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Get Bigger & Stronger: Training Methods & Nutrition Guide

The Poliquin Group™
Cover Image: Alexander Popov photo by Bruce Klemens
Copyright © 2018, Poliquin Performance Center 2, LLC. All rights reserved
First Edition, 2018
All materials, content and forms contained on or in this publication are the intellectual
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Poliquin Performance 2, LLC, disclaims any responsibility associated with relying on the
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Notice: Before beginning any exercise program, consult with your physician to ensure that
you are in proper health. This book is not meant to provide medicine advice; you should
obtain medical advice from your private health care practitioner. No liability is assumed by
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
This is the second book in a two-part series, Get Bigger and Stronger.
The series builds on our 2010 publication Bigger, Stronger Arms, and
has been expanded to cover not just arms but all body parts.
One advantage of these two books is that the content can be read in
whatever order is most useful to you. We advise starting with the first
section in book one – which is about goal setting – but after that, feel
free to move on to any chapter in these books. The chapters are
written independently of each other, so it’s fine to skip around.
Knowledge about training is continually evolving, and this book series
represents the latest scientific and empirical evidence on the subjects
of getting bigger and getting stronger. Within these pages we hope
you discover many useful ideas that you can apply immediately in
your training.
Use the Modified
Hepburn Method
In the early days of the Iron Game there were several amazing
athletes who achieved Herculean levels of maximal strength. Their
formula for success was an optimal mix of principle-based training,
sound nutrition, adequate recovery, and a drive to improve. One such
athlete was Doug Ivan Hepburn.
Hepburn was born in Vancouver, Canada, on September 16, 1926.
Born cross-eyed and with a clubfoot, Hepburn took up weight training
when he was 15 and overcame his disabilities to become incredibly
strong – by age 18 he could squat 340 pounds, bench press 260 and
curl 140. Many strength historians argue that at his peak Hepburn was
the strongest man in the world. Here’s why.
Hepburn broke eight world records in weightlifting and won the gold
medal at the 1953 World Weightlifting Championships as a
superheavyweight. Hepburn was the first man to bench press 500
pounds (eventually lifting 545), and his record-breaking success in
such basic strength exercises helped earn him the title “Grandfather of
Modern Powerlifting.” Among his other notable lifts are a 445-pound
Olympic press, 445 push press, 750 squat, and 705 deadlift. Note that
these lifts were performed a half century ago. Hepburn was also as
strong as he looked, weighing 300 pounds at a height of only 5 feet 81/2 inches.
The system that follows was inspired by Hepburn, with a bit of
Hungarian and Romanian weightlifting methodologies mixed in. It is
called the Modified Hepburn method and consists of two parts.
Part 1: Heavy Singles Work (at 50X0 tempo)
With this system, after a good warm-up you use heavy weights that
will recruit the highest-threshold motor units (i.e., fast-twitch fibers).
Specifically, you start with a weight you can lift for 5 singles, and then
you progress to where you can complete 8 singles with it. After you
have done your singles work, you need to go back down to a weight at
which you can complete 5 sets of 3 reps. At this intensity step you
want to get to the level where you can successfully do 5 sets of 5
For success with this strength building system you must adhere to the
following guidelines:
• Perform the singles with 95 percent effort. It is the volume of high
intensity, not just the intensity, that dictates the training effect.
• For the eccentric lowering in the singles, use a very controlled
tempo (5 seconds). Perform the concentric range as explosively as
possible – concentrate on accelerating the bar until you’ve
completed the concentric range.
• On the 8th single, if you feel particularly strong, increase the weight.
Part 2: High-Threshold Hypertrophy Work (at 3210 tempo)
At this intensity step you should work with about 72 to 78 percent of
your 1RM. Let’s use the bench press for an example. The weight is
lowered for a count of 3 seconds for the eccentric range, paused for a
count of 2 seconds in the most disadvantageous position (the barbell
on the chest), lifted for a count of 1 for the concentric range, then
immediately lowered for another rep. Because you will fatigue
throughout the set, the concentric-range tempo will exceed the 1
second, but that should not be a concern.
The function of the pause at the disadvantageous angle is to increase
intramuscular tension and to increase total time under tension for that
set. Once you have excited the nervous system with the singles
completed in part 1, you can do hypertrophy work for the higherthreshold motor units.
For a practical example, let’s look at one individual’s progression –
we’ll call him Tom – using this training system. In this case, Tom’s
best incline press is currently 320 pounds. His workout progression
looks like this:
Workout 1
Part 1: (heavy singles) at 50X0 tempo
Set 1: 305 x 1
Set 2: 305 x 1
Set 3: 305 x 1
Set 4: 305 x 1
Set 5: 305 x 1
Part 2: (high-threshold hypertrophy work) at 3210 tempo
Set 1: 240 x 3
Set 2: 240 x 3
Set 3: 240 x 3
Set 4: 240 x 3
Set 5: 240 x 3
Tom was conservative on his first workout, which is in fact quite wise.
Let’s look at his next workout.
Workout 2
Part 1: (heavy singles) at 50X0 tempo
Set 1: 305 x 1
Set 2: 305 x 1
Set 3: 305 x 1
Set 4: 305 x 1
Set 5: 305 x 1
Set 6: 305 x 1
Set 7: 305 x 1
Set 8: 305 x 1
Tom reached the goal of completing 8 singles. At this point, Tom
should aim at doing 8 singles with an even heavier weight.
Part 2: (high-threshold hypertrophy work) at 3210 tempo
Set 1: 240 x 5
Set 2: 240 x 5
Set 3: 240 x 5
Set 4: 240 x 4
Set 5: 240 x 3
Obviously the first workout was very easy, hence the marked
improvement in training volume (total number of reps performed).
Workout 3
Part 1: (heavy singles) at 50X0 tempo
Set 1: 310 x 1
Set 2: 310 x 1
Set 3: 310 x 1
Set 4: 310 x 1
Set 5: 310 x 1
Set 6: 310 x 1
Set 7: 310 x 1
Set 8: 310 x 1
Tom again reached the goal of doing 8 singles, so he needs to try to
perform 8 singles with more weight.
Part 2: (high-threshold hypertrophy work) at 3210 tempo
Set 1: 240 x 5
Set 2: 240 x 5
Set 3: 240 x 5
Set 4: 240 x 5
Set 5: 240 x 5
Tom completed all 5 sets! He should now increase the weight so he is
back down to at least 5 sets of 3.
Workout 4
Part 1: (heavy singles) at 50X0 tempo
Set 1: 315 x 1
Set 2: 315 x 1
Set 3: 315 x 1
Set 4: 315 x 1
Set 5: 315 x 1
Set 6: 315 x 1
Tom’s successful hypertrophy efforts in workout 3 drained his
reserves, so in workout 4 he only managed 6 singles. He will keep the
singles weight the same for the next workout. Keep in mind that at this
point Tom’s 1RM will have gone up significantly.
Part 2: (high-threshold hypertrophy work) at 3210 tempo
Set 1: 250 x 5
Set 2: 250 x 4
Set 3: 250 x 3
Set 4: 250 x 3
Set 5: 250 x 3
Good volume work here, considering what happened with the singles.
Workout 5
Part 1: (heavy singles) at 50X0 tempo
Set 1: 315 x 1
Set 2: 315 x 1
Set 3: 315 x 1
Set 4: 315 x 1
Set 5: 315 x 1
Set 6: 315 x 1
Set 7: 315 x 1
Set 8: 325 x 1
Tom completed all 8 singles, and he felt so good that he couldn’t resist
trying 325 on his last single. With such results, Tom should try 322.5
on the next workout.
Part 2: (high-threshold hypertrophy work) at 3210 tempo
Set 1: 250 x 5
Set 2: 250 x 4
Set 3: 250 x 4
Set 4: 250 x 5
Set 5: 250 x 4
Again, good volume work.
Workout 6
Part 1: (heavy singles) at 50X0 tempo
Set 1: 322.5 x 1
Set 2: 322.5 x 1
Set 3: 322.5 x 1
Set 4: 322.5 x 1
Set 5: 322.5 x 1
Set 6: 322.5 x 1
Set 7: 322.5 x 1
Set 8: 322.5 x 1
Tom completed all 8 singles, so he is ready for another weight
increase. Tom reports that even though he completed all the singles,
the workout was very difficult, so for the next workout he will increase
the weight by only 5 pounds.
Part 2: (high-threshold hypertrophy work) at 3210 tempo
Set 1: 250 x 5
Set 2: 250 x 5
Set 3: 250 x 5
Set 4: 250 x 5
Set 5: 250 x 5
Tom is ready for another workload increase.
Workout 7
Part 1: (heavy singles) at 50X0 tempo
Set 1: 327.5 x 1
Set 2: 327.5 x 1
Set 3: 327.5 x 1
Set 4: 327.5 x 1
Set 5: 327.5 x 1
Tom completed only 5 singles at this weight, and he feels exhausted.
He has now maxed out this training system and should move on to a
new program.
Part 2: (high-threshold hypertrophy work) at 3210 tempo
Set 1: 260 x 3
Set 2: 260 x 3
Tom could only do 2 sets of 3 and feels drained. Time to go home.
Workout 7 has been too demanding.
After a period of five days’ rest for that body part, Tom attempts a new
max in the incline press. He successfully manages 347.5 pounds,
which is 27.5 pounds above his previous best. Tom should stay away
from direct incline barbell press work for 12 weeks. He should also
take an active rest week, during which he will train only twice for a
total of 16 sets of 6-8 reps, training his entire body. After this week he
should then do a hypertrophy cycle.
You can’t get a more solid formula for strength training than Doug
Hepburn’s. Hepburn died in 2000, but his legacy is proving that the
human body has not dramatically evolved in the last 50 years and that
basic hard work still prevails. There are no shortcuts – that’s the Doug
Hepburn way!
Do a Strength-Building Cycle
Why would a bodybuilder need heavy training to increase muscle
mass? Isn’t the typical hypertrophy protocol of 6 to 12 reps per set
(about 40 to 70 seconds of muscular contraction) the optimal range to
gain muscle mass? Yes, but that will only work for a while.
One reason many bodybuilders fail to achieve their genetic potential
for maximal hypertrophy is that their muscles are simply too weak for
their cross section. In a case of the hypertrophied thigh of the
weightlifter or the powerlifter, “what you see is what you get.” In
contrast, for many bodybuilders – particularly the ones using massive
dosages of anabolics combined with growth hormone – their size
rarely reflects their strength.
One strength coach says he knows of three Mr. Olympia winners who
could not bench press 315 pounds for more than 6 reps in the offseason, when they are supposedly at their biggest and strongest. As
for arm training, there are plenty of strongman competitors with
massive arms that are also very strong arms. What is the difference?
Drugs? No. Many strongmen also use anabolics. Different exercises?
No, that’s not it: Strongmen and bodybuilders often do many of the
same exercises for their arms. The difference comes from their choice
of training methods. As a rule of thumb, strongman competitors train
with few exercises performed for multiple sets of low reps, using long
rest intervals between sets, otherwise known as the Maximal Weights
Milos Sarcev, winner of the pro IFBB Canada Cup who has also
placed in the top 10 of the Mr. Olympia, overcame a plateau in mass
development when he was convinced to strive to handle greater loads
in his workouts. The rapid improvement in his physique from such
training resulted in his great performance at the prestigious Night of
Champions, with a narrow miss for first place.
The Maximal Weights method, which German exercise physiologists
also call intramuscular training, aims at developing maximal strength
by improving the link between the central nervous system and the
muscular system. The result is access to a greater percentage of
motor units within the cross section. This training method
accomplishes this by the following means:
• Increased neural drive to muscle
• Increased synchronization of motor units
• Increased activation of the contractile apparatus
• Decreased inhibition by the protective mechanisms of the muscle
Contrary to standard bodybuilding methodology, the Maximal Weights
method requires a lower energy output per unit of time. Therefore,
your caloric requirement will drop slightly during that phase.
As a practical example, here is an effective strength training cycle that
uses a 12-week progression of varied sets-and-reps patterns
designed to maximize the strength gain adaptation in the arms. The
training phases are organized into three-week phases, as follows:
Weeks 1-3 5 x 5 method
Weeks 4-6 6 x 2-4 method
Weeks 7-9 2 x 6-8 to absolute failure
Weeks 10-12 5/4/3/2/1 method
Weeks 1-3: 5 x 5 training. This is one of the more classical and most
effective methods of strength and muscle development. It was
popularized in the 1950s and 1960s by British bodybuilder Reg Park.
Park won the Mr. Britain title in 1949, the overall title in the amateur
NABBA Mr. Universe in 1951 and the pro divisions in 1958 and 1965.
In 1973 Park was still in tremendous shape, placing second in the tall
class in the pro division of that year’s Mr. Universe – talk about
longevity! Park was probably best known for playing Hercules in five
movies and was Arnold Schwarzenegger’s bodybuilding idol. At 6 feet
1 inch, Park had 20-inch arms, and he is credited for being the first
bodybuilder to bench press 500 pounds.
In the late 1970s the 5 x 5 training system was heavily promoted by
former elite weightlifter and strength coach Bill Starr in his classic
book Only the Strongest Shall Survive. The following is a sample 5 x 5
workout progression for an individual who can bench press 200
pounds for 5 reps with a close grip:
Warm-up: 45 x 5, 95 x 5, 135 x 5, 185 x 5
Work Sets: The goal is to complete 5 sets of 5 repetitions with the
200-pound load. On the first workout the trainee should be able to
complete at least 14 total reps, so the following could be considered a
good first workout:
200 x 5
200 x 4
200 x 3
200 x 3
200 x 3
Compare this with the following sequence, in which the weight was too
heavy and would have to be decreased in the next workout:
200 x 4
200 x 3
200 x 2
200 x 2
200 x 2
Once a trainee is able to complete 5 sets of 5 reps with the given load,
they will increase the weight by 5 to 10 pounds and repeat the process
until the three-week training phase is completed.
