand messaging, data on target customer demographics, and other high-level
elements are all included in a marketing strategy.
By understanding the needs and wants of its customers, the ultimate goal of a marketing
strategy is to achieve and communicate a sustainable competitive advantage over competitors.
A marketing asset can be judged based on how effectively it communicates a company's core
value proposition, whether it's a print ad design, mass customization, or a social media
CORE BENEFIT: It is the fundamental level in customer value hierarchy. It is the benefit or
service the customer is really buying. In case of toothpaste, the customer is buying a medium
for safety of teeth and mouth.
BASIC PRODUCT: This is the second level in customer value hierarchy. The marketer must
turn the core benefit into a basic product. In case of toothpaste, the marketer must provide
toothpaste that provides germ free mouth for all without any side effects.
EXPECTED PRODUCT: This is the third level in customer value hierarchy. Here the marketer
prepares an expected product, a set of attributes and conditions that customers normally expect
when they purchase this product.
AUGMENTED PRODUCT: At the fourth level, the marketer prepares an augmented product
that exceeds customer expectations. To fight competition the marketer tries to offer an
augmented or may an even better than expected product. Colgate is providing different variety
of toothpastes like Colgate herbal for fresh mouth with Ayurvedic effect. now it added Colgate
salt for those with cavity problem.
PPOTENTIAL PRODUCT: At the fifth level stands the potential product, which encompasses
all the possible augmentations and transformations the product or offering might change in near
Colagate has so many products comparing to the competitors. It has a huge advantage in the
market Colgate now provides many kind of toothpaste, toothbrushes, doctor prescribed
1. COLLABORATION WITH INFLUENCER: The Company has always targeted to
shoot advertisement with prominent celebrities. If we talk about India they have already
made some deal with Bollywood celebrities to make colgate ads. Same can be done by
Colgate Bangladesh. There are many well known celebrities that Colgate Bangladesh
can use to promote this particular variant of colgate toothpaste.
2. LOCATION BASED TARGETING : When it comes to ad campaigns and marketing
methods, Colgate has always been a master. They use various marketing methods to
target different places and have had a lot of success in terms of good response and lead
creation. By performing campaign in schools and colleges will help colgate in terms of
brand development. They can also campaign in some rural area of Bangladesh where
literacy rate is not that good. Making people aware to take care of their teeth might be
a great move.
successful when it comes t packaging and sending message with it. Be it the Cavity
protection toothpaste or max fresh toothpaste the company’s advertisement
commercials and advertisement campaigns aptly signify what they are offering and by
concentrating on the solution to the very specific problem of oral health, they gain the
trust of the masses.
4. BUILD TRUST : Colgate has been a master of ad campaigns and marketing techniques.
They employ a variety of marketing techniques to reach out to various locations and
have had a lot of success in terms of reaction and trust among Bangladeshi people.
5. REFLECTING THE INNOVATION : Colgate has been operating in India since 1973
Because it was the only firm that offered toothpaste in a tube at the time, it was a market
mover. It was a revolutionary moment, and unlike. any other brand at the time, it
captured the attention of the whole public. Later on, the company discovered the
Bangladeshi market's nerves.
BRANDING: Colorful, round shape, prominent Colgate herbal logo written in modern font.
TRADE NAME: Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste, a product of Colgate
BRAND EQUITY: Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste provides a quality, consistent,
innovative, accessible and natural toothpaste reputation.
PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE: Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste is a low-learning product.
With a strong marketing campaign, “sales will begin immediately and the benefits of the
purchase are readily understood”. Since Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste is prone to
product imitation, its strategy is to broaden distribution quickly, which is currently feasible
thanks to the company’s high manufacturing capacity.
PERFORMANCE QUALITY: The performance quality of Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal
Toothpaste will be that it will produce what it functions. Customers can take it as their
satisfaction with a combined taste of natural ingredients like Nim, Tulsi, Melissa, Mint, Lemon.
CONFORMANCE QUALITY: The conformance quality of Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal
Toothpaste will be that it will be free from any defects, it will deliver its targeted performance
and quality.
Pricing stratigies are the most important stage in marketing mix. If we select extensively high
price, customers will not buy and volume of sales will be very low. On the other hand, setting
lower price will not cover our costs. So we have to consider the following things in selecting
There are already herbal toothpastes available in the market:
Product Name
Pepsodent Herbal Toothpaste
CloseUp Herbal Toothpaste
Dabur Herbal Toothpaste
Meswak Herbal Toothpaste
Our Colgate Orange Flavoured Herbal Toothpaste 100gm price will be 130tk. Comparing to other
toothpastes it feels good because of our newly added orange flavour. Customers will also accept
the new product because of it’s average price and tastes.
When it comes to distribution Colgate is known all over the world because of it’s popularity.
