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SCR Turn-On Methods: Thyristor Triggering Techniques

Turn on Methods of SCR
Adil Sarwar
Gate characteristics
Gate circuit
Gate characteristic of thyristor or SCR
• Gate characteristic of thyristor or SCR gives us a brief idea
to operate it within a safe region of applied
gate voltage and current.
• So this is a very important characteristic regarding thyristor.
• At the time of manufacturing each SCR or thyristor is
specified with the maximum gate voltage limit (Vg-max), gate
current limit (Ig-max) and maximum average gate power
dissipation limit (Pgav).
• These limits should not be exceeded to protect the SCR
from damage and there is also a specified minimum voltage
(Vg-min) and minimum current (Ig-min) for proper operation of
• Curve 1 represents the lowest voltage values
that must be applied to turn on the SCR and
curve 2 represents the highest values of the
voltage that can safely applied. So from the
figure we can see the safety operated area of
SCR is bcdefghb.
• SCR has two stable states IN FIRST QUADRANT
Forward blocking and
Forward conduction state.
• Switching the SCR from forward blocking state
(OFF- state) to forward conduction state (ONstate) is known as turning ON process of SCR.
• It is also called as triggering.
• With a voltage applied to the SCR, if the anode
is made positive with respect to the cathode,
the SCR becomes forward biased.
• The SCR can be made to conduct or switching
into conduction mode BY FOLLOWING
Turn on methods
Forward voltage triggering
Temperature triggering
dv/dt triggering
Light triggering
Gate triggering
Forward Voltage Triggering
• By increasing the forward anode to cathode
voltage, the depletion layer width is also
increased at junction J2.
• It causes increase in minority charge carriers.
• This further leads to an avalanche breakdown
of the junction J2 at a forward breakover
voltage VBO.
Forward Voltage Triggering
• In practice this method is not employed
because it needs a very large anode to
cathode voltage.
• Once the voltage is more than the VBO, it
generates very high currents which may cause
damage to the SCR.
• Therefore, in most of the cases this type of
triggering is avoided.
Temperature Triggering
• The reverse leakage current depends on the
• If the temperature is increased to a certain value, the
number of hole-pairs also increases.
• This causes to increase the leakage current and further
it increases the current gains of the SCR.
• This starts the regenerative action inside the SCR since
the (α1 + α2) value approaches to unity (as the current
gains increases).
• By increasing the temperature at junction J2 causes the
breakdown of the junction and hence it conducts.
Temperature Triggering
• By increasing the temperature at junction J2
causes the breakdown of the junction and
hence it conducts.
• This type of triggering is practically not
employed because it causes the thermal
runaway and hence the device or SCR may be
dv/dt Triggering
• In forward blocking state junctions J1 and J3 are
forward biased and J2 is reverse biased.
• So the junction J2 behaves as a capacitor (of two
conducting plates J1 and J3 with a dielectric J2)
due to the space charges in the depletion region.
The charging current of the capacitor is given as
I = C dv/ dt
dv/dt is the rate of change of applied voltage and C
is the junction capacitance.
dv/dt Triggering
• From the above equation, if the rate of change of
the applied voltage is large that leads to increase
the charging current which is enough to increase
the value of alpha.
• So the SCR becomes turned ON without a gate
• However, this method is also practically avoided
because it is a false turn ON process and also this
can produce very high voltage spikes across the
SCR so there will be considerable damage to it.
Light Triggering
• An SCR turned ON by light radiation is also
called as Light Activated SCR (LASCR).
• This type of triggering is employed for phase
controlled converters in HVDC transmission
• In this method, light rays with appropriate
wavelength and intensity are allowed to strike
the junction J2.
Light Triggering
• These types of SCRs are consisting a niche in
the inner p-layer.
• Therefore, when the light struck on this niche,
electron-hole pairs are generated at the
junction J2 which provides additional charge
carriers at the junction leads to turn ON the
Gate Triggering
• This is most common and efficient method to
turn ON the SCR.
• When the SCR is forward biased, a sufficient
voltage at the gate terminal injects some
electrons into the junction J2.
• This result to increase reverse leakage current
and hence the breakdown of junction J2 even
at the voltage lower than the VBO.
Gate Triggering
• In gate triggering method, a positive voltage
applied between the gate and the cathode
• We can use three types of gate signals to turn
On the SCR.
DC signal,
AC signal and
pulse signal
DC Gate Triggering
• In this triggering, a sufficient DC voltage is
applied between the gate and cathode
terminals in such a way that the gate is made
positive with respect to the cathode.
• The gate current drives the SCR into
conduction mode.
• In this, a continuous gate signal is applied at
the gate and hence causes the internal power
dissipation (or more power loss).
AC Triggering
• This is the most commonly used method for
AC applications where the SCR is employed for
such applications as a switching device.
• With the proper isolation between the power
and control circuit, the SCR is triggered by the
phase-shift AC voltage derived from the main
• The firing angle is controlled by changing the
phase angle of the gate signal.
Pulse Triggering
• The most popular method of triggering the SCR is
the pulse triggering.
• In this method, gate is supplied with single pulse
or a train of pulses.
• The main advantage of this method is that gate
drive is discontinuous or doesn’t need continuous
pulses to turn the SCR and hence gate losses are
reduced in greater amount by applying single or
periodically appearing pulses.
• For isolating the gate drive from the main supply,
a pulse transformer is used.