Review Determination of Nutrition Risk and Status in Critically Ill Patients: What Are Our Considerations? Zheng-Yii Lee, MSc1,2 Nutrition in Clinical Practice Volume 00 Number 0 xxx 2018 1–16 C 2018 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition DOI: 10.1002/ncp.10214 ; and Daren K. Heyland, MD, MSc, FRCPC3 Abstract The stress catabolism state predisposes critically ill patients to a high risk of malnutrition. This, coupled with inadequate or delayed nutrition provision, will lead to further deterioration of nutrition status. Preexisting malnutrition and iatrogenic underfeeding are associated with increased risk of adverse complications. Therefore, accurate detection of patients who are malnourished and/or with high nutrition risk is important for timely and optimal nutrition intervention. Various tools have been developed for nutrition screening and assessment for hospitalized patients, but not all are studied or validated in critically ill populations. In this review article, we consider the pathophysiology of malnutrition in critical illness and the currently available literature to develop recommendations for nutrition screening and assessment. We suggest the use of the (modified) Nutrition Risk in the Critically Ill (mNUTRIC) for nutrition risk screening and the subjective global assessment (SGA) together with other criteria relevant to the critically ill patients, such as gastrointestinal function, risk of aspiration, determination of sarcopenia and frailty, and risk of refeeding syndrome for nutrition assessment. Further research is needed to identify suitable nutrition monitoring indicators to determine the response to the provision of nutrition. (Nutr Clin Pract. 2018;00:1–16) Keywords critical illness; inflammation; malnutrition; nutrition assessment; nutrition status; risk assessment; screening Introduction In critically ill patients, nutrition status is closely linked with clinical outcomes. However, determination of nutrition status in critically ill patients is not a straightforward process. Recognizing the role of inflammation in affecting the nutrition status of a patient, Jensen et al1 proposed a concept to define malnutrition based on etiologies. This concept divides malnutrition into the following 2 main etiologies: pure starvation without disease (starvation-related malnutrition) and disease-related malnutrition associated with variable degree of inflammation (chronic diseaserelated and acute disease or injury-related malnutrition).1 This conceptual model was later adopted by the consensus between the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics (AND) and the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) for the diagnosis of malnutrition (ANDASPEN Consensus).2 The discussion of this article will focus on the definition of acute disease or injury-related malnutrition. Based on the pathophysiology of malnutrition in critical illness and the current available studies, considerations for nutrition screening and assessment of critically ill patients are discussed and suitable tools are suggested. Pathophysiology of Malnutrition in Critically Ill Patients The pathophysiology of malnutrition during critical illness can be viewed from at least the following 2 main perspectives: stress catabolism and inadequate nutrition intake. In the early phase of critical illness, catabolic hormones (such as glucagon, cortisol, and catecholamines) are From the 1 Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia; 2 Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; and the 3 Department of Critical Care Medicine, Queen’s University and Clinical Evaluation Research Unit, Kingston General Hospital, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Financial disclosures: None declared. Conflicts of interest: None declared. This article originally appeared online on xxxx 0, 2018. Corresponding Author: Zheng-Yii Lee, MSc, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia. Email: 2 secreted to mobilize body nutrition reserves (muscle and adipose tissue) for the generation of endogenous energy substrate (glucose, amino acids, and free-fatty acids) and to prioritize the delivery of these energy substrates to vital organs such as the brain or the heart.3,4 At the same time, proinflammatory cytokines such as Interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor-α are also secreted in response to the body’s acute insult and further exaggerate the catabolism process.4 During such inflammatory states, the provision of nutrition is not able to completely reverse the loss of body cell mass.3 Such conditions predispose critically ill patients to a high risk of malnutrition (loss of body cell mass to a critical level), and the risk of complications is significantly increased if malnutrition ensues.5 At this stage, the priority is to provide nutrition support to support vital organ system functions and preserve appropriate host responses while