Here is a sample arm routine using the 5 x 5 method for this threeweek training phase:
A1. Seated Dumbbell Curl, 5 x 5, 4021, rest 120 seconds
A2. Parallel Bar Dip, 5 x 5, 4021, rest 120 seconds
B1. Scott Reverse Curl, 5 x 5, 4021, rest 120 seconds
B2. Lying EZ Triceps Extension, 5 x 5, 4021, rest 120
secondsWeeks 4-6: The Patient Lifter Method. With this training
system, you start off with a weight that you can handle comfortably
for 6 sets of just 2 reps. Depending on your neurological efficiency,
that will translate into about 80 to 87 percent of your 1-rep
maximum. The goal is to increase your strength so, over time, you
can handle that weight for 6 sets of 4 reps. The reason the Patient
Lifter method works is that the load is increased only when you are
able to complete all sets of 4 reps with the starting weight of 6 sets
of 2 reps. The system works by means of what is called the law of
repeated efforts, because the nervous system is forced to accept
the new load as being normal.
Be certain when using this training system to rest at least 4-5 minutes
between sets, as this will allow full recovery of the nervous system.
That being said, you still can pair agonist and antagonist muscle
groups to maximize the return from your time investment.
Here is a sample arm routine for weeks 4-6 of this 12-week program:
A1. Scott Close-Grip BB Curl, 6 x 2-4, 5011, rest 120 seconds
A2. Close-Grip Bench Press, 6 x 2-4, 5011, rest 120 seconds
B1. Standing EZ Bar Curl, 6 x 2-4, 5011, rest 120 seconds
B2. Rack Lock-outs, 6 x 2-4, 2211, rest 120 seconds
Weeks 7-9: Absolute Failure Method. With this system you perform 2
sets of 6-8 reps to absolute muscle failure. Why do we recommend
this heavy-duty type of protocol? Because it works – at least for the
time it takes you to adapt to it, which is about three weeks.
Considering that the previous six weeks of arm training workouts
prescribed between 20 and 24 sets per workout, by this time the body
needs to train at a lower intensity level (in terms of percentage of 1repetition maximum), such as by lengthening the time under tension
per set.
Consider that there are three types of muscular failure, each
associated with a particular type of contraction. The muscular failure is
concentric when you cannot raise the weight, isometric when you
cannot hold the weight at any given point in the range of motion, and
eccentric when you cannot lower the weight under control at a given
tempo. When you fail on all three types of muscular contraction, this is
known as absolute muscle failure.
Typically, after a warm-up you will use a 6-8RM weight and go to
concentric failure before a training partner gives you just enough
assistance to complete the range of motion – but you will have
strength to perform the exercise eccentrically. The number of assisted
or forced reps should fall between 2 and 3; at that point the muscle
should be so fatigued that you cannot even control the eccentric
descent. If you don’t have a training partner to assist you, use singlearm movements such as one-arm French presses and dumbbell
concentration curls so you can perform the forced reps with your free
arm. Once you can complete 8 reps on a given set, increase the load
for the next workout.
Here is a sample routine using this training for weeks 7-9 of this
A1. Seated Dumbbell Curl, 5 x 5, 4021, rest 120 seconds
A2. Parallel Bar Dip, 5 x 5, 4021, rest 120 seconds
B1. Scott Reverse Curl, 5 x 5, 4021, rest 120 seconds
B2. Lying EZ Triceps Extension, 5 x 5, 4021, rest 120 seconds
Weeks 10-12: 5/4/3/2/1 Method. This system is a favorite of sports
medicine expert and former world powerlifting champion Dr. Mauro Di
Pasquale. You start off with your 5RM and attempt to use two to three
percent more weight every set, performing 1 fewer rep every set until
you achieve a 1RM. This progression has the advantage of teaching
the skill of expressing your true maximum. You cannot go from a cycle
of 8 reps per set and expect to perform well in a 1RM until you have
taught yourself how to recruit higher-threshold fibers. Thus, a work set
progression for a 300-pound close-grip bench press might look like
this: 265 x 5, 270 x 4, 275 x 3, 282.5 x 2, 290 x 1 (you can accomplish
the 2.5-pound increments by using PlateMates® or record plates).
Here is a sample routine for weeks 10-12 of this program using the
5/4/3/2/1 method:
A1. Concentration Curls, 2 x 6-8, 3021, rest 90 seconds
A2. Lying DB Triceps Extension, 2 x 6-8, 3021, rest 90 seconds
B1. Seated Hammer Curl, 2 x 6-8, 3021, rest 90 seconds
B2. Decline EZ Bar Triceps Extension, 2 x 6-8, 3021, rest 90
If building size is your primary goal, you’ll be surprised and pleased
with the results that maximal weights training will have on your
physique. By doing an occasional strength building cycle, you’ll be as
strong as you look.
Do a Chin-Up Specialization Program
A chin-up specialization program not only adds impressive width and
thickness to your back, it also packs solid inches on your arms by
promoting growth of your biceps, brachialis, brachioradialis, and
pronator teres.
To be convinced, you only have to look at the arm development of
Germany’s Andreas Wecker and Italy’s Jury Chechi, Olympic gold
medalists in gymnastics. These individuals are known not for their
volume of training on the Scott bench, but instead for their countless
chin-ups on the various gymnastics apparatus. Many top-level
bodybuilders originating from Eastern Europe claim to have acquired
much of their elbow flexor size from slaving away during their
formative years at the chin-up station. Those include IFBB stars such
as Serbian bodybuilder Milos Sarcev. Circa-1980 strongman Mike
Dayton held a world record for one-arm chins. He often opened his
strongman show performing a hundred chins off a ceiling girder.
In any case, the chin-up is useful for a wide variety of purposes,
particularly in training for sports that require powerful upper-body
pulling actions, such as judo and wrestling. You might say, “I’ll just
substitute pulldowns for chins.” Sure, go ahead, but you won’t get
anywhere near the same results. There are many neurophysiological
reasons that chin-ups are superior to pulldowns, but the bottom line is
that a great back can be built much faster through chin-ups than
through pulldowns. In very much the same way that squats and
deadlifts cannot be matched for lower body development, chin-ups
cannot be matched for upper body development.
One reason chins are so effective is that you have to move your entire
body weight, and the stabilization required to do this (as opposed to
using pulldown machines) involves more muscle mass. It’s also more
difficult to cheat when performing these exercises— for example, on
the lat pulldown you can cheat by crunching forward with the
abdominals. This is also one reason that the strength from chin-ups
carries over well to pulldowns, but often the reverse does not.
There are many ways to vary chin-ups to emphasize specific areas.
For example, you can get a tremendous biceps workout by performing
chins with a narrower grip. In fact, if you include chins in your workout,
you may not need to perform specific biceps exercises!
Try the 100 Reps Method
The 100 Reps method increases work capacity by training the lacticcapacity energy system. In terms of physiological adaptations, you will
experience much-improved vascularization and enormous increases
in glycogen stores. It’s a great system to perform every three weeks or
so for only one workout.
In this method, bodybuilders are paired in a competitive setting and
are instructed to perform 100 cumulative repetitions with a specific
weight in as few sets as possible. Select a resistance that you can
perform for 20RM.
For example, bodybuilders Al and Bernie will do curls, Al with 100
pounds and Bernie with 90 pounds. Al performs a 20-rep set with 100
pounds. Immediately, Bernie performs as many repetitions as he can
with 90 pounds. As soon as Bernie is finished, Al performs a set of
maximum repetitions with his weight – let’s say 17 repetitions. Now
Bernie must match or surpass the number of repetitions that Al did
with his weight. Bernie, having watched all the Rocky movies,
performs 18 repetitions for a total of 38 (20+18) repetitions.
Al is trailing at 37 cumulative reps and performs another set of
maximum repetitions right after Bernie completes his 18RM set. The
bodybuilder should rest only during the completion of their training
partner’s set. Once the two partners perform a total of 100 cumulative
repetitions, they are finished with that exercise for that workout. At
first, as many as 10 sets may be required to complete the 100
Once they can each perform 100 repetitions within 4 sets, they will
upgrade the resistance by 5-7 percent. If you try this method, rather
than waiting until a training partner completes their reps, you could
also alternate the curls with a triceps exercise to provide a form of
active rest.
Here is a sample workout using the 100 Reps method. This gives you
a total of 400 reps of work in a single workout!
A. Standing Curl, EZ Bar, Wide-Grip
B. Incline Dumbbell Triceps Extension
C. Dumbbell Curl, 30-Degree Incline
D. Rope Pressdown
This is a great type of workout in which your body intelligence warns
you that going heavy would be a waste of time.
Do a Pre-Exhaustion Cycle
With pre-exhaustion a muscle is first fatigued by a single-joint
exercise, and then further exhausted by performing a multijoint
exercise involving the same muscle group and additional muscle
groups. You could perform biceps curls followed by chin-ups, or lateral
raises followed by behind-the-neck presses.
Pre-exhaustion is a training principle that was introduced to the
bodybuilding world in 1968 by Robert Kennedy in Iron Man magazine,
but it was Arthur Jones who popularized it and was obsessed with
finding the most painful ways to use this training system. Jones’ most
famous pre-exhaustion combo was his leg workout.
Jones believed that the limiting factor in working the legs with the
squat was the strength of the lower back, so he recommended preexhausting the quads with a set of leg presses for 20-30 reps and leg
extensions for about 20 reps, before performing squats for about 1015 reps – with no rest between each set! The result was that when it
came time to squat, often the weight would be half of what that
individual could normally use.
Jones says that when he began working with Casey Viator in 1970,
Viator weighed 198 pounds, had an upper-arm measurement of 18 1/6
inches, and could not squat 500 pounds once. After 10 months under
Jones’ guidance, Viator weighed 218 pounds and had an upper arm
that measured 19 15/16 inches; he won the 1971 AAU Mr. America
contest as a teenager, becoming the youngest person ever to do so.
Using pre-exhaustion as one of their primary methods of training,
Jones says that in one workout Viator performed 20 reps in the leg
press with 750 pounds, followed immediately (i.e., taking no rest) by
20 reps with 225 pounds in the leg extension, which in turn were
followed immediately by 13 full squats with 502 pounds!
Jones liked the pre-exhaustion method so much that he even
designed several machines that combined two exercises into one to
minimize the amount of rest time between sets. For example, he had a
leg extension machine that was combined with a leg press machine,
and a lateral raise machine that was combined with an overhead
press machine. Possibly because these machines were much more
expensive than single-station units and because fewer gym members
could use them at one time, these units are no longer being produced.
Although Jones took pre-exhaustion to the extreme, such as by
performing two isolation exercises before the compound exercise, it’s
best to start with just one pre-exhaustion exercise. For example, you
could pre-exhaust the long head of the triceps with the lying triceps EZ
bar extension, and immediately follow it with a multijoint exercise that
involves all the heads of the triceps, such as triceps dips or close-grip
bench presses with chains. For the brachialis, you could perform a
pre-exhaustion superset by combining standing EZ bar reverse curls
with incline hammer dumbbell curls.
In selecting exercises for optimal development of muscle mass,
consider that isolation exercises that recruit few motor units are not as
effective as compound exercises. As such, parallel bar dips and the
close-grip bench press are more effective exercises to use for preexhaustion than the dumbbell triceps kickback. This is not to say you
should never perform these inferior isolation exercises, but they
should not be emphasized as much as the compound movements.
Another factor to consider is whether you are primarily a fast-twitch or
a mixed-fiber type of individual. Fast-twitch individuals tend to respond
better to sets using lower reps, such as 1-6 reps, whereas mixed-fiber
types respond better to sets using higher reps, such as 7-12 reps.
As with any training method, your body will quickly adapt – and it’s
especially hard to motivate yourself to perform pre-exhaustion training
for more than a few weeks. You probably won’t achieve the
superhuman results of Casey Viator, but pre-exhaustion training can
definitely provide a shock to your system that will help you achieve
your goals faster.
Do a Post-Exhaustion Routine
A post-exhaustion routine is a great plateau buster. As the name
suggests, this is a type of superset in which you first perform a
compound exercise followed by an isolation exercise that taps into the
same motor pool of the muscle you want to focus on. The key is that
you have to select an exercise that recruits a lot of motor units, such
as a chin-up or a squat, followed by a superior isolation exercise, such
as a Scott curl or a split squat lunge – don’t bother with wimpy
exercises such as triceps kickbacks or side adductor raises. Here is
an example of a post-exhaustion protocol applied to arm training:
Superset #1
A1. Close-Grip Chin-Up, 4 x 4-6 reps, 4010, rest 10 seconds
A2. Low Incline Dumbbell Curl, 4 x 6-8 reps, 5010, rest 180 seconds
Superset #2
B1. Parallel Bar Dip, 4 x 4-6 reps, 3210, rest 10 seconds
B2. Overhead Rope Extension, 4 x 8-10 reps, 3110, rest 180
The close-grip chin-ups are performed with palms supinated (facing
you), with the grip width four to six inches between the two little
fingers. If you think you need to substitute lat pulldowns for the closegrip chin-ups or cable crossovers for dips, you’re too weak to do this
routine – this is an advanced program with no substitutions allowed.
The time it takes you to go from the chin-up bar to the incline bench
counts as the 10 seconds’ rest between the close-grip chins and the
incline dumbbell curls. At the end of 10 seconds, you should be curling
the dumbbells. Keep the 10-second rest interval strict, or you will not
achieve the desired training effect.
