Textile Fibers: Types, Properties & Composition

What is Fiber?
 A textile fiber is a unitvof matter, either natural or manufactured that forms
the basic elemenf of fabrics and other textile structures. It is a long thin
strand or thread of material that can be knit or woven into a fabric.
Types of fiber
There are two types of fiber (1) Natural fiber (Vegetable and Animal ) and (2)
Man-made fibers;
1. 1 Natural Fibers - Vegetable Fibers
a. Cotton - is a soft, fluffy staple fiber that grows in a boll, or protective
cases, around the seeds of the cotton plants of the genus Gossypium in
the mallow family Malvaceae.
 Longitudinal View (Appearance)
 Mature flat and ribbon-like with convolutions, thick wall and small lumen
 Immature very thin wall and a large lumen with few convolutions.
 Dead very thin and almost transparent
 Mercerized smooth and cylindrical, fewer convolutions and lumen or
sometimes may be absent
 Cross-Sectional View (Appereance)
Kidney Shaped
Very thin like a strip
Nearly round or circular
Sources of Cotton type of fiber
Sea Island Cotton
Gossypium hirsulum
Gossypium herbaceum
Gossypium arboreum
Chemical Composition of cotton fiber
 Comprised of 88% - 97% of cellulose, and waxes, proteins and pectin are
remaining constituents.
b. Linen - is a textile .made from the fibers of the flax plant. Linen is very
strong, absorbent and dries faster than cotton.
 Longitudinal View (Apperance)
 Smooth and Bamboo like with cross marking nodes, no lengthwise
striations, narrow lumen
 Cross-Sectional View ( Apperance)
 Sharp polygonal shape with straight sides. Immature oval shape with a
large lumen.
Sources of Linen Fiber
 Flax plant
Chemical Composition of Linen Fiber
56.5 % of Cellulose
15.4 % of Semi Cellulose
3.8% of Pectin
2.5 % of Lignin
c. Hemp - is a bast fiber plant similar to Flax, Kenaf, Jutev and Ramie.bItvwas
probably used first in Asia.
 Longitudinal View (Appereance)
 Smooth and cylindrical with a cross marking nodes, no lengthwise striations,
broad lumen
 Cross-Sectional View (Appereance)
 Partly polygonal
Sources of Hemp Fiber
 Stalks of the Cannabis sativa plant
Chemical Composition of Hemp Fiber
53-91% cellulose
4-18% hemicellulose
1-17% pectin
1-21% lignin
d. Jute - is a long, shiny bast fiber that can be spun into coarse, strong threads.
It is produced from flowering plants in the genus Corchorus, which is the mallow
family Malvaceae.
 Longitudinal View (Appearnce )
 Cylindrical with uneven in diameter, a lumen is broad and varies greatly
 Cross-Sectional View ( Appearance)
 Rounded polygonal with a central lumen
Sources of Jute Fiber
 Comes from the Stem and ribbon (outer skin) of the jute plant.
Chemical Composition of Jute Fiber
64.4% Cellulose
12% Hemicellulose
0.2% Pectin
11.8% Lignin
 1.1% Water soluble
 0.5% wax
 10% water
e. Ramie - is a flowring plant in the nettle family Urticaceae, native to
eastern Asia. It is a herbaceous perennial growing to 1.0 - 2.5 m tall. The
leaves are heart - shaped, 7-15 cm long.
 Longitudinal View (Apperance)
 Irregular and broad with cross marks irregular distributed, a conclusion may
 Cross-Sectional View
 Oblong
Sources of Ramie Fiber
 Comes from the stem of a nettle plant called China grass (Boehmeria
Chemical Composition
 19 - 30% of non - cellulosic gummyvmatter, consisting of pectins, waxes,
lignin and hemicellulose.
1. 2. Natural Fibres: Animal Fibres
a. Wool - Is a textile fibre obtained from sheep and other animals, including
cashmere and mohair from goats. Wool consists of protein together with a
small percentage of lipids.
 Longitudinal View ( Apperance )
 Cylindrical, irregular, rough surface, scale-like structure, dark medulla may
appear on coarse wool fibres
 Cross-Sectional View
 Nearly round or circular, medulla may appear
Sources of Wool Fiber
 Sheep
Chemical Composition of Wool Fiber
 Contains some special protein like keratin. Kerati is the main chemical
compositioj of wool.
b. Silk -Natural protein fiber, some forms of which can be woven into textiles.
 Longitudinal View (Apperance )
 Smooth surface, Structureless, triangular shaped transparent rod(Wild
silk/Tussah silk – broader fibre with fine, longitudinal lines passing across
 Cross-Sectional View
 Triangular shape with rounded corners(Tussah silk flat wedge or spindleshaped
Sources of Silk Fiber
 Domestic Silk Moth
Chemical Composition of Silk Fiber
 75% Fibroin
 0.5% Ash of Silk Fibroin
 22.5% Sericin
 1.5% Fat and wax
 0.5% Mineral Salt
2. Man-made Fibres
a. Viscose Rayon - is a semi - synthetic type of rayon fabric made from wood
pulp that is used as a silk substitute.
 Longitudinal View
 Normal type fairly dense longitudinal striations or fine lines
 Special type-may be smooth and Structure less
 Cross-Sectional View
 Irregular with a serrated outline
 Oval or round
Sources of Viscose Rayon Fiber
 Cellulose, the main constituent of plant cell walls.
Chemical Composition of Viscose Rayon
 100% Cellulose
b. Cellulose Acetate fibres - synthetic compounc derived from the
acetylation of the plant substance cellulose.
 Longitudinal View ( Appearance)
 Uniform in width with a few distinct longitudinal striations
 Cross-Sectional View
 Irregular with a serrated outline
Sources of Cellulose Acetate Fiber
 Wood pulp
Chemical Composition
 acetic acid and acetic anhydride
c. Acrylic - Acrylic fibers are synthetic fibers made from a polymer
(polyacrylonitrile) with an average molecular weight of ~100,000, about 1900
monomer units.
 Longitudinal View
 Smooth surface, uniform diameter, rod-like appearance, some types with
irregularly spaced striations
 Cross-Sectional View
 Rounded or Dumbbell shaped
Sources of Acrylic Fiber
 Petrolum Product
Chemical Composition
 85% acrylonitrile monomer.
d. Polyester - Polyester is a category of polymers that contain the ester
functional group in every repeat unit of their main chain. As a specific material, it
most commonly refers to a type called polyethylene terephthalate
 Longitudinal View
 Structureless, uniform diameter, rod-like appearance
 Cross-Sectional View
 Circular
Sources of Polyester
 Petroleum Product
Chemical Composition
 composed at least 85% by weight of an ester of a dihydric alcohol (HOROH)
and terephthalic acid (p–HOOC–C6H4COOH)
e. Nylon - Nylon fabric is a synthetic material made from petrochemicals. It's
known for incredible strength, durability, and exceptional elasticity. Also known
as polyamide fabric, nylon is used for outerwear and bulletproof vests. With a
high water resistance, nylon is the number one choice for swimwear.
 Longitudinal View
 Structureless, uniform diameter, rod-like appearance
 Cross-Sectional View
 Circular
Sources of Nylon fiber
 Petrochemicals
Chemical Composition Of Nylon
 poly(p-phenylene benzobisoxazole) (PBO)