the underlying disease is treated.6 Although the disease process has tremendous impact on the nutrition status of critically ill patients, depending on the patients’ history, the patients may already have features of malnutrition with a reduced or restricted food intake long before intensive care unit (ICU) admission due to the underlying chronic conditions (such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer, or chronic renal failure) or have reduced intake from a hospital stay prior to ICU adminssion.6,7 Moreover, in the ICU, the patients may continue to have restricted nutrition intake and thus they may experience prolonged fasting or frequent feeding interruptions due to various ICU procedures.8 These 2 factors, preexisting malnutrition and iatrogenic underfeeding, may further complicate the nutrition status and worsen clinical outcomes. Nutrition Risk Screening ASPEN defined nutrition screening as “a process to identify an individual who is malnourished or who is at risk for malnutrition to determine if a detailed nutrition assessment is indicated.”9 In the critically ill patient, the stress catabolism process associated with the degree of inflammation (which is closely linked with disease severity) requires nutrition screening that considers nutrition risk in the context of disease severity and clinical outcomes.5 Nutrition screening in this context therefore “refers to the risk of acquiring complications and other forms of adverse outcome that might have been prevented by timely and adequate nutrition support.”5 The nutrition risk screening tool must be able to identify the patients who are most likely to benefit from more adequate nutrition provision.10,11 Because the pathophysiology of malnutrition is closely linked with the underlying inflammatory status, the scoring system must include variables related to the metabolic state and disease severity.5 The following 2 nutrition risk screening tools in the literature have such characteristics: the Nutrition Risk Screening Nutrition in Clinical Practice 00(0) 2002 (NRS-2002)10 and the Nutrition Risk in the Critically Ill (NUTRIC;11 Appendixes 1 and 2). The NRS-2002 was developed from an analysis of controlled trials and included recent dietary intake, weight loss, disease severity, and age to identify patients’ nutrition risks.10 A score of 3 is considered to be high nutrition risk. It has been shown to have good predictive validity in various hospitalized patients,12,13 but not in critically ill patients. Furthermore, the automatic classification of patients with an Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score of 10 to high nutrition risk render most ICU patients to be classified as high risk. Furthermore, the utility of variables such as recent food intake and weight change may be limited due to data unavailability or inaccuracy. The NUTRIC score was developed in studies of critically ill patient populations and has been validated in many observational studies from different countries.11,14-23 As IL-6 is not routinely performed in most ICUs in the world, the modified-NUTRIC (mNUTRIC) score without IL-6 was proposed and revalidated.14 However, one of the major limitations of the NUTRIC/mNUTRIC score is the absence of classical nutrition variables such as recent food intake and weight change. The ASPEN/Society of Critical Care Medicine guidelines suggest the use of either the NRS-2002 or NUTRIC/mNUTRIC for the nutrition screening of a critically ill patient.24 However, the NUTRIC/mNUTRIC score may be a more suitable nutrition risk screening tool than the NRS-2002 based on the following reasons: 1. The NUTRIC/mNUTRIC score was developed in the critically ill patient population with a clear conceptual model based on the etiology-based malnutrition definition proposed by the AND-ASPEN consensus and considered variables for starvation (acute and chronic), inflammation (acute and chronic), age, disease severity, and organ dysfunction.11 2. The absence of classical nutrition variables such as weight change and recent food intake was due to the difficulty in obtaining such variables in ICU patients. During the initial development study of the NUTRIC score, >70% of the data from these variables were unable to be obtained. Moreover, the inclusion of the available data from these variables were not predictive of the outcome (28-day mortality), and therefore they were eliminated from the final statistical model.11 Even if these variables were obtained, the accuracy of this information may not be verifiable. 3. The variables in the final model of the NUTRIC/ mNUTRIC score correlate well with the pathophysiology of malnutrition presented previously, whereby the degree of inflammation is a more determining Lee and Heyland factor of nutrition risk especially during the acute phase of critical illness and hence the use of the disease severity (Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II) and organ failure scoring (sequential organ failure assessment) is reasonable. 