If you are strong enough, use additional weight tied to a chin/dip belt
for extra resistance. For incline curls, the lower the angle on the
bench, the greater the stretch placed upon the long head of the biceps
brachii. Be certain to fully supinate your hands in the bottom position
of the incline curls. Curl the dumbbells, keeping your upper arms
perpendicular to the floor for at least the first 90 degrees of elbow
flexion to minimize recruitment of the anterior deltoids. After 90
degrees, particularly if the dumbbells are too heavy, your elbows will
tend to move forward slightly. As long as you keep the first 90 degrees
clean in terms of technique, you’ll maximize isolation of the elbow
On the first workout of this routine, it’s normal to experience a
significant loss of strength in each succeeding superset. For example,
during the first set you may be able to complete 6 chins with a 50pounder supersetted and curl 8 reps with the 45-pound dumbbells. By
the fourth set, however, you may only squeeze out 4 reps with your
body weight in the chin-ups and curl a pair of 35-pound dumbbells.
But as you go through this routine, your strength-endurance should
skyrocket and you will be able to handle heavy weights for every set.
You will also see your arm size increase appreciably.
Based upon the amount of muscle soreness many athletes experience
from the workouts described here, post-exhaustion training can be a
great way to bring up lagging body parts.
Try High-Volume Training
German Volume Training (GVT) was first introduced to the
bodybuilding community over two decades ago. The exact origin of
GVT is a subject of extensive debate in the bodybuilding community,
but its roots are believed to be in German powerlifting; women’s
bodybuilding pioneer Bev Francis is said to have used such a workout.
Others believe GVT is a variation of a high-volume method developed
by US bodybuilding guru Vince Gironda. One of the major differences
between GVT and Gironda’s method is that GVT contains more rest
time between sets, which in turn enables you to use more weight and
thus pack on more muscle mass.
Regardless of GVT’s origin, if you are willing to work hard and follow
the training protocols exactly as prescribed, you’ll find that GVT is one
of the fastest ways to pack on a lot of muscle in a short period of time.
Motor units are nerves that cause a specific group of muscle fibers to
contract. GVT targets a group of motor units and subjects them to a
high volume of repeated efforts, specifically 10 sets of 10 reps of one
exercise. The body adapts by increasing the size of those targeted
With this training protocol, your goal for each exercise is to complete
10 sets of 10 reps with the same weight for each exercise. This means
you cannot use a weight that allows you to complete only 10 reps for
your first set, because fatigue will not allow you to perform 10 reps for
the remaining sets. A good approach is to start with a weight that you
could lift for 20 repetitions, or about 60 percent of your best single.
Thus, if you can bench press 200 pounds for 1 rep, you would use 120
pounds for this exercise.
After your first workout, a good goal is to try to increase the weight by
about 2.5 percent for each workout, as follows:
Workout 1: 120 x 10 x 10
Workout 2: 125 x 10 x 10
Workout 3: 130 x 10 x 10
Workout 4: 135 x 10 x 10
Workout 5: 140 x 10 x 10
Workout 6: 145 x 10 x 10
We all have our off days, and occasionally you may not be able to
complete 10 repetitions in a workout – that’s to be expected. However,
the weight should be light enough that on most days you will be able
to complete 100 repetitions.
In the following GVT workout you will perform each training session a
total of six times – at least two days’ rest is needed between workouts.
Although you may perform additional work, limit the number of GVT
exercises to just two, as this method can easily result in overtraining.
Chest and Back
A1. Incline Dumbbell Press,
10 x 10, 4010, rest 75 seconds
A2. Chin-Up, Neutral Grip,
10 x 10, 4010, rest 75 seconds
B1. Flat Dumbbell Press,
3 x 12-15, 3010, rest 60 seconds
B2. Bent-Over Single-Arm Dumbbell Row,
3 x 12-15, 3010, rest 60 seconds
A1. Back Squat, Heels Elevated,
10 x 10, 4010, rest 75 seconds
A2. Lying Leg Curl,
10 x 10, 4010, rest 75 seconds
B1. Dumbbell Semi-Stiff-Leg Deadlift,
3 x 10-12, 3020, rest 60 seconds
B2. Standing Calf Raise,
3 x 10-12, 2012, rest 60 seconds
A1. EZ-bar Reverse Scott Curl,
10 x 10, 4010, rest 75 seconds
A2. Dips,
10 x 10, 4010, rest 75 seconds
B1. Incline Dumbbell Curl,
3 x 12-15, 3010, rest 60 seconds
B2. EZ Bar Lying Triceps Extension,
3 x 10-12, 3110, rest 60 seconds
Besides being a physically challenging workout, GVT requires such a
high volume of work that it is mentally taxing. This is why you should
take a long break after a GVT cycle – a sound approach would be to
only perform it twice a year.
Although GVT does not produce a high level of growth hormone
release, it is not as effective in the short term for reducing body fat
compared to some other programs, such as the German Body Comp
program. However because GVT is a superior method of increasing
muscle mass, it will more effectively raise your metabolism (the rate at
which you burn calories). For every pound of lean tissue gained on
GVT, there is often a loss of an equal amount of fat weight – this is
especially true for women.
Use the 10/8/6 Formula
With the 10/8/6 formula, you perform 3 sets with a descending
repetition progression: first set, 10 reps; second set, 8 reps; third set,
6 reps. Of course, the 10/8/6 rep-set scheme is not appropriate for all
exercises, especially the Olympic lifts (the snatch, and the clean and
jerk) and their assistance exercises, due to the technical nature of
these exercises.
As for the details of this training protocol, the first set should be light
(about 50 percent of your maximum result for 10 reps), and as such it
is used as a warm-up. The second set uses a medium weight (about
75 percent of your best result for 8 reps), and the third set should be
with a weight that enables you to perform just 6 reps. If you perform
only 5 reps (or fewer) on the last set, then use the same weights on
your next workout. If you perform 6 or more reps, then increase the
weights for all sets on your next workout. Here is an example of an
individual who can bench press 175 pounds for one repetition:
Workout 1: 10 x 75, 8 x 115, 5 x 150
Workout 2: 10 x 75, 8 x 115, 6 x 150
Workout 3: 10 x 80, 8 x 120, 4 x 155
Workout 4: 10 x 80, 8 x 120, 7 x 155
Workout 5: 10 x 85, 8 x 125, 5 x 160
Workout 6: 10 x 85, 8 x 125, 6 x 160
Based on repetition conversion tables, after the sixth workout this
individual should be capable of a 1RM bench press of between 190
and 195 pounds. Again, we’re talking about a beginner – it would be
unrealistic to expect an individual with a 350-pound bench press to
increase their personal best by up to 40 pounds after just six
workouts, performing only 3 sets per workout.
The 10/8/6 program is especially motivating for beginners because by
doing fewer reps on the second and third sets they can use heavier
weights – in effect, it gives trainees the illusion of getting stronger
throughout the workout. Because this is a protocol designed for a
beginner, 3 sets are enough for a beginner to make progress.
After an introduction to training with this type of program, a trainee can
move on to another program for variety, such as by doing
permutations such as 12/10/8/6 if the goal is more muscle mass, or
10/8/6/4 if the goal is greater strength.
One similar program, the 5/4/3/2/1 method, was a favorite of former
world powerlifting champion Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale. This method can
help weight trainees who use relatively higher reps but don’t know
how to recruit higher-threshold muscle fibers. They may be able to
bench press 300 pounds for 10 reps but may have trouble with 325 for
a single; even though they are strong, they cannot demonstrate their
true strength with a 1-rep maximum. By gradually adding 2-3 percent
more weight per set, the 5/4/3/2/1 method “teaches” the lifter to recruit
those more powerful muscle fibers.
Vince Gironda, a bodybuilding pioneer who trained first Mr. Olympia
Larry Scott, used a variation of the 10/8/6 program, adding a fourth set
with 15 reps with a weight that was 35 percent of maximum effort. The
criticism of Gironda’s 10/8/6/15 program is that the repetition bracket
is too broad, such that the body does not know what strength quality it
is supposed to adapt to.
The 10/8/6 training system is not the single best workout program,
because such a program doesn’t exist. Nonetheless, this simple
approach allows beginners to make progress for quite some time.
There are many other ways to train, but the 10/8/6 system is a good
place to start.
Try the 1-6 Method for Strength
The 1-6 method, which uses a variety of repetition protocols to
achieve results, can produce dramatic increases in strength and size.
It is based upon the concept of a neurological phenomenon called
post-tetanic facilitation (PTF), which has been the subject of
considerable research. One of the early researchers in this field is
German strength physiologist Dietmar Schmidtbleicher, probably best
known for his pioneering work in the field of power development. You
can also find a discussion of PTF in Roger Enoka’s textbook
Neuromechanics of Human Movement, 4th ed. (Human Kinetics,
In simple terms, PTF describes the process by which a more powerful
muscular contraction is achieved if that contraction is preceded by a
strong muscular contraction. For instance, Russia’s Valery Borsov,
who won gold medals in the 100m and 200m sprints at the 1972
Olympics, used post-tetanic facilitation for his legs before sprinting.
The basic premise of the 1-6 method is to use maximal loads to
increase the activation of the nervous system before performing sets
of higher reps. The result is that you will be able to use heavier
weights in those 6-rep sets, which will enable you to build bigger and
stronger muscles.
Another bonus: The system taps into the higher-threshold motor units
responsible for the production of explosive strength, so it’s great for
athletes who want to gain weight while increasing power. As such, it’s
ideal for wrestlers, MMA fighters, and athletes in grappling sports such
as jiu-jitsu.
The 1-6 Method
Here is the gist of the 1-6 method: Perform a maximum single
repetition (1RM), rest, and then perform the remainder of the exercise
using as much weight as you can for 6 reps (6RM). The rest period is
3-10 minutes; however, if you choose to perform supersets, you would
spend less time passively resting.
As an example, let’s say you can incline press 220 pounds for 6 reps
and 265 for 1 rep. If you perform that 1RM four minutes prior to a
6RM, you will probably be able to use 225-230 pounds. In fact, you’ll
find that you will use more weight on the second and third 6RM series
(i.e., waves) in that workout, as follows:
Sample Incline Press Workout, 1-6 Method
Set 1: 1 rep with 265 pounds
Set 2: 6 reps with 220 pounds
Set 3: 1 rep with 270 pounds
Set 4: 6 reps with 225 pounds
Set 5: 1 rep with 272.5 pounds
Set 6: 6 reps with 230 pounds
To show you how to use the 1-6 method with supersets to reduce the
time of passive rest, here is an example of a leg workout with the first
superset using the 1-6 method:
Sample Leg Workout, 1-6 Method
A1. Back Squat, (1,6,1,6,1,6), 50X0, rest 120 seconds
A2. Lying Leg Curl, Feet Neutral, (1,6,1,6,1,6), 50X0, rest 120
B1. Barbell Lunge, 4 x 6-8, 40X1, rest 120 seconds
B2. Romanian Deadlift, 4 x 6-8, 40X1, rest 120 seconds
When designing your own 1-6 method workouts, consider that the
goal of this routine is to promote large increases in strength and in the
cross-sectional area of the high-threshold motor units. As such, you
should use it primarily with exercises that use large muscle groups,
such as squats and presses. Also, because you’re going to be doing a
series of 1RM lifts, it’s imperative that you warm up. The warm-up
should always consist of doing reps with the first pair of the exercises
listed in the workout. If you’ve warmed up properly, there’s very little
need to warm up for the second pair. Using the workout example
above, your squat warm-up might be 5 reps x 135 pounds, then 3 x
185, then 2 x 225, before you start the working sets.
As with any workout system, when you reach a point of diminishing
returns you need to change workouts. A four-week cycle is extremely
effective using a training split as follows: Day 1, Arms; Day 2, Legs;
Day 2, Off; Day 4, Chest and Back, Day 5, Off.
The 1-6 method is based on strong science. Give it a try and you’ll be
surprised at how quickly you can increase your functional hypertrophy
and power.
Blast Through Training Plateaus with the Patient Lifter
When a basketball team misses a lot of foul shots in a game, the
coach will often have the players perform a tedious number of free
throws during the next practice (too bad this method didn’t work for
Shaquille O’Neal). In effect, this method uses boredom to achieve the
desired result. Such is the inspiration for the Patient Lifter method.
With this training method, trainees start off with weights they can
handle comfortably for 6 sets of 2 reps. They are not allowed to
increase the weight until their strength increases to the level where
they can perform 6 sets of 4 reps. The rationale for this type of training
is that using the same weight over and over becomes so boring that
the desire for change motivates trainees to get stronger so they can
move on to a new workout. Hammer throw champion and PICP Level
5 coach Jud Logan says this type of training “taps into an athlete’s
sense of pride and desire to not get left behind”; Logan likes to use
this method particularly with squats and deadlifts.
From a more scientific perspective, the Patient Lifter method works by
the law of repeated efforts. One definition of that law is that adaptation
will occur if an activity is repeated enough, which suggests that if you
continue to use the same load workout after workout, the nervous
system will eventually be forced to accept that weight as normal. This
process is not a visualization (such as saying to yourself, “Next
workout I know I can hit 6 sets of 4 reps!); rather, it is a physiological
adaptation supported by science.
Regarding the starting weight, it will be 80 to 87 percent of your
1repetition maximum, depending upon your current neurological
efficiency. Neurological efficiency refers to how effectively an
individual recruits their higher-threshold muscle fibers. Athletes who
are neurologically inefficient, as in the case of beginners, will respond
better to the 80 percent load, as they cannot effectively recruit the
higher-threshold muscle fibers to help them lift the weight.
