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Mastering Riveting Fascinations: A Copywriting Guide

How To Master The Art Of Creating
Riveting Fascinations
At this point I’ve gone through thousands of student fascinations.
Some of them were pretty good.
Most were absolutely abysmal.
Here is an overview of the main flaws and issues I see. I will illustrate my points with
examples. At the end of this document you will find a treasure trove of templates and
examples as well.
Please study this document to sharpen up and troubleshoot your fascinations. You’ll be a
much better writer for it.
Here are the 6 most common mistakes:
1) You haven’t written enough fascinations
2) Your level of grammar and spelling would give an average English teacher an
immediate heart attack.
3) Your sentences are rambling, incoherent, nonsensical and/or lack flow. (Like a Joe
Biden speech)
4) Your Copy Is Jacked Up With More Steroids Than The Entire Mr. Olympia Roster
5) Your fascinations are bland and weaker than a sogging wet piece of cardboard
6) Your fascinations are as intriguing and mysterious as a pack of yogurt
So, let’s get going, shall we?
Issue #1: You haven’t written enough of them.
This is pretty straightforward.
Don’t send in a measly 5, 10 or 15 of these. Actually put some work in and write 30, 50, 100.
Then ask for a review.
You become good at something by doing it a lot. Writing is no exception.
Write a lot of copy and read a lot of copy. Don’t try to skip the line and get by with the
absolute least amount of work possible. That’s a recipe for failure.
Issue #2: Your level of grammar and spelling would give an average
English teacher an immediate heart attack.
The amount of docs I receive with glaring typos in them is…
Honestly. You can’t send in work like this:
The Google Doc is using that blue line to tell you: “dude, you’re probably wrong here. Might
want to check it”.
But instead of checking it you decide: “Nah, looks good, let’s send this”.
Don’t do that. It’s sloppy, lazy and amateurish. I’m not saying the blue line is always right,
but plenty of times it is.
Then there is stuff like this:
get wrong.here is how
than fibre!Try this
a day, You
A period is followed by a capital letter.
There is a space after a period and after a comma.
A comma is not followed by a capital letter.
You have all learned this stuff in elementary school.
Assuming you’re older than 12 you shouldn’t be making these obvious mistakes.
So fix them.
Issue #3: Your sentences are rambling, incoherent, nonsensical and/or
they lack any semblance of flow.
(Like a Joe Biden speech)
Good copy should flow. If you read it out loud it rolls off the tongue.
There’s a massive hint for you by the way. If you read it out loud. Reading good copy out
loud will also teach you the English language much quicker than just casually glancing over
When I see copy that doesn’t flow I know for a fact you haven’t taken the time to read it out
Look at these examples:
How I A 7 Figure Business Owner Spends My Mornings.
People who are convinced that you need to sacrifice health for wealth… and get discouraged
from starting their own.
When working less, than you do now, produces more results in your business.
secret that will make him shake with obsession.
Wake up for work in the morning, And feel miserable ?
The Secret to Actors over The Age of 50 Look So young…
What do, top-level athletes, all have in common?
take for example ronaldo he doesnt need to have motivation to win the game. all he does is
through discipline.
Peak traffic needs peak server performance, click to find out more and never miss an order
Secrets very LITTLE people know about sleep
The Best Morning Routine That No Body Talks About.
Discover these 3 used and proven life changing military tricks to fall asleep instantly.
The 5AM club, LIES…
Have you lost money in crypto? - don’t worry these millionaires has found a way to avoid 10
common mistakes
How to make getting up refreshing instead of feeling like a chore.
Words are missing. Flow isn’t there. Meaning is lost.
When this happens you lose the reader. When you lose the reader you lose the ability to
convert the reader.
Your goal is to convert the reader. So losing them is no bueno.
Look at these examples and see how well they flow despite some of them being lengthy:
A quickie “Idiot’s Guide” to consumer psychology! (Instantly understand exactly what
makes your customer tick… and learn how to tickle their “consumer hot buttons” to
the point of frenzy.)
Most copywriters never succeed because they don’t understand the business of
copywriting — here’s the one thing you MUST understand to beat the odds.