4. The variables “number of comorbidities” considered chronic inflammation and “days from hospital to ICU admission” considered iatrogenic reduced or restricted food intake that occurred before ICU admission. In our opinion, both of these variables are more objective and include the possibility of long-term and short-term reduced food intake and recent weight loss. 5. The NUTRIC/mNUTRIC score has been shown in various critically ill populations to have good predictive validity for clinical outcomes, although the discriminative ability is of fair level (Table 1).11,14-16,20-23 Various observational studies in different populations have also shown that clinical outcomes are modified by nutrition adequacy depending on the risk status of the patients (Table 1).11,14,16-19 The NUTRIC/mNUTRIC score remains to be prospectively tested in a randomized controlled trial. There have been inconsistent results from post hoc analyses of prospective randomized trials. In one trial, similar clinical outcomes were demonstrated between patients with high and low nutrition risk regardless of the nutrition provision.25 Although the subgroup analysis of another pilot randomized trial demonstrated a trend toward lower ICU and hospital mortality among patients with mNUTRIC 5 who received greater energy and protein delivery by supplemental parenteral nutrition (albeit not significant, P = .19), such a trend was not observed in patients with mNUTRIC <5.26 Future trials that focus on enrolling patients with high nutrition risk may be able to provide a more definitive answer on whether the mNUTRIC score can modify the relationship between nutrition adequacy and clinical outcomes. 3 2 of the 6 characteristics is recommended for the diagnosis of malnutrition.2 The criteria to diagnose moderate or severe malnutrition in the context of acute illness or injury is shown in Appendix 3. One recent prospective study in critically ill patients has found that patients who were malnourished as determined by the AND-ASPEN consensus criteria had 2.5 times higher hospital mortality risk than their nonmalnourished counterparts.28 Besides the AND-ASPEN consensus criteria, another potential nutrition assessment tool is the subjective global assessment (SGA), initially developed to predict postoperative outcomes.29 The SGA incorporated weight change, recent food intake, gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, functional capacity, subcutaneous fat loss, muscle loss, and fluid status for the diagnosis of moderate (SGA class B) or severe malnutrition (SGA class C; Appendix 4). In fact, the criteria used for assessment between the SGA and the ANDASPEN consensus are notably similar. Nevertheless, the SGA has been widely studied in the critical care setting. A recent systematic review has identified at least 10 studies that used the SGA in critically ill patients.30 Among the 5 studies rated as high quality, SGA class B or C when compared with SGA class A were associated with increased hospital mortality, longer ICU length of stay, increased risk of new infection and ICU readmission, and increased percentage of patients discharged to nursing home.30 Therefore, the SGA may be more favorable than the AND-ASPEN consensus criteria for the nutrition assessment of critically ill patients. However, both the SGA and the AND-ASPEN consensus criteria have at least the following limitations: 1. 2. 3. Nutrition Assessment Nutrition assessment has a different role from nutrition screening. As discussed previously, nutrition screening determines the nutrition risk of a patient, and in this context, the risk of acquiring complications as a consequence of failure of optimal nutrition provision. In contrast, nutrition assessment is a formal evaluation of patient nutrition status by a trained healthcare professional, usually a dietitian, and results in a nutrition-related diagnosis.27 The AND-ASPEN consensus statement proposes the characteristics and criteria for the diagnosis of malnutrition (undernutrition), which are the following: energy intake, weight change over time, subcutaneous fat loss, muscle loss, fluid accumulation, and handgrip strength.2 A minimum of 4. 