Neurological efficiency is one reason that the Advanced German
Volume Training Program (designed for trainees who have at least
five years of training experience) uses sets of 6 reps instead of the 10
reps prescribed in the German Volume Training program.
When using the Patient Lifter method, you need to take 4-5 minutes’
rest between sets to allow your nervous system to fully recover.
However, if you pair exercises for agonist and antagonist muscles,
you can cut that rest time just about in half. If you pair the biceps with
the triceps, for example, you could rest 120 seconds after each
exercise so that by the time you return to the biceps, you will have
nearly 5 minutes’ rest (it adds up to more than 4 minutes because you
have to include the time it takes to perform the triceps exercise).
Here is a sample arm workout using the Patient Lifter method:
Sample Arm Workout (Patient Lifter Method)
A1. Close-Grip Barbell Scott Curl, 6 x 2-4, 4010, rest 120 seconds
A2. Close-Grip Bench Press, 6 x 2-4, 4010, rest 120 seconds
B1. Standing EZ Bar Curl, 6 x 2-4, 4010, rest 120 seconds
B2. Close-Grip Bench Press Rack Lock-Out, 6 x 2-4, 2210, rest 120
If you’re fouling out with poor gains in your lifting, it’s time to turn
things around. Let boredom work for you by trying the Patient Lifter
Ensure Neck Alignment
If progress in training, especially in arms training, has come to a halt
despite excellent program design and nutrition, more often than not
the culprit is poor neck alignment.
One cause of poor neck alignment is a forward positioning of the head
and shoulders, which is highly prevalent in occupations that require
long periods of sitting. Another cause is improper training technique,
such as by rolling the shoulders and sticking the head forward during
shoulder shrugs. This dysfunctional cervical posture may cause an
impingement of cervical nerves (from vertebrae C5, C6, and C7),
which in turn may impair neural drive to the upper arm muscles, thus
reducing their ability to produce force.
The following information, which is rather technical, points to some of
the serious consequences that poor neck alignment can have on
nerves and muscles.
The musculocutaneous nerve, which innervates the long and short
heads of the biceps as well as the brachialis, originates from the C5–
C7 nerve roots. The radial nerve, which innervates the medial, long,
and lateral heads of the triceps and anconeus, arises from the C5 to
T1 nerve roots. In practical terms this means that an impingement of
the nerves in this area would affect the arm flexors to a greater degree
than the arm extensors. However, the dysfunction does not stop here.
The long thoracic nerve, which arises from the C5–C7 nerve roots,
innervates the serratus anterior muscle. The serratus anterior is an
important stabilizer of the scapula, as it holds it to the chest wall. If it is
weakened, it creates a “winging” of the scapula that completely
disrupts the scapulathoracic mechanics. Because the long heads of
the triceps and biceps brachii originate from the scapula, they will now
have an altered length-tension relationship. Both long heads will not
function optimally, and as clinical experience shows, a “bicipital
tendonitis” usually occurs.
Much of your efforts in the gym can be wasted if the neural conduction
to the trained muscles is under par. If you suspect cervical posture is
limiting your training progress, consult a physiotherapist, chiropractor,
or osteopath who is competent in manipulation and mobilization
techniques to realign your neck.
Compression of the discs of these vertebrae will also minimize neural
drive. Compression of the discs can be alleviated by various softtissue manipulation techniques such as Active Release® and Rolfing.
ELDOA or LOADS (Longitudinal OsteoArticular Decoaptation
Stretches), created by the noted French osteopath Dr. Guy Voyer, is
also very effective if compression has occurred. Improving thoracic
extension is also helpful in improving faulty neck alignment. Another
promising treatment in restoring the neural drive to the affected
muscles while correcting abnormal neck alignment is frequencyspecific microcurrent (FSM) therapy.
All these techniques are useful, particularly when used in combination
with each other. Nerve and muscle impingement caused by faulty
neck alignment responds best when you deal with the problem from
more than one angle.
Promote Soft-Tissue Health
If you’re training hard on a sound workout program and eating well but
your progress has stagnated – and if neck alignment is not the issue –
you may have a soft-tissue injury.
In the case of the upper extremities, for example, long-term weight
trainees often develop adhesions in three main anatomical areas that
tend to fuse together: the brachialis, brachioradialis, and biceps
brachii (an adhesion in this area is just slightly superior and medial to
the insertion of the brachioradialis). Once that adhesion is stripped
out, trainees often report an instant 10-15 percent increase in their
curling poundages.
Soft-tissue work in the intramuscular septum between the triceps and
biceps can often improve function of the upper arm muscles. The
entire length of the pronator teres often needs to be addressed;
releasing adhesions here not only positively impacts curling
poundages but also allows for smoother performance of chin-ups,
particularly the supinated type.
The radial nerve can easily be entrapped in the medial and lateral
head of the triceps, a condition that affects the neural drive to all three
heads of the triceps. Also, as clinical experience shows, any
adhesions in the subscapularis or serratus anterior also affect the
biceps and triceps. It’s possible that their involvement in
scapulathoracic mechanics affects the biceps and triceps because the
long heads of both arm muscles attach to the scapula directly. If their
origin on the scapula becomes dysfunctional, they cannot contract
optimally; in that case bicipital tendonitis usually ensues. A highly
qualified practitioner always looks at the scapula when trying to
improve the function of the upper arm.
If any of these conditions apply to you, consult an experienced
practitioner in Active Release Techniques Treatment® or Rolfing;
these treatments commonly deliver great improvements in training.
Monitor Overtraining with Grip Testing
Sports medicine is a medical specialty that deals with the prevention,
diagnosis, and treatment of injuries that occur during athletics. It is a
relatively new branch of medicine; it was only a few decades ago that
the medical community officially recognized the term “sports
In those “old days,” if an athlete sprained an ankle playing tennis, the
family doctor was considered fully capable of treating it. If that ankle
injury was serious enough to require surgery, a physical therapist
probably would have been brought in to expedite the healing process.
Today, that’s not good enough.
Currently, if an athlete gets injured – regardless of the type of injury –
there is no question about it: They need to see a sports medicine
physician. For some reason an ankle that is sprained when an athlete
falls on the playing field requires an entirely different protocol from that
for an ankle sprained when a regular guy falls off a ladder.
Today there are sports medicine clinics that are committed to more
aggressive treatments, as well as a greater variety of approaches, to
get athletes back in top form quickly. The focus of such clinics is
usually on treatment, not prevention (as insurance companies are not
fond of this aspect of medical care). That’s too bad, especially for
athletes, since one major cause of sports injuries is overtraining.
Overtraining is a major concern for athletes and sport scientists. In
fact, at one point two research teams from two different major
countries each spent more than a million dollars to determine the
major predictors of overtraining. Neither research team knew about
the other’s work, but both came to the same conclusion, which was
that one of the most accurate predictors of overtraining is an athlete’s
While this is interesting, there are many other predictors of
overtraining. In his excellent book Science of Sports Training, Thomas
Kurz says the following factors should be taken into consideration
when determining the physical readiness of an athlete: pulse rate,
temperature, breathing frequency, weight, blood pressure, and one of
my favorites because it’s so practical: handgrip dynamometry.
A grip dynamometer is a simple device that you squeeze to measure
your grip strength. This test is particularly useful because grip strength
is often a great predictor of overall strength and even performance in
many sports. Judo, for example, requires tremendous hand strength,
and those who perform best in hand grip tests are often at the top of
this sport. Likewise, one of the primary determinants of the success of
lightweight weightlifters is grip strength, because the diameter of the
bar makes it difficult to grasp.
The following is a noninvasive assessment used extensively by
Eastern Bloc training centers several decades ago to measure the
readiness of the central nervous system (and possibly various
androgens). The test was performed in the morning so coaches could
examine the results before training and adjust an athlete’s workouts
accordingly. The test is still valid and useful today. Here’s how it
First, purchase a high-quality dynamometer. Likely sources include
medical supply stores that provide equipment to physical therapists.
Take a measurement after you have taken a few days’ break from
training. Upon awakening, grip the dynamometer with your dominant
hand and position your opposite foot slightly forward. Raise your
dominant hand overhead and then slowly lower the arm while
squeezing the handgrip as hard as you can. Record your results, and
then repeat the process with your other hand; again, record your
results. These scores will represent your standardized measurements.
Every morning measure your grip strength in both hands in exactly
this manner. Says Kurz, “In the cases of overstrain and insufficient
recovery, and in the initial phase of overtraining, the values of a
morning dynamometry go down.” Specifically, if your scores are down
by two kilos or more per hand, you have not recovered, from a
neurological standpoint, from your previous workout(s). From the
viewpoint of an energy substrate level you may be fine, but not when
you consider the central nervous system. In contrast, if your scores
increase by four kilos or more per hand, you are ready to lift some
maximal loads and possibly set some new PRs.
If your score is poor on the morning grip dynamometer test, you may
not need to skip training altogether, but you may need to reduce the
volume of training to avoid a deeper level of overtraining. Remember,
it’s usually the volume of your workouts, not the intensity, that results
in overtraining.
Using a grip dynamometer test to monitor overtraining is easy,
noninvasive, and relatively inexpensive and has been around quite
some time. Sometimes, the simplest solution is the best.
Bulletproof Your Spine
with Back Extensions
Core training has become the focus of many popular workout
programs for the general population and for athletes as well.
Exercises such as planks, Russian twists, roll-outs, and side bends
are now mainstay training exercises in just about every program. The
definition of core training encompasses low back training, but,
unfortunately, this is where many workouts fall short. One exercise
solution to prevent the lower back from becoming a weak link in the
core is back extensions.
One of the primary muscle groups the back extension works is the
erector spinae, a set of three parallel muscles: the iliocostalis,
longissimus, and spinalis. These muscles run the entire length of the
spine, from the sacrum to the base of the neck. Their functions include
extending and laterally flexing the vertebral column and helping to
maintain optimal posture of the spine during exercise.
Focusing on the lower back muscles with back extensions not only
helps ensure proper form in multijoint exercises (for example, to
maintain a neutral spine in squatting and deadlifting); it also has an
“irradiation effect.” What this means is that if you strengthen the
erector spinae muscles, you’ll also increase the strength of other
muscle groups. As such, by strengthening your lower back you will
also improve your military press and even your standing biceps curl.
The key, however, is to find ways to make back extensions
progressively harder.
Just about every gym has a back extension bench, and many gyms
also have an incline version, usually set at 45 degrees. Many gymgoers use only their body weight, typically performing a set or two of
10-15 reps, with their hands either across their chest or, if they feel
especially frisky, behind their head. Sorry, that’s just not good enough.
Fortunately, there are many ways to increase the intensity of the
exercise to develop a powerful core.
Because gravity exerts its effects downward rather than horizontally,
you achieve the highest level of resistance during a back extension
when your torso is parallel to the floor. However, you can change the
resistance curve by performing the exercise on an incline back
extension bench. In the incline version you will feel more resistance at
the start of the movement, unlike in the flat version, where you will feel
the most resistance at the finish. With both exercises, the sequence in
which the muscles are activated during the movement is calves,
hamstrings, glutes, and erector spinae.
Another advantage of the incline bench is that beginners will be more
aware of the point at which they start to lift their torso too far into
hyperextension. Hyperextension of the spine may cause discomfort or
even back spasms in some individuals, especially if they have
excessive forward rotation of the pelvis, which is common in those
who are overweight. Also, the incline version tends to create more
traction on the spine at the start of the exercise, and this traction can
be beneficial for people who suffer from back pain.
There are many ways to increase resistance on both conventional and
incline back extensions. You can hold a barbell on your upper back (in
the same position you would as if you were squatting) or place a
medicine ball on your upper back (do not place the ball on your head,
as this can cause neck strain). That’s not all.
You can hold a medicine ball, dumbbell, or weight plate on your chest.
Another option is to hold a barbell at arms’ length using a shoulderwidth or wide grip (to increase the range of motion). You can also add
chains to a barbell to increase the resistance as you lift your torso.
When holding a barbell at arms’ length, keep the bar aligned with your
shoulders during the movement. Also, when using any resistance, be
certain that the apparatus you are using is designed so it will not tip
forward as you perform the lift.
Another way to make back extensions more challenging is to vary the
leverage throughout the exercise so it is greater at the top of the
movement. This is accomplished by holding a dumbbell, weight plate,
or medicine ball close to your chest, proceeding to the top position of
the exercise in the normal fashion, and then extending the dumbbell or
other implement in front of you. Lower slowly with arms outstretched.
When the arms are extended, the resistance is increased because the
lever arm is longer (as an analogy, compare it to moving back a bit on
a teeter-totter). You’ll be surprised how little resistance you will need
to achieve a training effect with this variation.
Conventional back extensions target the mid-part of the lumbar spine
(above L3), compared to reverse hypers, which target the lower part of
the lumbar spine (below L3). For this reason it’s important to perform
both exercises to develop these important core muscles to their fullest.
Train Your Traps
Developing bulging, powerful traps is the goal of football players,
rugby players, grapplers, and many other sportsmen. And several
decades ago, bodybuilders would spend a considerable amount of
their training on specific exercises to develop these muscles. There
was even a novelty hit song released in 1977 praising the necessity of
thick traps and collar-button-busting necks: “Pencil Neck Geek,”
written by the late pro wrestler Freddie Blassie.