The Marketing Rebel’s “Million Dollar Bag of Tricks” — 54 proven sales-boosting
secrets straight from the trenches… where they bring in massive cash-flow, every
day, for the most successful businesses and entrepreneurs in the world!
Most people will tell you becoming a great copywriter takes 10,000 hours of hard
work… Try my recommendation on page 53 and you will prove them wrong!
How to find the head-turning hook that reels customers into your ad like crazy! (John
will show you how to be the one thing your prospect reads today that gets his blood
pumping and makes him crave what you’re selling. His adrenaline levels won’t go
down until he’s sent you money.)
What every cop knows about human nature — that immediately makes you a better
Here’s the one trick I’ve used to double my stamina in the weight room — and you
know the harder you train, the better your muscle-growth
Issue #4: Your Copy Is Jacked Up With More Steroids
Than The Entire Mr. Olympia Roster Combined
When people know their copy is weak they often try to disguise it by shooting it full of
steroids. Steroids of choice are:
!!!!!!! or !!!!?!?!??!?
Bright Shiny Colors
Insulting the reader or using curse words
Some examples:
Relax. Let the words speak for themselves.
And as a general rule it probably makes sense to not insult the reader. Unless you’re highly
skilled. In which case it’s still dicey.
Issue #5: Your fascinations are bland and weaker
than a sogging wet piece of cardboard
Fascinations should invoke a response in the reader. You want to hold their attention. Keep
them glued to the page, salivating over whatever it is you’re trying to sell.
Look at these and ask yourself how excited the average reader would get:
Imagine how it would feel to accomplish so much before lunch time
My competitors beat me here is how
On this weekday you are most productive.
Stuck growing your business?
Learn to unlock your true potential
99% of people are doing this WRONG
You don't need to overwork yourself to become successful
Looking for change ? Follow these tips
This routine will change your life
Does weight loss affect muscle mass?
Want to feel less stressed in the morning?
It is a lifetime opportunity
There’s nothing specific, exciting or special there. It’s just… meh.
Now look at these:
How to close “high ticket” deals for obscenely-large amounts of money -- even in an
ad where your prospect can’t see or hold your product!
How to nail the passionate “sweet spot” of your customer with master sales copy!
(You’ll gain instant trust because he feels you’re “just like family”.)
How to sell to more customers in a day than you could personally meet in a year!
How to write a killer headline that stops your intended audience cold! (Find the right
“trigger” words that will smack your reader in the ass and force them to drop
everything to read your ad.)
Why your fortune depends on some basic “street savvy”… and how to get it quickly
even if you’ve led the most boring life in town. (A unique secret to turning your
overlooked personality and the way people actually talk to each other into huge piles
of cash!)
Very simple tactic to double your profits overnight! (An astonishingly easy technique
well-used by smart businessmen… but ignored by 99% of other marketers!)
11 proven examples of successful advertising concepts you can use immediately (no
matter what business you’re in)… plus a Proven Template for your own mega-pulling
website! (An astonishing “how to do it yourself” shortcut map.)
See how these are actually specific and exciting to a prospect?
What you want to do is start out by studying fascination formulas. Like the ones mentioned
at the end of this document, in sprint 7 and in the 21 fascinations document.
You end up with some OK fascinations that way and then you take them to the next level by
asking yourself: ‘what would get my customer’s blood flowing?’.
Issue #6: Your fascinations are as intriguing
and mysterious as a pack of yogurt
Many of you write fascinations and give away the solution / secret / point IN the fascination.
Which takes away the entire purpose of a fascination.
Stuff like this:
Why Doing Your Work Hours Early Morning Will Make You Happier And Feel Free.
Why Working Less Will Upgrade Your Productivity And Accomplishments.
You have to wake up at 4:30 am and work 18 hours a day to start seeing growth in your
business, right? WRONG! You need the right routine.
Reach your goals and dreams by practising good morning habits
Fascinations should invoke a response in the reader. You want to hold their attention. Keep
them glued to the page, salivating over whatever it is you’re trying to sell.
Here’s an example I gave in the chat. If you’re a kid please look away now and skip this
'How I bleached my anus to albino status in 1 night'
is much better than:
'How I bleached my anus to albino status in 1 night by unloading a fire extinguisher on my
First one builds intrigue. Second one gives the solution away.
