COMP475 System Administration and Security FIREWALL Linux Firewall In Linux systems FIREWALL function is performed using a packet filter. Packet filter is a special kind of software being part of Linux kernel (in a form of loadable modules) and making possible a very thorough analysis of network packets . There have been 3 main packet filters throughout the whole Linux history: • ipfwadm - packet filter for kernel series 2.0.X, • ipchains - packet filter for kernel series 2.2.X, • iptables - packet filter for kernel series > 2.4.X. In CentOS 6.3 there is iptables in version 1.4.7 installed whilst the latest available version to be downloaded from is 1.4.18. Linux Firewall As one can see, similarly to other versions of software for Linux OS also the iptables filter is being released in versions. Depending on the version number iptables offers various options and support for more configuration modules. The website where one can find everything about iptables (including installation packages, source packages and documentation) may be found at (alternatively – the same website). Which is important, iptables version has to match the kernel version in the sense that too new iptables version would not install or properly work on an older kernel version as the filtering features MUST be supported bye the kernel. In case they are not, the kernel needs to be patched. Patches are also available on the iptables home page. Linux Firewall Linux Firewall Linux Firewall From the point of view of packets filtering every single packet has to be qualified either as: • incoming packet- this is the packet addressed to the firewall computer (its IP address is the destination address) • outgoing packet - this is the packet send from the firewall computer (its IP address is the source address) • forwarded packets - this is the packet being forwarded from one subnet to another (neither source nor destination IP address is the firewall computer) Qualifying packets is crucial thing because once a packet gets qualified it is passed to the ppropriate rule chain within the filtering options are specified. Once a packet gets qualified to a rule chain it will be either… Linux Firewall The iptables command is using three predefined chains that are related to the events (packets) the Firewall is supposed to decide about what to do: • INPUT - used to define what to do with incoming packets, • OUTPUT - used to define what to do with outgoing packets , • FORWARD - used to define what to do with forwarded packets. Chain are sets of packets filtering rules, each of the rules is built of: • packet distinguisher (match) allowing to specify exactly which packets are subject of the rule (based for example on the IP number, port number, etc), • packet destination (target) allowing to specify what to do with packets that match the rule specification, There are three main packet destinations: – – – ACCEPT - accepts the packet, REJECT - rejects the packet givin posiibility to return a ICMP messsage (e.g. host unreachable) DROP - rejects the packet and no information is returned. Linux Firewall PACKET INPUT OUTPUT FORWARD rule1: match -> target rule1: match -> target rule1: match -> target rule2: match -> target rule2: match -> target rule2: match -> target ... ... ... rule N: match -> target ruleN: match -> target ruleN: match -> target DEFAULT POLICY DEFAULT POLICY DEFAULT POLICY Linux Firewall Each iptables rule (command) is of the following structure: iptables [-t table] COMMAND CHAIN MATCH –j TARGET where: table - allows to specify what the rule refers to (e.g. if this is a filtering rule, NAT rule, etc.); iptables handles four tables: - filter - default table (no need to specify –t filter), - nat - destined to deal with NAT, MASQUERADING, tunelling, - mangle - destined to modify packets (e.g. TTL) and also marking packets, - raw - non-standard table, only for advanced applications (e.g. allows to bypass filtering mechanism for selected packets). COMMAND – used to handle rules chains: - -A - adds rule to a chain, - -D - removes rule from a chain, Linux Firewall - -R - replaces a given rule, - -I - inserts a rule onto a specified position in a chain, - -F - flushes rule chain (no rules remain, only DEFAULT POLICY applies) - -Z - zeroes packets counters, - -N - creates a new (custom) rule chain, - -X - deletes a custom rule chain, - -P - specifies a default policy for a chain, - -L - lists rules in a chain, - CHAIN - a predefine built-in name (can be used out of the box) or user-define name identifying a rule chain; built-in chains names are: - INPUT - used to gather rules applying to incoming packets, - OUTPUT - used to gather rules applying to outgoing packets, - FORWARD - used to gather rules applying to forwarded packets. Linux Firewall - POSTROUTING - available within nat and mangle table, used to determine what to do with packets after the route to a target destination has been identified, - PREROUTING - available within nat and mangle table, used to determine what to do with packets before the route to a target destinatio has been identified, - FORWARD - used to gather rules applying to forwarded packets, - MATCH - allows to specify features of a packet that would distinguish this specific packet(s) out of all the other packets so that if it matches a rule, this rule may determine its destination (target); the typical rule matches are: - -p - protocol (e.g. tcp, udp, ip, icmp, all) iptables –A INPUT –p tcp … - -s - source address iptables –A INPUT -p tcp –s … Linux Firewall - -d - destination address iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –d … - -i - input interface (not available in the OUTPUT chain) iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 … - -o - output interface (not available in the INPUT chain) iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth1 … - --sport - source port iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 … - --dport - destination port iptables -A FORWARD -p udp --dport 67 … - --tcp-flags - named tcp flag (ACK, SYN, FIN, RST, …) iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN … Linux Firewall - --tcp-option - tcp option iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-option 16 … - --icmp-type - type of ICMP message iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request … Bore rules matches may be specified if extension modules are used. There are plenty of additional extensions modules, the most popular include: - state - allows to refere to a connection state (ESTABLISHED, RELATED, NEW) using ip_conntrack kernel module, iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -m state ESTABLISHED, RELATED … - limit - allows to specify frequency of packets per rule during a given period of time (rule may be used only strictly specified number of times during the time) iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type 8 -m limit --limit 5/second -j ACCEPT Linux Firewall - multiport- allows to specify comma-separeted ports, iptables ... -m multiport --dport 25,110 ... - mac - allows using MAC addresses in rules iptables ... -m mac --mac-source ADRES_MAC ... - mark - allows to refer to a marked packet in the rule iptables -A FORWARD -m mark --mark 6 ... - owner - available in OUTPUT chain, allows refer to packets generated by a given user iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner 500 ... - ttl - allows to refer to a packet with given TTL number iptables -A INPUT -m ttl –ttl 15 ... - string - allows refer to packets containing given string iptables –A FORWARD –p tcp --dport 80 -m string --string ”kazaa” ... Linux Firewall - time - allows to activate rules within a given time frame iptables -A INPUT –p tcp --dport 80 –m time --timestart 6:00 --timestop \ 23:00 – days Tue ... - p2p - allows to select p2p packets iptables -A FORWARD –m p2p ... -TARGET - target is used to decide what to do with a packet that matches the rule; typical targets that may be used in rules: - ACCEPT - this destinagion allows to accept packets matching a rule - DROP - this destination allows to drop packets but do not allow to specify any information to the requesting / source computer (black hole target) - REJECT - this destination allows to drop packets but also alows to specify a return message to the requesting / source computer - LOG - this destinatio allows Linux Firewall - LOG - this destination allows to log a packet matching a rule (for audit purposes); it is not a final destination and in the contrary to the ACCEPT, DROP and REJECT targets the packet is not removed from a chain (this is not final destination for the packet and after login it is still necessary to specyfi what to do with it) iptables -A INPUT -s -m limit --limit 5/m --limit-burst 7 -j LOG \ -- log-prefix '** HACKERS **'--log-level 4 iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP - REDIRECT - available in nat table, allows to redirect a packet to a different destination, to be used only with OUTPUT and PREROUTING chains iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT \ --to-port 8080 Linux Firewall - SNAT - valiable in nat table, allows to replace original source address with another one (can be used as a static version of NAT) iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j SNAT --to - DNAT - available in nat table, allows to redirect a packet to a different destination, to be used only with OUTPUT and PREROUTING chains iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -j DNAT --to - MASQUERADE – available in nat table, similarly to SNAT allows to replace source address in a rule but it will use the out interface IP number instead of fixed IP address given in the rule (dynamic versino of NAT) iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE - MARK - available in the mangle table allows marking packets iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp -s \ -j MARK --set-mark 0xf510 Linux Firewall iptables -A INPUT-m mark --mark 0xf510 -j ACCEPT - TTL- available in the mangle table , allows to modify packets TTL iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -j TTL --ttl-set 126 Linux Firewall – EXAMPLES - logging Linux Firewall – EXAMPLES - logging Linux Firewall – EXAMPLES – port redirection Linux Firewall – EXAMPLES - tunelling Linux Firewall – EXAMPLES - tunelling Linux Firewall – EXAMPLES - tunelling CentOS 7.x - firewalld In CentOS 7.x the firewall configuration should be done through a dedicated tool – firewall-cmd. That tool works with firewalld that is managing system firewall. FirewallD uses services and zones instead of iptables rules and chains. By default the following zones are available: • drop – Drop all incoming network packets with no reply, only outgoing network connections are available. • block – Reject all incoming network packets with an icmphost-prohibited message, only outgoing network connections are available. CentOS 7.x - firewalld • public – Only selected incoming connections are accepted, for use in public areas • external For external networks with masquerading enabled, only selected incoming connections are accepted. • dmz – DMZ demilitarized zone, publicly-accessible with limited access to the internal network, only selected incoming connections are accepted. • work – For computers in your home area, only selected incoming connections are accepted. • home – For computers in your home area, only selected incoming connections are accepted. • internal -For computers in your internal network, only selected incoming connections are accepted. • trusted – All network connections are accepted. CentOS 7.x - firewalld To list all available zones run: To list the default zone: To set the def ault zone: CentOS 7.x – firewalld – services FirewallD services are xml configuration files, with information of a service entry for firewalld. TO list all available services run: XML configuration files are stored in the /usr/lib/firewalld/services/ and /etc/firewalld/services/ directories. CentOS 7.x – firewalld – services FirewallD services are xml configuration files, with information of a service entry for firewalld. TO list all available services run: XML configuration files are stored in the /usr/lib/firewalld/services/ and /etc/firewalld/services/ directories. CentOS 7.x – firewalld – services CentOS 7.x – firewalld – services CentOS 7.x – firewalld – example To implement any changes we need to reload the firewall with: # firewall-cmd –reload To list everyting (all rules): CentOS 7.x – firewalld – example The website opens when accessin as: # lynx http://localhost CentOS 7.x – firewalld – example Fails to open from outside (firewall? – let’s stop it) CentOS 7.x – firewalld – example CentOS 7.x – firewalld – example Fails to open from outside (firewall? – let’s stop it) CentOS 7.x – firewalld – example It is accessible now (after stopping firewalld) CentOS 7.x – firewalld – example Restarting firewalld CentOS 7.x – firewalld – example Restarting firewalld CentOS 7.x – firewalld – example Restarting firewalld CentOS 7.x – firewalld – example Added http service CentOS 7.x – firewalld – example It is accessible now (firewalld is working)