The key exercises for developing the trapezius muscle for
bodybuilders in the 1950s and ’60s were Olympic lifting exercises
such as power snatches and power cleans. John Grimek is regarded
by most bodybuilding historians as possessing one of the best
physiques of his era; Grimek retired undefeated. He was also a
successful weightlifter and competed in the 1936 Olympics. Marvin
Eder, who placed third in the 1951 AAU Mr. America, also deserves a
mention for being a physique competitor who was as strong as he
At 200 pounds body weight, Eder could do a standing Olympic press
of 330 pounds, complete 80 wide-grip chins (and 8 reps with 200
pounds!), and perform a parallel bar dip with 434 pounds (with the
resistance being provided by two men hanging from his feet!). At age
75, Eder could still regularly perform dips with 70 pounds attached to
his waist!
In the 1960s the bodybuilding community began to split from
weightlifters, both in training methodology and in organization – before
then, bodybuilding competitions often were held in conjunction with
weightlifting meets. Peary Rader, the editor of Iron Man magazine,
wrote about this separation 44 years ago, and it was discussed in
detail in Randy Roach’s Muscle, Smoke and Mirrors: Volume I, an
amazing book about the history of bodybuilding. Says Roach, “It was
obvious to him [Rader] at this stage that bodybuilders could not
develop the level of musculature on a weightlifter’s regimen, nor could
the weightlifter come close to attaining his required lifts using the
techniques of the modern physique athletes.” Rader’s prediction was
accelerated when isolation training methods were popularized by
bodybuilding gurus such as Vince Gironda, who recommended that
physique competitors avoid heavy compound exercises such as back
squats and even bench presses.
For an athlete, an injury to the neck can be catastrophic. Fortunately,
training the upper back muscles also helps to develop the neck
muscles. The neck development of top Olympic lifters is evidence of
such a carryover effect, especially to the neck muscles involved in
extension, such as the suboccipitals, splenius capitis, and
semispinalis capitis.
Another little-known benefit of having strong traps is that it enables
you to use heavier weights in standing curl exercises. If your curling
poundages have not improved since Jimmy Hendrix was at the top of
the charts, make an effort to increase the mass and strength of your
upper traps – this could be your ticket to breaking through that
In addition to the competitive Olympic lifting exercises and their
assistance exercises, another great exercise to develop the traps is
the one-arm barbell shrug. This exercise offers several advantages
over conventional shoulder shrug exercises.
Compared to the two-arm barbell shrug, the one-arm version provides
a greater range of motion. You will instantly feel how much higher the
trapezius moves upward when you use the single-arm version versus
the two-arm version. Compared to dumbbell shrugs, there is no
contact with the body during the one-arm barbell shrug, permitting a
much smoother performance of the movement. With dumbbells, there
is a considerable amount of friction created because the plates rub
against your body, especially when using heavy weights. While the
friction produced from using dumbbells does increase the resistance
of the movement, unfortunately you lose the ability to determine how
much the load has increased and consequently how well you are
progressing with the exercise.
With the one-arm version of the shrug, the working arm has to remain
in a neutral position. This technique helps correct the excessively
internally-rotated shoulder and arm posture commonly associated with
individuals who have done too much bench pressing over the years.
Also, to prevent the barbell from moving medially (towards the front of
the body), the one-arm barbell shrug requires the infraspinatus and
teres minor to be recruited isometrically. This additional work develops
superior shoulder integrity that is valuable for athletes such as football
and rugby players, athletes who experience a high degree of
disruptive forces to the shoulders during their sports.
Although it seems like a simple movement, here are some special tips
on how to get the most out of the one-arm barbell shrug.
First, to make it easier to load the barbell and pick it up to assume the
starting position, set the barbell on a power rack across the pins. You
can then brace yourself with your free hand against one of the power
rack posts, which will allow you to keep your torso in an upright
position. Regarding the use of straps, use them only if the weight is so
heavy that your grip gives out – so, no straps for sets of 1-3 reps.
To increase time under tension, which favors the development of
greater hypertrophy, pause for a predetermined time (1 to 6 seconds,
for example) at the end of the concentric range of motion. This paused
variation is also recommended for trainees who are recovering from
shoulder surgery; even if they cannot handle high loads, they still need
the hypertrophy to rehabilitate quickly.
If your traps are in need of a dire challenge, add the one-arm barbell
shrug to your program. It will build your traps fast, and you can
consider it a tribute to the pioneering work of the old-time bodybuilders
and strength athletes.
Sleep Better
Get more sleep if you want to gain muscle and improve your athletic
performance. Research shows that lack of sleep activates the immune
system, causing an inflammatory response in the body that leads to
muscle breakdown and a host of other negative physiological effects
that compromise athletic performance.
Sleep affects every system in the body, and lack of it will also
influence brain health and function, body fat accumulation, insulin
health, reproduction, and cardiovascular health. In fact, sleep
deprivation is lethal in animal models! This chapter describes how
sleep specifically affects your life and provides a few tips to get more.
When you don’t get enough sleep for one night, your immune system
will be activated, which means that your body will produce biomarkers
of inflammation called cytokines, such as IL-6, an inflammation marker
that is also produced during exercise. However, the exercise-induced
release of markers like IL-6 are thought to be “under control” by the
body, and if you allow for adequate recovery time, they will be
effectively cleared.
Chronic lack of sleep leads to a pro-inflammatory state in the body
with an overwhelming number of cytokines being produced that
directly affect the central nervous system (CNS). When the CNS is
altered and inflammation rises, your hormones will be influenced,
producing more stress. It’s a vicious cycle: Sleep is responsible for
maintaining the integrity of the endocrine system, but if you are sleep
deprived, your hormones will be imbalanced and you won’t be able to
go to sleep.
Did you know that lack of sleep can impede hypertrophy, keep you
from making strength gains, and make you gain fat? It can, and,
unfortunately, fatigue can make you a poor performer in a surprisingly
short period of time. For example, a recent study looked at how
fatigue affected performance in college rugby players who competed
in a five-day tournament, playing three games with inadequate rest
and sleep. On-field performance and neuromuscular function
deteriorated as the tournament progressed, with a significant drop-off
by the third game (the team lost the second and third games). In
addition, cytokines (inflammatory markers) increased each day of the
tournament, indicating a pro-inflammatory state.
Researchers noted that the rugby players would recover if given
sufficient time to get both physical rest and sleep. However, if players
continued to get inadequate sleep due to anxiety, exams, or a sleep
disorder, they could succumb a nasty pro-inflammatory state that
could permanently alter performance and health.
Here are a few things you can do to improve your sleep and ensure
you get the most out of your training:
1. Commit to getting a certain amount of sleep nightly. Base this on
your own needs – most people need at least eight hours, but some
feel fine with less and some need more. “Normal” average sleep
duration has decreased from nine hours per night in 1910 to seven
hours currently.
2. If possible, commit to a 9:30 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. sleeping schedule, or
something similar. Research shows better body composition and
overall health are more common in people who have early-to-bed and
early-to-rise sleep patterns.
3. Try meditation. Studies show that people who meditate every day
have lower inflammatory markers of IL-6 and get better sleep.
4. Start a gratitude log. Just before bedtime write down three things
you are grateful for from your day. This can be very calming and helps
you look at the world in a positive way before going to sleep.
5. A related option to the gratitude log is to answer these three
• What good to other people did I do today?
• What good did other people do to me today?
• What did I learn today?
6. Turn off all media screens during the hour or half hour before
bedtime. It will make a huge difference in your ability to go to sleep
and get good rest. Turn off computers, TVs, phones, and any other
screens for at least the final 30 minutes before you hit the sack.
7. Have a very small snack with carbs about an hour before bedtime.
Carbs can help elevate serotonin, the neurotransmitter that helps you
feel good, calm, tired. Avoid sugar or refined grains for this snack.
8. Take adequate magnesium. Magnesium calms the nervous system
and helps you get adequate rest. Studies show the average American
gets less than 25 percent of the magnesium they need a day from
their diet.
9. Try to stay on your sleep schedule on the weekend. Staying up late
on Friday and Saturday night and sleeping late the next morning will
throw the whole schedule off and make it harder for you to go to sleep
at your set bedtime on Sunday night.
Rediscover the Power Rack
If you are interested in achieving the highest levels of strength
development, incorporate partial movements in your current training
programs. Powerlifting coach extraordinaire Louie Simmons has
achieved great success by making use of this type of training at his
Westside Barbell Club, and many successful Olympic lifters use partial
reps in their training. Further, elite bodybuilders also have used partial
movements to boost muscle growth, such as Mr. Olympia Frank Zane,
who performed one-quarter deadlifts to develop his erector spinae
For most individuals, the power rack is simply a large squat rack that
has safety pins that will catch the weight if an athlete drops it.
Unfortunately, the result of dropping any significant weight on the
safety pins usually bends the barbell, so this approach is probably
best referred to as “death control,” as replacing bent barbells is
expensive. But the power rack has many more uses, one of which is
enabling you to work on specific parts of the range of motion of an
exercise. Here are three advantages to partial-range training:
1. Enables you to use greater loads than you can when performing
full-range movements. This means you can select specific parts of the
range of motion of an exercise where you are the strongest, and use
weights that will appropriately overload that range. For example, if you
always train with full squats, you will not be maximally overloading the
top range of the movement (i.e., quarter squat).
2. Allows you to focus on sticking points in a lift. The sticking point is
the weakest point of a lift, such as the bottom position of a bench
press or the lockout of a deadlift. Because the amount of weight you
can lift is often limited by how much you can use though the sticking
point, partial-range-of-motion training is one of the best approaches to
work this area. For example, if you are weak in the start position in
curls, you can perform them on a Scott bench where the resting
surface for your triceps is set at 45 to 60 degrees, and only do the first
45 degrees of range of motion with an extremely heavy load. Make
certain that the movements are done slowly over that limited range to
bring about maximal intramuscular tension, and avoid bouncing or
choppy movements, as this can injure your tendons.
3. Disinhibits the nervous system. Extremely heavy partials on top of
the range, also known as lockouts, will help you overcome the
inhibition of feeling a great load on the spine or at arms’ length.
Powerlifters use it on squats and bench presses for that purpose in
peaking for a competition, because after performing partials the
weights will feel lighter when the lifter removes the barbell from the
supports to prepare to lift.
Physique and strength athlete Chuck Sipes, a former Mr. America,
popularized this approach in the 1960s; he used to call them “heavy
supports.” Heavy supports help heighten the shutdown threshold of
the golgi tendon organ (GTO), which is a tension/stretch receptor
located in the tendon of a muscle. The GTO inhibitory effect can be
seen during an arm-wrestling match between two people of uneven
strength levels. The weaker person – when losing – will look as
though they suddenly quit as their wrist is suddenly slammed to the
table. What is actually happening is that the GTO perceives a rapid
rate of stretch during the eccentric contraction and yells to the brain,
“Better shut down the contraction, or my biceps tendon is going to
Probably a better option to raise that threshold is by interspersing 8
seconds of heavy isometric holds (i.e., heavy supports) between
regular sets.
Using percentages for initial guidance in weight selection, the
approach of using heavy supports in your bench press routine may
look like this:
Set 1: Bench Press, 5 RM @ 85 percent of max
Set 2: Heavy Supports, 8 seconds @ 120 percent of max; basically
it is 1/16 of the range. You just unrack the weight and hold it with
your elbows just short of lockout. The weight should be heavy
enough so that your upper extremities shake uncontrollably.
Set 3: Bench Press, 5 RM @ 85 percent of max
Set 4: Heavy Supports, 8 seconds @ 125 percent of max
Set 5: Bench Press, 5 RM @ 85 percent of max
Set 6: Heavy Supports, 8 seconds @ 130 percent of max
Make certain that you train in a power rack for this routine, and set the
safety support bars 2-3 inches below your lockout position for safety.
Often the weights you can use for heavy supports increase
dramatically, so don’t be shy about using even greater percentages for
the heavy supports than the ones suggested. In turn, your bench
press performance may increase significantly in just a few workouts.
There are drawbacks to using partial movements exclusively. Longterm specialization on partial-range movements can decrease
flexibility, as the muscles will strengthen over only a short range. For
this reason always include full-range movements when embarking on
a program that uses partial-range training.
In short, use partial-range-of-motion training as a valuable adjunct to
your regular training to increase strength and muscle mass, improve
athletic performance, and even help you overcome injuries.
Use the Appropriate Stretching Method
Yoga is suddenly cool again. Workshops and online presentations on
stretching and becoming more supple are very popular. With the value
our culture places on staying young, mobility training is essential as
people age. Also, as athletes strive for higher levels of physical
superiority, they need to work on maintaining full range of motion and
eliminating muscle adhesions that impede progress in performance
and gains in strength and muscle mass. So what type of mobility work
is best for you?
Before choosing any particular type of mobility work, consider that the
nature and timing of stretching is critical to achieve the optimal training
response. For example, performing static stretching before activities
that require maximal strength or power, such as sprinting or
powerlifting, may decrease performance. In fact, a study published in
the June 2011 issue of Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science
in Sports found that stretching an antagonist muscle group can
adversely affect performance of its agonist. In this case, researchers
found that stretching the quadriceps can affect the power production
of the hamstrings.
With that warning, for your consideration here are a few types of
activities that fall into the category of mobility work:
Static stretching. In this form of stretching you assume a stationary
position and hold muscles at a length greater than their normal resting
length. The duration of the stretch is usually 30 seconds. Static
stretches are generally easy to learn and can be performed without
the assistance of a partner. Static stretching should be performed
either after a workout or four or more hours before a workout, as it can
affect the ability of the muscles to generate strength and power.
