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21 Day Meditation Challenge: Day 1

21 days meditation challenge: day 1
Start the practice of meditation by committing to 10 minutes daily practice.
Each day you will find a different theme to meditate upon.
If you are new to the mediation practice, you will learn some basic techniques of
meditation and if you are already doing the meditation this will reinforce your
meditation practice.
Awareness is the key to success. Remember the 7 basics of meditation.
1. Posture.
2. Position of eyes.
3. Withdraw the mind from external disturbances.
4. Observe the breath.
5. Use some meditation technique.
6. Use imagination
7. Regularity (even 5 minutes twice daily)
Welcome to day 1 of 21 days meditation challenge
Let us start the practice of meditation by committing ourselves to 10 minutes of daily
Each day you will find a different theme to meditate upon.
If you are new to the meditation practice, you will learn some basic techniques of meditation
and if you are already doing the meditation this will reinforce your meditation practice.
Awareness is the key to success. Remember the 7 essential basics of meditation.
1. Posture. Make sure that you are comfortably relaxed with spine straight feet flat on floor
and your chin parallel to the floor.
2. Position of eyes. You may keep your eyes closed with the attention focused at the point
between the eyebrows or you can keep your eyes half open with relaxed gaze looking
down and in front of you.
3. Withdraw the mind from external disturbances. Let go of all the worries, tension
or concerns related to your work or family problems during this duration of 10 minutes.
4. Observe the breath. No need to control. No need to regulate, just be with the breath. As
you breath in, say to yourself mentally, I know I am breathing in and as you breathe out,
say to yourself, I know I am breathing out. If the thoughts come as they will always
come, just observe them as the clouds pass by. Gently bring your attention to the
breath. Be with the breath all along, wherever you notice, in the nostrils, in the throat,
in the chest or in the abdomen.
5. Use some meditation techniques. We will use the So ham mantra today. So, hum is a
Sanskrit mantra which means “I am that” meaning identifying oneself with the universe
or ultimate reality.
6. Use imagination
7. Regularity (even 5 minutes twice daily)