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States of Matter Worksheet: Gases, Liquids, Solids

Sponge...States of Matter
What two concepts about gases does this picture of balloons
a. . Gases expand to fill any container they are in.
b. There are only three shapes any balloon can take.
c. Gases take the shape of whatever container they are in.
d. a and c are correct. .
What is a good way to find the volume of air in this flask?
a. Pour out the air on a balance and measure its mass.
b. Place a balloon over the neck of the flask and see how
much air goes into the balloon.
c. Place the flask on one side of a balance with a graduated
cylinder on the other, if they balance, read the volume of air
from the gaduated cylinder.
d. Pour water into the flask untill it is full, then pour that water
into a graduated cylinder and measure the volume of the
These diagrams show atoms or molecules of gases, solids and liquids. Tell
which is which and how you know.
1. Shows molecules or atoms of a ________. I know that because _______
2. Shows molecules or atoms of a ________. I know that because _______
3. Shows molecules or atoms of a ________. I know that because _______
Complete the chart with Yes or No and a state of matter.
Definite volume
Desk top
Pepsi in plastic cup
Definite shape
State of matter
Bike seat
In the lab, the mass of the air in your balloon was _________ beans.
We concluded that a small volume of gas has _____________________________(a small mass)
or ( a very large mass)
All mater _______________________ and _________________________. (Two true things
about matter)
Gases __________________ (are or are not) matter.
Certain things about us, called our characteristics or traits, have been inherited from___________
Name five traits or characteristics that could have been inherited.
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________