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Internet of Things (IoT) Presentation

Internet of Things
Dr. Samar A. Said
Instructor Information
Dr. Samar A. Said
• E-mail: samar_said@h-eng.helwan.edu.eg
Course Information
Name : Internet of Things
Code: CSE3206
Lecture Hrs. : 2 Hrs/week,
Tutorial: 1 Hrs/week
Course Assessment
• Total Degree 100
• Grading:
• Midterm Exam
• Quizzes
• Assignments
• Participation
• Final Exam
30 marks
70 marks
Points to be covered:
• Course Objectives
• IoT Definition
• IoT Characteristics
• IoT Building Blocks
• IoT Architecture
• IoT Connectivity Network Topology
• IoT Application Areas
• IoT Future Challenges
• Outline of course content
Course Objectives
• Study the fundamentals about IoT.
• Explore IoT technologies, architectures, standards, and regulation.
• Understand the design methodology and different IoT hardware
• Explore the basics of IoT Data Analytics and supporting services.
• Study about IoT case study.
IoT Definition
• What is IoT?
IoT is the network of physical objects or "things" embedded with
electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, which
enables these objects to collect and exchange data.
• IoT allows objects to be sensed and controlled remotely across
existing network infrastructure, creating opportunities for more
direct integration between the physical world and computer-based
systems, and resulting in improved efficiency, accuracy and economic
What are the “Things” in the IoT?
• Could be anything
• Physical
• Virtual
Sensor Devices are Widely Available
IoT characteristics
IoT characteristics
▪ Things-related services: The IoT is capable of providing thingrelated services within the constraints of things, such as privacy
protection and semantic consistency between physical things and
their associated virtual things. In order to provide thing-related
services within the constraints of things, both the technologies in
physical world and information world will change.
• Interconnectivity: With regard to the IoT, anything can be
interconnected with the global information and communication
IoT characteristics
▪ Heterogeneity: The devices in the IoT are heterogeneous as based
on different hardware platforms and networks. They can interact
with other devices or service platforms through different
▪ Dynamic changes: The state of devices change dynamically, e.g.,
sleeping and waking up, connected and/or disconnected as well as
the context of devices including location and speed. Moreover, the
number of devices can change dynamically.
▪ Enormous scale: The number of devices that need to be managed
and that communicate with each other will be at least an order of
magnitude larger than the devices connected to the current
IoT characteristics
▪ Safety: As we gain benefits from the IoT, we must not forget about
safety. As both the creators and recipients of the IoT, we must
design for safety. This includes the safety of our personal data and
the safety of our physical well-being. Securing the endpoints, the
networks, and the data moving across all of it means creating a
security paradigm that will scale.
Why IoT ?
Why IoT ?
The IoT will touch nearly every segment in industrial,
enterprise, health, and consumer products.
The impact from IoT or any technology comes in the form of:
New revenue streams (green energy solutions)
Reducing costs (in-home patient healthcare)
Reducing production loss (theft, spoilage of perishable)
Increasing productivity (machine learning and data analytics)
Reducing time to market (factory automation)
IoT Forecast
@ Nov 22, 2022
- Almost triple
- from 9.7 billion
in 2020
- to more than 29
billion IoT devices
in 2030
Number of IoT connected devices worldwide 2019-2021, with forecasts to 2030
IoT Building Blocks
IoT Building Blocks
• The front end or the things of the system
• Process the data captured by the sensors and provide intelligence on realtime basis
• Controlled by applications which are also responsible for securing the data
• Route the processed data and send it to proper locations for proper analysis
and utilization.
• Form another end of an IoT system
• Typically cloud-based
• Controlled by users
IOT Architecture
IoT Architecture
Basic IoT architecture layers
IoT Architecture
Basic IoT architecture layers
Perception/Sensing layer: also known as the device layer
Involves “things” or endpoint devices that serve as a conduit between
physical and the digital worlds.
Consists of multiple elements – sensors, cameras, actuators, and similar
devices that gather
data and perform tasks.
For collecting, accepting, and
processing data over the network.
IoT Architecture
Basic IoT architecture layers
Network/Transport layer:
It is necessary to transmit and process the data collected by the sensor devices.
It allows these devices to connect and communicate with other servers, smart
devices, and network devices. As well, it handles all data transmissions for the
devices (e.g., on-site sensors, cameras, actuators) to an on-premise or cloud
data center.
