TH2203 Performance Task: Case Study Presentation Learning Objectives: By the end of this module, you should be able to accomplish the following learning objectives: • Analyze food safety hazards in a case; and • Present findings and recommendations to mitigate/prevent food safety hazards. Instruction: 1. Work with your assigned group. 2. Research one (1) incident of foodborne illness outbreak in your locality and accomplish the following: Identify the food hazard/s in the case. Formulate possible scenario/s that may have happened that caused the outbreak of foodborne illness. Recommend techniques that would help prevent the outbreak. 3. Create a PowerPoint presentation and a one-page summary of your findings and recommendations. Follow the guidelines below: For the PowerPoint presentation: o Use a minimal amount of texts with a font size between 24-32 pt. (maximum of seven (7) lines per slide is ideal). o Use clear and appropriate images to support content. o Cite all references/sources of pictures and texts used. For the one-page summary: o Don’t forget to write the names of all group members. o Only include important details of the case, findings, and recommendations. o Include references (in APA format) used. 4. To ensure collaboration and equal roles and responsibilities among the group members, accomplish the group journal on page 2 of this file. 5. The presentation and submission of output will be on week 4. Each group will be given 10 minutes to present. 6. Each group will be graded based on the following rubric: CRITERIA Content Delivery Teamwork TOTAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS POINTS Food Hazard Findings – The group correctly identified the hazard/s in the cases, gave 30 plausible scenarios that may cause the foodborne illness outbreaks, and was able to relate their acquired knowledge from the discussion to the cases. Food Safety Recommendations – The group gave appropriate recommendations 30 that may mitigate/prevent the risks of foodborne illnesses. The group made good use of visual aid and assigned time and presented clearly and 20 logically. Participation and collaboration among the members are evident in the output. 20 100 03 Performance Task 1 *Property of STI Page 1 of 2 TH2203 Group Journal Each member will write their name and their contributions to the output. Use additional sheets of paper for groups with more than five (5) members. Name: My contributions to our output: Name: My contributions to our output: Name: My contributions to our output: Name: My contributions to our output: Name: My contributions to our output: 03 Performance Task 1 *Property of STI Page 2 of 2