You don’t want to close the loop for your reader. Good quote from Ken McCarthy:
“Write bullets that wound, with the only remedy coming from buying the product”
Here are some excellent examples from the great John Carlton and Gary Halbert:
The mysterious force behind every dollar bill in the universe that can hook you into
an almost magical stream of cash-flow!
A spooky tactic used even by conservative, prominent and well-known business
owners. It’s the biggest “x-factor” in rapid success, completely hidden from most
How to use the ancient “Function of Seduction” secrets in your advertising to make
people desperate to open their wallets and give you money!
The amazing “lost” secret of all great salesmen and all intensely-successful wealthbuilding marketing.
The one envelope that no one in the history of civilization has ever NOT opened!
(Applying this idea to email subject lines will explode your open rates.)
FAKE COCAINE: a legal substitute that fools almost everyone!
How to sell your home faster by taking it off the market!
You’ll find many more examples at the end of this document.
Templates and Tips
Below I’ll give you some of the formulas I have collected in my own swipefile over the years
from different places.
Use these as a start, work from there.
You now have everything you need to write riveting fascinations. Now go and crush it.
Excellent document on how to write fascinations:
21 Bullet Secrets
Bullet / Fascination templates:
• How to -----• 6 ways to ______ _
• A simple method for ____ _
• How to solve _ once and for all.
• Quick and easy __ _
• The secret to --• How to _____ revealed.
• The step-by-step formula for __ _
• Insider secrets about ----• A simple technique for ___ _
• The dirty little secret about ___ _
• 7 secrets your competitors don't want you to know
about ·--• The five things you must NEVER do.
• Why almost every expert is wrong about_.
• The no-lose way to __ _
• How to quickly and easily ____ _
• The A-B-C formula for ----• The truth about --• The correct way to ___ _
• An easy cure for the _____ _
• The ONLY type of ___ you should use. Here’s why:
More Bullet / Fascination Templates:
Reveal problem, hide solution:
— Most copywriters never succeed because they don’t understand the business of
copywriting — here’s the one thing you MUST understand to beat the odds.
Make uninteresting information interesting:
— Bills it’s okay to pay late
(Famous Boardroom headline for a book on accounts payables.)
Make impersonal information personal:
— What every work-at-home copywriter must know about height-adjustable desks
(Relevant to anyone who works at a desk, but the ultra-specific audience makes it feel
Tease a story:
— One idea my company implemented that DOUBLED customer lifetime value — what
happened, and how to steal it for your business
Tease a secret:
— What every cop knows about human nature — that immediately makes you a better
Reveal a mechanism:
— My biggest secret to weight loss and management is called “Weigh every day” — I step
on the scale every morning, and then I do this (lets me eat pizza whenever I want!)…
Propose a test:
— Try this: write 15 bullets using what you learn on page 8, and if they’re not better I’ll send
you a full refund.
Increase results:
— Here’s the one trick I’ve used to double my stamina in the weight room — and you know
the harder you train, the better your muscle-growth
Decrease effort:
— Earn $50/hour copywriting income — without writing a single word.
Faster, easier, cheaper:
— Do this to make your garden bloom fuller, lusher, earlier this spring — without buying a
penny’s worth of fertilizer.
Give something a name:
— Try my “McCarthy Method” for becoming a better copywriter — details inside
Include a number:
— 7+1 quick tips for writing control-beating bullets
— Most people will tell you becoming a great copywriter takes 10,000 hours of hard work…
Try my recommendation on page 53 and you will prove them wrong!
Even More Bullets / Fascinations Templates:
– The 7-step formula that even an illiterate drop-out can use to write advertising copy 100
times more potent than the best Madison Avenue ad agency!
(Includes a number, promises specific formula, dramatizes the minimal intelligence and
writing ability needed, offers extreme comparison to Madison Avenue advertising.)
– The Real Reason people choose to buy anything — the secret truth long known by master
salesmen, sociologists and “con men” finally revealed!
(Real reason is busting myths and revealing secrets, promise implied is that you’ll be able to
get people to buy things, “con men” reference makes it feel even more powerful and maybe
a bit sneaky or illicit which even interests prudes.)