5. They were not developed in critically ill populations and therefore lack variables relevant for critically ill patients. They have failed to incorporate the severity of acute illness and criteria associated with stress metabolism.31 They are not “responsive enough” to changes within a relatively shorter time duration and thus are not helpful in assessing whether nutrition provided is optimal, hindering effective nutrition monitoring and evaluation.32 Critically ill patients are often unconscious and therefore weight and food history are either not available or obtained from family member.11 Although 1 feasibility study reported that weight and food history can be obtained in 54.5% and 76.4% of the ICU patients, respectively,33 the accuracy of the information provided (especially by proxy) may not be verifiable. Required subjective clinical interpretation and therefore training is needed especially among nonexperts.27 4 401 2853 190 368 Singapore Worldwide 202 ICU Malaysia Taiwan Argentina Mukhopa-dhyay et al, 201616 Compher et al, 201717 Lee et al, 201718 Hsu et al, 201819 Moretti et al, 201420 154 1199 40 ICU in Europe & North America Rahman et al, 201514 N 597 Country Canada Observational studies Heyland et al, 201111 Author - Adult - MV >24 hours - Age 65 - MV 48 hours - Age 18 - MV within 48 hours of ICU admission - Stay 72 hours in the ICU - Age 18 and MV - Stay in ICU 4 days (n = 2853), 12 days (n = 1605) - Medical ICU - Age 18 - MV 48 hours (n = 273) - Stay 24 hours in the ICU - Age 18 and MV - Multiorgan failure - Expected ICU LOS >5 days - Age 18 - Stay 24 hours in the ICU Population Total: 1–9 / 1–10 (use CRP for IL-6) - Low risk: 0–4/0-5 - High risk: 5–9/6-10 Total: 1–9 - Low risk: 0–4 - High risk: 5–9 Total: 1–9 - Low risk: 0–5 - High risk: 6–9 Total: 1–9 - Low risk: 0–4 - High risk: 5–9 Total: 1–9 - Low risk: 0–4 - High risk: 5–9 Total: 1–9 - Low risk: 0–5 - High risk: 6–9 Total: 1–10 - Low risk: 0–5 - High risk: 6–10 Score - aROC for mortality: 0.671 - If substitute IL-6 with CRP, aROC: 0.679 – – – - aROC for 28-day mortality: 0.71 - Se & Sp: 72% & 63% - aROC for 28-day mortality: 0.648 - aROC for 28-day mortality: 0.783 Discriminative Performance (continued) Yes. High risk: energy adequacy of 80% was a/w ↓ ICU and hospital mortality than <80%;; protein adequacy of 80% was a/w ↓ hospital mortality than <80% – Yes. Low risk: E & protein adequacy 2/3 of requirement was a/w ↑ 60-day mortality by about 6 times Yes. High risk: ↑ E & protein was a/w ↓ 60-day mortality & time to discharge alive Yes. High risk: ↑ nutrition adequacy was a/w ↓ 28-d mortality (P < .001) Yes. High risk: each 25% ↑ in % of energy received was a/w ↓ 6-month mortality by 18% (P < .05) Yes. High risk: ↑ nutrition adequacy was a/w ↓ 28-day mortality (P = .01) Do nutrition intervention modify the association between risk score and clinical outcomes? Table 1. NUTRIC/mNUTRIC: Discriminative Performance and Whether Nutrition Interventions Modify the Association Between Risk Score and Clinical Outcomes. 5 894 Randomized controlled trial Saudi Arabia Arabi et al, 201725 & Canada - Age >18 - Acute respiratory failure - Start EN within 48 hours - BMI <25 or >35 Total: 1–9 - Low risk: 0–4 - High risk: 5–9 Total: 1–9 - Low risk: 0–4 - High risk: 5–9 Total: 1–9 - Low risk: 0–4 - High risk: 5–9 - Age 18 - MV within 24 hours of ICU - Age 18 - Start EN within 48 hours - Expected to stay 72 hours in the ICU Total: 1–9 - Low risk: 0–4 - High risk: 5–9 Total: 1–9 - Low risk: 0–4 - High risk: 5–9 Total: 1–9 - Low risk: 0–4 - High risk: 5–9 Score - Adult - Required MV for >48 hours - Adult 18 - ICU LOS 24 hours - Adult - ICU LOS >72 hours Population – - aROC for 28-day mortality: 0.768 - aROC for MV >2 days: 0.666 - aROC for mortality: 0.642 - PPV, NPV, Se & Sp for mortality: 47.4%, 68.9%, 41.5%, 73.8%, respectively - aROC for hospital mortality: 0.66 - aROC for 28-day mortality: 0.718 Discriminative Performance Yes. High risk: ↑ nutrition adequacy by SPN was a/w a not significant trend toward reduced ICU and hospital mortality (P = .19) No. Similar outcomes between higher and lower energy delivery regardless of NUTRIC score – – – – Do nutrition intervention modify the association between risk score and clinical outcomes? ↑ = increased, ↓ = decreased/reduced. a/w, associated with; aROC, area under the receiver operating characteristics curve; BMI, body mass index; CRP, C-reactive protein; E, energy; EN, enteral nutrition; ICU, intensive care unit; IL-6, Interleukin-6; LOS, length of stay; MV, mechanically ventilated; mNUTRIC, Modified-NUTRIC; NPV, negative predictive value; NUTRIC, Nutrition Risk in the Critically Ill; PPV, positive predictive value; Se, sensitivity; Sp, specificity; SPN; supplemental parenteral nutrition. 125 475 Netherlands de Vries et al, 201815 Canada, United States, Belgium, and France 678 India Kalaiselvan et al, 201723 Wischmeyer et al, 201826 439 Singapore Lew et al, 201722 1143 N Portugal Country Mendes et al, 201721 Author Table 1. (continued) 6 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 00(0) Table 2. Gastrointestinal Symptoms That May Be Indicative of Gastrointestinal Dysfunction. Gastrointestinal Symptom High GRV Vomiting/ regurgitation Diarrhea Bowel distension GI bleeding Intra-abdominal hypertension Abdominal compartment syndrome Definition Maximum GRV >500 mL at least once Visible vomiting or regurgitation in any amount Loose or liquid stool 3 or more times per day (diagnosis may also be based on the King’s Stool Charta ) Suspected or radiologically confirmed bowel dilatation in any bowel segment Visible appearance of blood in vomits, nasogastric aspirate, or stool Mean