There are three distribution strategies :
Intensive distribution
Exclusive distribution
Selective distribution
Drawing up a distribution strategy embraces a marketing channels choice and process
coordination. The company must determine who would be its intermediary, and under what
conditions he is going to deal with the products. It is about customer service, warehousing, and
1. INTENSIVE DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY: Intensive distribution strategy involves a
lot of brokers, who stock products on many available areas, where a customer is able
to purchase an item. In other words, this distribution model concentrates on taking
advantages of every possible place for selling goods.
2. EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY: Exclusive distribution strategy, a
contrario to the intensive one, holds particular distributors, who are obliged to sell
products exclusively in defined places. This kind of distribution policy is commonly
practiced by business dealing in luxurious and high-end products.
3. SELECTIVE DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY: Sometimes companies want to offer their
products only in particular stores or geographic areas. Moreover, they cooperate with
several distributors. Selective distribution is used in the scheme when buyers have an
option to compare products in different point of sale.
Ø Direct Distribution strategy : The shortest way to reach to the final customer.
In a direct distribution strategy, all distribution matters are in producer’s
hand. The manufacturer directly provides the items to the buyers and
manages all distribution processes, warehousing or delivery organization.
Ø Indirect Distribution strategy: An indirect distribution channel is a kind of
chain involving different third parties to making manufacturers products
available for purchase by the final customer. Business cooperate with
warehouses, wholesalers, brokers or retailers and the length of the channel
can be either short and long. The indirect channel lets companies outsource
distribution operations and concentrate on the key points of business.
There is no such thing as an unbreakable strategy. In order to achieve long-term success,
businesses must develop and implement new strategies. We've chosen some promotional
strategies because we're launching a new product in a new market Colgate Herbal Toothpaste
Orange Flavored.
Herbal Toothpaste's promotion strategies include advertising, sales promotion, and public
relations, but there are two additional promotion strategies, personal selling and indirect
Herbal Toothpaste has been observed to be consistent in promoting sales through advertising
in various media, ranging from newspapers to television and radio. Other areas where Herbal
Toothpaste will be equally consistent are sales promotion via gift and promotional vouchers.
Herbal Toothpaste will attract more customers to its stores and sales points as a result of its
effective marketing strategy. The product's other promotional strategy will be its slogan,
"REAL FRESH DENTAL CARE WITH FLAVOR." Through such promotional activities, the
product will gain a foothold in the market and gain a larger market share than competing
Colgate Herbal Toothpaste Orange Flavored will be such a heavily advertised brand on the
streets of Bangladesh that it will become a part of the landscape in almost every neighborhood.
The brand logo can be seen almost everywhere. The brand name can be seen in a variety of
ways, including the ones below.
• Billboards
• Shop fronts and store headboards
• Posters and stickers
• Media (Television, Radio)
• Social Media (Facebook, Youtube)
All of these factors increase the likelihood of exposure to the point where it is nearly impossible
to remain unfamiliar with the brand.
These advertisements are successful in attracting customers because they focus on children.
The brand's promotional activities are designed to attract attention through a variety of effects.
Size: Ads for Herbal Medicine Ads for Herbal Medicine Toothpaste is essentially a series of
large billboards that must tempt the consumers.
Color: All Herbal Toothpaste advertisements will be black and white with red on one side.
Position: Herbal Toothpaste dental cream advertisements try to take advantage of every
available location, whether it's on the right, left, or center of a street.
Color: All Herbal Toothpaste advertisements will be black and white with red on one side.
Position: Herbal Toothpaste dental cream advertisements try to take advantage of every
available location, whether it's on the right, left, or center of a street.
PULL STRATEGY: Pull strategy is a promotion strategy that calls for spending a lot on
advertising and consumer promotion to induce final consumers to buy Colgate herbal. By doing
an effective pull strategy, consumers will be motivated to demand Colgate herbal from channel
members for keeping their teeth healthy with a combined mixture of natural ingredients. We
will emphasize on pull strategy more to have long lasting sustenance in the competitive market.
We will change our marketing strategies over time to satisfy the consumers changing demand.
PUSH STRATEGY: It is a promotion strategy that calls for using the sales force to push
Colgate herbal through channels. Colgate itself will promote Colgate herbal to channel
members to bring them to carry the product and to promote it to final consumers. We will also
follow push strategy initially to grab the consumers of other brands products. We have a strong
belief that if any consumer tastes our product single time he/she will be interested to purchase
it again and again and will be a loyal customer of our product.
ADVERTIISING: Advertisements will be given in television, radio, internet, magazine,
newspapers, and billboards. Advertising themes will be changed with time and promotional
activity will be carried out to generate consumers.
A marketing plan is a plan which outlines a company's overall marketing efforts. Building a
new brand or product needs huge promotional activities. To introduce an old product newly or
branded it needs effective and future oriented sequential steps. In case of this plan all the
necessary steps has been outlined in a systematic manner. The things shown are designed in
such a way that is able to grab the attention of the present customers of other products.
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