IoT Architecture
Basic IoT architecture layers
Middleware layer (Support/Processing):
The brain of the IoT ecosystem. Typically, data is analyzed, pre-processed,
and stored here before being sent to the data center, where it is accessed
by software applications that both monitor and manage the data as well as
prepare further actions. This is where Edge IT or edge analytics enters the
IoT Architecture
Basic IoT architecture layers
Application layer:
User interaction takes place at the application layer, which delivers
services to the user.
Examples: smart cities, smart homes, and smart health.
IoT Connectivity Network
IoT Connectivity – Network Topology
• There can be no Internet of Things (IoT) without the network
topology to support it.
• The networking standards being used today in IoT can be
categorized into three basic network topologies.
• Before explaining the different topologies, you need to
understand the characteristics, capabilities, and behavior of
the basic network topologies.
Network Characteristics, Capabilities and Behavior
• Latency
The time it takes for a packet of data to travel from the sensor node
through the network to the gateway node, or visa-versa. Generally
speaking, latency reflects the speed of the network: the faster the
network, the lower the latency.
• Throughput
The amount of data that can pass through network per second (or other
time segment). Relatively high throughput is required for audio or
video streaming.
• Fault resiliency
The degree to which a wireless network, if interrupted, will recover or
reconfigure, and deliver a packet of data to its destination.
Network Characteristics, Capabilities and Behavior
• Scalability
The number of nodes that can be included in a single network.
• Hops
The transmission of a data packet from one node to another. The
“number of hops” refers to the number of nodes through which a
data packet travels.
Three Basic Network Topologies
1. Point-to-Point Network
• A point-to-point network establishes a direct
connection between two network nodes.
• Communication can take place only between these
two nodes, or devices.
• An example of this type of network is a Bluetooth
link between a cell phone and an ear piece.
• The advantages of point-to-point networking are its
simplicity and low cost.
• The primary limitations spring from the one-to-one
relationship that exists between two devices; the
network cannot scale beyond these two nodes. The
range of the network is therefore limited to one
hop, and defined by the transmission range of a
single device.
Three Basic Network Topologies
2. Star Network
• A star network consists of one central hub (a.k.a. gateway node), to
which all other nodes (e.g., the sensor nodes) in the network are linked.
• This central hub acts as a common connection point for all other nodes
in the network.
• All peripheral nodes may thus communicate with all others by
transmitting to, and receiving from, the central hub only.
• An example of this topology is the WiFi network hub in your house.
• There are a few important advantages to a star topology.
• First, the performance of the network is consistent, predictable and fast (low
latency and high throughput).
• Second, there is high overall network reliability due to the ease with which
faults and devices can be isolated. Each device utilizes its own, single link to
the hub. This makes the isolation of individual devices straightforward and
makes it easy to detect faults and to remove failing network components.
• The disadvantages of this network type are similar to the point-to-point
network. The range is limited to the transmission range of a single
Three Basic Network Topologies
3. Mesh Network
A mesh network consists of three types of nodes:
• A gateway node as in a star network, provided so data can
reach the outside world.
• Simple sensors nodes.
• Sensor/router nodes, which are sensor nodes with
repeater/routing capability.
• Mesh network nodes are deployed such that every node is within
transmission range of at least one other sensor/router node. Data
packets pass through multiple sensor/routers nodes to reach the
gateway node.
• The primary advantages
• This networking topology is used for many applications
requiring a long range and broad area coverage. Applications
include building automation, energy management, industrial
automation, and asset management, etc. Because the network
range is not limited to the transmission range of a single
device, the network range can be very broad, covering large
areas, such as a building or campus.
• The primary disadvantage is that mesh networks are more complex
than point-to-point or star network topologies.