intra-abdominal pressure of the day 12 mmHg Mean intra-abdominal pressure 20 mmHg with new organ dysfunction or failure, with intra-abdominal pressure measured in the supine position with zero-point at mid axillary line with a maximal instillation volume of 25 mL GRV, gastric residual volume. Adapted from Reintam Blaser A, Poeze M, Malbrain ML, Bjorck M, Oudemans-van Straaten HM, Starkopf J. Gastrointestinal symptoms during the first week of intensive care are associated with poor outcome: a prospective multicentre study. Intensive Care Med. 2013;39(5):899-909. s00134-013-2831-1.34 a Whelan K, Judd PA, Preedy VR, Taylor MA. Covert assessment of concurrent and construct validity of a chart to characterize fecal output and diarrhea in patients receiving enteral nutrition. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2008;32(2):160-168. 0148607108314769 Besides the use of the SGA or the AND-ASPEN consensus criteria for nutrition assessment, there are many other criteria relevant to ICU patients that a dietitian needs to consider during the nutrition assessment process. The ASPEN/Society of Critical Care Medicine guidelines suggest an evaluation of comorbid conditions, function of the GI tract, and risk of aspiration as part of nutrition assessment.24 However, no further explanation or more specific variables were provided. It is indeed useful to consider the current diagnosis as well as the comorbid conditions of the patients to evaluate the degree and duration of inflammation as well as the possible duration of inadequate nutrition intake. In fact, the NUTRIC/mNUTRIC score has the number of comorbidities as one of its variables. The variables to evaluate GI tract function may be adopted from the study of Reintam Blaser et al.34 This prospective multicenter observational study found that GI symptoms including high gastric residual volume, vomiting or regurgitation, diarrhea, bowel distension, GI bleeding, and abdominal compartment syndrome (Table 2) were predictive of 28-day mortality, and the occurrence of 3 or more coincident GI symptoms was associated with higher 28-day mortality.34 In critically ill patients with enteral nutrition, the risk factors of aspiration include a documented previous episode of aspiration, reduced level of consciousness (continuous infusion of sedatives or increased intracranial pressure), vomiting, persistently high gastric residual volume, and being fed in supine position and/or having increased risk of delayed gastric emptying (hyperglycemia, electrolyte abnormalities, use of drugs known to reduce gastric emptying).35 The potential use of various technologies for the assessment of body composition such as computed tomography (CT), ultrasound, and bioelectrical impedance analysis has been explored in various studies in recent years.36 Skeletal muscle quality revealed by CT scan at the third lumbar vertebra was associated with mortality in critically ill patients.37-39 However, CT scans are costly, require transfer to a radiology unit, and involve a dose of radiation that limits its usage to patients for whom CT is ordered for other clinical reasons. The measurement of quadricep muscle layer thickness by ultrasound in the ICU also showed promising results.40,41 Serial ultrasound measurement of the rectus femoris cross-sectional area has shown that muscle mass decreases continuously from ICU admission to almost one-fifth of baseline at day 10 of an ICU stay.42 Low fatfree mass as indicated by low phase angle or high impedance ratio obtained by bioelectrical impedance analysis measurement has also been shown to be associated with mortality and time-discharge alive among the critically ill patients.43,44 However, the routine use of such body composition analysis techniques may be impractical in the mechanically ventilated critically ill population. Fluid and electrolyte abnormalities commonly seen in critically ill patients will influenced the accuracy of bioelectrical impedance analysis, and further research is needed to define the optimal way to conduct ultrasound measurement for a better reliability and validity in the ICU.36 Because low skeletal muscle mass is associated with poor clinical outcomes in the ICU and traditional imaging methods are impractical or not yet validated, alternative measures to diagnosing low skeletal muscle mass may be needed.37-39 The SARC-F is a simple and validated questionnaire used to determine sarcopenia (Appendix 5).45,46 As the main feature of sarcopenia is the loss of muscle mass (and strength),47 the SARC-F may be useful to identify patients with low skeletal muscle mass before ICU admission. As sarcopenia is commonly associated with frailty,48 frailty can also be measured by using the Clinical Frailty Scale (Appendix 6).49 In a systematic review and meta-analysis, 7 of the 10 included studies used the Clinical Frailty Scale to measure frailty. The presence of frailty in the ICU was found to be associated with increased