VOCABULARY U1 ENGLISH ITALIAN NOTES 1 TEARFUL triste, doloroso, in lacrime goodbye, voice, occasion 2 ANXIOUS about ansioso 3 DELIGHTED with lietissimo, contentissimo 4 APPREHENSIVE about ansioso, in ansia 5 MISERABLE about triste, orribile, avvilente 6 ELATED with/at esaltante, euforico 7 CLOSE TO TEARS about sul punto di piangere 8 THRILLED about 9 TENSE about emozionato, elettrizzato, gasato inquieto, teso 10 WEEPY strappalacrime a film, a book, etc. 11 ON EDGE about teso, agitato, in tensione To SET me ON EDGE 12 OVERJOYED about felicissimo, strafelice Arrange the words and fixed phrases above into 3 groups according to whether they can be used instead of: VERY HAPPY to be overjoyed about to be delighted to be elated to be overjoyed SAD OR WANTING TO CRY close to tears about tearful weepy miserable NERVOUS tense about on edge apprehensive tense anxious OR WORRIED Tell your partner about a time when you were close to tears about something. What happened? Why did you feel like that? Tell your partner about a time when you felt elated with something. What happened? Why did you feel like that? Replace these expressions with suitable synonyms from the list above. 1. What new challenge would you like to take up in the short run? Why? 2. What conditions or difficulties do you think you will need to experience? 3. What preparation would you have to undergo? 4. How do you feel about that now? a burning achieve/fulfill/pursue/realize/have my greatest my main a secret ambition a lifelong a personal achieve/deserve/enjoy/guarantee/meet with/be assured of great huge overnight resounding roaring SUCCESS take up/rise to /accept/face/pose/present daunting exciting formidable major new serious a CHALLENGE improve/lack/increase/lose/enhance/strengthen high/strong low/poor personal political staff student MOTIVATION admit/be doomed to/be resigned to/end in/meet with/result in complete continued dismal FAILURE inevitable total VERB ADJECTIVE NOUN ambition success motivation challenge failure challenge failure motivation AIMING HIGH COLLOCATION 1 To be an overnight success 2 To have a burning ambition 3 To increase motivation 4 To meet with complete failure 5 To face the formidable challenge of TRANSLATION NOTES