NAME:-SOURAV THAKUR CITY -> cityid, cityname CUSTOMER -> custid, custname, dob, cityid, gender, custtype 1. Display all the customer names and their city names 2. Display city name wise no of customers 3. Display city name wise no of customers, no of customers who are male and no of customers who are female 4. Display the youngest and the oldest customer name 5. Display the city name wise youngest customer name 6. Display the customer name who age is more than Mike and less than James 7. Display the customer names who are from the same type of Mike and their age is less than Mike and are from the same city of Mike 8. Display the city names that do not have customers (write 2 types of queries for this) 9. Display city names that have more customers than city Bangalore 10. Display city names that have the lowest no of customers SOLUTIONS Question 1:SELECT custname, cityname FROM CUSTOMER JOIN CITY ON CUSTOMER.cityid = CITY.cityid; Question 2:SELECT cityname, COUNT(custid) AS num_customers FROM CUSTOMER JOIN CITY ON CUSTOMER.cityid = CITY.cityid GROUP BY cityname; Question 3:SELECT CI.cityname, COUNT(C.custid) AS no_of_customers, SUM(CASE WHEN C.gender = 'Male' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS no_of_males, SUM(CASE WHEN C.gender = 'Female' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS no_of_females FROM CUSTOMER AS C JOIN CITY AS CI ON C.cityid = CI.cityid GROUP BY CI.cityname; Question 4:SELECT custname FROM CUSTOMER ORDER BY dob ASC LIMIT 1; SELECT custname FROM CUSTOMER ORDER BY dob DESC LIMIT 1; Question 5 SELECT cityname, custname FROM CUSTOMER JOIN CITY ON CUSTOMER.cityid = CITY.cityid ORDER BY dob ASC GROUP BY cityname; Question 6 SELECT custname FROM CUSTOMER WHERE dob BETWEEN (SELECT dob FROM CUSTOMER WHERE custname = 'Mike') AND (SELECT dob FROM CUSTOMER WHERE custname = 'James'); Question 7 SELECT custname FROM CUSTOMER WHERE custtype = (SELECT custtype FROM CUSTOMER WHERE custname = 'Mike') AND dob < (SELECT dob FROM CUSTOMER WHERE custname = 'Mike') AND cityid = (SELECT cityid FROM CUSTOMER WHERE custname = 'Mike'); Question 8 Type 1:SELECT cityname FROM CITY LEFT JOIN CUSTOMER ON CITY.cityid = CUSTOMER.cityid WHERE CUSTOMER.custid IS NULL; Question 9 SELECT cityname FROM CUSTOMER JOIN CITY ON CUSTOMER.cityid = CITY.cityid GROUP BY cityname HAVING COUNT(*) > (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CUSTOMER WHERE cityname = 'Bangalore'); Question 10 SELECT cityname FROM CUSTOMER JOIN CITY ON CUSTOMER.cityid = CITY.cityid GROUP BY cityname ORDER BY COUNT(*) ASC LIMIT 1;