Although many yoga stretches may be considered a form of static
stretching, static stretching by itself was made extremely popular by
Bob Anderson with the 1975 publication of his book (co-written by
Jean Anderson) Stretching (Publishers Group West, 2010). The book
has sold over three million copies and has been published in 24
PNF stretching. An acronym for proprioceptive neuromuscular
facilitation, PNF is a partner-assisted type of stretching that involves
stretching a muscle, holding it isometrically against a resistance
(usually the partner), and then stretching it once more to achieve an
even greater range of motion. This type of stretching requires skill to
administer, as an untrained partner can easily stretch an individual too
far and cause injury. As with static stretching, PNF should only be
performed after a workout or several hours before. A good, practical
guidebook on how to perform PNF stretching is Facilitated Stretching,
4th edition, by Robert McAtee and Jeff Charland (Human Kinetics,
Dynamic stretching. Dynamic stretching involves fast movements that
place muscles under a rapid but brief stretch. Dynamic flexibility is
different from static flexibility; in fact, the correlation between dynamic
flexibility and static flexibility is quite poor (r = 0.42). What this means
is that it’s possible for someone who can barely touch their knees in a
sit-and-reach test (static stretch) to kick you in the face (dynamic
stretch). As such, this type of stretching is considered a dynamic
expression of flexibility. It is also a very popular type of stretching
because it (unlike static stretching) can be performed immediately
before a strength or power activity without negatively affecting
performance. Thomas Kurz helped popularize this type of stretching in
his book Stretching Scientifically: A Guide to Flexibility Training (4th
edition, Stadion Publishers, 2003).
Fascial stretching. Fascial Stretch Therapy™ is a stretching method
developed by Ann and Chris Frederick. With this technique a client is
placed on a treatment table and the practitioner moves the client’s
limbs in specific ranges of motion. Straps are used to stabilize the
limbs not being worked so the practitioner can work on specific
muscles. This technique enables the practitioner to stretch not only
the muscles but also the fascia, which is connective tissue in the body
that plays a key role in providing stability to the body.
Distraction stretching. Distraction stretching is a form of traction using
rubber bands to provide tension that helps to open up joint capsules.
The basic technique involves attaching a large elastic band to a
stationary object, then securing the other end around a body part and
slowly pulling away. An excellent resource for this type of stretching is
Becoming a Supple Leopard by Kelly Starrett and Glen Cordoza
(Victory Belt Publishing, 2013).
ELDOA, a.k.a. LOADS. The technical name for this type of stretching
is Longitudinal OsteoArticular Decoaptation Stretches, which
translates from the French acronym ELDOA (Etirements
Longitudinaux avec Decoaptation Osteo-Articulaire). This form of
stretching, which was developed by Guy Voyer, D.O., decompresses
the spine and helps to normalize alignment of the vertebrae.
As for which type of stretching method is best, that’s debatable –
perhaps all of them, as each has its pros and cons. In any case,
whether your goal is to improve athletic performance, build muscle, or
simply live pain free, you need mobility training to be a part of your
regular fitness routine.
Reconsider Using Ice for Injuries
“Put ice on it!” has become the standard recommendation for just
about any injury. Most coaches and trainers believe that ice is the
most appropriate treatment for everything from black eyes to torn
ACLs, and many also recommend taking uncomfortable ice baths to
help recover from especially hard workouts. There’s only one problem:
Icing an injury doesn’t work. In fact, it can even interfere with the
healing process.
Such is the basis of Gary Reinl’s self-published book, Iced! The
Illusionary Treatment Option (2nd edition, 2014). Reinl contends that
inflammation is a critical part of the healing process; in his book he
writes that “there is no peer-reviewed, indisputable published evidence
(indexed on PubMed) that the use of ice improves the recovery
process. None!” In fact, Reinl says, icing an injured area only delays
the process. Says Reinl, “Think of it this way: You want fluid to get
there – because that means that the inflammatory response is doing
its job – but you also want it to leave as quickly as possible.”
In contrast to inflammation, says Reinl, swelling can be regarded as
the accumulation of waste at the completion of the inflammatory cycle.
The swelling process is regulated by the lymphatic system, which
relies on muscle activation to function properly. Reinl believes that ice
limits muscle activation and thus interferes with the function of the
lymphatic system: “Essentially, the ‘cold’ causes the one-way valves
to open in the wrong direction, which creates more swelling.”
Reinl’s observations concerning the effects of ice on swelling are
supported by a peer-reviewed article published in Sports Medicine in
1986. The authors of this paper explained that when ice is applied to a
body part, lymphatic permeability is increased, such that fluid flows in
the wrong direction, thus “…increasing the amount of local swelling
and pressure and potentially contributing to greater pain.”
As for reducing muscle soreness, ice doesn’t appear to accelerate the
recovery process – a realization that will come as a surprise to
thousands of athletes (especially gymnasts and football players) who
have been forced to endure painful ice baths. According to a paper
published in the May 2013 Journal of Strength and Conditioning
Research, the authors concluded, “These data suggest cooling…
appears to not improve but rather delay recovery from eccentric
exercise-induced muscle damage.”
As for other methods that are used to deal with chronic swelling,
specifically nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), consider a
report published in 1999 in The New England Journal of Medicine.
The report extrapolated that the number of deaths per year from
NSAIDs included an estimated 16,500 deaths just from the
gastrointestinal side effects of NSAIDs alone. There’s more.
The FDA reported that in the first three months of 2008, there were
over 2,700 deaths from NSAIDs. As if those numbers are not enough
to scare you, according to a 2009 report published in the Annals of
Medicine, the risk of developing complications (such as liver problems,
stomach upset, blood disorders, and vision problems) from taking antiinflammatory drugs “is present from the first dose.”
Instead, to accelerate the healing process, Reinl believes that the best
method is active recovery, or loading, which will “…cause enough
pain-free stress to sufficiently activate the involved muscles for the
desired period of time, but not enough stress to cause fatigue.”
Examples of such methods include stationary bikes, upper body
ergometers, vibration plates, weighted medicine balls, and free
weights. Reinl also endorses the use of what he calls “poweredmuscle stimulators.” He says such technology can “…make the
recovery process easier (sometimes much easier), requires much less
effort (e.g., essentially none), is often more comfortable, and is faster
in many instances.”
Although not mentioned in Reinl’s book, another promising way to
deal with chronic swelling and to accelerate healing is Frequency
Specific Microcurrent (FSM). Developed in 1995 by Dr. Carolyn
McMakin, an osteopath in Canada, FSM uses a specially calibrated
machine to apply specific frequencies of electrical current matched to
a specific injury and tissue. For example, after ACL surgery it can take
several weeks for the swelling to decrease so that rehabilitation can
begin; however, if FSM is applied within a few hours after surgery,
often swelling can decrease to a level where rehabilitation can begin
within 2-3 days after surgery.
It’s time for coaches to consider alternatives in treating swelling. Using
NSAIDS is risky on many levels, and icing often does more harm than
Consider These 10 Training Accessories
Barbells and dumbbells? Check. Power racks and benches? Check.
Weight training machines? Check. With those basics taken care of, it’s
time to focus on getting the right personal training gear. This gear will
help you lift more weight and lift more safely.
Some of the following lifting accessories are more important than
others, and this is not the time to debate the pros and cons of wearing
surgical scrubs versus clown pants (although just to make it clear,
both are ridiculous). But wearing the wrong type of footwear or
improperly using lifting straps could increase your risk of injury.
With that background, here are some facts about 10 types of training
accessories that can improve your workouts.
1. Weightlifting shoes. In addition to being very rigid to give you a solid
platform for squatting, weightlifting shoes have an elevated heel,
usually about 1 inch. This heel enables the shins to incline forward
further so the back can maintain a more upright position during the
squat. This effect is especially valuable for lifters with tight calves, as
they would have to lean forward excessively when squatting to
compensate. The rigid design of these shoes also helps align the
bones of the ankle and foot so it’s easier to keep the knees in the
proper alignment when squatting.
2. Knee wraps. The main reason someone would use knee wraps is to
be able to lift more weight or perform more reps, but that doesn’t
mean wraps will make you stronger. Knee wraps are worn because
they increase the maximal weight that can be lifted by increasing the
speed with which the lift is performed and by storing elastic energy in
the wrap. That’s the good news.
The bad news is that knee wraps alter squatting mechanics by
restricting motion around the hip joint, causing greater flexion at the
knee joint and thus compromising the integrity of the knee joint.
Research indicates that although knee wraps are frequently worn to
protect the knee joint, they may in fact increase the friction between
the patella and the underlying cartilage because the wraps compress
the kneecap into the thighbone, increasing the risk of injury and knee
pathologies such as arthritis.
Unless you’re a competitive powerlifter or strongman, better
alternatives to knee wraps are neoprene knee sleeves. These sleeves
keep the knee warm, which helps to lubricate the knee with synovial
fluid, without altering movement mechanics.
3. Lifting straps. A lifting strap is made by sewing one end of a strip of
cloth to itself to form a loop. The other end of the cloth is passed
through the loop so it can attach around the wrist. By wrapping the
free end of the cloth around a barbell or other apparatus, you reinforce
the grip.
Lifting straps can be made from numerous types of materials, but for
snatches a slick material such as nylon is best because you want to
be able to release the barbell quickly. Straps should only be used in
cases where limitations in the strength of your grip will prevent you
from overloading the muscles you are focusing on in an exercise. This
means straps are not necessary during warm-up sets, and for some
exercises they should not be used at all.
4. Chalk. Chalk absorbs moisture to ensure a sturdy grip. Do not use
too much chalk, because this can compromise your grip as the chalk
particles move across your hand. If your gym does not allow the use
of conventional chalk, you might be able to use a chalk ball, which is
not as messy. If that is still not an option, liquid grip is a good
alternative. One problem with using weightlifting gloves as an
alternative to chalk is that they affect proprioception (body
awareness), which is important to safely perform exercises such as
the Olympic lifts.
5. Kinesio tape. Kinesio tape is a special tape used to stabilize
muscles and joints while providing a form of treatment by manipulating
the soft tissue. It can also provide pain relief for many conditions and
decrease inflammation. It can be used for injuries involving fascia,
muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints. The downside is you’ll need
some training on how to use it, and for some areas, such as the upper
back, you’ll have to have someone else apply it.
6. Weight training belt. A weight training belt is considered an
essential tool, especially when other assistive gear is used, such as
knee wraps and squat suits. But in other lifts belts are seldom used or
needed – even competitive weightlifters seldom wear belts. However,
for overhead presses, belts do provide some support along with more
proprioception so you know your position in space.
Most belts designed for powerlifting are thick, about four inches wide
and the same width all the way around. A weightlifting belt is about
this same width in the back, but the width tapers down in the front of
the body in the buckle area so it doesn’t dig into the waist when the
lifter bends over. There are also noncompetition belts that are similar
to weightlifting belts but are wider in the back; this style is popular
among lifters who have back pain.
7. Squat pads. Beginners often use a rolled-up towel or a rubber
apparatus that wraps around the bar to avoid the discomfort of
supporting the barbell on the back. The downsides are that these
options are not as secure as lifting with just the bar on the back and
they can increase pressure on the neck by pushing it forward.
A better idea is to use a device called the Manta Ray®. By
redistributing the weight over more muscle mass, the Manta Ray
minimizes the stress on the traps, and it does so without displacing
the center of the mass of the bar. The only problem is that individuals
with especially large traps may find the device uncomfortable. Another
option is one of the various safety-squat bars with padded yokes that
distribute the weight slightly differently from that encountered in
traditional high-bar squats.
8. Compression clothing. Compression clothing includes form-fitting
garments such as T-shirts and shorts designed to improve athletic
performance and reduce muscle soreness. The idea for such workout
clothing probably came from support hosiery that helps with venous
disorders such as thrombosis, edema, and phlebitis. The jury is still
out on these high-tech garments, but some of the research looks
promising, especially in the area of reducing muscle soreness. One
downside is that compression clothing can be quite expensive, with
some shirts costing over $100.
9. Wrist wraps. Wrist wraps are used to support the wrists for pressing
or overhead exercises. Leather straps are more secure, but elastic
wraps with Velcro provide the best fit. The precaution is that you
should never just wear one wrap to protect an injured wrist – wear
them on both wrists, as this can affect lifting mechanics.
10. Ammonia caps. Ammonia capsules have legitimate medical uses
and were never intended to improve sporting performance, but some
lifters believe they help clear the head and enable them to lift heavier
weights. Be aware that these types of substances are considered
toxic, so if you do use them, use them sparingly, and only if you are
free of any medical issues that would prevent their use.
There you have it: information and guidance about lifting accessories
that can help you increase performance and reduce your risk of injury.
Start the Day with the Poliquin™
Meat & Nuts Breakfast
The Poliquin™ Meat and Nuts Breakfast is the single best dietary tip
for optimal leanness, energy, and sustained mental focus. The meat
allows for a slow and steady rise in blood sugar, and the nuts provide
a great source of healthy smart fats that allow the blood sugar to
remain stable for an extended period of time.
Virtually everyone who switches to the Poliquin™ Meat and Nuts
Breakfast reports improved mental clarity, increased energy, better
appetite control, and reduced cravings throughout the day. One of the
best reasons to try the Poliquin™ Meat and Nuts Breakfast is to
benefit from its positive effects on the neurotransmitters dopamine and
acetylcholine. These neurotransmitters increase drive, commitment,
and euphoria. Fat loss and muscle gains also occur very quickly after
you make this one simple change to your diet.
Another advantage of this system is that it reduces the development of
food sensitivities, which are known to increase the stress hormone
cortisol. When first-time clients are tested for food sensitivities, it’s
often found that they have antibodies to foods they have consumed
daily, often for years. This is even more the case with physique
competitors. It is not uncommon for these individuals to have
intolerances to beef, eggs, whey, casein, tuna, and oatmeal – the
basic bodybuilding staples.