mortality and reduced likelihood to be discharged home.50 It is most likely that sarcopenic and frail patients had poor nutrition status and warrant a more attentive nutrition intervention.47,50 Lee and Heyland 7 Table 3. Comparison of Variables Used by Nutrition Risk Screening and Assessment Tools. Nutrition Risk Screening Tools NA Components FH FH FH AD AD BD PD PD PD PD PD CH CH Clinical Clinical Variables Recent food intake GI symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia) Days in hospital before ICU admission (acute starvation) Current weight Weight change IL-6 or CRPa (acute inflammation) Subcutaneous fat loss Muscle loss Fluid status Muscle strength (handgrip) Functional capacity Number of comorbidities (chronic inflammation) Age APACHE II (disease severity) SOFA (organ dysfunction) NUTRIC NA Tools NRS-2002 SGA AND-ASPEN √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √b √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ AD, anthropometric data; AND-ASPEN, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics-American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition criteria; APACHE II, acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II; BD, biochemical data, medical test and procedures; CH; client history; CRP, C-reactive protein; FH, food and nutrition-related history; GI, gastrointestinal; ICU, intensive care unit; IL-6, Interleukin-6; NA, nutrition assessment; NRS-2002, Nutrition Risk Screening-2002; NUTRIC; Nutrition Risk in the Critically Ill; PD, nutrition-focused physical findings; SGA, Subjective Global Assessment; SOFA, sequential organ failure assessment. a Moretti et al, 2014.20 b Not required in modified-NUTRIC. Suggestions for Nutrition Screening and Assessment for Critically Ill Patients The AND has developed the Nutrition Care Process, which includes nutrition assessment, nutrition diagnosis, nutrition intervention, and nutrition monitoring and evaluation to guide and standardize dietetic practice.51 In the Nutrition Care Process, nutrition assessment consists of 5 components, which are food and nutrition-related history; anthropometric data; biochemical data, medical test, and procedures; nutrition-focused physical findings; and client history.51 The variables used by the NUTRIC, NRS-2002, SGA, and AND-ASPEN as part of the components of nutrition assessment are summarized in Table 3. As severity of disease plays a major role in the pathophysiology of malnutrition, a clinical component is added to the 5 original components. From the table, it is observed that the variables for the NUTRIC score and the SGA are mutually exclusive (variables used by the NUTRIC are not used by the SGA and vice versa). Therefore, both tools complement each other well for the nutrition risk screening and assessment of critically ill patients. A recent study in 439 critically ill patients showed that the discriminative ability of a combination of tools on hospital mortality is better (area under the receiver operating characteristics curve [aROC], 0.70) when compared with either a single tool (aROC for mNUTRIC, 0.66; aROC for SGA, 0.61).22 When compared with patients who had low nutrition risk or were not malnourished, an mNUTRIC score of 5 and SGA classification of B or C increased hospital mortality by 14.4 times, whereas hospital mortality was increased by 5.3 times and 4.3 times if only the mNUTRIC or SGA were used alone, respectively.22 Another study also found that patients who were classified as high nutrition risk (by the mNUTRIC) and malnourished (SGA) had the longest hospital and ICU length of stay and were more likely to require additional rehabilitation after discharge from the ICU.52 The improvement of discriminative ability for 28-day mortality cannot be demonstrated when the mNUTRIC was used in combination with the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool, whereas the aROC used in combination resulted in a lower discriminative ability and was lower than when the mNUTRIC was used alone (0.679 vs 0.768).15 Therefore, a complete nutrition evaluation for a critically ill patient may include the use of the NUTRIC/mNUTRIC score for nutrition risk screening and the SGA and other relevant criteria for ICU patients (such as GI tract function 8 and risk of aspiration) for nutrition assessment. The use of AND-ASPEN consensus criteria may also be feasible given the almost similar criteria with the SGA. However, the SGA is more favorable as it is well studied in the critically ill population. In addition, the SGA does not require a handgrip dynamometer, which may not be available in a resourcelimited setting. ICU patients may also be unconscious or too weak to perform test for handgrip strength. In addition, the cut off values of the variables were defined arbitrarily. More studies are needed before a stronger recommendation for its use in the critically ill patients can be made. The incorporation of body composition