IoT Application Areas
Fig. 2 IOT Application Areas [3]
A. IOsL (Internet of smart living)
• Smart Home Appliances: Refrigerators with LCD screen telling what’s
inside, food that’s about to expire, ingredients you need to buy and with
all the information available on a Smartphone app. Washing machines
allowing you to monitor the laundry remotely, and. Kitchen ranges with
interface to a Smartphone app allowing remotely adjustable
temperature control and monitoring the oven’s self-cleaning feature,
• Remote Control Appliances: Switching on and off remotely appliances
to avoid accidents and save energy,
• Weather: Displays outdoor weather conditions such as humidity,
temperature, pressure, wind speed and rain levels with ability to
transmit data over long distances,
• Safety Monitoring: cameras, and home alarm systems making people
feel safe in their daily life at home
• Intrusion Detection Systems: Detection of window and door openings
and violations to prevent intruders,
• Energy and Water Use: Energy and water supply consumption
monitoring to obtain advice on how to save cost and resources, & many
B. IOsC ( Internet of smart cities)
• Structural Health: Monitoring of vibrations and material
conditions in buildings, bridges and historical monuments. Appling
intelligent and weather adaptive lighting in street lights,
• Smart Parking: Real-time monitoring of parking spaces availability
in the city making residents able to identify and reserve the
closest available spaces,
• Safety: Digital video monitoring, fire control management, public
announcement systems,
• Transportation: Smart Roads and Intelligent High-ways with
warning messages and diversions according to climate conditions
and unexpected events like accidents or traffic jams,
• Waste Management: Detection of rubbish levels in containers to
optimize the trash collection routes. Garbage cans and recycle
bins with RFID tags allow the sanitation staff to see when garbage
has been put out
C. IOsE (Internet of smart environment)
• Air Pollution monitoring: Control of CO2 emissions of factories,
pollution emitted by cars and toxic gases generated in farms,
Weather monitoring: weather conditions monitoring such as
humidity, temperature, pressure, wind speed and rain,
Earthquake Early Detection, Water Quality: Study of water
suitability in rivers and the sea for eligibility in drinkable use,
• Forest Fire Detection: Monitoring of combustion gases and
preemptive fire conditions to define alert zones,
• River Floods: Monitoring of water level variations in rivers, dams
and reservoirs during rainy days,
• Protecting wildlife: Tracking collars utilizing GPS/GSM modules
to locate and track wild animals and communicate their
coordinates via SMS.
D. IOsI (Internet of smart industry)
• Maintenance and repair: Early predictions on equipment
malfunctions and service maintenance can be automatically
scheduled ahead of an actual part failure by installing sensors
inside equipment to monitor and send reports.
• Explosive and Hazardous Gases: Detection of gas levels and
leakages in industrial environments, surroundings of chemical
factories and inside mines, Monitoring of toxic gas and oxygen
levels inside chemical plants to ensure workers and goods safety,
Monitoring of water, oil and gas levels in storage tanks and
E. IOsH (Internet of smart health)
• Patients Surveillance: Monitoring of conditions of patients inside
hospitals and in old people’s home,
• Medical Fridges: Control of conditions inside freezers storing
vaccines, medicines and organic elements, Fall Detection:
Assistance for elderly or disabled people living independent,
• Dental: Bluetooth connected toothbrush with Smartphone app
analyzes the brushing uses and gives information on the brushing
habits on the Smartphone for private information or for showing
statistics to the dentist,
• Physical Activity Monitoring: Wireless sensors placed across the
mattress sensing small motions, like breathing and heart rate and
large motions caused by tossing and turning during sleep,
providing data available through an app on the Smartphone.
G. IOsA (internet of smart agriculture)
• Green Houses: Control micro-climate conditions to maximize the
production of fruits and vegetables and its quality,
• Animal Farming/Tracking: Location and identification of animals
grazing in open pastures or location in big stables, Study of
ventilation and air quality in farms and detection of harmful gases
from excrements, Offspring Care: Control of growing conditions of
the offspring in animal farms to ensure its survival and health,
• field Monitoring: Reducing spoilage and crop waste with better
monitoring, accurate ongoing data obtaining, and management of
the agriculture fields, including better control of fertilizing,
electricity and watering.
Future Challenges
For IoT
Future Challenges For IoT
• A. Privacy and Security
New challenges identified for privacy, trust and reliability are:
• Providing protection mechanisms for vulnerable devices.
• Providing secure exchange of data between IoT devices and consumers
of their information.
B. Cost versus Usability
IOT uses technology to connect physical objects to the Internet. For
IOT adoption to grow, the cost of components that are needed to
support capabilities such as sensing, tracking and control mechanisms
need to be relatively inexpensive in the coming years
Future Challenges For IoT
C. Data Management
Data management is a crucial aspect in the Internet of Things. When
considering a world of objects interconnected and constantly
exchanging all types of information, the volume of the generated data
and the processes involved in the handling of those data become
D. Device Level Energy
Issues One of the essential challenges in IoT is how to interconnect
“things” in an interoperable way while taking into account the energy
constraints, knowing that the communication is the most energy
consuming task on devices.
Outline of course
• Contents going to be covered during course:
• Fundamentals of IoT
• Design of IoT : Physical Design of loT
• Networking Standards and Technologies
• IoT Protocols
• Logical Design of loT
• IoT Communication APIs
• IoT Enabling Technologies
• IoT Deployment Templates
• IoT Deployment Levels
• Sensors and Actuators
• Hardware platforms for your IoT projects
• IoT Gateway
• IoT Design And Development
• Case Study and IoT Applications