Here is a sample 5-day rotation of the Poliquin™ Meat and Nuts
Breakfast. Organic tea, coffee, or herbal infusions are permissible;
milk, juice, or other liquids are not allowed. You may use heavy cream
(from pasture-raised cows) in your coffee, but no creamers or artificial
additives. You may also season the meat with herbs and spices, but
no sauces. You can even add vegetables.
Day 1
1-2 buffalo or bison patties
1 handful of macadamia nuts
Day 2
4-8 oz. smoked wild-caught salmon
1 handful of cashew nuts
Day 3
1-2 grass-fed beef patties
1 handful of almonds
Day 4
1-2 cans of sardines
1 handful of Brazil nuts
Day 5
1-2 chicken breasts
1 handful of pumpkin seeds
When you travel, scout ahead for places that serve the best
breakfasts and simply choose steak and eggs, a salmon omelet, or lox
and poached eggs. If you are allergic to nuts, replace them with a
portion of any of the following low-glycemic/low-fructose fruits:
apricots, avocados, blackberries, blueberries, grapefruit, loganberries,
nectarines, olives, papaya, peaches, plums, raspberries, and
strawberries. Make certain the fruits are organic, especially the
strawberries, as they are among the most highly sprayed crops in the
Take Branched Chain Amino Acids
Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) are considered essential amino
acids because the body cannot synthesize them itself. They are of
special interest to strength athletes because BCAAs make up a large
portion of skeletal muscle.
Further, BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) consumed during
training raise both growth hormone and insulin at the same time,
hence increasing anabolism (which builds muscle) and anticatabolism
(which prevents the breaking down of muscle).
Studies of cyclists have shown BCAAs can reduce cortisol (catabolic)
as much as 46 percent. The BCAAs stimulate the anabolic effects of
insulin in three different pathways; one of the most significant is the
metabolic pathway. Leucine is the most readily oxidized BCAA and
therefore the most effective at causing insulin secretion from the
pancreas, thereby stimulating the metabolic pathway. Studies show
that leucine supplementation, together with the intake of
carbohydrates following resistance exercise, increases insulin output
by 221 percent! Without leucine the output is only 66 percent.
To increase lean body mass, use branched chain amino acids while
you train. How effective are BCAAs? An Italian study of natural
bodybuilders showed that taking 0.2 grams of BCAAs per kilogram of
body weight 30 minutes before workouts and 30 minutes after
workouts led to greater increases in lean body mass and strength in
the bench press and squat.
Here are a few other positive effects of using BCAAs:
• Promotes protein synthesis in the fat-free body mass
• Is used as a form of energy by muscle cells
• Prevents a decrease in postworkout testosterone levels and actually
allows testosterone levels to increase following exercise
• Has an anticatabolic effect by favoring a better testosterone:cortisol
• Reduces the exercise-induced increase in the muscle concentration
of tyrosine and phenylalanine, therefore indicating a decreased net
rate of protein degradation during exercise
• Decreases postworkout soreness
• Decreases body fat, especially visceral fat, which is the fat that
accumulates inside the abdomen and results in that beer-gut look
• Helps prevent muscle loss at high altitudes
• May counteract exercise-induced declines in mental functioning
How much BCAAs should you take? One common recommendation is
to take 0.44 grams per kilogram of body weight. Take half the amount
30 minutes before training, and take the other half right after training.
For example, if you weigh 90 kilograms (198 pounds), take a total of
40 grams of branched chain amino acids on each training day. If you
are on a restricted budget, use at least 20 grams (any less would
provide insufficient benefits).
Develop a Postworkout Nutrition Plan
Ideal workout nutrition will help you get the best results from the hard
work you do in the gym. Common pitfalls include the following: not
getting enough protein, not getting the right kind of protein, getting too
many carbs, drinking the wrong things – sports drinks, chocolate milk,
energy drinks, coffee – or taking protein tainted with chemicals or
high-fructose corn syrup.
You must plan your postworkout nutrition based on your specific goal.
For muscle and strength development, take high-quality, pure whey
protein. Avoid whey protein that has added sugar, chemical
sweeteners like aspartame, dyes, or artificial flavorings.
Studies repeatedly show that the greatest muscle growth and strength
development come when the right dose of the amino acid leucine is
provided to the muscles. Leucine kick-starts the pathway in the body
by which protein synthesis occurs, which leads to overall muscle
development. Athletes of all ages need leucine to experience protein
synthesis; however, people over 50 require a larger amount to kickstart the protein synthesis pathway.
Although you might think soy is a good postworkout option since it is
typically cheaper than whey, the vast majority of soy protein is
genetically modified. Soy also contains phytoestrogens that can mimic
estrogen in the body, which is contradictory to the goals of
postworkout nutrition.
If your goal is fat loss in addition to muscle building, it’s generally best
to avoid consuming carbohydrates postworkout. For endurance
athletes, or for athletes who do a very large volume of training, carb
supplementation may be beneficial to replace muscle glycogen, which
is a stored energy source in the body.
A common misconception is that carbs must always be taken with
protein to achieve optimal protein synthesis, but this is not necessarily
the case. It’s true that for optimal protein synthesis to occur, the body
must release insulin. However, whey protein elicits a large insulin
release, so if body composition is your main goal and you take whey
protein, you should be all set.
Although milk and chocolate milk have been suggested as ideal
protein sources, they are both extremely allergenic. If the milk isn’t
organic, it may contain growth hormones and other growth factors that
you need to avoid. Whey, which is made from milk, is preferred to
cow’s milk because it is closer in nature to human milk, which in the
early stage of lactation is 90 percent whey. In cow’s milk only about 20
percent of the protein content is from whey.
Finally, avoid drinking coffee, energy drinks, or anything with caffeine
immediately postworkout because this can inhibit recovery. Caffeine
elevates cortisol, the stress hormone, which you want to help clear as
quickly as possible. Vitamin C, incidentally, aids in the clearance of
cortisol. Also, stay away from sports drinks because they contain
sugar or high-fructose corn syrup. If you do want to take carbs
postworkout to replenish glycogen, choose a high-quality malto-dextrin
Gain Muscle and Lose Fat with Vitamin D
One of the simplest things you can do to lose fat and improve body
composition is to make sure you are getting enough vitamin D. People
who are low in vitamin D are more likely to be overweight, have less
muscle mass, and be at higher risk of a long list of diseases.
Vitamin D is produced in the body in response to direct sunlight. In
order to maintain vitamin D levels from sun exposure, scientists
suggest you need to be in direct sunlight for at least 20 minutes every
day between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. However, surveys
estimate that anywhere between 40 and 90 percent of the population
is deficient depending on ethnicity and season. Here are six facts you
should know about vitamin D if you want to be lean, strong, and
1. Low vitamin D is associated with greater fat mass in all ages, all
races, and both genders. For instance, a study of overweight women
found that those who took vitamin D for 12 weeks lost 2.7 kg of fat
compared to a placebo group that did not modify diet, did not weight
train, and did not lose fat. Further, separate surveys of children, men,
and women showed that those with lower vitamin D had more body fat
and more belly fat.
2. Because low D leads to fat storage, it “produces a toxic milieu by
initiating metabolic and inflammatory cascades,” writes one research
group. This cascade increases fat storage rates and worsens the
inflammatory state in the body. Low vitamin D also decreases
pancreatic cell function and affects insulin sensitivity because there
are vitamin D receptors on insulin cells. Therefore, in addition to
increasing the amount of fat you have, low D puts you at risk for
continual fat gain and diabetes.
3. The inflammatory state associated with vitamin D compromises
muscle function and leads to fat accumulation in muscle. For example,
a study of collegiate women in Southern California found that vitamin
D status was inversely correlated with the amount of fat they had in
their muscle. Researchers were alarmed since the population was
young, fit, and living in a sunny climate.
4. Vitamin D levels are associated with muscular power. Adequate
vitamin D has been found to increase the size and strength of type II
muscle fibers in a variety of populations. One study found that
overweight adults who took vitamin D in conjunction with doing a
strength training program increased their explosive power significantly
more than a group that didn’t take vitamin D.
5. Because of the role vitamin D plays in muscle and strength, lack of
vitamin D increases the risk of injury. For example, in a study of
professional football players, the average vitamin D level of players
who experienced an injury was 19.9 ng/ml. Further, vitamin D
enhances the immune system, while low D increases vulnerability to
6. Low vitamin D is associated with low testosterone and poor fertility
in men. Research found that men with adequate vitamin D (above 30
ng/ml) had higher testosterone levels, the leanest body composition, a
greater percentage of lean mass, and better overall health than men
with insufficient D.
If you are not attending to your vitamin D level, you are not going to be
as lean and strong as you could be. The solution is simple: Take
vitamin D and lose fat. Take vitamin D and get better results from
training. Ensure optimal vitamin D levels and improve your athletic
Think Twice about Dairy Products
“Milk blunts fat burning. Don’t take it before exercise.”
“Chocolate milk is the ‘best sports drink’ out there, and it will improve
“Milk is healthy and can aid fat loss, but it must be low fat.”
With all these confusing claims it’s no surprise if you’re baffled about
milk and dairy. Research outcomes are similarly inconsistent and
confusing. Here’s the short version of what you need to know:
• Many people are allergic to lactose, which is in milk, and need to
avoid it. In addition, some people find they are intolerant of milk (an
immune reaction that is less intense than an allergy); they feel better
avoiding it.
• Those who are overweight, diabetic, or sedentary should consider
restricting milk because it produces a large insulin release that is
greater than expected and may worsen metabolic health in people
who are already insulin resistant.
• Whey protein, which is made from milk, is the best protein source for
building muscle and improving body composition with strength
training because it consistently produces superior outcomes than
casein or soy produce. Whey protein is even being tested in studies
as a therapeutic protein to help improve metabolic health (including
in diabetics) and to reduce body fat.
• Casein, another milk protein, has a lower digestive rate than whey
has; casein’s lower rate is considered inferior if the goal is putting on
muscle with training.
• Chocolate milk has been recommended as a useful “sports” drink for
accelerating recovery due to the sugar (for carbs) and protein
content. However, a lot of chocolate milk on the market contains
high-fructose corn syrup and artificial chemicals, which are best
avoided if the goal is recovery or body composition.
If you want dairy in your diet, the best products are raw, fermented,
and/or casein-free. When it comes to taste and nutrition, milk is
inferior to butter, cream, and fermented dairy such as yogurt.
Real butter and cream are minimally processed foods that provide
good fats, are low in lactose and casein, and are extremely delicious.
If you get them from grass-fed animals, they provide the beneficial
bone-building nutrients (vitamins A, D, and K) in a form the body can
Fermented dairy includes yogurt, cheese, cultured butter and
buttermilk, clotted milk, kefir, and Indian lassi, which are traditional
foods in many cultures known for their low incidence of disease. They
provide beneficial bacteria for the gut and are low in lactose.
Raw dairy provides enzymes and nutrients not present in pasteurized
diary. “Raw” means that it has not been pasteurized or heated to kill
pathogens. Raw dairy was standard in the United States until the
Industrial Revolution, and it’s still widely consumed in other parts of
the world.
Enjoy fermented dairy, butter, and cream to your liking because they
provide health-promoting nutrients when eaten sensibly. They also
provide variety and flavor for unique meals. Lastly, raw dairy is
probably the “healthiest” bet as long as it’s free of disease.
Know the Pros and Cons of Caffeine
In controlled studies, caffeine can boost performance by a whopping
20 to 25 percent. In real-world competitions the improvement is likely
much smaller, around 5 to 7 percent.
However, there are a few concerns linked to caffeine use. Some
people find that taking caffeine at any time of day keeps them from
sleeping, or they’re so caffeine fueled all day long that they find
themselves battling chronic fatigue.
There are also some misconceptions about caffeine, one being that
caffeine can cause dehydration, a serious problem for athletes, as
dehydration can decrease performance. The truth is that even though
caffeine can increase urination the first few days if you’ve never used
it before, this does not cause dehydration and the effect goes away
after a few days. There is another another concern that caffeine may
elevate heart rate and blood pressure in those who are not regular
users, but this effect also goes away after a few days as you become
habituated to it.
Why does caffeine work? The physiological benefits of consuming
caffeine include the following:
• It raises stimulatory hormones such epinephrine and norepinephrine
• It helps free fatty acids so you can burn fat and spare glycogen
• It releases calcium that is stored in muscle for increased endurance
• It decreases the sensation of pain and affects the brain’s message
of fatigue, allowing athletes to keep going when they’d normally
collapse in exhaustion
Strength trainees are more motivated to train and will have higherquality workouts with caffeine. For example, a bench press study
found that trained men who took 5 mg/kg of caffeine did an average of
22.4 reps and lifted 1,142 kg compared to a placebo group that did an
average of 20.4 reps and lifted 1,039 kg.
Other studies show that caffeine makes trainees more motivated
because fatigue is reduced and mood is higher. A study of sleepdeprived rugby players who took 4 mg/kg of caffeine an hour before
training found that they self-selected significantly higher loads and got
better-quality workouts than players who took a placebo. Caffeine
allowed the sleep-deprived players to train as hard as they would have
if they’d been rested without taking caffeine. In contrast, the placebo
group was exhausted and experienced a large decrease in training
quality and in the amount of weight they could lift.
Athletic performance is diminished in the early morning compared to
later in the day due to lower activation of the central nervous system
and lower body temperature. Taking caffeine can overcome this effect.
In a study of elite athletes who took 3 mg/kg caffeine in the morning,
maximal strength and power performance in the bench press and
squat were enhanced by 3 to 6 percent compared to athletes who took
a placebo. Morning strength and power were nearly equal to levels
recorded in an evening trial when performance peaked.
