NAME:-SOURAV Thakur SQL Scenario Sample Sales Model 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Display customer name and their city name Display the city names who do not have any customers Display the customers who made sales in the current year Display the product names that were sold more than 100 times in the current month Display the city name wise no of customers and the no of customers who are Males and number of customers who are Females Display the customers who have their birthday in the current month Display the product names that are yet to be launched Display the city name wise number of customers, total sales amount, no of sales and the margin Display the customers who made more sales than the customer Mike in the current month Display the city names that have the highest number of customers Question 1:SELECT c.custname, ci.cityname FROM customer c JOIN city ci ON c.cityid = ci.cityid; Question 2:- SELECT ci.cityname FROM city ci LEFT JOIN customer c ON ci.cityid = c.cityid WHERE c.custid IS NULL; Question 3:SELECT c.custname FROM customer c JOIN sales s ON c.custid = s.custid WHERE YEAR(s.saledate) = 2023; Question 4:SELECT p.prodname FROM prod p JOIN sales s ON p.prodid = s.prodid WHERE MONTH(s.saledate) = 10 GROUP BY p.prodname HAVING SUM(s.qty) > 100; Question 5:SELECT ci.cityname, COUNT(c.custid) AS total_customers, SUM(CASE WHEN c.gender = 'Male' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS male_customers, SUM(CASE WHEN c.gender = 'Female' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS female_customers FROM city ci LEFT JOIN customer c ON ci.cityid = c.cityid GROUP BY ci.cityname; Question 6:SELECT custname FROM customer WHERE MONTH(dob) = 10; Question7:SELECT prodname FROM prod WHERE launchdate > CURDATE(); Qustion 8:SELECT ci.cityname, COUNT(c.custid) AS total_customers, SUM(s.amount) AS total_sales_amount, COUNT(s.saleid) AS total_sales, SUM(s.margin) AS total_margin FROM city ci LEFT JOIN customer c ON ci.cityid = c.cityid LEFT JOIN sales s ON c.custid = s.custid GROUP BY ci.cityname; Question 9:SELECT c.custname FROM customer c JOIN sales s ON c.custid = s.custid WHERE MONTH(s.saledate) = 10 GROUP BY c.custname HAVING SUM(s.amount) > (SELECT SUM(s.amount) FROM customer c2 JOIN sales s ON c2.custid = s.custid WHERE c2.custname = 'Mike' AND MONTH(s.saledate) = 10); Qusetion 10:SELECT ci.cityname FROM city ci JOIN customer c ON ci.cityid = c.cityid GROUP BY ci.cityname HAVING COUNT(c.custid) = (SELECT MAX(customer_count) FROM (SELECT COUNT(custid) AS customer_count FROM customer GROUP BY cityid) AS counts);