Uploaded by McKenna Smith

Blue Henvelopes Fundraising Guide

What are Blue Henvelopes?
➔ Letter templates that include your name, organization,
and fundraising goal
◆ Filled out by you or the Community Outreach
➔ Recipients of the letter have the opportunity to donate to
you by mailing a check or donating through the website
(directly on your page)
➔ Average return rate of $56
◆ More than social media 👀
Blue Henvelopes Options
1. Do it Yourself:
◆ You are responsible for picking up supplies, filling out the
letters, and mailing them
◆ Pick up in UDance Office - Office 019D in the basement of
◆ Google Form: https://forms.gle/b4TxyQFLeqBE474L7
2. We Do it For You:
◆ Fill out this Google Form and a member of the Community
Outreach Committee will fill out and send your letter for you!
Who Do I Send Blue Henvelopes To?
➔ Family members
◆ Parents, grandparents, godparents, aunts/uncles, etc.
➔ Family friends
➔ Neighbors (previous or current!)
➔ Doctors/Dentists
➔ Coworkers/Bosses from past or current jobs
➔ Old Teachers (elementary, middle, high school addresses)
➔ Friends at other schools
➔ Get creative!!
◆ Ask friends/family for contacts!
General Rules
➔ One Blue Henvelope per household- Do Not send multiple to the
same address
➔ Keep personal messages around 1-2 sentences maximum
◆ Only applies if having Blue Henvelope filled out for you by
CO Committee
➔ Make them count!!
◆ Send them to people who actually need to receive it by mail
◆ Do Not send to UD Fraternity/Sorority House
◆ Do Not send to people already fundraising on their
own/donating through social media, emails, etc.
How to Send Blue Henvelopes
UDance Dance Marathon
325 Perkins Student Center Office 019D
Newark, DE 19711
Fill Out!
2. Fold Into Thirds
3. Small Envelope
4. Letter AND
Small Envelope
into Big Envelope
Questions? Contact Me!
Email: McKenna Smith
➔ communityoutreachudance@gmail.com