– How to use a little-known “positioning secret” to completely cancel out the superior size or
experience of your attacker! (Size and strength are meaningless when you know this secret!)
(Specificity of claim about “positioning secret” and named mechanism increase believability,
counters objection in self defense about being smaller than attacker, promises secret
Even MOOOOOAAAARRRR Bullets / Fascination templates
Gary Halbert
The 7-step formula that even an illiterate drop-out can use to write advertising copy
100 times more potent than the best Madison Avenue ad agency!
The Real Reason people choose to buy anything — the secret truth long known by
master salesmen, sociologists and “con men” finally revealed!
How to use a little-known “positioning secret” to completely cancel out the superior
size or experience of your attacker! (Size and strength are meaningless when you
know this secret!)
How to write a sales letter than will make you rich!
How you can legally tape any telephone call you get from a collection agency…
and… how to use that tape to scare the hell out of them… and… even use it (legally)
to make them pay you a big settlement!
FAKE COCAINE: A legal substitute that fools almost everyone!
Siamese twins come unglued doing double-take at Kacy blockbuster sale!
What question you must ask when you rent a car to get the lowest price humanly
What colors you must never paint your house if you want to sell it fast!
How to get a “selling edge” even 9 out of 10 real estate brokers don’t know about!
Gary Bencivenga
The easiest way to control the process of persuasion rather than merely guess at it.
You’ll learn that persuasion, like music, comes down to a few simple notes. Master
them, and you can play an infinite variety of melodies that are music to your
prospects’ ears.
You will dissolve price resistance and may even be able to double or even triple your
original price point because your product will create such white-hot demand from the
core of your market.
The best defense against being cheated in a performance-based agreement is to do
How John H. runs a weekend business that uses other people’s vacant land to rake
in as much as $10,000 profit per week. No equipment, no investment, no employees
How James P. Charges $2,000 for a simple service most businesses need, but few
people are aware of. He has so much business, he doesn’t even advertise.
You’ll learn about a unique new product that’s selling like wildfire to religious people
and gives you a 500% markup.
You’ll be given the amazing inside story of a business that requires so little of
anything, you could run it out of a phone booth. Yet it’s quietly making better than
$50,000 a year for scores of men and women.
The method for earning thousands of dollars on other people’s inventions.
Scott Haines
How to get hundreds of glowing (and true) testimonials from your customer for free…
and… what to do with them to generate even bigger profits.
Why the “back-end” letters you write (when you know Gary’s three main tricks) may
be 100 times more profitable than anything else you will ever write!
How to use a simple 36-word postcard to bring in $37.00 for every dime you spend!
A weird (but effective) way to find the mailing lists that are perfect for your
campaigns… and… how to test those lists… with out mailing a single letter!
How to write copy so it “talks-the-talk” of any group of people to whom you are
sending your sales message. This secret weapon will make even the most skeptical
of your prospects… stand in line and beg you to take their money!
The exact words you should use to write a money-back guarantee that… increases
sales… and reduces refunds!
Two proven “cures” for writer’s block. (The first one is simply doing a lot of research.
The second one is much easier… and can be found at your corner grocery store.)
How to stop a life-threatening disease in your dog… before it surfaces.
The surprising secret one California woman discovered that earned her a $10k
How turning off your cell phone in the summer time can help prevent your dog from
getting heat exhaustion.
Discover how one mom became a successful CEO – and was still able to pick her
kids up from school at 3pm every day.
Find out why this health coach’s decision to “go paleo” quadrupled her business.
How to develop new products, back-end profit centers, lead generators and repeat
business money machines in only hours.
They all laughed when I said I was going to create a profit pulling website quickly and
easily… But when I made my first sale just 4 hours later…!
10 questions that reveal “leaks” in your copy — ask these before you send it out, plug
any leaks, and it WILL increase your response.
7 simple, 5-minute tweaks that add credibility to your site, so people will be more
comfortable handing over their credit card and other personal information.
The one sentence you MUST add to your site if you want anyone to purchase
anything from you.
The one mistake that even pro golfers make that kills the power in their downstroke…
and how to use a simple, easy “adjustment” that will instantly increase your power by
200% or more!