analysis for nutrition assessment is an added advantage if feasible. The use of simple questionnaires to identify patients with sarcopenia and/or frailty before ICU admission may also help to determine potential patients with low skeletal muscle mass and poor nutrition status. The monitoring of the response to nutrition intervention may be a more difficult task as most of the nutrition variables are not responsive enough to assess whether nutrition provided is optimal.32 However, electrolyte level (such as phosphorus and potassium) need to be monitored frequently during the initial stage of nutrition provision to detect potential occurrence of refeeding syndrome so that calorie intake can be adjusted accordingly.53 Future studies may monitor the clinical response to treatment such as level of inotropes, dose of insulin needed for glycemic control, ventilator setting, wound healing, and physical functioning as potential indicators for optimal nutrition therapy. Ferrie and Tsang54 suggested the use of fatigue scoring and functional tests (such as handgrip strength and forced expiratory volume in 1 second) in conscious patients and the use of bedside ultrasound for unconscious patients as potential nutrition monitoring indicators in the ICU, which remains to be tested in a prospective randomized trial. It must be noted that currently there is no gold standard for the diagnosis of malnutrition, and therefore it is necessary to exercise appropriate clinical judgment based on individual patient responses for the determination of optimal nutrition provision. Conclusion The detection of nutrition risk and diagnosis of malnutrition in critically ill patients are not a simple and straightforward processes. They involve consideration of the pathophysiology of malnutrition and the use of accurate and responsive indicators to measure nutrition status. Despite their inherent limitations, the NUTRIC/mNUTRIC score and SGA may be the current best available tools for the evaluation of nutrition risk and diagnosis of malnutrition, respectively. Other assessment criteria relevant to ICU patients such as GI function, risk of aspiration, and the determination of sarcopenia and frailty may also be useful for a more complete assessment. Nutrition in Clinical Practice 00(0) Monitoring of serum phosphorus and potassium level after the commencement of nutrition support is needed for early detection of potential refeeding syndrome. A validated nutrition monitoring indicator that is responsive to short-term nutrition therapy is still lacking in the critical care setting, and further research is warranted. Statement of Authorship Z.-Y. Lee contributed to conception/design of the research; Z.-Y. Lee and D. K. Heyland contributed to acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of the data; Z.-Y. Lee drafted the manuscript; Z.-Y. Lee and D. K. Heyland critically revised the manuscript; and Z.-Y. Lee and D. K. Heyland agree to be fully accountable for ensuring the integrity and accuracy of the work. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. References 1. Jensen GL, Mirtallo J, Compher C, et al. Adult starvation and disease-related malnutrition: a proposal for etiology-based diagnosis in the clinical practice setting from the International Consensus Guideline Committee. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2010;34(2):156-159. 2. White J, Guenter P, Jensen G, Malone A, Schofield M. Consensus statement: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition: characteristics recommended for the identification and documentation of adult malnutrition (undernutrition). JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2012;36(3):275-283. 3. Jensen GL. Inflammation as the key interface of the medical and nutrition universes: a provocative examination of the future of clinical nutrition and medicine. 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If the answer is yes to any of these four questions, the formal screening in the table is carried out Impaired nutritional status Severity of Illness (stress metabolism) Absent Score 0 Normal nutritional status Absent Score 0 Normal nutritional requirements Mild Score 1 • Weight loss >5% in 3 months or • Food intake below 50–75% of normal requirement in preceding week Mild Score 1 Moderate Score 2 • Weight loss >5% in 2 months or BMI 18.5 – 20.5 + impaired general condition or Food intake below 25 – 50% of normal requirement in preceding week Moderate Score 2 • Hip fracture • Chronic patients in particular with acute complications: cirrhosis, COPD • Chronic haemodialysis • Diabetes • Oncology • Major abdominal surgery. • Stroke • Severe pneumonia • Hematologic malignancy Weight loss >5% in 1 month ( > 15% in 3 months) or BMI <18.5 + impaired general condition or Food intake below 0 – 25% of normal requirement in preceding week Severe Score 3 • • Severe Score 3 • • • Score • Head injury • Bone marrow transplantation • Intensive care