Caffeine will also improve concentration and reaction time. When you
fatigue or feel pain, your rate of motor firing decreases. Caffeine
blocks this by activating neurotransmitter release for more efficient
muscular contractions. For instance, a study that gave athletes 3
mg/kg of caffeine along with BCAAs and creatine improved
performance as they progressed through an exercise series. Around
95 minutes into the exercise, the placebo group’s performance
dropped off significantly, whereas the supplement group reacted faster
in the final stages of the test.
Caffeine also appears to be one of the most effective supplements for
reducing the debilitating effects of delayed-onset muscle soreness
(DOMS) and for restoring strength. One study found that when trained
men took 5 mg/kg of body weight of caffeine and then did a muscledamaging workout to induce DOMS, they experienced significantly
less soreness on days 2 and 3 after training than the group who took a
placebo. The caffeine group also did more reps during the workout
and their reps felt easier than the reps done by a placebo group,
which is significant because the caffeine group applied more stress to
the muscles but recovered faster. Caffeine works postworkout on
DOMS as well. A study of female trainees found that taking a 5 mg/kg
dose of caffeine at 24 and 48 hours postworkout decreased muscle
pain by between 26 and 48 percent compared to a placebo group,
depending on the type of motion being assessed. Recovery of
maximal strength was also faster.
Is coffee as effective as caffeine capsules? It’s unclear. For certain
individuals, coffee boosts performance, but whether caffeine capsules
deliver the same degree of improvement has not been determined.
The majority of studies show there’s no difference, but one study
found that coffee compromised performance compared to caffeine.
That trial could be an anomaly or due to individual differences in
You can’t out-train a bad diet, and you can’t out-diet lack of effort. You
also can’t undo the effects of bad eating or a poor training program by
taking caffeine. You need the whole package for fat loss, and caffeine
is an excellent tool to boost your motivation when your drive and
devotion to your goals are slipping.
Plan Cheat Meals
A “zero tolerance” approach to nutrition is a losing proposition.
Instructing people to go months without indulging in their favorite
foods is a recipe for failure because even the most committed dieter
can rarely last longer than 12 weeks before falling off the wagon.
Worse still, those who stumble trying to follow such extreme regimens
often binge and rebound severely. Some unlucky folks will gain back
all the weight they lost over several months in just a few days!
Here’s the good news: You will lose fat faster if you allow yourself a
cheat meal once every four to six days. Why? The cheat meal
increases body metabolism, so you’re able to lose body fat faster. The
cheat meal also acts as a welcome reprieve from a diet that can get
monotonous after a while. However, this is not a recommendation for
an all-day food free-for-all – it’s a cheat meal, not a cheat day.
Here are seven steps for losing body fat by cheating on your diet:
Step 1. Figure out how often you can cheat. The ratio between lowcarb meals and cheat meals should be between 20:1 and 30:1 – never
less or more. What this means is if you’re eating five low-carb meals a
day, you should have a cheat meal once every 4-6 days (preferably
the last meal of the day).
This 20:1 or 30:1 ratio applies to about 75 percent of people trying to
lose body fat or maintain their weight loss. However, approximately 25
percent of the population actually lose fat faster and function better on
a carb-based diet. For example, if someone can get lean eating carbs
much more often, say 4:1 or every day, they are definitely a “carb
person” and should be eating carbs every day.
Step 2. Decide how you will cheat beforehand. When it comes to
cheating, you don’t want to fly by the seat of your pants. Plan your
indulgence ahead of time and make it something meaningful. A tasty
meal at your favorite restaurant will be a lot more satisfying than some
haphazard snacking in front of the TV.
Step 3. Determine your carb allotment. You’ll lose fat faster if you eat
the optimal amount of carbs on your cheat day. Fortunately, figuring
this out is relatively simple. Here’s how:
Have a BioSignature assessment performed on a Monday, and then
get in four days of low-carb eating. On Friday night enjoy your cheat
meal, recording the quantity of carbs you eat.
On Saturday morning, have another BioSignature assessment
performed. If your body fat has decreased and your lean mass has
increased, you chose the correct quantity of carbs. Repeat this
amount at your next scheduled cheat meal.
If you woke up fatter on Saturday morning, you ate too much – so the
next time you cheat, decrease the carbs by 20 percent and see if you
drop body fat the following morning. If you happen to have lost weight
the morning after a cheat meal, it means the next time you cheat you
should increase the carbs by 20 percent and see how your body
reacts. This system effectively eliminates the guesswork from your fat
loss plan!
Step 4. Make better cheat choices. While it may be a cheat meal, the
quality of the food you put into your body still matters. Gluten-free
oatmeal and rice are better than wheat cookies; organic chocolate
almonds are better than jellybeans. A good way to tell if a cheat food
works for you is how you feel the next day. If eating pizza means your
knees and elbows don’t bend the next day, try rice pudding next time.
Step 5. Eat your protein first. Starting a meal with protein helps reduce
the blood sugar spike that occurs after eating a lot of carbohydrates.
There’s also evidence suggesting that when your body receives
carbohydrates first, it sends a signal to the digestive system to store
more fat for later use.
Step 6. When your butt leaves the chair, no more eating. For some,
the first few bites of a cheat meal can serve to “open the floodgates,”
leading to hours of excessive overfeeding. Set your favorite foods on
the table and enjoy them, but once you leave your seat, that’s it – the
cheat meal is over.
Step 7. Once you’re lean, you can eat more carbs! A side benefit of
getting to a low body fat percentage is that you can eat more of your
favorite cheat foods and stay lean and muscular.
These effects are all related to insulin sensitivity and your body’s
ability to manage carbohydrates – as you get leaner, insulin sensitivity
increases, so you can handle carbohydrates in far greater amounts
than someone with more body fat. How much more? A hard-training
lifter with low body fat can enjoy full cheat days rather than just cheat
meals. The only catch is that the cheat days must always fall on a
non-training day, for restorative purposes.
A low-carb diet doesn’t have to mean you’ll never get to eat your
favorite foods again. On the contrary, a little cheating done the right
way can actually help you reach your fat-loss goals that much faster –
and have more fun along the way!
Eat Organic Meat and Produce
Organic food is always superior to conventional food. Organic fruits
and vegetables generally contain less toxic pesticides and herbicides
than conventional produce contain; organic meat and animal products
allow you to avoid the effects of eating foods that have been treated
with antibiotics and growth hormones.
A primary factor in growing nutritious and flavorful food is the quality of
the soil. Organic growing practices attempt to mimic natural
ecosystems in order to maintain and replenish the fertility and nutrient
content of the soil. Organic production promotes sustainability by
growing food without the use of toxic and persistent pesticides and
fertilizers. Organic animal products are produced without the use of
antibiotics, synthetic hormones, genetic engineering, or cloning.
There is significant evidence that organic products have significantly
less toxic pesticides and chemical residue than conventional products
have. Many of the pesticides and chemicals used in conventional
agriculture are harmful to humans because they need to be toxic to kill
pests. The Environmental Protection Agency has a tolerance limit for
the amount of pesticides left on foods that are sold, meaning that
some toxic chemicals are legally allowed. When you eat a lot of food
with pesticides, levels can build up and are stored in your fat tissue.
Ideally, purchasing organic produce allows you to avoid consuming
these toxic chemicals or at least significantly lessens the chance even
if there are violations or mismanagement in organic production.
Organic animal products are equally important for your health: They
don’t contain the chemicals and hormones that their conventional
counterparts contain from the animals being dosed with antibiotics and
growth-boosting hormones. For example, it has been speculated by
researchers that American girls are entering puberty at significantly
younger ages, and adult men are developing breasts as well, likely
due to the increase of hormones in the environment.
There is evidence that grass-fed beef is lower in fat, and it has a
higher ratio of omega-3s to omega-6 fatty acids – a balance that is
crucial for health, improved cardiovascular function, and cancer
prevention. Also, compared to factory-farmed animals, free-range
animals have less chance of spreading E. coli bacteria and have
higher concentrations of conjugated linoleic fatty acids, which help
prevent cancer.
If you care about your body, opt for organic whenever you can.
Go Gluten Free
Find out if you are intolerant or sensitive to gluten and eliminate it to
improve body composition and health. Some individuals are not gluten
sensitive, but there is evidence that gluten is a difficult protein for all
humans to digest and we might be better avoiding it. Humans have
inadequate stomach enzymes necessary to break gluten down so that
it can be properly digested, a problem that has been made much
worse by the genetic engineering of wheat over the last 100 years. In
fact, according to a study published in BMC Medicine, the amount of
gluten in the wheat produced today has increased to 14 percent from
4 percent a century ago.
Not only is the wheat we eat today much more difficult and dangerous
for our bodies to process than the wheat our great-grandparents ate,
but rates of gluten sensitivity also have increased dramatically over
the last half century.
Today, it is estimated that up to 15 percent of the American population
have adopted a gluten-free diet for many reasons, including
diagnosed celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, and the belief that a
gluten-free diet is healthier or can help with weight loss. Eating gluten
free is an increasing food trend, and although some nutritionists and
various market research groups dub gluten-free eating a passing fad,
better health and body composition would be more easily achieved if
everyone with an intolerance to gluten were to eliminate it.
From a nutritional standpoint, there is nothing that is gotten from foods
containing gluten that can’t be gotten easily from gluten-free foods.
There are much better sources of protein, fiber, vitamin B, iron, etc.,
than wheat and gluten-containing foods. Further,
the argument has been made that people who don’t have a diagnosed
gluten sensitivity are eliminating gluten because they have heard it
can help them lose weight and feel better, which results in the
development of nutrient deficiencies or in some cases weight gain if
people end up relying on gluten-free analog products (those made to
mimic the conventional gluten-containing breads, cookies, crackers,
etc.). Gluten-free analog products often substitute unusually high-carb
ingredients (potato, corn, tapioca starches) in place of wheat, and they
are often very expensive.
The bottom line is that many people are gluten sensitive, making it
reasonable to ask yourself, would I feel better and be healthier if I
eliminated gluten from my diet?
Avoid Food Additives
There’s been a lot of buzz lately about food additives as people
become more and more committed to eating real food and improving
their health. Any sharp label reader knows that all kinds of
unpronounceable additives are popping up in everything from nut milk
to vinegar to yogurt.
Are all additives dangerous? Or are some harmless in the small doses
we’re exposed to in food as the FDA tells us? Let’s look at a few
myths about food additives to help you in your food choices.
Myth #1: If the FDA has approved it, then it must be safe. A lot of
people incorrectly assume that just because an additive is FDA
approved, then it must be safe. Not so.
First, many additives have not been thoroughly tested. Much of the
testing that has been done has been completed by food
manufacturers, not the government or independent labs.
Second, companies can decide on their own that an additive that has
not been thoroughly tested is safe to use in a food. All they have to do
is petition the FDA and provide an argument that based on the best
science presently available, the additive won’t harm consumers as
long as it’s used in the way it’s proposed.
Third, any additive that is considered “Generally Recognized As Safe”
(GRAS) can be added to foods. These ingredients do need to be listed
on labels, but may be identified with catch-all terms such as “artificial
flavoring,” “artificial coloring,” or “natural flavoring.”
Fourth, there’s a long list of additives (dominated by food colorings),
which were once considered safe but have since been banned due to
health risks (usually cancer or organ damage).
Myth #2: Food additives are made from chemicals, which is why
they’re bad for you. While it’s true that many food additives are
chemically produced, many natural food additives can be harmful
when consumed in large doses or because a person is allergic to
For example, annatto is a natural food coloring (yellow) that in some
people causes hives.
MSG is a natural additive that is made when sodium is fermented and
L-glutamate is isolated. It’s a flavor enhancer that has been linked to
poor digestion, headaches, nausea, weakness, elevated heart rate,
and difficulty in breathing. Studies on its safety are lacking, but the
FDA continues to classify it as safe.
Sodium nitrate, which is produced today by neutralizing natural
compounds, is a salt used to cure meat but is also used as a fertilizer
and to make gunpowder. Several studies have linked consumption of
cured meat with cancer.
While more recent research suggests nitrates are harmless, a
consistent association between processed meat intake and greater
cancer risk exists, despite the lack of a definitive explanation. So,
whether nitrates in meat are really dangerous is anyone’s guess.
Myth #3: Food additives are always identifiable on labels as
unpronounceable words or things you wouldn’t eat by themselves,
such as tert-Butylhydroquinone. It’s true that these alien words tend to
be additives, but did you know that the FDA classifies anything that is
added to food as an additive, including salt, sugar, and caffeine?
This is important because familiar ingredients such as high-fructose
corn syrup (HFCS), sugar, and trans fats are the additives that pose
the greatest threat to people’s health because they are regularly
consumed in such high quantities.
We know that HFCS, sugar, and trans fats increase risk of obesity,
diabetes, and heart disease. That’s why a priority for everyone should
be on radically reducing or eliminating intake of those additives before
worrying about a few milligrams of lecithin, carrageenan, or guar gum.
To completely avoid food additives, you can make the choice to eat
only whole foods or to process foods such as nut milks and probiotic
foods at home rather than buying them. To take this a step further,
explore the following resources to ensure you are not harming yourself
with food additives:
• The Center for Science in the Public Interest has a useful guide to
food additives, breaking them down into the following five categories:
“Safe,” “Cut back” (nontoxic, but large amounts may be unsafe),
“Caution” (may pose a risk), “Avoid” (unsafe), and “Certain people
should avoid” (may trigger allergic reactions).
• The Joint FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) and WHP (World
Health Organization) Expert Committee on Food Additives has a
database on most food additives. It’s dense and complicated to read
but packed with information.