patients (APACHE 10) Score Total Score (b) Calculate the total score: i. Find score (0–3) for Impaired nutritional status (only one: choose the variable with highest score) and Severity of disease (stress metabolism, i.e. increase in nutritional requirements). ii. Add the two scores (→ total score) iii. If age 70 years: add 1 to the total score to correct for frailty of elderly iv. If age-corrected total 3: start nutritional support 12 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 00(0) 2) The NUTRIC and the Modified NUTRIC Score Variable Range Points Age (year) <50 50 – 74 75 <15 15 – 19 20 – 28 28 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 <6 6–9 10 0 1 2 0–1 2 0 – <1 1 0 – <400 400 0 1 0 1 0 1 Acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II (APACHE II) Sequential organ-failure assessment (SOFA) Number of Comorbidities Days from hospital to ICU admission Interleukin-6 (IL-6) (pg/ml) NUTRIC Score Scoring System (With IL-6) Sum of points Category Explanation 6 – 10 High Score 0–5 Low Score • Associated with worse clinical outcome (mortality, ventilation) • These patients are the most likely to benefit from aggressive nutrition therapy • These patients have a low malnutrition risk Modified-NUTRIC Score Scoring System (Without IL-6) Sum of points Category Explanation 5–9 High Score 0–4 Low Score • Associated with worse clinical outcome (mortality, ventilation) • These patients are the most likely to benefit from aggressive nutrition therapy • These patients have a low malnutrition risk (Adapted from Accessed on 1st April, 2018) Lee and Heyland 13 3) The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (AND-ASPEN) Consensus for the Diagnosis of Malnutrition in the Context of Acute Illness or Injury Clinical Characteristics 1) Energy Intake 2) Weight change over time (note for under- or overhydration) *Usual weight should be used as the baseline weight Moderate Severe <75% of estimated ER for >7days 50% of estimated ER for 5 days % 1–2 5 7.5 % >2 >5 >7.5 Time 1 week 1 month 3 months 3) Loss of subcutaneous fat (eg, orbital, triceps, fat overlying the ribs) Mild Time 1 week 1 month 3 months Moderate 4) Muscle Loss (eg, wasting of the temples [temporalis muscle], clavicles [pectoralis and deltoids], shoulders [deltoids], interosseous muscles, scapula [latissimus dorsi, trapezious, deltoids], thigh [quadriceps], and calf [gastrocnemius]) 5) Fluid Accumulation (Generalized or localized [extremities, vulvar/scrotal edema, or ascites]) 6) Reduced grip strength (Refer normative standard by the device manufacturer) Mild Moderate Mild Moderate to Severe NA Measurably reduced A minimum of 2 of the 6 characteristics above is recommended for diagnosis of either severe or nonsevere malnutrition 14 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 00(0) 4) Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) A. History 1. Weight change Overall loss in past 6 months: Change in past 2 weeks: 2 Amount = % loss = Increase No change Decrease kg kg Dietary Intake change (relative to normal) No Change Change Duration Weeks = Type Suboptimal solid diet Hypocaloric liquids Full liquid Starvation 3 Gastrointestinal symptoms (that persisted for >2 weeks) None Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea Anorexia 4 Functional Capacity No Dysfunction Dysfunction Duration Weeks = Type Working suboptimally Ambulatory Bedridden 5 Disease and its relation to nutritional requirements Primary Diagnosis (Specify): Metabolic Demand (Stress) No stress Low stress Moderate stress High stress B. Physical (for each trait specify: 0 = normal, 1+ = mild 2+ = moderate, 3+ = severe) Loss of subcutaneous fat (triceps, biceps, under the eyes) Muscle wasting (temple, clavicle, shoulder, scapula/ribs, quadriceps, calf, knee, interosseous muscle) Ankle edema Sacral edema Ascites C. SGA rating (select one) Well Nourished (A) Moderately (or suspected of being) malnourished (B) Severely Malnourished (C) Lee and Heyland 15 5) SARC-F Component Question Scoring Strength How much difficulty do you have in lifting and carrying 10 pounds (4.5 kilogram) ? Assistance in walking How much difficulty do you have walking across a room? Rise from a chair How much difficulty do you have transferring from a chair or bed? Climb stairs How much difficulty do you have climbing a flight of 10 stairs? Falls How many times have you fallen in the past year? None = 0 Some = 1 A lot or unable = 2 None = 0 Some = 1 A lot, use aids, or unable = 2 None = 0 Some = 1 A lot or unable without help = 2 None = 0 Some = 1 A lot or unable = 2 None = 0 1–3 falls = 1 4 or more falls = 2 16 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 00(0) 6) Clinical Frailty Scale Please consider the participant’s overall condition 2 weeks prior to this admission to hospital. How fit or frail was s/he at that time point? Check one response only. If you have trouble deciding between two options, choose the higher functioning level.